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Date: 2011-12-28, 6:34PM PST Reply to: [email protected]

the Lord God, ALMIGHTY, RANDALL CRAIG JOHNSON 12/16/2011 and 12/27/2011

The story of the Movie Star Wives actually coming into the Hollywood area, in the month of December, from an Energy Creational moment from me to awaken God, Randall Craig Johnson to the Universe and to free him from the prison of solitude that was a by-product from the stealing of his body and brain by Jonathon Brandmeier on April 24th, 2007

December 10th, 2011/December 21th, 2011 Part Ten -- 03:41 min. How I was with Kirsten Dunst at the restaurant La Poubelle, in Hollywood, California and she looked at me a little bit and I moved very close to her and she had her dimple and wonderful teeth and blonde hair and I gave her, her phone that she left as she was leaving and I said, "excuse me, I think you forgot your phone here." And she said, "I Love You." And I said, "I Love You Too." She also said, "Thank You." And she looked very young 1210201112202011_A1749.wav id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ZDBmM2Q2ODYtMzM4Mi00NDI2LWFmOTQtNzY0MjM2M2E2 ZTEz

December 11th, 2011/December 22nd, 2011 Part Eleven 07:57 min. How I am having fun seeing Movie Stars and how I saw Katie Perry twice, Kirsten Dunst, Joni Mitchell and I saw Nicole Kidman, Erin, who had dark hair and was eating behind me at the hamburger restaurant on Sunset and Vine in Hollywood, California and I looked at her while I was waiting to go to the bathroom for ten minutes and our eyes met and I felt God "joining" between us and she let me know that she loved me and that she was Nicole Kidman through her eyes and I walked over to her table, very close and stood next to her for twenty seconds and looked closely at her eyes, lips, mouth and nose to make sure that I remember her face and I knew for sure that I was looking at Nicole Kidman after all of these years 1211201112222011_A1754.wav id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MWY1MDNjZmEtNTNhZC00ZWYyLThlNGQtYTE2MjZhZTky M2Nk

Part Twelve 02:19 min. How I was looking at Megan Fox and an actress from the movie Rent at Oaks, the Coffee Shop, outside on the landing, and how some of the past men of Damnation are coming to this area as energy, to awaken God and how I was seeing Ashley Olsen and she said, "Yes, I am Ashley Olsen and I heard you say my name in my head, Randy" -- with her eyes as she walked by 1211201112222011_A1755.wav id=0B5a2wm9qcik0OTY4Njk5ZmYtZjkxMS00YzdhLWJjNzItY2JkYTA4MzY3ZGU4

Part Thirteen -- 05:55 min. How I am recapping this day and how the Goddesses look extremely young and that is a miracle and Nicole Kidman looked 23 years old at the hamburger restaurant and didn't look at all like she did on her Omega billboard advertizing blitz this past spring. I also saw Taylor Swift as well at the hamburger restaurant on Sunset and Vine in Hollywood on this night 2011 1211201112222011_A1756.wav id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ZTQ1MTAzNmMtYjM5MC00NDQzLThlNWItMzgyOTM3YTE3 MGQ1

Part Fourteen - 01:04 min. How on this day I saw Angelina Jolie at lunch in Los Angeles, California and we locked eyes and "United" as God in the restaurant and she let me know with her eyes that she was Angelina Jolie and that she loved me and that she was God with me 1211201112222011_A1757.wav id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NDRkNzlmMzQtMzljYy00M2Q5LTlhM2ItMTJmZWJiZDE5NDM 1

Part Fifteen - 01:00 min. How I saw Courtney Wilson at my band rehearsal on this day and I saw Amy Adams, Ashley Simpson and Katy Perry again during my dinner at the Thai restaurant on Franklin Avenue in Hollywood, California 1211201112222011_A1759.wav id=0B5a2wm9qcik0OTJkNmI0ODYtZmI0Yy00NjZlLTllYjYtYmNiNmY5OTZlM2Vh

