Study Guide: Journalism Matters Chapter 2 Making Ethical Choices Chapter vocabulary (12 terms)

ethics copyright off-the-record confidentiality libel retraction censorship slander student expression policy obscenity prior review publication board

1) How can a student journalist avoid censorship?

2) What is the difference between libel and slander?

3) Discuss three major Supreme Court cases affecting free speech in school. Know the opposing factions, the details of each case, the year each case began, the year of the final ruling, and the final ruling.

4) Explain is “invasion of privacy” .

5) What are “fighting words”?

6) What should a student journalist do to avoid being sued when taking on sensitive material?

7) How does a “forum for public expression” affect censorship?

8) What group developed the Professional Code of Ethics for Journalists (contemporary name? Greek name?)? When?

9) What are the four codes? Explain each briefly.

10) Why should journalists decline freebies and favors?

11) How can a journalist pursue accuracy?

12) What is fair play in journalism?

13) What is the role of the student publication board?

14) When should the journalist protect the identity of a source?

15) What was the first paper printed without government approval. What’s the story? Who are the key players?

16) Who was the editor of the New York Weekly Journal? Why is he significant in the study of ethics?

17) What is the SPLC? What does it do?

18) What is the most effective, successful defense for libel?

19) Which Amendment guarantees Americans freedom of the press? What other freedoms are guaranteed in this Amendment?

20) Why are critics legally allowed to criticize movies, restaurants, books, etc?