Article 15 Annex III
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Article 15 Annex III
Applicants who fulfill any one of the requirements may apply to enter the training course described as following: Certification Requirements and Eligibilities Required Documents Types First Level 1. Having obtained the First Level Certificate on passing the Captain Captain Certificate issued by the exam of First Level Captain Examination Yuan, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 2. Having served in the position of 1. First level mate First Level Mate for a period over 1 certificate. year after obtaining a First Level 2. Documents that offer Mate Certificate, provided with reference to the profile documents that can offer reference of having served in the for such a profile. position of First Level Mate for a period over 1 year. 3. Certificate on completion of the training course of First Level Captain. 3. Having served in the position as a 1. First level mate Fisheries Observer for a period over certificate. 1 year after obtaining a First Level 2. Documents that offer Mate Certificate, provided with reference to the profile documents that can offer reference of having served in the for such a profile. position as a Fisheries Observer for a period over 1 year and 6 months. 3. Certificate on completion of the training course of First Level Captain.
1 4. Having served in the position of 1. Second Level Captain Second Level Mate for a period over Certificate. 1 year and 6 months, and have 2. Documents that offer completed the training courses of reference to the profile First Level Captain and Second of having served in the Level Mate since the obtaining of a position of Second Second Level Captain Certificate, Level Captain for a provided with documents that can period over 1 year and 6 offer reference for such a profile. months. 3. Certificate on completing the training courses of First Level Captain and First Level Mate. 5. Having served in the position as a 1. Second Level Captain Fisheries Observer for a period over Certificate. 1 year and 6 months, and have 2. Documents that offer completed the training courses of reference to the profile First Level Captain and Second of having served in the Level Mate since the obtaining of a position as a Fisheries Second Level Captain Certificate, Observer for a period provided with documents that can over 1 year and 6 offer reference for such a profile. months. 3. Certificate on completing the training courses of First Level Captain and First Level Mate. 6. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Certificate on that exceed 24 meters length overall, completing the training in positions of navigation unit for a courses of First Level period over 6 months since the Captain or other obtaining of a First Level Captain reference and qualification certified by the qualification equivalent. Ministry of Transportation and 2. Documents that offer Communications, or the reference to the profile Examination Yuan certification on of having served on passing the exams of seafarer first fishing vessels that level captain and first class seafarer exceed 24 meters length navigator as ship master, provided overall, in positions of with documents that can offer navigation unit for a reference for such a profile. period over 6 months.
2 7. Having served on 3rd rate warship in 1. Documents that offer the position of Captain and held the reference to the profile rank of Lieutenant or higher for a of having served on 3rd period over 1 year, thus have rate warship in the completed the training as a First position of Captain and Level Captain, provided with held the rank of documents that can offer reference Lieutenant or higher for for such a profile. a period over 1 year. 2. Certificate on completing the training courses of First Level Captain. 8. Having served on 3rd rate warship in 1. Documents that offer the position of Executive Officer reference to the profile and held the rank of Junior Grade or of having served on 3rd higher for a period over 1 year and 6 rate warship in the months, thus have completed the position of Executive training as a First Level Captain, Officer and held the provided with documents that can rank of Junior Grade or offer reference for such a profile. higher for over a period 1 year and 6 months. 2. Certificate on completing the training courses of First Level Captain. First Level 1. Having obtained the first level mate Certificate on passing the Mate certificate issued by the exam of first level mate. Examination Yuan, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 2. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Documents that offer that exceed 24 meters length equivalent reference overall, in positions of navigation and qualification on unit for a period over 6 months, completing the training with an academic profiles of either as a First Level Mate. a public or private junior college, 2. Documents that offer or any foreign education of reference to the profile equivalent, which is recognized and of having served on approved by the Ministry of fishing vessels that Education in subjects relating to exceed 24 meters length Fishing, Fishery, and Marine overall, in position of Navigation, provided with navigation unit for a documents that can offer reference period over 6 months. for such a profile.
3 3. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Diploma of junior that exceed 12 meters length college. overall, in positions of navigation 2. Documents that offer unit for a period over 1 year, and reference to the profile have completed the training of both of having served on First and Second Level Mate, with fishing vessels that an academic profile of either a exceed 12 meters length public or private junior college, or overall, in positions of any foreign education of navigation unit for over equivalent, which is recognized and 1 year period. approved by the Ministry of 3. Certificates on Education, provided with completing the training documents that can offer reference courses of both First for such a profile. and Second Level Mate. 4. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Documents that offer that exceed 24 meters length equivalent reference overall, in positions of navigation and qualification on unit for a period over 1 year, with completing the training an academic profile of either a as a First Level Mate. public or private senior marine and 2. Documents that offer fishery vocational school in reference to the profile subjects relating to Fishing, of having served on Fishery, Marine Navigation, and fishing vessels that Fishery Navigation, provided with exceed 24 meters length documents that can offer reference overall, in positions of for such a profile. navigation unit for a period over 1 year. 5. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Diploma of junior that exceed 24 meters length high/senior vocational overall, in positions of navigation school. unit for a period over 2 years, and 2. Documents that offer have completed the training of both reference to the profile First and Second Level Mate, with of having served on an academic profile of either a fishing vessels that public or private junior high/senior exceed 24 meters length vocational school, provided with overall, in positions of documents that can offer reference navigation unit for a for such a profile. period over 2 years. 3. Certificates on completing the training courses of both First and Second Level Mate.