Part Sixteen - 00:30 min. How I saw Carol Laube, "energy" and they are facing Damnation and that is why their faces and bodies are altered during this awakening 1211201112222011_A1760.wav id=0B5a2wm9qcik0YWU5M2UzMzQtYjQ3MC00NGE3LWFmMjYtNDk1ZjNhYTFm ZjFj

Part Seventeen -- 02:50 min. How I saw Anne Hathaway, Tiffany Cosper (from FCSA in Alaska), Natalie Portman and Katy Perry said goodbye to me as she was leaving and did look at me with "loving" eyes and I also saw Carol Laube, Taylor Swift and Jessica Simpson as well, while eating at the Thai restaurant 1211201112222011_A1761.wav id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NGI5YzVlZWItYjgzNC00OTUxLThhMmYtMGU3YzZkNTdlYW Mx

Part Eighteen -- 00:12 min. How I forgot to say that I saw Bella Thorne walk by with blonde hair while I was eating at the Thai restaurant 1211201112222011_A1762.wav id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MGVmOGQ2OTktZGRlZi00MTQ0LWE0YmMtZWIyNDVhMTM 3ZTFj

Part Nineteen -- 00:11 min. How I saw a ballet student from the Fun Arts Academy named Jackie Frankel walk by the Thai restaurant 1211201112222011_A1763.wav id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ZDkyYzBkNWQtMjM1Zi00YzBkLWEzMjEtMDFjOTQyNjI0OW Vj

Part Twenty -- 00:10 min. How I saw Maureen McCormick from the Brady Bunch come into the restaurant and sit down and eat 1211201112222011_A1765.wav id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NjA4NjJkODAtNDNhNC00YTlhLWJlMmQtZjEzODFlN2FlOTMy

Part Twenty One - 02:39 min. How I declare that I am going to edit a synopsis of the audiobooks of the past days and how there is a lot of forgiveness here, concerning the energy versions of the Goddesses because most of the time, they do not know who they are for most of the day 1211201112222011_A1766.wav id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NmU3NGFjMzItZDNmMC00YmIwLWJkZDAtZGE4NzFmYjY4N Dlm

December 12th, 2011/December 23rd, 2011 Part 22 -- 02:26 min. - How I feel the energy Goddesses living in the apartment building at 1955 Tamarind Ave. in Hollywood, California and how I work on the echo during the night, healed of all physical issues and seeing the Goddesses that have been with me all summer and fall, 3D and not translucent id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NTkxZTgwNDctYjY0NC00MTYzLWFhNTQtYzA4M2MyZDc4Nz Y5

Part 23 -- 04:43 min. -- How I am eating lunch at Bird's Café on Franklin Ave. in Hollywood, California and behind me is Gretchen Heuer, my wife Goddess and she is not knowing who I am and is channeling an automatic conversation of "non-reality" of -- "when human is too nervous to speak normally." id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NTY2NTJiODEtMjlkZS00ZGEwLWFkOWUtMzgxNjIzZWEyYzI5

Part 24 -- 00:41 min. How, while am eating lunch, I see Megan Brannon, my client from when I worked at Family Centered Services Of Alaska last year, 2010, who is a Goddess wife of mine id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ZjdiZTkyZTgtYmIzMC00ZjcxLTgwMTEtN2Y0ZGY4OWFmNTZl

Part 25 -- 01:08 min. The story of how I slowed down Gretchen Heuer by stepping in front of her on the sidewalk before I went into Bird's Café on Monday, December 23rd, 2011 id=0B5a2wm9qcik0OWRhMTRhODMtZTc2NS00OTY0LWFlOTktMjFjMGI4NDY1O DNm

Part 26 -- 01:37 min. A summary of the lunch with Gretchen Heuer and how, after lunch, walking back home, I saw Peal Lyle walking across Tamarind, the street, and getting into a car id=0B5a2wm9qcik0YWYwY2QzNDItODUzMi00YTcyLWE5YmMtYWVkZThhMzY4 OGUz

