Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc. Reg.No A0026915H
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Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc. Reg.No A0026915H 7 June, 2011 Zone Minutes
Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc.
General Meeting of Central Zone on Tuesday 7th June, 2011 At Ross Watts Children’s Hall, Station Street, New Gisborne Meeting Opened at 8.10 pm by Sue Hollins,-Central Zone Vice - President Zone Meetings for 2011 Tuesday 1 February, 2011 Tuesday 5th April, 2011 AGM & Zone Meeting: 4th October, 2011 Tuesday 7th June, 2011 Tuesday 6th December, 2011 Tuesday 2nd August, 2011
Central Zone Executive Present: Zone President: Liz Turner (arrived after commencement of meeting) Zone Vice President: Sue Hollins Zone Secretary: Lucinda Marciniak Zone Treasurer: Jenni Waldhauser Zone Representative: Leonie Lang Zone Exam Secretary: Jenny Graham Zone Chief Instructor: Ruth Feltoe Minute Taker: Leanne Ryan Denotes Action Items.
Zone Delegates Present:
Member Club Represented by: Member Club Represented by Beveridge Rose Nott Melton Broadford Liz Turner Oaklands Leanne Ryan Niree Weybury Brian Beesley Bullengarook Riddells Creek Lucinda Marciniak Jenni Waldhauser Sue French Findon Pam Kalms Sunbury Nick Ednie Peter Smith Lynden Stannard
Gisborne Jenny Graham Trentham Apology Sandra Rowley Leonie Lang Sue Hollins Carol McCoag Glenlyon Truganina- Apology Braybrook Kilmore Judy Peake Tullamarine Colin Bourke Tracey Newnham Kingston Joyce Williams Werribee Apology Daryl Williams
Kyneton Lisa Kennedy Whittlesea Diana Earp Tracey James Lancefield Anne Liersch Williamstown Woodend Ronnie Graham Laurimar Apology Melissa Cowburn Russell Manton Macedon Ron Ferrari
Apologies: Creina O’Grady (Trug/Braybrook), Ronnie Hunt (Tullamarine), Catherine Clarke, Karen Barton
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(Laurimar), Georgina Hasell (Kyneton), Wayne Cuthbert (Werribee), Aimee Cuthbert (Werribee), Jacqueline Tisdale (Trentham)
New Delegates : Brian Beesley (Oaklands), Georgina Hasell (Kyneton), Melissa Cowburn (Woodend) Carol McCoag (Gisborne) Tracey Newnham (Kilmore)
CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES Minutes of 5 April, 2011 confirmed as a true and accurate record.
MOVED: SECONDED: Lisa Kennedy Nick Ednie (Sunbury) (Kyneton)
BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES PACV approved Keilor Park funds transfer – attempting to contact a Life Member at Melton PC who has been identified as an old member of Keilor PC to finalise this matter.
ITEM 1 CORRESPONDENCE – 5 April, 2011 to 6 June, 2011 As tabled. See Appendix 1.
Nominations for Award of Merit – 2 nominees received from Trentham and Melton. Melinda Fitzpatrick –Bacchus Marsh – State Games Competition to remain the same – Macedon submitted a follow up letter to CZ to be referred to at the meeting tonight. Sunbury College will support computer training night and details will be provided by Leonie
MOTION: MOVED: SECONDED: Correspondence as tabled be noted and accepted. Sue French (Riddells Rose Nott (Beveridge) Creek) ITEM 1A BUSINESS ARISING FROM CORRESPONDENCE
The Secretary requested members to be careful in completion of requested forms to ensure details are correct. This would greatly assist the process and save time with follow up and re-checking correct information and re-contacting appropriate Club personnel which is very time consuming and arduous in some circumstances in the volunteer role undertaken by the Secretary. Leonie Lang requested Clubs to check MyClub Website to ensure the information is correct and up- dated. Clubs to keep in mind that e-mail and submission of forms via electronic means can facilitate some application and submission processes and once again please ensure details are completed accurately to facilitate effective and efficient communication. ITEM 2 TREASURER’S REPORT – Presented by Jenni Waldhauser
Report as Tabled. See Appendix 2 for Profit and Loss Statement, Balance Sheet and Expenses Summary.