4 6. Having served in the position as a 1. Diploma of junior Fisheries Observer for a period high/senior vocational over 2 years, and have completed school. the training of both First and 2. Documents that offer Second Level Mate, with an reference to the profile academic profile of either a public of having served the in or private junior high/senior position as a Fisheries vocational school, provided with Observer for a period documents that can offer reference over 2 years. for such a profile. 3. Certificates on completing the training courses of both First and Second Level Mate. 7. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Documents that offer that exceed 24 meters length reference to the profile overall, in positions of navigation of having served on unit for a period over 3 years, and fishing vessels that have completed the training of both exceed 24 meters length First and Second Level Mate, overall, in positions of provided with documents that can navigation unit for a offer reference for such a profile. period over 3 years. 2. Certificates on completing the training courses of both First and Second Level Mate. 8. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Documents that offer that exceed 24 meters length reference to the profile overall, in positions of navigation of having served on unit for a period over 3 years and 6 fishing vessels that months, and have completed the exceed 24 meters length training of Third Level Captain overall, in positions of and expertise of unlimited waters navigation unit for a sailing, provided with documents period over 3 years. that can offer reference for such a 2. Certificates on profile. completing the training course of Third Level Captain and expertise of unlimited waters sailing.
5 9. Having served in the position of 1. Second Level Captain Second Level Captain for a period Certificate. over 6 months or 1 year in the 2. Documents that offer position of Second Level Mate, and reference to the profile have completed the training course of having served in the of First Level Mate since the position of Second obtaining of a First Level Mate Level Captain for a Certificate, provided with period over 6 months or documents that can offer reference 1 year in the position of for such a profile. Second Level Mate. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of First Level Mate. 10. Having served in the position of 1. Second Level Mate Second Level Mate for a period Certificate. over 1 year and 6 months , and 2. Documents that offer have completed the training course reference to the profile of First Level Mate since the of having served in the obtaining of a Second Level Mate position of Second Certificate, provided with Level Mate for a period documents that can offer reference over 1 year and 6 for such a profile. months. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of First Level Mate. 11. Having served for deputation as a 1. Second Level Mate First Level Mate for a period over 2 Certificate. years, and have completed the 2. Documents that offer training course of First Level Mate reference to the profile since the obtaining of a Second of having served for Level Mate Certificate, provided deputation as a First with documents that can offer Level Mate for a period reference for such a profile. over 2 years. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of First Level Mate.
6 12. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Documents that offer that exceed 12 meters, but less than reference to the profile 24 meters length overall and of having served on operates on unlimited waters, in fishing vessels that positions of navigation unit for a exceed 12 meters, but period over 5 years, and have less than 24 meters completed the training of both First length overall and and Second Level Mate, provided operates on unlimited with documents that can offer waters, in positions of reference for such a profile. navigation unit for a period over 5 years. 2. Certificates on completing the training course of both First and Second Level Mate. 13. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Documents that offer that exceed 12 meters, but less than reference to the profile 24 meters length overall and of having served on operates on unlimited waters, in fishing vessels that positions of navigation unit for a exceed 12 meters, but period over 5 years and 6 months, less than 24 meters and have completed the training of length overall and Third Level Captain and expertise operates on unlimited of unlimited waters sailing, waters, in positions of provided with documents that can navigation unit for a offer reference for such a profile. period over 5 years and 6 months. 2. Certificates on completing the training course of Third Level Captain and expertise of unlimited waters sailing.
7 14. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Documents that offer that exceed 24 meters length equivalent reference overall, in positions of navigation and qualification as unit for a period over 6 months, First Level Mate. since the obtaining of a First Level 2. Documents that offer Mate and Second Level Captain reference to the profile qualification certified by the of having served on Ministry of Transportation and fishing vessels that Communications, or the exceed 24 meters length Examination Yuan certification on overall, in positions of passing the exams of Seafarer First navigation unit for a Level Mate, Seafarer Second Level period over 6 months. Captain; First Class Seafarer Navigator as Chief Officer; Second Class Seafarer Navigator as Ship Master, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 15. Having served on 3rd rate warship 1. Documents that offer in position of Executive Officer reference to the profile and held the rank of Junior Grade of having served on 3rd or higher for a period over 6 rate warship in position months, thus have completed the of executive officer and training as a First Level Mate, held the rank of Junior provided with documents that can Grade or higher for a offer reference for such a profile. period over 6 months. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of First Level Mate. 16. Having served on 3rd rate warship 1. Documents that offer in the position of navigation officer reference to the profile and held the rank of Ensign or of having served on 3rd higher for over a period over 1 rate warship in the year, thus have completed the position of navigation training as a First Level Mate, officer and held the provided with documents that can rank of Ensign or higher offer reference for such a profile. for a period over 1 year. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of First Level Mate
8 17. Having served on light naval ship 1. Documents that offer in the position of Skipper or First reference to the profile Mate and held the rank of Ensign of having served on or higher for a period over 1 year, light naval ship in the thus have completed the training as position of Skipper or a first level mate, provided with First Mate and held the documents that can offer reference rank of Ensign or higher for such a profile. for a period over 1 year. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of First Level Mate. Second 1. Having obtained the Second Level Certificate on passing the Level Captain Certificate issued by the exam of Second Level Captain Examination Yuan, provided with Captain documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 2. Having served in the position of 1. Second Level Mate Second Level Mate for a period over Certificate. 1 year, and have completed the 2. Documents that offer training course of Second Level reference to the profile Captain since the obtaining of a of having served in the Second Level Mate Certificate, position of Second provided with documents that can Level Mate for a period offer reference for such a profile. over 1 year. 3. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Level Captain. 3. Having served in the position as a 1. Second Level Mate Fisheries Observer for a period over Certificate. 1 year, and have completed the 2. Documents that offer training course of Second Level reference to the profile Captain since the obtaining of a of having served in the Second Level Mate Certificate, position as a Fisheries provided with documents that can Observer for a period offer reference for such a profile. over 1 year. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Level Captain.