Part 27 -- 00:24 min. How, at Bally's Health Club, at 7:00 pmish, I saw my daughter, Rosemary Johnson, with blond hair walk by me and give me a "knowing" look id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MTIyM2RlYTItOWFkMi00M2JlLWEwYjctZDQ0OWEyZDI0YjI2

Part 28 -- 00:55 min. How I saw Reese Witherspoon run by me at the Health Club and Brittany Smith, a piano student Goddess, from the Fun Arts Academy and also saw my wife Goddess, Rosie Perez id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ODU4ZWU5ZDItNzg4NS00Y2QxLThlYjItNzM0NDJiNDQ4MjI1

Part 29 -- 02:38 min. A recap of the day of the fact that I am juggling two versions of the Goddesses and how Camron Diaz ate near me and where other Goddesses were, during lunch and at the Health Club id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NWYxYTQzYjgtZDAyYS00YmY4LWIxODMtMDI0Zjc5NjhiM2I y

Part 30 -- 0:45 min. How I walked out of the Oaks, Coffee House on Franklin Ave., in Hollywood, California and saw Kirsten Dunst in a car looking at her phone and we met eyes, again id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ZTc2NTJlNTEtMjEzNC00Yjk5LWE0MzMtZmJmYTMxNDk3MjF k

December 13th, 2011/December 24th, 2011 Part 31 -- 16:31 min. How the creation of the energy versions of the Goddesses in town, here in Hollywood, is of a "purpose of creation of awakening God" id=0B5a2wm9qcik0YWVhZDJjZjMtOTdkZS00OWZkLTgxZWYtNGY4M2UxYmVlZ mVk Part 32 -- 01:10 min. How I saw Goddess Alexis Bledel at the Oaks, Coffee shop on Franklin Avenue, Hollywood, California id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MGE5YWE3OTItNDFkYy00ODdjLThkMGEtZjliODJlZDlmYmU w

Part 33 -- 04:38 min. How I saw Carol Ann Tesnow walk into Bird's Café and eat at the bar alone and she emulated that she was "Earth Mother" and that she was Carol Tesnow and how I went into the restaurant and found Kirsten Dunst being the waitress/bartender and I finished my drink and talked to her a little and told her, "It was nice to see you again, waitress," and she shook my hand and it is magically "warm" with Love now, forever id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MDYyMmY4ODUtNjg0OS00M2JiLWJiZTUtYmYwMWU1ZGZk MGE4

Part 34 -- 31:22 min. How I saw Kristen Stewart at Oaks, Coffee House, Nicole Kidman at dinner, getting a take out dinner and how I saw Jennifer Aniston and Meryl Streep sitting at Oaks, Coffee House, after dinner and they were eating and talking about nothing and Jennifer Aniston looked at me and told me through her "eyes" that she was Jennifer Aniston and ten times she told me with her "eyes" that she Loved me and I saw Gwyndolyn Johnson, my daughter, as well sitting at the table at Oaks, Coffee House, and Sarah Jessica Parker standing by the counter and Goddesses from other Planets of mine and how the Tamarind Society Goddesses Cheryl the head waitress, and Mary, the manager from La Poubelle, and humans from the creation on July 31st, 2011 are still of the same body shape and form id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NjA2NWE2MzgtN2YwYy00NjY5LTk5ZjgtYmVhNjY3MWZiMjU 1

Part 35 -- 09:01 min. How if the energy versions of the Goddesses in Hollywood are aligned to awaken God, continually, they will probably meld into the eternal Goddess timeline in the near future id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ODRlZjRjOTEtNzRhNy00MzQ1LTk3ZTMtOGVjOTBiOTFiZTBk