MOTION: MOVED: SECONDED: Expenses as tabled passed for payment. Jenni Waldhauser Pam Kalms (Findon)
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Report as tabled. See Appendix 3
Leonie highlighted the issues of : Successful CZ Horse Trial event at Tullamarine PC – thanks to all for the support. CZ Computer Workshop Wednesday 29 June at Sunbury College – Club members attending will require a MyClub password for access. Please ensure to register Club personnel attending as a limit will be required due to the number of computers available at the venue. Interzones Grades 3 & 4 Horse Trials A final reminder that entries to CZ are due next Friday, June 10. Entry forms specific for our zone can be downloaded from the CZ website. Please advise your riders to not use the generic forms on the PCAV website.
ZONE CHIEF INSTRUCTOR REPORT – Ruth Feltoe E-mail: [email protected] ITEM 4 Mobile: 0419 285 560 Phone: 03 54 28 5560
Report as tabled – See Appendix 4
C* and K Certificate evenings – Beveridge PC have offered to host an evening another interested Club please contact Ruth – Thursday or Friday is most convenient for the expected attending Club members. C Assessors Workshop – need interested Clubs to provide a venue and some riders for this session. Club Visits will not be schedule at all Clubs – if any Club who was expecting a visit and have not received notification and have concerns regarding this please contact Ruth to advise.
Next scheduled testing period is 17 & 18 September, 2011. Jenny emphasised the entry deadline of 1 July, 2011 will be strictly adhered to enable more efficient administration of the certificate testing.
Liz referred to the CZ Horse trials and expressed appreciation for support and Tullamarine PC for hosting.
ITEM 8 GENERAL BUSINESS WITH NOTICE Findon PC Uniform. – application for new Polo for competition and rallies. Correspondence has ratified the details and a picture will be provided for next CZ meeting. Whittlesea PC – submitted a Riding Jacket to be approved with appropriate badging. Photo and logo placement to be provided by Whittlesea PC to CZ Secretary to complete process.
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Moved: Diana Earp – Seconded: Pam Kalms – Carried.
Melinda Fitzpatrick letter has been e-mailed to all Clubs regarding Games format. Macedon PC have submitted letter of support dated 2nd June, 2011 and tabled at meeting. Leonie Lang provided history of this issue arising from original query raised by Laurie Cruise and discussion at the PCAV Council meeting.
Ron Ferrari (Macedon PC) moved a motion that the Games event remain as it is and no changes to the format. Moved: Ron Ferrari Seconded: Niree Weybury 10 For/4 Against Carried
Discussion ensued regarding various aspects regarding encouraging involvement by having smaller groups or composition of these teams to have a wider inclusion of Clubs. It was noted that the Zone Rep may be required to respond at the PCAV Council meeting or it may be requested that a particular motion be returned to Zones for discussion and input (which is most likely given the importance of this issue). Given PCAV motion would take precedence of a CZ motion the input from tonight’s meeting is given in the light of an “informed consideration” of the matter for the CZ Zone Representative.
Motion was put to the meeting to allow Composite teams to be eligible for State level competitions. Moved: Sue Hollins - Seconded: Ronnie Graham 20 For Carried.
A further Motion to allow Composite team for Games Musical and Flat for State level competitions. Motion: Sue Hollins Seconded: Ronnie Graham Carried.
Gisborne PC put forward a motion at last CZ meeting for consideration by Clubs regarding the Presidents Cup as follows –
If a combination has won a President’s Cup in a particular Grade this combination will not be eligible to win the President’s Cup in this same Grade in following years. Moved: Sandra Rowley (Gisborne) Seconded: Jenny Graham (Gisborne)
This motion will be e-mailed by Lu Marciniak to Clubs for information and to discuss with their members and bring back to the next CZ meeting. Carried.
Riddells Creek requested an amendment to the motion for the Zone to enforce Rules 32.5 and 33.1(e) in the main with reference to DCs ensuring appropriate grading for Club members for competitions.
