1. for Easier Registration We Ask That You Login to the System and Create a New Profile

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1. for Easier Registration We Ask That You Login to the System and Create a New Profile

Hi Everyone, Due to circumstances beyond our control, we need to delay the start time of our online registration. Our new start date and time is Wednesday, August 19 at 6:00pm. Please be patient with us and the system, this is new to us all and we are learning as we go. We have had some questions and concerns regarding the schedule and we have a made a few notes and changes in regards to the new system process and the schedule. Different points pertain to different programs and different levels including Pre-Can, Canskate and Starskate. Please read carefully!

1. For easier registration we ask that you login to the system and create a new profile prior to registration. Please note that you need to create a new user name and password and then set up your new profile. This is a completely new system, therefore any other account or password(s) that you had with us previously will not work in this system. YOU WILL NOT NEED YOUR SKATE CANADA NUMBER IN ORDER TO REGISTER, HOWEVER WE DO ENCOUGRAGE YOU TO ENTER IT IF YOU HAVE ONE.

2. All StarSkater parents: we ask that you create your profile ASAP if you have not already done so. If you do not create a profile by Sunday, we will not be able to add in your PA credit that your skater earned into your account. Also we are in the process of updating everyone’s levels and test records, however we need their profiles created in order to do so. We hope to have this completed by Sunday if possible.

3. The Bronze Club Program is a transition program from Canskate to the Starskate program. THEREFORE ALL NEW STAR ONE SKATERS MUST REGISTER FOR ONE CLUB SESSION. Please note that you may do 2 club sessions. If you are a new StarSkater, you may also register for a regular bronze session as well if you wish to avail of private lessons. Once a skater moves on to StarSkate, there are coaching fees charged by a coach for lesson time. The average coaching fee is $28 per hour. At this level group lessons are recommended and encouraged by Skate Canada, and will be divided by the number of skaters in a lesson. Also private lessons are generally 10-15 minutes on a session, as the coach has many skaters that they are responsible for. The coach will bill you every 2 weeks, or on a montlhly basis based on the time spent with your skater. You do not pay the skating club for these fees, it is paid directly to the coach. You must hire a coach for your child, we do not assign them, as this is a personal choice. We will assist you by providing you with the names of the coaches who have space available and their contact information.

In the bronze club you do not need to secure a coach, as one will be provided by the club and the skaters will have a coach for the whole session in a group of 5 skaters. You will not be billed by the coach for lesson time, you pay $80 coaching fees for the 11 week program for each club session that you register for.

New Star One skaters may register for 2 club sessions and one regular bronze club or any combination that you choose, as long as you are enrolled in at least one Bronze club session. We will be having 10 club spots on both days and 15 regular bronze spots. Please note that 15 bonze spots will be enough for all of our star 2 and 3 skaters to skate all days is they so choose. If for some reason you do not get a session you wanted, please opt to go on the waitlist and we will monitor the enrollment and likely make some changes in order to fit everyone in.

4. Returning Star One Skaters, as well as Star 2 skaters may also register for bronze club and will be grouped according to level. We and the coaches recommend that all star 2 skaters do at least one club session. Please speak with your coach prior to registration in order to discuss what days/sessions would be best suited for your skater.

5. We have a large number of skaters who are moving up from Canskate. We were hoping that we could offer the Bronze Club Program to Stage 5 and 6 Canskaters, however in order to accommodate all of our new Star Ones, we will only be able to offer the Bronze Club session to CanSkaters who are in Stage 6. We will be looking at our registration numbers closely and will offer it to more skaters if space allows. If you are a Stage 6 Canskater, you do not need to register for Bronze Club, you may choose to register for a regular canskate session if that works better for you. The difference being that Canskate has a total of 60 skaters on the ice and the children are in groups of 10. On Bronze Club there are 25-30 skaters on the ice and children will be in a group of 5. Bronze club will be offered only on Wednesday and Sunday. PLEASE NOTE THAT CANSKATERS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO REGISTER FOR THE REGULAR BRONZE SESSION, AS CANSKATERS CANNOT RECEIVE PRIVATE LESSONS. Stage 6 CanSkaters can register for Bronze Club or CanSkate only.

6. Stage 5 CanSkaters must register for CanSkate, and we will invite skaters to move to Bronze Club if space allows. You will be notified after registration closes.

7. Please note that these changes are due to the fact that we do not have enough ice time at the moment to offer advanced canskate. We will offer this program again in January when we are working with the new schedule. We will have much more ice time in January as we will be operating out of 2 stadiums, The Robert French Memorial Stadium AND the New CBS Stadium.