9 4. Having served in the position of 1. Third Level Mate Third Level Captain for a period Certificate. over 1 year and 6 months, and have 2. Documents that offer completed the training course of reference to the profile both Second Level Captain and of having served in the Mate, since the obtaining of a Third position of Third Level Level Captain Certificate, provided Captain for a period with documents that can offer over 1 year and 6 reference for such a profile. months. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Level Mate. 5. Having served in the position as a 1. Third Level Mate Fisheries Observer for a period over Certificate. 1 year and 6 months, and have 2. Documents that offer completed the training course of reference to the profile both Second Level Captain and of having served in the Mate, since the obtaining of a Third position of as a Level Captain Certificate, provided Fisheries Observer for a with documents that can offer period over 1 year and 6 reference for such a profile. months. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Level Mate. 6. Having served for deputation as a 1. Third Level Mate Second Level Captain for a period Certificate. over 2 years, and have completed 2. Documents that offer the training course of Second Level reference to the profile Captain, since the obtaining of a of having served for Third Level Captain Certificate, deputation as a Second provided with documents that can Level Captain for a offer reference for such a profile. period over 2 years. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Level Captain.
10 7. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Documents that offer that exceed 24 meters length overall, equivalent reference in positions of navigation unit for a and qualification as a period over 6 months since the Second Level Captain. obtaining of a First Level Mate and 2. Documents that offer Second Level Mate qualification reference to the profile certified by the Ministry of of having served on Transportation and fishing vessels that Communications, or the exceed 24 meters length Examination Yuan certification on overall, in positions of passing the exams of Seafarer First navigation unit for a Level Chief Mate, Seafarer Second period over 6 months. Level Mate; First Class Seafarer Navigator as Chief Officer, Deck Officer; Second Class Seafarer Navigator as Chief Officer; Third Class Seafarer Navigator as Captain, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 8. Having served on 3rd rate warship in 1. Documents that offer positions as navigation officer and reference to the profile held the rank of Ensign or higher for of having served on 3rd over a period 6 months, thus have rate warship in completed the training as a Second positions as navigation Level Captain, provided with officer and held the documents that can offer reference rank of Ensign or higher for such a profile. for a period over 6 months. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Level Captain.
9. Having served on light naval ship in 1. Documents that offer the position of First Mate and held reference to the profile the rank of Ensign or higher for a of having served on period over 6 months, thus have light naval ship in the completed the training as a Second position of First Mate Level Captain, provided with and held the rank of documents that can offer reference Ensign or higher for a for such a profile. period over 6 months. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Level Captain.
11 10. Having served on any types of naval 1. Documents that offer ship in positions of deck unit and reference to the profile held the rank of Petty Officer for a of having served on any period over 1 year and 6 months, types of naval ship in thus have completed the training as a positions of deck unit Second Level Captain, provided and held the rank of with documents that can offer Petty Officer for a reference for such a profile. period over 1 year and 6 months. 2. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Level Captain. Second 1. Having obtained the Second Level Certificate on passing the Level Mate Mate Certificate issued by the exam of Second Level Examination Yuan, provided with Captain documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 2. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Documents that offer that exceed 12 meters length overall, equivalent reference in positions of navigation unite for a and qualification on period over 6 months, with an completing the training academic profile of either a public or as a Second Level Mate. private senior marine and fishery 2. Documents that offer vocational school in subjects relating reference to the profile to Fishing, Fishery, Marine of having served on Navigation, and Fishery Navigation, fishing vessels that provided with documents that can exceed 12 meters length offer reference for such a profile. overall, in positions of navigation unit for a period over 6 months. 3. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Diploma of junior that exceed 12 meters length overall, high/senior vocational in positions of navigation unit for a school. period over 1 year, and have 2. Documents that offer completed the training of Second reference to the profile Level Mate, with an academic of having served on profile of either a public or private fishing vessels that junior high/senior vocational school, exceed 12 meters length provided with documents that can overall, in positions of offer reference for such a profile. navigation unit for a period over 1 year. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Level Mate.
12 4. Having served in the position as a 1. Diploma of junior Fisheries Observer for a period over high/senior vocational 1 year, and have completed the school. training of Second Level Mate, with 2. Documents that offer an academic profile of either a reference to the profile public or private junior high/senior of having served in the vocational school, provided with position as a Fisheries documents that can offer reference Observer for a period for such a profile. over 1 year. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Level Mate. 5. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Documents that offer that exceed 12 meters length overall reference to the profile in positions of navigation unit for a of having served on period over 3 years, and have fishing vessels that completed the training of Second exceed 12 meters length Level Mate, provided with overall in positions of documents that can offer reference navigation unit for a for such a profile. period over 3 years. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Level Mate. 6. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Documents that offer that exceed 12 meters length overall reference to the profile in positions of telecommunication of having served on and engineering unit for a period fishing vessels that over 5 years, and have completed exceed 12 meters length the training of Second Level Mate, overall in position of provided with documents that can telecommunications and offer reference for such a profile. engineering unit for a period over 5 years. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Level Mate.
13 7. Having served in the position of 1. Third Level Captain Third Level Captain for a period Certificate. over 1 year, and have completed the 2. Documents that offer training course of Second Level reference to the profile Mate since the obtaining of a Third of having served in the Level Captain Certificate, provided position of Third Level with documents that can offer Captain for a period reference for such a profile. over 1 year. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Level Mate.
8. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Third Level Captain that exceed 12 meters length overall, Certificate. in positions of navigation unit for a 2. Documents that offer period over 2 years, and have reference to the profile completed the training course of of having served on Second Level Mate since the fishing vessels that obtaining of a Third Level Mate exceed 12 meters length Certificate, provided with overall, in positions of documents that can offer reference navigation unit for a for such a profile. period over 2 years. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Level Captain.
9. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Documents that offer that exceed 12 meters length overall, equivalent reference in positions of navigation unit for a and qualification on period over 6 months period since completing the training the obtaining of a First Level Mate as a Second Level Mate. and Second Level Mate qualification 2. Documents that offer certified by the Ministry of reference to the profile Transportation and of having served on Communications, or the fishing vessels that Examination Yuan certification on exceed 12 meters length passing the exams of Seafarer First overall, in positions of Level Chief Mate, Seafarer Second navigation unit for a Level Mate; First Class Seafarer period over 6 months. Navigator as Chief Officer and Deck Officer; Second Class Seafarer Navigator as Chief Officer; Third Class Seafarer Navigator as Chief Mate, Chief Officer, Deck Officer, Maritime Chief Pilot and Assistant Pilot, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile.