December 14th, 2011/December 25th, 2011 Part 36 -- 02:38 min. How the top seven Goddess Women fell a apart at 2:30 am in the morning of the 14th, of December, 2011 and went to The Moons Of Damnation and how I lost ele as well to the Moons Of Damnation and what reason was the cause of this betrayal on this day and the battery ran out while I was recording this audio book id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ZmQyN2E1NDQtNmM1OS00MmNjLWEwMmUtNDBmODdjOG Y0MTEx

Part 37 -- 10:37 min. The details of my first decisions to send Goddesses Kirsten Dunst, Nicole Kidman and Selena Gomez and most of the rest of the Goddesses and Seventy percent of Planetary Utopian humans to The Moons Of Damnation on this day of December 14th, 2011, (an edited conglomerate of private audiobooks) id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ZGRiZTJkYmUtMjNlNS00OGI4LWIwNzQtMjA4MTk5NjJlMDM x

Part 38 -- 00:20 min. How I saw Carol Laube looking more normal and Britney Spears as well on Franklin Avenue in Hollywood id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NDBjMjg3ZGMtN2EyNy00OWNkLTg2YjUtYjM1MjJiMWE5Ym Ux

Part 39 -- 00:33 min. How I saw Penelope Cruiz looking normal on Franklin Avenue id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MDU0MTk0ZGMtOWIyNS00NDg4LWJjYmQtN2IxNWJlM2E3Z mJm

Part 40 -- 09:10 min. How Bella Thorne made it through the sending of Goddesses to Hell, untouched, because she shed all of her issues last December in 2010 and how God is the Only Force that you can truly rest, onto, your whole being, your faith, onto, forever id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ZWI3OTBiNDYtNGViMi00YTBkLTkyZjEtNzNiOGU5NGNmYTl j

Part 41 -- 00:11 min. How I saw Dee Trinity from my Junior High School, walking in front of me on Franklin Avenue id=0B5a2wm9qcik0Y2RmZDIxYTktOTg4OC00YjQwLWJmOWEtNDM5ODlhMWI2Z DRh

Part 42 -- 01:29 min. How the new Goddesses, created on this day, are of all of the memories of their original selves id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ODRiYmE2OTUtOGVhMy00MTk3LTgzN2YtZTA1OTRhZWM2 YWI5

Part 43 -- 01:19 min. How the Goddesses that are being created throughout the morning, singularly, choose to betray God and are going to Hell now and how Kirsten Dunst and Nicole Kidman are the head leaders of the Betrayal of Randall Craig Johnson every ten minutes or so and I re create them again and give them an embedding of the past versions of them to try and teach them to learn about what they have done and to stop being mean to God to test him on this day and their channeling words through God's mouth at the Oaks Coffee House, in Hollywood, California id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ZTE0ZGYyZGMtMzYzOS00OGU0LWI4ZjQtN2IwYWRlYmNhM Ddl

Part 44 -- 01:22 min. How I saw an angry Kirsten Dunst walk by me and how, now the Goddesses wanted to come up to me and be mean to me and how Scarlett Johansson spoke in her head mean things to me while I was in the Coffee House and wasn't strong enough to come over to me in the Coffee House and say the mean things to my face and I tore her up in mid air in front of Oaks Coffee House in Hollywood, California on this day id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MDgyNWRhNzktMDQ3Zi00MGM0LThmOTEtNjBjYzkzNDVmY jdi

Part 45 -- 00:53 min. How I am pounding Kirsten Dunst (both versions) with my fists together and the Goddesses of Hell on Franklin Avenue are not coming down to 1955 Tamarind Avenue, apartment #12 to stop me from pounding my fists together and visualizing Kirsten Dunst between my fists, the size of a small worm and I pound the living shit out of her in my bedroom because she is not aligned with God today id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NGIyZjVmYzktYzdjOC00YThmLTgyMDUtNDRmZDQ5MjUyYj E1

