Yr 7 - Scheme of Work

Wk plan Resources Learning objective Licence to Cook PoS

1 Introduction to food (1) Rule of room, hazards and hygiene To know all the kitchen rules and Personal hygiene 3b technology room, rules and worksheets. why they are in place Food poisoning bacteria – types / 3b hazards. Personal hygiene. (1) Hygiene, cross contamination To know what cross contamination conditions for growth. Avoiding Kitchen hygiene. Cross worksheets. Hygiene video. is and how we can prevent it. cross contamination. Health and contamination and food safety and kitchen rules poisoning. How do fruit and (1) Wheel of health, nutrients To understand what is meant by a Knife skills, basic equipment, fruit 3h, vegetables fit in wheel of worksheets. healthy diet. preparation, peeling, slicing, coring. 3f, 2 health and healthy eating? (2) Recipe and ingredients 2c, Make fruit kebab 3i, 2h Kitchen equipment. (1) kitchen equipment, weighing To learn the skills necessary to Basic equipment, food preparation, 1.2b Weighing and measuring. and measuring make a dough. rubbing in combining and mixing, , Make pizza (2) Recipe and ingredients To be able to follow instructions using oven 1.3c, 3 (3) Food booklet carefully and consider health and 2c, safety checks that will ensure a 2h good quality pizza.

Classification of fruit. (1) Recipe and ingredients To be able to make a pasta sauce Weighing and measuring, peeling, Understand use of (2) Work booklet without the aid of a recipe. slicing, using the hob. vegetables in cooking. How 4 vegetables grow? Make To know the function of the vegetable pasta ingredients

5 Understand what (3) Recipe and ingredients To use the hob in a safe manner to Weighing and measuring, using ingredients are and where (4) Work booklet melt your ingredients for the oven. they come from flapjack. Making flap jack To be able to select and use decoration to add the appeal of

1 your flapjack

Make a chilli (1) Health and safety and quality To be able to switch on the hob Knife skills, basic equipment, checks worksheet. without assistance vegetable preparation, peeling, (2) Where ingredients come To know how to tell when mince is slicing, grating. from sheet cooked. 6 (2) Recipe and ingredients To put into practice all quality and Cooking meat health and safety procedures with being reminded (pan handles in, Health and safety, cross apron on etc) contamination.

How products can be (1) function of ingredients worksheet To be able to follow instructions Weighing skills, rubbing in method, developed.Make (2) Recipe and ingredients carefully to make a good quality using the oven, decorating skills. shortbread product To develop decorating skills to 7 produce a professional looked biscuit To know the function of each ingredient

Lean how to thicken a (1) Recipe and ingredients To know the method of making Knife skills, basic equipment, slicing, sauce using starch. Make (2) Date marks, safe storage cheese sauce. measuring, using hob, thickening a tuna pasta bake. chilling heating and reheating To put into practice all the skills sauce. we have learnt previously. 8 To be able to explain how your product should be stored and reheated safely.

Make chicken chow mein. (1) high risk food, food storage To know how to check chicken is Weighing, measuring, mixing, using worksheet . cooked oven, basic equipment (2) cross contamination To be able to prepare a Chinese 9 (3) Recipe and ingredients dish to a high standard. To know where food should be stacked in the fridge.

10 Chocolate Brownies (1) production plan To be able to use the hob to melt Weighing mixing, melting, using the (2) Recipe and ingredients chocolate without assistance. oven 2 To be able to clearly show your method. Vegetable dishes from (1) work booklet To know how to cook chicken and Knife skills, slicing, peeling, around the world. Make (2) Recipe and ingredients check it is thoroughly cooked measuring, using hob, chicken fajitas 11 To be able to put into practice all of the skills you have learnt to date.

Design and make task (1) design and make task To know how to analyse a task Analysis, brainstorming, designing, (2) Recipe and ingredients To be able to design and plan a drawing, planning 12 product to make.

Make a product (1) plan from previous week To follow your plan carefully to 13 make a high quality product.

