Design Report Format Efficycle SAENIS-2012
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Team Number:
(Place Team/College logo at this Team Name :
City :
Report Co-Author :
A. Guidelines for Teams
1. All the Teams have to bring the hard copy of their Impact Attenuator Data (IAD) Report during the main event.
2. If teams are using IMPAX 700 Foam with standard dimensions, no need for the calculations part, only photographs to be attached.
3. The IAD report must be prepared in the given format only. Teams are advised to send their complete report PDF copy before last date of submission.
4. A penalty of 10 marks per day from overall score will be deducted in case of late submission of the report with maximum penalty of 50 marks after which team will not be allowed for technical inspection during main event.
5. IAD Report must be submitted to [email protected] email id only with subject name Team No_Team Name_IAD Report and file name Team No_Team Name_IAD Report.
6. Do not send the IAD report to any other email ID until and unless published on SUPRA official website or informed by Technical Committee. If sent to other email IDs, teams shall be solely responsible for any loss/misuse of report data and it will be considered as non submission only.
B. Last Date of Submission
Last date of IAD Report submission is Friday 2nd June, 2017 till 1700hrs.
It is advised to send the report a sufficient time before the deadline to avoid any connectivity issues. Any request for extension of timeline shall not be entertained.
C. Format of IAD Report
IAD report should be submitted in .PDF format only
Teams should use Times New Roman font with font size 11 and line spacing 1.15 on all A4 pages. Only white background (no image/ watermark etc) is allowed in IAD report. 1. Cover page:
Cover page format is specified in this format itself at page-1. Teams should give their proper details in the space mentioned. Team/college logo can be displayed at the mentioned space only.
2. Report Details:
IAD report should contain complete details of the type of Impact Attenuator (IA) used, calculation for the energy absorption and maximum deceleration along with the photographs
i. Technical Specification (For All Teams): Teams should provide the detail of the Impact Attenuator used. Following details are required:
a. Material Used
b. Description of the foam
c. Dimension of the IA (Length, Breadth, Height)
d. Height and width at distance of 200mm forward of bulkhead.
e. Material of Anti Intrusion Plate (AIP)
f. Thickness of AIP
g. Attachment method of AIP with front bulkhead
h. If bolted, specify number of bolt used, dia and grade of the bolt.
i. Drawing of Impact Attenuator with all dimensions.
ii. Readings & Calculation (Not required if using IMPAX 700 Foam with minimum standard dimensions): This will include the calculation of dynamic testing done in a certified lab with approval from technical committee or the quasi static testing done using the UTM. Even if the quasi static testing done outside college facility following calculations are required in tabular form.
a. Description of test along with test setup. (Rule no T13.22.9 needs to be taken care)
b. Tabular calculation of displacement, Force and energy absorbed
c. Force applied should be from 10 KN and reading of displacement is required at interval of each 10KN i.e at 10KN, 20 KN, 30 KN and so on till the energy absorbed crosses 7350 J. Force applied on UTM Displacement of IA (mm) Energy absorbed (J) (KN) Force (KN) x Displacement (mm) 1 10
2 20
iii. Results of above calculations (Not required if using IMPAX 700 Foam with minimum standard dimensions)
When energy absorbed value reaches or just crossed 7350 J, corresponding value of Force to be noted. Considering the mass of vehicle 300 KG and the noted force teams need to calculate
a. The deceleration. (Show calculation)
b. The deflection of the Anti intrusion plate to be measured and value to be noted.
iv. Graphs for the above calculation (Not required if using IMPAX 700 Foam with minimum standard dimensions)
Force v Displacement graphs to be plotted from UTM.
v. Photographs required
a. Actual impact attenuator to be used with measuring scale showing dimensions (For all teams)
b. Proper invoice of the IA (Only for the teams using IMPAX 700 Foam)
c. Photograph of test setup before starting the test (Not required for team using IMPAX 700 Foam)
d. Picture of IA, Anti-Intrusion Plate before the test which also shows the method of spacing it at least 50mm from any rigid structure (Not required for team using IMPAX 700 Foam)
e. Pictures of setup along with IA during the test at different stages. (Not required for team using IMPAX 700 Foam) f. Pictures of IA, AIP which shows the deflection of AIP after the complete test (Not required for team using IMPAX 700 Foam)
g. Picture of actual IA attached to the Vehicle. (For all Teams)
3. Conclusion: Teams should make sure that the deceleration value should not be greater than 40g and max deflection of AIP should not be higher than 25.4 mm.
NOTE: As informed during the rulebook training session in case of any doubt video of complete test can be asked from team during the main event. So teams should keep the video of the test with them during the main event.
Tested sample need to be brought during the main event.
SUPRA SAEINDIA Technical Committee