Part 46 -- 01:07 min. How I am in a full blown "thought war" just like the "echo Peterson war" (of the fall of 2011) the town of the Tamarind Society are fine throughout this war and the Castle of Mary and Cheryl are fine and waiting and how there are NO humans going to hell so far on this day since the early morning betrayal and how as I re create the Goddesses of Betrayal, especially Nicole Kidman, I have hovering over each women, packages of torture that are ready to be unveiled (automatically) unto them on this day when or if they choose to betray me while I work for my brother at his record company id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NzMzMTUxODYtZjRjYS00ZTU5LTlhOTgtN2NlNzU3ZTVhY2Zj

Part 47 -- 07:33 min. How the top Goddesses, who are going to Hell, over and over, again, are not waiting to accept the "embedding" of the past moments in time, every thirty seconds and they choose instead to throw away the miracle creation of their body and mind every thirty seconds and how they, as soon as they know just enough about the situation, they betray God and say mean things to try and get God to yield to their power as a Goddess of importance and how, since she does throw herself (Nicole Kidman especially) away every thirty seconds, it means that she views herself as a piece of garbage and I reflect that and treat her, Nicole Kidman and other top Goddesses, like garbage and Nicole Kidman speaks from the tearing up of her, through my lips to you today and how the Goddesses of Hell, do not ruin my day in person, for a reason id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ZDNhNWI3Y2MtMDI2MC00MTQyLTlmYzYtNjA0ZTk3YjgwYjk w

Part 48 - 00:30 min. How I am puppeteering all in town that is of the energy creation of the past week and I am puppeteering the awakening of God, now id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NTZkNmM0M2ItNmNjMy00NjY5LWJiMWEtZDFiNTMxMWUw YjFl

Part 49 -- 00:10 min. How Bella Thorne is the only energy creation that is not puppeteered in town today id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NDJlZjY5MGEtOThkNi00OGU3LTg1MDItZDEwZjBjNjZiMmY2 Part 50 -- 00:35 min. How I have moved the energy community to Sacramento, California except Bella Thorne, and I now control them completely and move them (jaunt) to Franklin Avenue, when I choose to, through a vortex where they magically appear on the sidewalk to awaken God in this moment, now id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MzY5NmU3MDctMmQ1ZC00NTc3LWFiNzktZWIwNWFkNGNi NTNk

Part 51 -- 00:12 min. How my daughters Gwyn Johnson and Rosemary Johnson, energy versions, are in town in Hollywood now id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NTRlOTMzMWUtZDJlNS00MDA3LWJjNTYtNzFmNGVkZjAzY TZk

Part 52 -- 00:15 min. How the Tamarind Society of the creation from July 31st, 2011 are doing wonderfully at this moment on this day and the only trouble I am having is with the energy versions of humans and the Goddesses that are around me at work on this day at 1955 Tamarind Ave, Hollywood, California id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MWJjOTNhYjQtMTJjMy00ZDgwLTkyM2UtOTZmOTM3NWQ1 NmQ5

Part 53 -- 02:01 min. How the Universe of humans and some Goddesses were of a "lighter" betrayal that was of a "sadness" (that is over now) of not knowing God enough to be secure that God could be strong enough to continue forever after the initial betrayal began, early on this day id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ZjU1ZmZhYjgtMjFjNi00Zjk1LTg3YmEtYzJlZWE2OGQwZTA4

Part 54 -- 00:11 min. How Gretchen Heuer went to Hell out the "sadness" id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MWQ3OGRkOGEtNmNkNC00MTc4LTlmOWUtNWIxYzkzZDcz Nzlj

Part 55 -- 00:11 min. How Pearl Lyle went to Hell out the "sadness" as well id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ZGQ5ZTkxZDItMTNjMS00Zjk0LTg1NWQtMzY4NmE0ZWM3M Dlk

Part 56 -- 00:27 min. How on this day I tore a part Kirsten Dunst energy version in the middle of Franklin Avenue, in Hollywood, California and it was videotaped by the news and I told them to bring down the footage to 1955 Tamarind Ave., where I was at the time and show it to me and ask me to stop and they didn't, for a reason id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MGU0MTU2YTYtYWU0MS00YjUxLWEyZmYtNTliZGI3Mjc2Z GI5