Jenny Graham (Gisborne) clarified that the reference for the original motion was intended for a horse and rider combination that cannot be up-graded due to ability of the horse.
10 For/2 Against/1 Abstained – Carried.
CZ Polo Tops and Jackets are available for purchase with special reference to riders for the Interzone competition can loan these items from CZ – can pick up and pay a deposit tonight. Order Form is available on the Website. Polo Tops $30.00 Jackets $60 approx. Lowden Shield 2011 – 31st July, 2011 – Venue: Truganina/Braybrook – Ronnie Graham will provide
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support as CZ Co-ordinator and CZ Clubs will be required for support as Trug/Braybrook is a small Club. Concern was expressed by Sandra Rowley (Gisborne) regarding Lowden Shield 2010 in that the ‘Led Riders’ group did not compete in as many events. It was agreed that the 2011 Lowden Shield events will be modified to include more events for ‘Led Riders’ and Niree Weybury (Oaklands) is preparing the program and will manage this request.
ITEM 11 GENERAL BUSINESS WITHOUT NOTICE Ronnie Graham (Woodend) enquired that if Clubs do not have bunting are poles and witches hats permitted. It was agreed that these items can be used. CZ Horse Trials – Riddells Creek congratulated the CZ for conduct of the event. Gear Check reported issues regarding saddle fit and Clubs needs to check riders carefully at rallies to try and avoid problems at competitions. Other issues raised were width of Stirrup Irons and fit for riders and long hair tie up for the X Country participation to enable clear vision of riders’ numbers. Gear Checking personnel need to include this request in the X-Country phase. 3 Riders at CZ Horse Trials did not present for all three phases of Gear Check. CZ will check on these names and maybe alert the appropriate Club. ALL CLUBS please ensure to reiterate the rules for competition to all riders. Noted PCAV correspondence – positions available on 2011/12 Sub-Committees nominations are eligible for Club members so please advertise at Club level via meetings and Club Newsletters. Ruth Feltoe was elected Zone Chief Instructor at the last DCI/ZA Panel meeting Kilmore PC Combined Training – showjumping equitation proved very successful. at this event. Diana Earp raised a query regarding an equitation round at Whittlesea PC event in November, 2011 and sought clarification regarding the event. F Grade Shield will be provided to Oaklands PC by Liz Turner. Riddells Creek – State Horse Trials may be eligible for funding via ‘Significant Sporting Events Program’ Grants. CZ would take responsibility for submitting the application for the Grant. Riddells Creek will undertake preparation of the application for the Grant on behalf of the CZ and liaise through CZ Representative for submission when finalised. Kilmore PC – requested information regarding Combined Training event – under 8 year olds competition can be provided only via a Training Day program – eligible to award ribbons – need to provide support for riders being led separate to the Combined Training event. Ruth Feltoe can provide further information if required. Note that the Oaklands PC Junior Hunt will be held 9 th July, 2011 during School Holidays – CZ Clubs are invited to participate. Jumping and Non-jumping groups provided. Niree Weybury advised that Invitations will be forwarded to each Club. 3 Joint Masters will be involved on the day. Hunter Show will be 2 weeks later which will include jumping panels. Pam Kalms requested information on gear checking workshops to be organized through CZ – Ruth Feltoe confirmed that Beveridge PC has workshop scheduled and will be open to other clubs -Jenny Walker will be providing gear checking workshops at Whittlesea PC and Diana Earp will confirm whether this workshop will be open for other Clubs to attend at their next meeting and advise the CZ Secretary. Any Zone Invitations should be forwarded to Lu Marciniak so these can be distributed via e-mail to all Clubs.
Sue Hollins advised that her computer no longer operates and proved very difficult for co-ordination as Zone Event Secretary. Sue requested CZ to consider a contribution for the purchase of a new laptop Moved: Sue Hollins Seconded: Sandra Rowley
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Discussion ensued that the laptop could be a resource for CZ and include a back up of accounting package for the Treasurer and should be insured.
