GATHERING & WELCOME (Please Sign the Red Pad in the Pews.)
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FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 310 Oak Street, Irwin, PA 15642 724-863-6858 [email protected] Rev. David S. Lake – Pastor Zaq Phillips – Youth Minister Dianne Runser – Director of Music Ministry
September 1, 2013
GATHERING & WELCOME (Please sign the red pad in the pews.)
MUSIC OF PREPARATION “My Lord, What a Morning”
*CALL TO WORSHIP L: God said, “Six days you shall labor and do all your work, P: But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord.” L: Jesus said, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, P: And I will give you rest.” L: We come in the name of the Spirit, resting from our labors, P: Let us worship God this day!
*HYMN OF PRAISE No. 140 “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”
RESPONSIVE READING No. 766 Psalm 32:1-11
UNISON PRAYER God of days ancient and new, speak to us your ancient of words of wisdom. Help us hear afresh Christ’s message of love and servanthood. Soften our hearts to sense your presence. Open our eyes to see your guiding hand. Open our ears to hear your call. Change our lives to follow your path of justice and mercy. In Christ’s name, we pray, Amen.
*PASSING THE PEACE OF CHRIST L: The Peace of Christ be with you. P: And also with you L: Please pass the Peace of Christ to your neighbor.
ANTHEM “The Lord’s Prayer”
OFFERTORY “Larghetto”
*DOXOLOGY No. 95 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Him, all creatures here below: praise Him above ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen
*PRAYER OF DEDICATION AND THANKS God of love and grace! We bring our gifts to you this morning, not for one moment believing that we can give enough to balance out all the blessings you have given us. We will leave this place to live lives that reflect your compassion and mercy; but not for one moment do we think we can live even one hour of our lives at our best that will make us worthy of honor and praise, as you are. As we receive this offering for the work of your church, help us to give and live humbly, so that we might see your glory in every moment more clearly. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
*HYMN No. 73 “O Worship the King”
SERMON “God In Search of Man”
*HYMN OF PARTING No. 400 “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”
MUSIC OF PARTING “Welcome the King”
*Those who are able, please stand Today, Sunday, December 23 Fourth Sunday of Advent THIS WEEK AT OUR CHURCH 8:00 Prayer Time 8:15 Worship Today, Sunday, September 1 Wednesday, September 4 9:30 Sunday School – Youth & Adult 8:00 Prayer Time 6:30 Good Grief 10:45 Worship 8:15 Worship 7:00 Yoga 12:00 Christmas Eve Play Practice 9:30 Sunday School (Adult) 7:00 Contemporary Worship 2:30Service SonShiners & Chimes Christmas Party 10:45 Worship Planning Meeting 3:30 Temple Chimes Monday, September 2 Thursday, September 5 No FISH & CHIPS Labor Day – Office Closed 6:15 C. Bells 7:00 Disciple III Orientation Tuesday, September 3 7:15 Choir 6:15 TOPS 7:00 Outreach Next Sunday, September 8 7:30 NA Reception of New Members 8:00 Prayer Time 8:15 Worship 9:30 Sunday School (Adult) 10:45 Worship 12:00 Music Meeting 2:30 District Youth – here 6:00 Parents, Pins & Pizza @ Norwin Bowl
ANNOUNCEMENTS ****************************************************************** CHILDREN’S COLLECTIONS: This week our children’s collection will be used for Project Happy Feet, the Greensburg District program that helps put shoes on children of low income families. PDF – 8/18/2013 – $194.34 8/25/2013 - $216.17
****************************************************************** CUSTODIAN POSITION: There is an immediate opening at Irwin First United Methodist Church for a day custodian for approximately 25 hours a week. A full job description, application, and clearance forms are available in the church office. Applications should be addressed to the SPRC of the church.
****************************************************************** YOUTH NEWS MORE THAN DODGEBALL! Why do you come to youth group? Is it because your friends do? Or because you like the games we play? Or maybe you don’t know why you do, you just always have. On September 15th we will be starting a series called, More than Dodgeball. In this series we will discuss how youth group can be a place that is more than a place to meet new friends or play games; it is a place where we can truly experience God!