Risk assessment

Wk Plan Hazard Risk Evaluation Control Methods

1 Introduction to food Personal hygiene 3b technology room, rules and Food poisoning bacteria – types / 3b hazards. Personal hygiene. conditions for growth. Avoiding Kitchen hygiene. Cross cross contamination. contamination and food Health and safety and kitchen rules poisoning. How do fruit and 0- No significant risk Moderate risk- could occur/ can Students reminded of health and vegetables fit in wheel of Vegetable peeling visualise circumstances in which safety rules in the kitchen health and healthy eating? Vegetable cutting harm could occur Students given a demonstration of 2 Make fruit kebab how to cut safely. Teacher to have easy access to all students First aid kit on hand in the room. 3 Kitchen equipment. 0- No significant risk Moderate risk- could occur/ can Students reminded of health and Weighing and measuring. Vegetable peeling visualise circumstances in which safety rules in the kitchen Make pizza Vegetable cutting harm could occur Students given a demonstration of Using the oven how to cut safely. Teacher to have easy access to all

3 students First aid kit on hand in the room. Oven gloves at every work station Classification of fruit. 0- 0- No significant risk Moderate risk-could occur/ can Students reminded of health and Understand use of Vegetable peeling visualise circumstances in which safety rules in the kitchen vegetables in cooking. How Vegetable cutting harm could occur Students given a demonstration of vegetables grow? Make Using the oven how to cut safely. 4 vegetable pasta bake Teacher to have easy access to all students First aid kit on hand in the room. Oven gloves at every work station Understand where 1- Low risk Moderate risk-could occur/ can Students reminded of health and ingredients come from. Using the hob (temperature of sugar) visualise circumstances in which safety when using the hob. 5 Making flap jack Using the oven harm could occur Demonstration of where to have the pan handle given.

Make a chilli 1-Low risk Moderate risk-could occur/ can Students reminded of health and Peeling vegetables visualise circumstances in which safety rules in the kitchen Cutting vegetables harm could occur Cross contamination revisited. Grating vegetables Disposable gloves to be used when Using the hob touching raw meat Cross contamination Separate chopping boards and knives to be used for meat and vegetables. Students given a demonstration of 6 how to cut safely. Teacher to have easy access to all students First aid kit on hand in the room. Students reminded of health and safety when using the hob. Demonstration of where to have the pan handle given. Oven gloves at every work station

7 How products can be 0-No significant risk Moderate risk-could occur/ can Students reminded of health and developmed. Make Using the oven visualise circumstances in which safety rules in the kitchen shortbread harm could occur Teacher to have easy access to all students

4 Oven gloves at every work station

Lean how to thicken a 0-No significant risk Moderate risk - could occur/ can Knife skills, basic equipment, slicing, 8 sauce using starch. Make Using the hob visualise circumstances in which measuring, using hob, thickening a tuna pasta bake. harm could occur sauce.

Make chicken chow mein. 1-Low risk Moderate risk-could occur/ can Students reminded of health and Peeling vegetables visualise circumstances in which safety rules in the kitchen Cutting vegetables harm could occur Cross contamination revisited. Grating vegetables Disposable gloves to be used when Using the hob touching raw meat Cross contamination – high risk food Separate chopping boards and chicken knives to be used for meat and vegetables. Students given a demonstration of 9 how to cut safely. Teacher to have easy access to all students First aid kit on hand in the room. Students reminded of health and safety when using the hob. Demonstration of where to have the pan handle given. Oven gloves at every work station

Chocolate Brownies 1-Low risk Moderate risk-could occur/ can Students reminded of health and Using the hob (temperature of sugar) visualise circumstances in which safety when using the hob. 10 Using the oven harm could occur Demonstration of where to have the pan handle given.

11 Vegetable dishes from 1-Low risk Moderate risk-could occur/ can Students reminded of health and around the world. Make Peeling vegetables visualise circumstances in which safety rules in the kitchen chicken fajitas Cutting vegetables harm could occur Cross contamination revisited. Grating vegetables Disposable gloves to be used when Using the hob touching raw meat Cross contamination – high risk food Separate chopping boards and chicken knives to be used for meat and vegetables. Students given a demonstration of 5 how to cut safely. Teacher to have easy access to all students First aid kit on hand in the room. Students reminded of health and safety when using the hob. Demonstration of where to have the pan handle given. Oven gloves at every work station

12 Design and make task Make a product- sweet 0- No significant risk Moderate risk-could occur/ can Students reminded of health and 13 snack suitable for a visualise circumstances in which safety issues and kitchen rules celebration harm could occur