Liz Turner moved that CZ purchase a laptop for specific use by the Event Secretary and have it loaded with essential programs and a care package up to an including the value of $2,500.00. The laptop will remain the property of CZ and will be returned to CZ at the cessation of duties by Sue Hollins to CZ. Moved: Liz Turner Seconded Colin Burke. Carried.
Ronnie Graham moved that the CZ purchase a set of 3 risers to be used at competitions to assist riders with saddle fit problems. It was agreed that a flat, front and back riser would be purchased. Moved: Ronnie Graham Seconded: Liz Turner Carried
Meeting closed at 9.30pm
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Appendix 1
Correspondence 5th April, 2011 to 6th June, 2011
By post
11/4/11 – Findon Club Official Notifications Form
21/4/11 – Course Accreditor’s Payment Notification Payment for Wayne Cuthbert for Riddells Creek H.T. on 9 & 10th April, 2011.
28/4/11 – Whittlesea Club Official Notifications Form
3/5/11 – Macedon Club Official Notifications Form
8/5/11 – Lancefield Club Official Notifications Form
8/5/11 – Kilmore Club Official Notifications Form
13/5/11 – Tullamarine Club Official Notifications Form
17/5/11 – Williamstown Club Official Notifications Form.
17/5/11 – From PCAV 1. 2011-2012 Sub committee nominations form for interested persons for State Flat, Musical and Games, Interzone Teams H.T., National Mounted Games, & History. Also coach, ass coach, team manager and development co-ordinator for National Mounted Games. 2. 2011-2012 PCAV Zone Rep nomination form 3. 20112012 PCAV Office Bearers Nomination Form 4. 2011 – 2012 PCAV nomination form for Zone Chief Instructor Appointment. 5. 2011-2012 PCAV nomination form for Chief Instructor/Zone Assistant 6. PCAV State distinguished Service Award Nomination form (fwd to all clubs) 7. PCAV Award of Merit Nominations Form (fwd to all clubs) 8. PCAV Request for Zone Life Members information a(fwd to all clubs) 9. PCAV State Interzone Teams H.T. Gr 3 & 4 booklet (already fwd to clubs 22/4)
23/5/11 – Nomination for award of merit received by Trentham
30/5/11 – Woodend Club Official Notifications Form.
30/5/11 – Beveridge Club Official Notifications Form.
2/6/11 – Nomination for award of merit received by Melton
By email
5/4/11 - From Leonie Lang – Add Frances Corry to C.Z. Minutes mail out list
8/4/11 - Sunbury Club Official Notifications Form 10/4/11 - Werribee Club Official Notifications Form 11/4/11 – Broadford Club Official Notifications Form
22/4/11 – From Leonie Lang. I/Zone horse trials Gr 3 and 4 entry forms (fwd to all clubs)
22/4/11 – Request from Leonie Lang to email clubs regarding Mad Magazine (fwd to all clubs)
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27/4/11 - Kyneton Club Official Notifications Form 28/4/11 - Trentham Club Official Notifications Form 28/4/11 – Trug/Braybrook Club Official Notifications Form 29/4/11 - Oaklands Club Official Notifications Form 5/5/11 – Riddells Creek Club Official Notifications Form 12/5/11 - Kinston Club Official Notifications Form 17/5/11 - Williamstown Club Official Notifications Form 27/5/11 Bullengarook Club Official Notifications Form
22/5/11 From Jenny Graham, ZES – A reminder that the closing date for the Sept/Oct C Certificate assessments is 1st July (fwd to all clubs)
24/5/11 From Leonie Lang – State Training workshop being hosted by Barwon Zone. (information forwarded to all clubs)
29/5/11 – Melinda Fitzpatrick (who has an interest with Bacchus Marsh P/C) – Letter supporting state games competition to remain under the same structure as current (fwd to all clubs) (emailed to all clubs and for agenda – general business)
30/5/11 – Findon P/C Uniform approval (to general business)
31/5/11 – From Robyn Coutts, State games, flat and musical co-ordinator – Reserve teams offered spots – Games Macedon C, Flat Woodend and Kyneton, Musical Oaklands and Macedon. Team Managers contacted. Spots accepted by Games Macedon C, Musical accepted by Macedon, Oaklands not accepted so Kilmore offered who also declined. Flat Teams Woodend and Kyneton not accepted. Kyneton later requested for team to be entered that have been approved by organizing committee.
