Utah Core State Standards (UCSS) Elementary English Language Arts (Grs. 2-6) Comprehending and Composing Template Salt Lake City School District Core Theme __6__ Grade __6___ Theme 6 Possible Theme Essential Questions Possible Theme Essential Writing Tasks

 How has exploration influenced the world around you?  Explain how exploration has influenced the world around you. Possible Main Selection Sub-Questions Possible Main Selection Sub-Question Writing Tasks Lesson  How did reading “Next Stop Neptune” change your ideas about our  Describe what you would like to explore in space and why using solar system? information from the text. 26  Why is the author enthusiastic about space exploration?\  Explain why the author enthusiastic is about space exploration.

 How is space exploration useful in influencing the world around  Evaluate the usefulness of space exploration in influencing the us? world around us. Lesson  How can studying the remains of past shipwrecks such as the  Explain how studying the remains of past shipwrecks such as the Titanic help scientists and engineers today? Titanic can help scientists and engineers today. Use examples 27 from the text to support your answer.  What was learned from exploring shipwrecks such as the Titanic?  Describe what was learned from exploring shipwrecks such as the Titanic. Lesson  If you had a robot would you want one like Grumps, who followed  Write a persuasive paragraph using specific details from the story the rules, or a robot like Eagar, who learned from experience? to defend your choice of robots. 28 Lesson  How does the message in “The Road Not Taken” relate to Milo’s  Explain how the messages from these two texts influence your experience? choices as you explore the universe? 29