14 10. Having served on any types of naval 1. Documents that offer ship in positions of deck unit for a reference to the profile period over 2 years, and have of having served on any completed the training as a Second types of naval ship in Level Mate, provided with positions of deck unit documents that can offer reference for a period over 2 for such a profile. years. 2. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Level Captain. Third Level 1. Having obtained the Third Level Certificate on passing the Captain Captain Certificate issued by the exam of Third Level Examination Yuan, provided with Captain. documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 2. Having served on fishing vessels in 1. Documents that offer positions of navigation unit for a equivalent reference period over 6 months, with an and qualification on academic profile of either a public or completing the training private senior marine and fishery as a Third Level vocational school in subjects relating Captain. to either Fishing, Fishery, Marine 2. Documents that offer Navigation, and Fishery Navigation, reference to the profile provided with documents that can of having served on offer reference for such a profile. fishing vessels in positions of navigation unit for a period over 6 months. 3. Having served in the position as a 1. Diploma of junior Fisheries Observer for a period over high/senior vocational 6 months with an academic profile school. of either a public or private junior 2. Documents that offer high/senior vocational school, reference to the profile provided with documents that can of having served in the offer reference for such a profile. position as a Fisheries Observer for a period over 6 months. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Third Level Captain.
15 4. Having served on fishing vessels in 1. Diploma of Junior High positions of navigation unit for a School. period over 1 year, with an academic 2. Documents that offer profile of either a public or private reference to the profile Junior High school, and have of having served on completed the training course of fishing vessels in Third Level Captain provided with positions of navigation documents that can offer reference unit for a period over 1 for such a profile. year. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Third Level Captain. 5. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Third level mate that exceed 12 meters length overall, certificate. in positions of navigation unit for a 2. Documents that offer period over 1 year, and have reference to the profile completed the training course of of having served on Third Level Captain since the fishing vessels that obtaining of a Third Level Mate exceed 12 meters length Certificate, provided with overall, in positions of documents that can offer reference navigation unit for a for such a profile. period over 1 year. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Third Level Captain.
6. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Documents that offer that less than 12 meters in positions reference to the profile of navigation unit for a period over 2 of having served on years, and exceed 12 meters length fishing vessels that less overall, in positions of navigation than 12 meters in unit for a period over 1 years, and positions of navigation have completed the training course unit for a period over 2 of Third Level Captain, provided years, and exceed 12 with documents that can offer meters length overall, in reference for such a profile. positions of navigation unit for a period over 1 years. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of Third Level Captain.
16 7. Having served on any types of naval 1. Documents that offer ship in the positions of deck unit for reference to the profile a period over 1 year, and have of having served on any completed the training as a Third types of naval ship in Level Captain, provided with the positions of deck documents that can offer reference unit for a period over 1 for such a profile. year. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of Third Level Captain. Third Level 1. Having obtained the Third Level Certificate on passing the Mate Mate Certificate issued by the exam of Third Level Mate. Examination Yuan, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 2. Having completed the training as a 1. Diploma of Junior High Third Level Mate with an academic School. profile of either a public or private 2. Certificate on Junior High school, provided with completing the training documents that can offer reference course of Third Level for such a profile. Mate. 3. Having served on fishing vessels in 1. Diploma of Elementary positions of navigation unit for a School. period over 6 months, with an 2. Documents that offer academic profile of either a public or reference to the profile private Elementary school, and have of having served on completed the training course of fishing vessels in third Level Mate, provided with positions of navigation documents that can offer reference unit for a period over 6 for such a profile. months. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Third Level Mate. 4. Having served on fishing vessels in 1. Documents that offer positions of navigation unit for a reference to the profile period over 1 year, and have of having served on completed the training course of fishing vessels in Third Level Mate, provided with positions of navigation documents that can offer reference unit for a period over 1 for such a profile. year. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of Third Level Mate.
17 5. Having served on any types of naval 1. Documents that offer ship in positions of deck unit for a reference to the profile period over 1 year, and have of having served on any completed the training as a Third types of naval ship in Level Mate, provided with positions of deck unit documents that can offer reference for a period over 1 year. for such a profile. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of Third Level Captain. First Level 1. Having obtained the First Level Certificate on passing the Chief Chief Engineer Certificate issued by exam of First Level Chief Engineer the Examination Yuan, provided Engineer. with documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 2. Having served on fishing vessels in 1. First level chief the position as a First Level Chief engineer certificate. Engineering Supervisor for a period 2. Documents that offer over 1 year, and have completed the reference to the profile training course of First Level Chief of having served on Engineer since the obtaining of a fishing vessels in the First Level Chief Engineering position as a First Level Supervisor Certificate, provided Chief Engineering with documents that can offer Supervisor for a period reference for such a profile. over 1 year. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of First Level Chief Engineer. 3. Having served for deputation as a 1. First Level Engineering First Level Chief Engineer for a Supervisor Engineer period over 3 years, and have Certificate. completed the training course of 2. Documents that offer First Level Engineer since the reference to the profile obtaining of a First Level of having served for Engineering Supervisor Certificate, deputation as a First provided with documents that can Level Chief Engineer offer reference for such a profile. for a period over 3 years. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of First Level Chief Engineer.
18 4. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Documents that offer equipped with main engine output equivalent reference rate of 750,000 watts or above, in and qualification on positions of engineering unit for a completing the training period over 6 months since the as a First Level Chief obtaining of a First Level Chief Engineer. Engineer qualification certified by 2. Documents that offer the Ministry of Transportation and reference to the profile Communications, or the of having served on Examination Yuan certification on fishing vessels equipped passing the exams of Seafarer First with the main engine Level Chief Engineer; First Class output rate of 750,000 Seafarer Engineer as Chief, provided watts or above, in with documents that can offer positions of engineering reference for such a profile. unit for a period over 6 months.