By post
12/5/11 Entries sent for State for CZ Flat, Musical and Games teams
By email
6/4/11 – Approval given re uniform item (tie) to Trentham after consultation with PCAV.
9/4/11 – Motion raised by Gisborne P/C regarding President’s cup at last meeting fwd to all clubs for discussion
9/4/11 – Email to all clubs requesting update officials forms & reminder of Information evening on 10th May, 2011. (Reminder sent 28/4) (reminder sent 21/5 to clubs still outstanding)
15/4/11- Call for expressions of interest for Computer training night (fwd to all clubs) Reminder sent on 18/5
28/4/11 – Further request for all clubs Officials update forms
2/5/11 – Entry for CZ Horse Trials (fwd to all clubs)
***Please note that numerous correspondence has been emailed to Team Managers regarding State Games, Flat and Musical requirements.
3/5/11 – Strength return due date extended to 30th May (fwd to all clubs)
9/5/11 – C.Z. Information evening – reminder sent to all clubs
17/5/11 Letter to Sunbury College applying for use of computer Lab for training.
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Appendix 2
Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc PO Box 795 Kyneton Victoria 3444 Profit & Loss Statement March 2011 through April 2011 11/05/2011 1:35:02 PM
Income Bank Interest Received $ 5.67 Zone Annual Fees $ 490.84 Entries - Games & Flat Teams $2,950.00 Zone Merchandise Sales $ 314.00 Total Income $3,760.51
Cost of Sales
Gross Profit $3,760.51
Expenses Expenses - Games & Flat Teams $1,398.93 Expenses State D & SJ Events -$ 10.00 Expenses - C Cert Testing $ 319.55 Zone Expenses $ 279.10 PCAV Purchases & Entries $ 22.90 Total Expenses $2,010.48
Net Profit / (Loss) $1,750.03
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Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc PO Box 795 Kyneton Victoria 3444 Balance Sheet As of April 2011 11/05/2011 1:32:04 PM
Assets Current Assets Cash On Hand Cheque Account 11-4466 $ 5,760.66 Investment Account $25,680.11 Total Cash On Hand $31,440.77 Trade Debtors $ 781.00 Total Current Assets $32,221.77
Other Assets Prepaid Expenses $ 163.00 Total Other Assets $ 163.00
Fixed Assets Equipment Stop Watches (9) $ 250.00 Walkie Talkies (10) $ 470.00 Helmet Covers (6) $ 120.00 Saddle Blankets (24W & 17B) $1,234.95 Vacuum Bags (12) saddle blanket $ 83.40 CZ Uniforms Polo Tops (16) $ 492.25 CZ Uniforms Jackets (11) $ 660.44 Safety Cups & Tracking (20 ea) $ 729.80 Total Equipment $4,040.84 Total Fixed Assets $4,040.84
Total Assets $36,425.61
Liabilities Trade Creditors $ 544.48 Accruals Creditors $ 100.00 Prepaid Income $ 960.80 Total Liabilities $ 1,605.28
Net Assets $34,820.33
Equity Retained Earnings $32,124.40 Current Year Earnings $ 2,695.93
Total Equity $34,820.33
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Central Zone Meeting - 7 June 2011 - Payments and Income Summary
