Eastern Trail Maintenance District (Etmd) Request for Proposal (Rfp) For

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Eastern Trail Maintenance District (Etmd) Request for Proposal (Rfp) For

EASTERN TRAIL MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (ETMD) REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) for Preliminary Engineering Services leading to the furnishing of a Preliminary Design Report for the EASTERN TRAIL OLD ORCHARD TO SACO PROJECT (PIN 13340.00)

The Eastern Trail Management District (ETMD) is a quasi-municipal district comprised of 12 member municipalities (from South Portland to Kittery) and the Eastern Trail Alliance (ETA), duly incorporated in the State of Maine to raise, accept and expend financial resources received from municipal, state, federal and private sources for the development, enhancement and maintenance of the Eastern Trail (ET). ETMD was incorporated in 1999 as a 501c(3) organization, and has accomplished significant on-road and off-road trail management projects and activities.

The ET is part of the East Coast Greenway trail system. When completed, the ET will run from Bug Light in South Portland to Kittery. Most of the "off-road" portion of the ET is proposed to be, or presently is, located on the long-abandoned "Eastern Railroad” corridor that formerly ran from Portland to Boston. Large portions of this corridor have been acquired by Unitil from Granite State Gas Transmission Company (GSGT). This corridor has been used as a route for underground natural gas transmission pipelines in Maine. There has been an ongoing working relationship between GSGT and ETMD to allow for the "co-location" of ETMD's trail system within the same corridor used by GSGT for its natural gas transmission system. ETMD is in the process of establishing a working relationship with Unitil similar to that established with GSGT.

Project Scope: The scope of the immediate project is to complete a Preliminary Design Report (PDR) for a new Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility from Cascade Road (Rte. 98) in Old Orchard Beach to the Thornton Academy campus in Saco (Clark Street ); an approximate distance of 3.97 miles. A pedestrian-bicycle bridge over Route 1 shall be included. The design shall follow the route specified in the attached map.

The primary intent of this RFP is to invite qualified design/engineering consulting firms to submit a formal proposal pursuant to the instructions in this solicitation for services as defined above. The PDR shall identify creative, yet practical design concepts that best meet the design criteria set forth in this document, and should include estimated project costs including but not limited to design, construction, right-of-way acquisition, and environmental permitting will be needed.

A pre-proposal meeting will be held at 9:00 am on January 16, 2009 in the Conference Room of Saco City Hall, 300 Main Street. All interested consultants should attend this informational meeting.

D:\Docs\2017-12-16\0758d014aec2f0da03e3d208ffb82b4c.doc Five (5) copies of Proposals must be clearly marked: "Eastern Trail Old Orchard Beach to Saco Preliminary Design Project, PIN #13340.00." Completed proposals must be delivered by 12:00 Noon on February 10, 2009 to:

Bob Hamblen, President, ETMD Saco City Hall 300 Main Street Saco, Maine 04072

Submittals delivered after the deadline will not be considered. All questions shall be e-mailed to ETMD Trail Coordinator Carole Brush, at [email protected] , and must be received by 4:00 p.m. local time on January 30, 2009 in order to assure that any responses or changes can be properly disseminated to all interested parties by 4:00 p.m. on February 5, 2008.


ETMD will administer the project locally in accordance with the MaineDOT's Local Project Administration (LAP) requirements. Project work may begin as soon as an Agreement between the ETMD and selected engineer is approved by the State, and a notice to proceed is given.

Additional information that may be helpful -- the Eastern Trail Engineering Feasibility Study, April 2001 done by Wilbur Smith & Associates, can be viewed at www.easterntrail.org.


The Engineer shall provide preliminary design and engineering for this project. There will also be a final design phase, but that will be considered under a separate RFP. Engineer services shall be in accordance with the MaineDOT project development process and will include, but not be limited to the following:

1. Identification of the project location, design, engineering and cost estimates. The natural gas pipeline will need to be located by Unitil/GSGT and/or pipeline owner at the time of this project and depicted in the design. Drawings must include a confidentiality stamp.

2. Preliminary and Final Design Specifications: The design shall be consistent with MDOT construction requirements and specifications and AASHTO.

3. Public Participation: The consultant shall conduct public participation meetings:

1. The first meeting shall introduce the project and shall seek public concerns and comments on how the project should proceed.

2. The second public meeting shall be held after completion of the preliminary design to obtain feedback about possible impacts and any required mitigation measures. The

D:\Docs\2017-12-16\0758d014aec2f0da03e3d208ffb82b4c.doc consultant shall provide hearing plans for such meetings.

3. Two additional meetings may be necessary depending on developing situations and circumstances, and/or at the request of the ETMD or the MaineDOT.

4. Utility Coordination that meets the requirements of the MaineDOT LPA Program.

5. Construction Cost Estimate.

6. Technical Specifications: Shall be consistent with MDOT and AASHTO construction requirements and specifications. Bridge Alternatives and Trail Alternatives shall be similarly addressed.

7. Submittals: Preparation and submittal of electronic files.

8. Meetings: Attend project team coordination meetings.

9. Progress Reports: Provide monthly progress reports to ETMD Trail Coordinator Carole Brush; P. O. Box 250, Saco, ME 04072; [email protected]; 207-284-9260

10. Relevant Geotechnical Data - Borings at Rte. 1 Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Location.

11. Survey offsets for entire project 40 feet left and right of Centerline and necessary other locations.

12. ROW Mappings.

13. Environmental Considerations: Permitting.

14. PDR and Bid Package.


All proposed trail improvements must be coordinated with the owners of the corridor and proposed trail, including but not limited to the Biddeford and Saco Water Company, Unitil/GSGT, Thornton Academy, City of Saco, Town of Old Orchard, MaineDOT.

AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, latest version.

AASHTO Standard Specification for Highway Bridges, latest version.

State of Maine Department of Transportation Highway Design Guide, Dec 2002.

D:\Docs\2017-12-16\0758d014aec2f0da03e3d208ffb82b4c.doc OTHER ANTICIPATED PROJECT TASKS

• The selected engineer will work under the general direction of the ETMD Trail Coordinator, P.O. Box 250, Saco, ME 04072 (207)284-9260, Fax (207)282-8202 ; [email protected].

• Design shall be consistent with MDOT construction requirements and specifications.

• Submit 10 copies of the preliminary design report to Bob Hamblen, President ETMD, 300 Main Street, Saco, ME 04072. A PDF of the preliminary design report shall be submitted at the same time to [email protected].


The proposals shall include as a minimum, the following information:

• Transmittal Letter: A brief letter summarizing project team's qualifications, project understanding and project approach.

• Company profile: Firm size, qualifications and services.

• Project Team: Names of project manager and relevant team members that will be assigned to this project with their capabilities and experience with similar projects.

• Project Approach: Outline of scope of work and approach with estimated timeline. The consultant should provide a schedule of deliverables including milestones for submittal for review and approval. Also the proposed dates for project coordination meetings.

• Project Administration: Any experience with MDOT Local Project Administration (LPA), Federal, State, and Local requirements and your approach to meeting those requirements.

• Workload Capacity: Firm's workload and capacity to perform the work on a reasonable schedule. ETMD desires that the Consultant have sufficient resources to get this project responsibly completed as soon as possible so that a RFP can be solicited for final design and engineering work.

• References: Names, addresses (including e-mail), and telephone numbers of representatives of current or recent clients familiar with the work your firm and project team (three suggested). Include a Contact Person and telephone number for each reference.

Sealed Proposals: Provide a sealed proposal in a separate envelope. Include as a minimum: (1.) Cost Plus Fixed Fee broken down per discipline/person as follows: Direct Labor Costs, Overhead Costs, Profit, and Direct Expenses

D:\Docs\2017-12-16\0758d014aec2f0da03e3d208ffb82b4c.doc Person Hour Assignments: Total work hours that project manager and relevant team members will spend on the project, preferably in tabular form.

All costs shall be in accordance with the Maine Department of Transportation Policy on reimbursement of consultant salary and overhead caps. This policy applies to all direct and indirect costs. For details, see www/maine.gov/mdot/contractor-consultant- informatino/contractor-cons.php.

Additional Data: Provide any additional data you consider essential to the submittal.


The proposal review team will include but not be limited to ETMD President, ETMD Project Coordinator, ETA President, MaineDOT representative, and an Engineering Representative from Unitil/GSGT. The following guidelines will be used when reviewing and ranking the Engineer submittals:

1. Project team qualifications and relevant experience with similar projects and LAP's 15 Pts 2. Company experience with similar projects 20Pts 3. Approach to Project Scope 25 Pts 4. Reference's satisfaction with quality, timeliness and budget management 20 Pts 5. Availability and ability to meet schedule 20 Pts Total Possible Points 100 Pts

Engineers with top ranking proposals may be selected for an interview. The proposal from the selected consultant will be subject to contract negotiation for the services if the Selection Committee finds everything satisfactory and within budget funding. If an acceptable contract cannot be negotiated with the finalist, the second ranking Engineer will be contacted.

A final selection is expected to be made no later than March 6, 2009. Following final selection, the parties shall execute a contract based on this RFP, the MDOT/ ETMD Project Agreement, and any applicable requirements of ETMD. Project work under this proposal may not begin until the ETMD/MDOT and the successful Consultant execute a Contract and the ETMD receives notice from MDOT that the federal and state funds have been appropriated and are available.


MDOT General Contract Provisions: The Engineer shall ensure Engineer and Contractor compliance with the required contract provisions for federally-funded contracts contained in the current revision of State of Maine Department of Transportation's Consultant General Conditions and related Supplement to these Consultant General Conditions. The Consultant General Conditions may be found at http.7/www.state.me.us/mdot/contractor-consultant-

D:\Docs\2017-12-16\0758d014aec2f0da03e3d208ffb82b4c.doc information/contractorcons.php.

Certified DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise) Certified DBE's are encouraged to apply as the prime or subcontracting Engineer for this work. Non-DBE Consultants shall ensure that DBE's, have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of the Contract. The Department has established a current annual aspiration effort for DBE utilization of 4.5%. Firms certified by another state's transportation agency must be certified by Maine DOT. More information may be found about Maine DOT's "Certified Disadvantaged and Women Business Enterprise" directory at: http://www.state.me.us/mdot/disadvantaged-business-enterprises/dbe-home.php The completed form must be submitted with the proposal.

Indemnification and Insurance: The selected engineer shall agree to indemnify and hold the ETMD harmless from claims, demands, suits, causes of action and judgments arising from the Engineer's performance, including claims of professional malpractice or negligence.

ETMD reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.

QUESTIONS: Any questions or comments concerning this RFP or the project shall be directed only to ETMD, Carole Brush, Trail Coordinator, P.O. Box 250, Saco, ME 04072; [email protected]; 207-284-9260.


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