5. Having served on 3rd rate warship in 1. Documents that offer positions of engineering officer and reference to the profile held the rank of Junior Grade or of having served on 3rd higher for a period over 1 year, thus rate warship in have completed the training as a positions of engineering First Level Chief Engineer, provided officer and held the with documents that can offer rank of Junior Grade or reference for such a profile. higher for a period over 1 year. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of First Level Chief Engineer.
6. Having served on 3rd rate warship in 1. Documents that offer positions of engineering officer and reference to the profile held the rank of Ensign or higher for of having served on 3rd a period over 2 years, thus have rate warship in completed the training as a First positions of engineering Level Chief Engineer, provided with officer and held the documents that can offer reference rank of Ensign or higher for such a profile. for a period over 2 years. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of First Level Chief Engineer.
19 First Level 1. Having obtained the First Level Certificate on passing the Chief Chief Engineering Supervisor exam of First Level Chief Engineering Certificate issued by the Engineering Supervisor. Supervisor Examination Yuan, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 2. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Documents that offer equipped with the main engine equivalent reference output rate of 750,000 watts or and qualification on above, in positions of engineering completing the training unit for a period over 6 months, with as a First Level Chief an academic profile of either a Engineering Supervisor. public or private junior college, or 2. Documents that offer any foreign education of equivalent, reference to the profile which is recognized and approved of having served on by the Ministry of Education in fishing vessels equipped subjects relating to Marine with main engine output Engineering, Mechanical rate of 750,000 watts or Engineering, or Mechanics, above, in positions of provided with documents that can engineering unit for a offer reference for such a profile. period over 6 months. 3. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Diploma of Junior equipped with the main engine College. output rate of 750,000 watts or 2. Documents that offer above, in positions of engineering reference to the profile unit for a period over 1 year, and of having served on have completed both training fishing vessels equipped courses of First Level Chief with main engine output Engineering Supervisor and First rate of 750,000 watts or Level Engineering Supervisor, with above, in positions of an academic profile of either a engineering unit for a public or private junior college, or period over 1 year. any foreign education of equivalent, 3. Certificate on which is recognized and approved completing both by the Ministry of Education, training courses of First provided with documents that can Level Chief offer reference for such a profile. Engineering Supervisor and First Level Engineering Supervisor.
20 4. Having served on fishing vessels in 1. First Level Chief the position as a First Level Engineer Certificate. Engineering Supervisor for a period 2. Documents that offer over 1 year, and have completed the reference to the profile training course of First Level Chief of served on fishing Engineering Supervisor since the vessels in the position obtaining of a First Level as a First Level Engineering Supervisor Certificate, Engineering Supervisor provided with documents that can for a period over 1 year. offer reference for such a profile. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of First Level Chief Engineering Supervisor. 5. Having served on fishing vessels in 1. Second Level Chief the position as a Second Level Chief Engineer Certificate. Engineer for a period over 2 years, 2. Documents that offer and have completed both training reference to the profile courses of First Level Chief of served on fishing Engineering Supervisor and First vessels in the position Level Engineering Supervisor since as a Second Level Chief the obtaining of a Second Chief Engineer for a period Engineer Certificate, provided with over 2 years. documents that can offer reference 3. Certificate on for such a profile. completing both training courses of First Level Chief Engineering Supervisor and First Level Engineering Supervisor. 6. Having served on fishing vessels 1. Documents that offer equipped with main engine output equivalent reference rate of 750,000 watts or above, in and qualification on positions of engineering unit for a completing the training period over 6 months since the as a first level chief obtaining of both First Level Chief engineering supervisor. Engineering Supervisor and Second 2. Documents that offer Level Chief Engineer qualification reference to the profile certified by the Ministry of of having served on Transportation and fishing vessels equipped Communications, or the with main engine output Examination Yuan certification on rate of 750,000 watts or passing the exams of Seafarer First above, in positions of Level Chief Engineering Supervisor, engineering unit for a Second Level Chief Engineer; First period over 6 months. Class Seafarer 2nd Engineer; Second Class Seafarer Chief Engineer, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile.
21 7. Having served on any types of naval 1. Documents that offer ship in positions of engineering unit reference to the profile and held the rank of Petty Officer of having served on any for a period over 1 year, thus have types of naval ship in completed the training as a First positions of engineering Level Chief Engineering Supervisor, unit and held the rank provided with documents that can of Petty Officer for a offer reference for such a profile. period over 1 year. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of First Level Chief Engineering Supervisor. 8. Having served on any types of naval 1. Documents that offer ship in positions of engineering unit reference to the profile and held the rank of Petty Officer 1st of having served on any Class for a period over 2 years, thus types of naval ship in completed the training as a First positions of engineering Level Chief Engineering Supervisor, unit and held the rank provided with documents that can of Petty Officer 1st offer reference for such a profile. Class for a period over 2 years. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of First Level Chief Engineering Supervisor. First Level 1. Having obtained the First Level Certificate on passing the Engineering Engineering Supervisor Certificate exam of First Level Supervisor issued by the Examination Yuan, Engineering Supervisor. provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 2. Having served on fishing vessels in 1. Diploma of junior positions of engineering unit for a high/senior vocational period over 6 months, with an school. academic profile of either a public or 2. Documents that offer private senior marine and fishery reference to the profile vocational school in subjects relating of having served on to Marine/Fishery Engineering, fishing vessels in provided with documents that can positions of engineering offer reference for such a profile. unit for a period over 6 months.