Income Cash Received Reason Amount Cassie Fitzgerald CZ Polo Top Purchase $31.00 Astrid Vinycomb Deposit CZ Jacket Purchase $30.00 Astrid Vinycomb Deposit CZ Polo Top Purchase $20.00 Clarke CZ Polo Top Purchase $31.00 Kilmore Curtains CZ Polo Top Purchase $30.00 Jordan Childs CZ Polo Top Purchase $30.00 Tegan Burke CZ Polo Top Purchase $31.00 Riddells Creek Pony Club Stop Watch Hire - Horse Trials April $20.00 Lizzie Cox CZ Polo Top Purchase $30.00 Broadford Pony Club Replacement Cheque for Lowden Shield Entries $240.00 Riddells Creek Pony Club Stop Watch Hire - Show Jumping & Dressage Day $10.00 Riddells Creek Pony Club Walkie Talkie Hire - Horse Trials $20.00 Riddells Creek Pony Club Flat & Musical Ride Entry $120.00 Bylands Produce Horse Trial Entry $35.00 Oaklands Pony Club Flat Ride Entry $80.00 Macedon Pony Club Game Teams Entry $210.00 Trentham Pony Club Musical Ride Entry $80.00 Vinycomb/Ryan CZ Uniform Purchase $41.00 Event Secretary Horse Trials Entries $4,445.00
Total Income Received $5,534.00
Expenses Payee Reason Amount Corrections Victoria Ribbons & Pennants Games, Flat, Musical Ride (Actual) $544.48 Amendment from last meeting - reduction in estimate PCAV Games, Flat, Musical Ride Entry $1,050.00 L Turner Travel $154.00 S Hollins Travel $60.00 Ross Watt Childrens Hall New Committee Info Session - Hall Hire 10 May 2011 $25.00 L Lang Travel & Expenses 20.03.11 to 10.05.11 $632.90 Corrections Victoria Estimate - Ribbons CZ Horse Trials 29 May $210.00 W Cuthbert Horse Trials 29.05.11 - Course Accreditation, maintenance etc $200.00 Equestrian Victoria Cross Country Jump Pads x 40 $80.00 B Powles Horse Trials 29.05.11 - Judging SJ Grades 1 2 3 $100.00 B Fyfe Horse Trials 29.05.11 - Judging SJ Grades 4A 4B 5 $100.00 L Howell Horse Trials 29.05.11 - Judging Dressage Grades 1 & 2 $100.00 S Gillespie Horse Trials 29.05.11 - Judging Dressage Grades 3 $100.00 R Thompson Horse Trials 29.05.11 - Judging Dressage Grades 4A $100.00 Helen Sheehan Horse Trials 29.05.11 - Judging Dressage Grades 4B $100.00 Hollie Sheehan Horse Trials 29.05.11 - Judging Dressage Grades 5 $100.00 Tullamarine Pony Club Hosting Fee & Canteen for Judges $373.00 W Abey Horse Trials 29.05.11 - Course Design x 2 & Co-Od $200.00 J Graham Horse Trials 29.05.11 - Paper, Stapler & Staples $50.95 S Hollins Horse Trials 29.05.11 - Pens, Print Cartridge & Food $119.87 J Waldhauser Travel, Print & Stationery Items $201.95 Event Secretary Horse Trials PayPal Fee's $140.58 Event Secretary Horse Trials - Commission on Entries @ 1% $44.45 Jenny Walker ravel - Gear Checking Horse Trials $66.00 Total Expenses Paid $4,853.18
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Appendix 3
Zone Rep Report 7 th June, 2011
Central Zone Inter-Club Horse Trials
The central zone inaugural Inter-club Horse Trials, held just over a week ago were a great success. Many people contributed to this. The venue was excellent. Diane and Greg Childs and Colin Bourke and their team from Tullamarine PC worked hard to ensure the grounds were in order and also provided us with a great canteen. We are also grateful to the Bulla ARC for the loan of their equipment for the weekend, especially the dressage arenas, which Lynden Stannard and Lisa Kennedy put in long hours to erect. Lynden also flagged the course, together with Nick Ednie and other helpers and was a tireless worker all weekend. Wayne Cuthbert, as well as being the official course accreditor, put in time above and beyond the call of duty to re-rope jumps and provide portable jumps. Wendy Abey directed her team of Tullamarine helpers to build two effective SJ courses in a tight space. Sue Hollins worked behind the scenes to collate the entries and put together a functional list of volunteer helpers.