********************** PARENTS, PINS AND PIZZA! PARENTS, PINS AND PIZZA: Parents, Pins and Pizza is the first Student Ministry event of the 2013-2014 school year! We will begin the evening by meeting at Norwin Bowl at 6:00 PM on September 8th. After the students get settled into their bowling lanes, the parents and I (Zaq) will have a little meeting about the upcoming school year! We will be discussing things such as what we will be teaching this year, big events and logistics (i.e. permission slips and other forms). Parents will also be given the opportunity to share their ideas and vision for the Student Ministry! I hope to see everyone at Norwin Bowl on September 8th! ********************** LEADERS WANTED! We are looking for a few adults to help lead Fish – N - Chips. If you are interested in serving in our student ministry, please contact Zaq.
****************************************************************** Lights! Camera! Action! Murder? The Outreach committee is planning a murder mystery play and dinner for October. The play is entitled Suspect Hollywood and during the auditions for the blockbuster hit, The Perils of the Prodigal Son, someone gets murdered. We want your help, so we're putting out a casting call for a total of nine actors. We need 4 male, 3 female and 2 either male or female roles. No experience necessary. ****************************************************************** SAFE SANCTUARIES TRAINING: There will be a training event at the Port Vue United Methodist Church on Saturday, September 21st from 9 until 12 noon. This will provide with you the materials and resources to remain compliant with our Annual Conference Safe Sanctuary policy and helps to ensure that you are following guidelines as established by certain insurance companies. Churches are encouraged to write safe sanctuary policies into their own guidelines, as well.
Conference policy states that every pastor should be current and that any church member that has consistent contact with children should be trained as well as to have current Act 33/34 clearances. The clearances must be renewed every five years.
Please register through the District Office in order that we can ensure that we have enough resources. Email address is [email protected] or 724-863-5673. Registration deadline is Thursday, September 19, 2013. A flyer is attached.
This training is critical if you have not been to a training event within the last two years as well as your staff and volunteers who are new to your children and youth ministries and other staff and volunteers. ****************************************************************** NEW MEMBERS: Pastor David will be receiving new members into our church next Sunday, September 8, 2013. If you are interested in joining FUMC please contact Pastor David or the church office. *********************************************************
GOOD GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: The Good Grief Support Group continues to meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM. If you are planning to attending for the first time, please call 412-224- 4700 to let them know you will be coming. There is no fee and the support group is open to anyone in our church or community who has experienced the pain of death and needs help working through their loss and managing their grief.
********************************************************** “DAY APART” – Presented by the Greensburg District United Methodist Women will be held at Jumonville on Wednesday, September 4th. Registration/Sign-In begins at 9:00 AM and the program is from 9:45 AM until 2:00 PM. The cost is $8.25 per person (includes breakfast rolls/breads and coffee/tea, as well as beverage, soup, sandwich, and salad bar luncheon.) Please make checks payable to: Greensburg district United Methodist Women. The speaker will be Rev. Bonnie King from the New Stanton UMC. Her message will be “The Secret Things of God”. There will be an extra offering collected for Bonnie’s mission “Father’s Heart” in Jeannette. This is a mission that all of the district churches are involved in.