22 3. Having served on fishing vessels in 1. Diploma of Junior High positions of engineering unit for a School. period over 6 months, and have 2. Documents that offer with an academic profile of either a reference to the profile public or private Junior High of having served on School, completed the training as a fishing vessels in First Level Engineering Supervisor positions of engineering provided with documents that can unit for a period over 6 offer reference for such a profile. months. 3. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of First Level Engineering Supervisor. 4. Having served on fishing vessels in 1. Documents that offer the position as a First Level reference to the profile Engineering Supervisor for a period of having served on over 3 years, and have completed fishing vessels in the the training course of First Level position as a First Level Engineering Supervisor, provided Engineering Supervisor with documents that can offer for a period over 3 reference for such a profile. years. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of First Level Engineering Supervisor. 5. Having served on fishing vessels in 1. Second Level Chief the position as a Second Level Chief Engineer Certificate. engineer for a period over 6 months, 2. Documents that offer and have completed the training reference to the profile course of First Level Engineering of served on fishing Supervisor since the obtaining of a vessels in the position Second Chief Engineer Certificate, as a Second Level Chief provided with documents that can Engineer for a period offer reference for such a profile. over 6 months. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of First Level Chief Engineering Supervisor.
23 6. Having served on fishing vessels in 1. Documents that offer positions of engineering unit for a equivalent reference period over 6 months since the and qualification on obtaining of both First Level completing the training Engineering Supervisor and Second as a First Level Level Chief Engineering Supervisor Engineering Supervisor. qualification certified by the 2. Documents that offer Ministry of Transportation and reference to the profile Communications, or the of having served on Examination Yuan certification on fishing vessels in passing the exams of Seafarer First positions of engineering Level Engineering Supervisor, unit for a period over 6 Second Level Chief Engineering months. Supervisor ; First Class Seafarer 3rd and 4th Engineer; Second Class Seafarer 2nd Engineer , provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 7. Having served on any types of naval 1. Documents that offer ship in positions of engineering unit reference to the profile and held the rank of Petty Officer of having served on any for a period over 3 years thus have types of naval ship in completed the training as a First positions of engineering Level Engineering Supervisor, unit and held the rank provided with documents that can of petty officer for a offer reference for such a profile. period over 3 years. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of First Level Engineering Supervisor. Second 1. Having obtained the Second Level Certificate on passing the Level Chief Chief Engineer Certificate issued by exam of Second level Chief Engineer the Examination Yuan, provided Engineer. with documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 2. Having served on fishing vessels in 1. Diploma of Elementary positions of navigation unit for a School. period over 1 year, with an academic 2. Documents that offer profile of either a public or private reference to the profile Elementary school, and have of having served on completed the training course of fishing vessels in Second Level Chief Engineer, positions of navigation provided with documents that can unit for a period over 1 offer reference for such a profile. year. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Level Engineer.
24 3. Having served on fishing vessels in 1. Documents that offer positions of navigation unit for a reference to the profile period over 1 year and 6 months, of served on fishing and have completed the training vessels in positions of course of Second Level Chief navigation unit for a Engineer, provided with documents period over 1 year and 6 that can offer reference for such a months. profile. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Level Chief Engineer. 4. Having served on fishing vessels in 1. Documents that offer positions of engineering unit for a equivalent reference period over 6 months since the and qualification on obtaining of Second Level completing the training Engineering Supervisor, Third Level as a Second Chief Chief Engineer, and Third Level Engineer. Engineering Supervisor qualification 2. Documents that offer certified by the Ministry of reference to the profile Transportation and of having served on Communications, or the fishing vessels in Examination Yuan certification on positions of engineering passing the exams of Seafarer unit for a period over 6 Second Level Engineering months. Supervisor, Third Level Chief Engineer, and Third Level Engineering Supervisor; Second Class Seafarer 3rd and 4th Engineer, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 5. Having served on any types of naval 1. Documents that offer ship in positions of deck unit for a reference to the profile period over 2 years, and have of having served on any completed the training as a Second types of naval ship in Chief Engineer, provided with positions of deck unit documents that can offer reference for a period over 2 for such a profile. years. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Chief Engineer. Radio 1. Having obtained the Radio Certificate on passing the Controller Controller Certificate issued by the exam of Radio Controller. Examination Yuan, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile.
25 2. Having served on vessels in 1. Diploma of Junior positions of radio communication College. unit for a period over 6 months, with 2. Documents that offer an academic profile of either a reference to the profile public or private junior college, or of having served on any foreign education of equivalent, vessels in positions of which is recognized and approved radio communication by the Ministry of Education, in unit for a period over 6 subjects of Telecommunications, months. Telecommunication Engineering, 3. Certificate on Communication Engineering, completing the training Electronics, Electronic Engineering, course of Radio Electronic Communication, Controller for GMDSS Electronic Technology, Station. Electrophysics, or any faculties relating to Industrial Electronics, and have completed the training course of Radio Controller for GMDSS Station, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 3. Having served on vessels in the 1. Ordinary Operator on- position as an Ordinary Operator on- duty Certificate. duty for a period over 1 year, and 2. Documents that offer have completed the training course reference to the profile of Radio Controller for GMDSS of having served on Station since the obtaining of an vessels in the position Ordinary Operator on-duty as an Ordinary Operator Certificate, provided with on-duty for a period documents that can offer reference over 1 year. for such a profile. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Radio Controller for GMDSS Station. 4. Having obtained the 2nd Class Radio 3. Documents that offer Controller qualification certified by equivalent reference the Ministry of Transportation and and qualification on Communications, provided with completing the training documents that can offer reference of Radio Controller for for such a profile. GMDSS Station.
26 5. Having served on vessels in the 1. Certificate on passing position as an Ordinary Operator on- the exam of General duty for a period over 6 month, and Operator. have completed the training course 2. Documents that offer of Radio Controller for GMDSS reference to the profile Station since the obtaining of of having served on General Operator qualification vessels in the position certified by either the Ministry of as an Ordinary Operator Transportation and on-duty for a period Communications, or the over 6 month. Examination Yuan certification on 3. Certificate on passing the exams of General completing the training Operator, provided with documents course of Radio that can offer reference for such a Controller for GMDSS profile. Station. 6. Having completed the training as a 1. Diploma of military Radio Controller for GMDSS academy/college of any Station, with educational profile R.O.C armed forces. gained from military 2. Documents that offer academy/college of any R.O.C reference to the profile armed forces in subjects relating to of having served in the Electronics or Telecommunications, position as an thus have served in the position as Electronic or an Electronic or Telecommunication Telecommunication commissioned officer and held the commissioned officer rank of First Lieutenant or higher, and held the rank of provided with documents that can First Lieutenant or offer references for such a profile. higher. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Radio Controller for GMDSS Station. Ordinary 1. Having obtained the Ordinary Certificate on passing the Operator on- Operator on-duty Certificate issued exam of Ordinary Operator duty by the Examination Yuan, provided on-duty. with documents that can offer reference for such a profile.