On the day of the event, everyone worked together to keep the event running smoothly. Some of the notable teams were the gear checkers - Jenny Walker, Sue French and Judy Climas, the service crews – Mark Morgan, Nick Ednie and Steve Peters, the scorers – Jenni Waldhauser, Pam Kalms, Bev Ramsdale and Lu Marciniak and admin – Sue Hollins and Liz Turner.
And finally, a big thankyou to all those “volunteer” helpers (we know we didn’t give you much choice), who willingly marshalled, stewarded, picked up poles, pencilled and collected sheets in the cold without complaint. It was a great effort and a tribute to zone teamwork.
Of course the riders were important, too. It was all for them. There were a few spills, especially at the water jump, but most seemed to be enjoying the opportunity to ride on a course that was unfamiliar to many and we received a lot of positive feedback. On a more negative note, there were far too many riders on the XC course with long hair obscuring the body number. This can make the job of the fence stewards very difficult, and could seriously disadvantage a rider. I will be carrying a pocketful of rubber bands at future horse trials. There were also a few riders who did not present for gear check for all phases of the event. Clubs should try to ensure that riders are aware of this rule. It can lead to disqualification.
Congratulations to Oaklands for winning the Equestrian Club Supplies shield, with Tullamarine second and Williamstown third. The details of the results are on the website with lots of photos.
We hope this will be the first of an eagerly anticipated and strongly contested annual event.
State Grades 1 & 2 Horse Trials championships
On the first weekend in May I attended the State HT Championships at Heytesbury (past Colac), hosted by Wannon Zone. There was a lot of rain in the days leading up to the event so many riders found the going wet and difficult. Nevertheless, most of the CZ riders came home with sashes and I’m sure all found the experience worthwhile. Details of the results can be found in the May 2011 News Archives on the CZ website.
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Flat Team of Four, Musical ride and Games Championships
We had our qualifiers for the Games and Flat Teams Champs way back at the end of March and the results were reported at the April zone meeting. The date was chosen because it was a fifth Sunday, so that it didn’t clash with any rally days, but with hindsight, a date closer to the actual State Champs might be more desirable.
Since then, we have been offered places for our reserve teams, and the Macedon C Games team, Kyneton Flat Team and Macedon Musical Ride are all very pleased to be competing at the State Champs at Bacchus Marsh on June 18/19. I will be there on the Saturday to cheer on the Flat and Musical Ride Teams but unfortunately I have another commitment on the Sunday so Norm Glenn has agreed to step back into the Zone Rep shoes for the day. What a sensational result it would be if all three Macedon games teams came home with sashes.
Interzones Grades 3 & 4 Horse Trials
A final reminder that entries to CZ are due next Friday, June 10. Entry forms specific for our zone can be downloaded from the CZ website. Please advise your riders to not use the generic forms on the PCAV website. Hopefully, many riders were able to use the CZ HT a week ago as one of their qualifiers. This state event is organised in a similar way to the zone events, and every entered rider can expect to be asked to provide a volunteer helper for at least a 2 hr commitment over the weekend.
Strength Returns
The due date for Strength Returns to PCAV was extended to May 30, so hopefully all are in now. There are 3 clubs whose 2012 memberships don’t show on the database, but hopefully they chose to post in the return in hardcopy. There are also some clubs who have only ticked riding members as “financial”. Even though Adult Supporters, Life Members and Service Providers don’t pay a fee, they should also be ticked in order to continue as active members. Returns to Consumer Affairs are due 30 days after the AGM, so they should also have been completed. Note that the Public Officer is designated in your Constitution. Usually it is the Secretary, although some clubs have nominated the Treasurer. Please check that the correct official is named as your Public Officer. If any club has had a radical turnover of committee members and lost their Constitution, I have a copy for each club (courtesy of Norm Glenn).
Central Zone Computer Workshop
Progress is being made in organising this Workshop. We now have permission to use a computer lab at Sunbury College and the date has been set for Weds June 29. The focus will mainly be on managing the club website, but some aspects of the use of MyClub will also be covered. It will be particularly useful for secretaries and newsletter editors but any interested club member is welcome, provided they have a MyClub password.
Leonie Lang CZ Rep
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Appendix 4
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