******************************************************** A NEW READING ROOM FOR KIDS: The reading room is now open! Kimmi’s Girl Scout Gold Award project, for those who weren't aware, was to create a room in the church for kids to hang out and enjoy a good book, and it is finally complete. On the upper Sunday school level, in the far left corner, is a fully redecorated room full of books for kids, ranging from beginning reading levels all the way to novels for teens, along with informational magazines and nonfiction books. It is available for any kids to enjoy, and the books they choose should be subject to parental discretion. A huge thank you goes out to everyone who provided books, supplies, or time to help with the project! I hope all the familiar AND new families of the church will check out the room and put it to good use! P.S. I am headed off to college now, but I would like to see how the room is being used! If any parents are willing to snap a picture of their kids reading in the room, I would greatly appreciate it! Enjoy! ******************************************************** MEN’S WORK TEAM: Some of the men meet almost every Tuesday morning to do various maintenance jobs around the church. If you have some free time why not stop in and help them? There’s always something to do and when the work is done, they serve a great lunch to the helpers! They will begin their work group gatherings on September 10th. ******************************************************** MUSIC MEETING: There will be a brief meeting next Sunday (September 8) immediately after the 10:45 AM service in the sanctuary for all students (K-12) who are interested in being a member of SonShiners, TAFC, Temple Bells or Temple Chimes this season. Parents are also asked to attend. ********************************************************
Take a step closer to God by joining us for Sunday School! Classes for all ages start Sun. Sept. 15th, 9:30-10:30 am. (One week later than our normal Sun. school start to allow teachers to attend Women’s retreat on 9/7,8)
Youth Sunday School Toddler & PreK – Gym balcony level Our 2-4 year olds have a great time in this class. Includes Bible stories, crafts, & games. Parents are welcome to stay. Potty training not required.
Elementary – PreK5 thru 5 th Grade – Gym balcony level Kids meet in center room for an opening of upbeat songs, prayer, & trip to juice center. Kids move to age group classes featuring Group’s “Hands on Bible Curriculum” (same as our VBS) featuring interactive Bible stories, games, & crafts.
Middle School School – 6 th , 7 th , & 8 th Grades – Church top floor Cokesbury material going thru the Bible with stories, games, & current topics. Students vote on extra intro material which includes how current song lyrics stack up to the Bible; decision-making; spotting the 10 Commandments in action today; etc.
High School – 9 th – 12 th Grades – Church top floor Venture thru the Bible discussing the meaning & how it applies to our life today. Adult Sunday School Classes Harvesters – Gym Level, right side Kiwanis room Class starts with prayer time followed by a lesson using a variety of materials: DVDs, books, etc. Lively discussion, great fellowship, & prayer.
BYKOTA (Be Ye Kind One to Another) – Parlor, Year Round Join anytime! Studying the series, “Journeying through the Bible” interspersed with special series.
Hearts to God; Hands to Work – Small parlor next to Pastor’s office All are welcome to this small, casual, caring group! Patterns for prayer shawls & knitting/crocheting instructions available. Caring for our church family with Christ as our leader.
Weekday/Night Bible Studies Women’s Bible Study – Meets every 2nd Wed. at 10 am Sept. thru May. Studying Women in the Bible and how they relate to us. Women’s Book Study Group – Starts Wed. Sept. 25th at 7-8:30 pm (every other Wed.) Disciple III Bible Study – Thurs Evenings starting Sept. 5th, Sept. thru May. Learn more about the Bible by reading & discussing Genesis thru Revelations a bit at a time! All welcome (even if you have not taken Disciple I, II) Class is taught by our Pastor David Lake. Call Pastor David at 724-863-6858 for more info. Registration forms are available on the half door at the church office.
****************************************************************** PANCAKE BREAKFAST JOIN THE OUTREACH COMMITTEE FOR BREAKFAST !
SEPTEMBER 15, 2013
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Thank you for supporting activities such as Love Gifts, Military Birthdays, Easter Baskets, Thanksgiving Baskets, Angel Tree, Operation Reindeer, Christmas Baskets, Soles 4 Souls, Race For Grace, Charity Donations, Relief Efforts, and Many Outreach Programs! O U T R E A C H C O M M I T T E E P R E S E N T S … “ S U S P E C T H O L L Y W O O D ” M Y S T E R Y D I N N E R !
S A V E T H E D A T E ! S A T U R D A Y O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 3 C H U R C H G Y M C H U R C H C H I C K E N D I N N E R ! $ 1 5 P E R P E R S O N $ 2 5 P E R C O U P L E
A C T O R S A N D A C T R E S S E S N E E D E D ! ( M I N I M A L L I N E S T O P R E P A R E ) P L E A S E C O N T A C T K R I S T A B R O W N O R B E R N I E J O H N S T O N T O A C T !
L O O K F O R U P C O M I N G D E T A I L S I N T H E N A R T H E X !