27 2. Having obtained an academic profile 1. Diploma of Junior of either a public or private junior College. college, or any foreign education of 2. Certificate on equivalent, which is recognized and completing the training approved by the Ministry of course of Ordinary Education, in subjects of Operator on-duty for Telecommunication, Electronic GMDSS Station. Communication, Telecommunication Engineering, Electronic Communication Engineering, Electronics, Electronic Engineering, Electronic Communication, Electronic Technology, Electrophysics, or any faculties relating to Industrial Electronics, thus have completed the training course of Ordinary Operator on-duty for GMDSS Station, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 3. Having served on vessels in 1. Diploma of senior positions of radio communication vocational school. unit for a period over 6 months, with 2. Documents that offer an academic profile of either a reference to the profile public or private senior vocational of having served on school, or any foreign education of vessels in positions of equivalent, which is recognized and radio communication approved by the Ministry of unit for a period over 6 Education, in subjects of Marine months. Communication, Electronic 3. Certificate on Communication Engineering, completing the training Telecommunication, Electronic course of Ordinary Communication, Electronics, Operator on-duty for Electronic Maintenance, thus have GMDSS Station. completed the training course of Ordinary Operator on-duty for GMDSS Station, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile.
28 4. Having served on vessels in 1. Diploma of senior high positions of radio communication school/senior vocational unit for a period over 1 year, with an school. academic profile of either a public or 2. Documents that offer private senior high school/senior reference to the profile vocational school, and have of having served on completed the training course of vessels in positions of Ordinary operator on-duty for radio communication GMDSS Station, provided with unit for a period over 1 documents that can offer reference year. for such a profile. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Ordinary Operator on-duty for GMDSS Station. 5. Having served on vessels in 1. Radio Operator and positions of radio communication First Grade Radio unit for a period over 2 years and 6 Operator Certificates. months, thus have completed the 2. Documents that offer training course of Ordinary Operator reference to the profile on-duty for GMDSS Station since of having served on the obtaining of both Radio Operator vessels in positions of and First Grade Radio Operator radio communication Certificates, provided with unit for a period over 2 documents that can offer reference years and 6 months. for such a profile. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Ordinary Operator on-duty for GMDSS Station. 6. Having served on vessels in the 1. Restricted Operator on- position as a Restricted Operator on- duty Certificate. duty for a period over 1 year, and 2. Documents that offer have completed the training course reference to the profile of Ordinary Operator on-duty for of having served on GMDSS Station since the obtaining vessels in the position of a Restricted Operator on-duty as a Restricted Operator certificate, provided with documents on-duty for a period that can offer reference for such a over 1 year. profile. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Ordinary Operator on-duty for GMDSS Station. 7. Having obtained the General Documents on passing the Operator Certificate issued by the exam of General Operator. Ministry of Transportation and Communications, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile.
29 8. Having served on vessels in the 1. Certificate on passing position as a Restricted Operator on- the exam of Restricted duty for a period over 6 months, and Operator on-duty. have completed the training course 2. Documents that offer of Ordinary Operator on-duty for reference to the profile GMDSS Station since the obtaining of having served on of the qualification of Restricted vessels in the position Operator on-duty certified by the as a restricted operator Examination Yuan, provided with on-duty for a period documents that can offer reference over 6 months. for such a profile. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Ordinary Operator on-duty for GMDSS Station. 9. Having completed the training as an 1. Diploma of military Ordinary Operator on-duty for academy/college of any GMDSS Station, with an R.O.C armed forces. educational profile gained from 2. Documents that offer military academy/college of any reference to the profile R.O.C armed force, and served in of having served in the the position as an Electronic or position as an Telecommunication non- Electronic or commissioned officer thus held the Telecommunication rank of Petty Officer 1st Class/ non-commissioned Sergeant or higher, provided with officer thus held the documents that can offer references rank of Petty Officer 1st for such a profile. class/ Sergeant or higher. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Ordinary Operator on-duty for GMDSS Station. Restricted 1. Having obtained the Restricted Certificate on passing the Operator on- Operator on-duty certificate issued exam of Restricted duty by the Ministry of Transportation Operator on-duty. and Communications, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile.
30 2. Having completed the training 1. Diploma of senior course of Restricted Operator on- vocational school. duty for GMDSS Station, with an 2. Certificate on academic profile of either a public or completing the training private senior vocational school in course of Restricted subjects of Marine Communication, Operator on-duty for Electronic Communication GMDSS Station. Engineering, Telecommunication, Electronic Communication, Electronics, Electronic Maintenance, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 3. Having served on vessels in 1. Diploma of Junior High positions of radio communication school. unit for a period over 1 year, with an 2. Documents that offer academic profile of either a public or reference to the profile private Junior High school, and have of having served on completed the training course of vessels in positions of Restricted Operator on-duty for radio communication GMDSS Station, provided with unit for a period over 1 documents that can offer reference year. for such a profile. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Restricted Operator on-duty for GMDSS Station. 4. Having served on vessels in 1. Diploma of Elementary positions of radio communication school. unit for a period over 1 year and 6 2. Documents that offer months, with an academic profile of reference to the profile either a public or private Elementary of having served on school, and have completed the vessels in positions of training course of Restricted radio communication Operator on-duty for GMDSS unit for a period over 1 Station, provided with documents year and 6 months. that can offer reference for such a 3. Certificate on profile. completing the training course of Restricted Operator on-duty for GMDSS Station.