8. If you are not able to register for a session because it is full, Please note that we have waitlists for all the sessions offered and you should add your name to the waitlist and we will be keeping a very close eye on which programs are full and will then likely make adjustments in order to accommodate as many skaters as we can.

9. We are excited to offer a new Parent and Tot program on Friday Mornings at 10:00am this fall. This is a program intended for preschoolers who would like their parents to come on the ice with them. Skate Canada does not allow parents on the ice during regular Pre-Canskate or Canskate sessions, however parents are permitted on this new program. The registration fee covers ice time for the parent and the child, however, there is also a Skate Canada insurance fee of $32.65 that must be paid for each the parent and the child. This is a mandatory insurance fee that covers all participants on a yearly basis from September 1 – August 31. Only the parent/guardian who is registered with Skate Canada is allowed on the ice. If you wish to have more than one parent on the ice, you would need to pay the insurance fee for each parent.

10. If you are a StarSkater who is attempting a test in the Region Fall School that will affect the session that you will qualify for, please register for the session that you qualify for at the time of registration, but please note that we will hold a spot for you on that session until the tests have been tried, at that time we will either move you to the correct session or release the space. Waiting to register will likely result in not being able to register due to lack of space.

11. There will be a pay later option when you register which will mean that you will have to pay by cash or cheque. We will NOT be accepting payments by mail. We will have an in- person registration beginning on August 19 at 7:30-9:00pm and again on August 24 from 6:00-8:00pm, where you can make your payment. If payment is not made by the second in person date, your place will be offered to the next person on the waitlist.

12. Our number of StarSkaters has grown a great deal in the last year and n order to accommodate everyone fairly we needed to have more even numbers on the various sessions. Therefore we have slightly lowered the requirements for Gold and Silver so that we could even out the numbers. Silver skaters now require half their preliminary test and Gold skaters require a total of 15 cpc points in competition, as opposed to more than 10 in their technical score. 13. We will be holding an information session for ALL StarSkater Parents on August 24. We highly recommend this session to all parents. Often there is confusion on how the program works and we encourage you to attend. Every year there are changes with levels and there is always new things to learn. This session will be led by the coaches. They will further explain the programs and answer any questions or concerns that you may have. We have scheduled these sessions to coincide with the synchro tryouts. 6:00 – Parents of Gold and Silver Skaters (During Juvenile tryouts) 7:00 – Parents of Bronze and Silver Skaters (During all other team tryouts) *Silver Parents may come to either based on what time works better for you in regards to the above mentioned tryouts as your skater could be trying out for either team.

14. We realize that the schedule is not ideal, however this is beyond our control due to the fact that the new stadium is not opening on time. We have been given the ice time that we have typically had in previous years. We have worked very hard to secure more ice, however it was not possible, so we can only work with what we were awarded. Please know that as soon as the new stadium is open, we will have a much better schedule with more options for everyone.

15. Also please note that we are following the recommendations for each level in regards to the times and frequency with ice time. Skaters at different levels require different amounts of time for training purposes. It is policy by skate Canada that higher level skaters have more ice time per week, as well as longer sessions. Lower level skaters do not need to train more than 3 times per week.

LTAD Ideal Training Load2 Approximate Test Lesson format Level Session On-Ice Off-Ice3 Length of Season

Small group lessons with Pre-Preliminary - STAR 45-60 min sessions; 2- BRONZE some private lessons and 1-3 hrs/wk 20-44 wks/yr Preliminary 5 days/wk individual practice Skate

SILVER Preliminary – Small group lessons with 45-60 min sessions; 1- some private lessons and STAR Jr Bronze 2 sessions/day; 1-4 hrs/wk 20-44 wks/yr; individual practice Skate 2-5 days/wk

Comp 45-60 min sessions; 1-3-8 hrs/wk 44-48 wks/yr Skate 2 sessions/day; 3-5 days/wk;

45-60 min sessions; 1- STAR 2 sessions/day; 3-5 hrs/wk 25-46 wks/yr; Skate 2-5 days/wk Small group, private lesson GOLD Sr Bronze up and individual practice 45-60 min sessions; 2- Comp 3 sessions/day; 4-14 hrs/wk 44-48 wks/yr Skate 4-5 days/wk;

Please see Skate Canada’s long term athlete development plan for more information – http://www.cbsskatingclub.com/sites/files/Skate-Canada-LTAD-Model-EN.pdf

Thank you for your patience and we are looking forward to a new skating year! If you haven’t already done so, check out a new website – same address – cbsskatingclub.com This is where you will register on Wednesday. As always, If you have any questions please ask! Send us an e-mail at [email protected]. We are not in the office until skating starts, therefore no one is there to answer the phone, email is our best way of communication. Looking forward to seeing you all soon, Kristi Dalton, On Behalf of the CBS Skating Club Executive

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