31 5. Having served on vessels in 1. Documents that offer positions of radio communication reference to the profile unit for a period over 2 years, and of having served on have completed the training course vessels in positions of of Restricted Operator on-duty for radio communication GMDSS Station, provided with unit for a period over 2 documents that can offer reference years. for such a profile. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of Restricted Operator on-duty for GMDSS Station. 6. Having served on vessels in position 1. Certificate on passing as either a Radio Operator or the exam of either Radiotelephone Operator for a Radio Operator or period over 6 months, and have Radiotelephone completed the training course of Operator. Restricted Operator on-duty for 2. Documents that offer GMDSS Station since the obtaining reference to the profile of either the qualification of Radio of having served on Operator or Radiotelephone vessels in position as Operator certified by the either a Radio Operator Examination Yuan, provided with or Radiotelephone documents that can offer reference Operator for a period for such a profile. over 6 months. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Restricted Operator on-duty for GMDSS Station. 7. Having completed the training as a 1. Diploma of military Restricted Operator on-duty for academy/college of any GMDSS Station, with educational R.O.C armed forces. profile gained from military 2. Documents that offer academy/college of any R.O.C reference to the profile armed force, and served in the of having served in the positions as an Electronic or position as an electronic Telecommunication non- or telecommunication commissioned officer thus held the non-commissioned rank of Petty Officer 2nd Class/ Staff officer thus held the Sergeant or higher, provided with rank of Petty Officer 2nd documents that can offer references Class/ Staff Sergeant or for such a profile. higher. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Restricted Operator on-duty for GMDSS Station.
32 First Grade 1. Having obtained the First Grade Certificate on passing the Radio Radio Operator on fishing vessels exam of First Grade Radio Operator certificate issued by the Examination Operator on fishing vessels. Yuan, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 2. Having completed the training as a 1. Diploma of senior First Grade Radio Operator, with an vocational school. academic profile of either a public or 2. Certificate on private senior vocational school in completing the training subjects of Marine Communication, course of First Grade Electronic Communication Radio Operator. Engineering, Telecommunication, Electronic Communication, Electronics, Electronic Maintenance, provided with documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 3. Having served on vessels in 1. Diploma of Junior High positions of radio communication school. unit for a period over 6 months, with 2. Documents that offer an academic profile of either a reference to the profile public or private Junior High school, of having served on and have completed the training as a vessels in positions of First Grade Radio Operator, radio communication provided with documents that can unit for a period over 6 offer reference for such a profile. months. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of First Grade Radio Operator. 4. Having served on vessels in 1. Diploma of Elementary positions of radio communication school. unit for a period over 1 year, with an 2. Documents that offer academic profile of either a public or reference to the profile private Elementary school, and have of having served on completed the training as a First vessels operate on Grade Radio Operator, provided unlimited waters in with documents that can offer positions of radio reference for such a profile. communication unit for a period over 1 year. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of First Grade Radio Operator.
33 5. Having completed the training as a 1. Diploma of NCO First Grade Radio Operator, with an training in expertise of educational profile gained from electronic NCO training in expertise of Communication/ Electronic/ Telecommunication at Telecommunication at military academy/college of any military R.O.C armed force, provided with academy/college of any documents that can offer references R.O.C armed force. for such a profile. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of First Grade Radio Operator. 6. Having served on vessels in 1. Documents that offer positions of radio communication reference to the profile unit for a period over 2 years, and of having served on have completed the training as a vessels operate on First Grade Radio Operator, unlimited waters in provided with documents that can positions of radio offer reference for such a profile. communication unit for a period over 2 years. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of First Grade radio operator. Second 1. Having obtained the Second Grade Certificate on passing the Grade Radio Radio Operator on Fishing Vessels exam of Second Grade Operator Certificate issued by the Radio Operator on Fishing Examination Yuan, provided with Vessels. documents that can offer reference for such a profile. 2. Having completed the training as a 1. Diploma of Senior High Second Grade Radio Operator, with school. an academic profile of either a 2. Certificate on public or private Senior High school, completing the training provided with documents that can course of Second Grade offer reference for such a profile. Radio Operator. 3. Having served on vessels in 1. Diploma of Junior High positions of radio communication school. unit for a period over 3 months, with 2. Documents that offer an academic profile of either a reference to the profile public or private Junior High school, of having served on and have completed the training as a vessels in positions of Second Grade Radio Operator, radio communication provided with documents that can unit for a period over 3 offer reference for such a profile. months. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Grade Radio Operator.
34 4. Having served on vessels in 1. Diploma of Elementary positions of radio communication school. unit for a period over 6 months, with 2. Documents that offer an academic profile of either a reference to the profile public or private Elementary school, of having served on and have completed the training as a vessels in positions of Second Grade Radio Operator, radio communication provided with documents that can unit for a period over 6 offer reference for such a profile. months. 3. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Grade Radio Operator. 5. Having served on vessels in 1. Documents that offer positions of radio communication reference to the profile unit for a period over 1 year, and of having served on have completed the training as a vessels in positions of Second Grade Radio Operator, radio communication provided with documents that can unit for a period over 1 offer reference for such a profile. year. 2. Certificate on completing the training course of Second Grade Radio Operator.
Note: 1. The regarding of seniority and profile mentioned in the table above is solely determined by the official recognition through approval from the municipal/county/city competent authority. 2. Applicants who have military experiences or still in active service shall provide documents and references to such profiles issued from the command of the particular armed service. Applicants who are retirees from the forces shall provide proofs of military profiles issued from the division (regiment) area command. 3. Diploma refers to official issues, prescription or papers that are recognized and approved by the competent authorities of education. 4. Documents offering equivalent reference and qualification are referred to the seafarer certification approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications; or the Examination Yuan Certification on passing the exams of seafarer; or diplomas of marine and fishery senior vocational school/junior college in subjects relating to Marine/Fishery Engineering. All qualification/certificates ought to be proofed and verified for the relevance by Fishery Agency, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.