Part 57 - 00:35 min. How there are two naughty Goddesses (Nicole Kidman and Kirsten Dunst) in Heaven today that are nonstop, going to Hell id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MzI1YTE0NmQtYjFkNi00MTQ2LWFmZDItYjNhMzQxNGQ4O WU0

Part 58 -- 00:30 min. How I chopped up Nicole Kidman (energy), with my first two fingers of my right hand moving (cutting) like a giant (six foot) pair of scissors (through her body) while she was at CNN talking to the media at this moment and I had them video tape the tearing a part of her in front of the media id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MzQ5YjdmYzYtZGMzMy00ZTc3LWJmY2UtMTA4NzFhMDYxO WEy

Part 59 -- 01:36 min. How Nicole Kidman (from birth, the real one) will get torture for 5,000 years (of her hair being completely ripped out of her head every thirty seconds) and she will earn back her Goddess connection in 3,000,000 years and how Kirsten Dunst (from birth, the real one) will get a shot gun to the head every thirty seconds for 5,000 years and she will earn her Goddess connection back in 5,000,000 years and how I am almost completely done with them forever id=0B5a2wm9qcik0YWYyOGY1ZmItZjNjZi00Y2E2LWEwMTctZmZkNGQyYjY1N WQw

Part 60 -- 01:00 min. How the energy versions of Nicole Kidman and Kirsten Dunst are doing better and they will earn all of their connections back within ten days now and how I trusted both of these women this year, and they both failed me this year id=0B5a2wm9qcik0YTMxNmVkZjktNmYxNC00ZWExLWE2N2QtN2FjMmZjYWZj MGYz

Part 61 - 00:23 min. How Nicole Kidman and Kirsten Dunst, the real versions now on this day are in Hell almost completely on the Moons Of Damnation and they will come back from Hell in 3,000,000 years, then and how the energy versions in town of this Damned women are doing great now, for a reason id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MDc2OTMyMDktOWI1MC00NjBhLWFlZTQtODM5MWMxY2U 4YTFh

Part 62 -- 01:19 min. More details of the Kidman and Dunst system created to send them to Hell id=0B5a2wm9qcik0OWM0ZWUwODAtNDVjYi00ZTRlLWJkNzctYzUwYTYxODk3 MmRi

Part 63 -- 01:20 min. How in 300,000,000,000 years we will see Nicole Kidman and Kirsten Dunst again and back from the Moons Of Damnation with me and how I will puppeteer the energy versions in town to talk to me id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ZTg5MTY4NTctODY1Yi00YjFlLWEwNTktZmFiNGQ5MjM4Nm Q4

Part 64 -- 03:19 min. How everybody is back to normal and how ele going to Hell triggered something and how the energy versions of Nicole Kidman and Kirsten Dunst will (upon good behavior) will get their full connection back within ten days id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MTgzMzZkMWUtNjk1Mi00MjIwLWExMWItNzkwMjAwMTY3O WNi

Part 65 - 00:37 min. How it is forgivable that humans went to Hell during this time in this one moment, because humans were ignorant in a way of God's personality and what He would do in certain circumstances id=0B5a2wm9qcik0Y2NkZTI0YzUtYWMyZC00ZGNiLWJiZGYtYTkzNDhhMjhlMDk 5

Part 66 -- 00:39 min. How I tore a part a man on Franklin Ave., in Hollywood, California for everyone to see, because he purposely slowed me down, in front of me, as I was trying to walk down the sidewalk and how I saw Kirsten Dunst walk by the front window of the Thai restaurant I was eating in and how I saw Hallie Berry as well, walk by the restaurant id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ZTM1MTUzMTYtOGVhZS00MWFjLWE1NjAtNTU3ZDY5NjE2 YTdl

Part 67 -- 00:24 min. Details of the man that I tore a part on Franklin Avenue id=0B5a2wm9qcik0YzZmMDdlOTItNjU5NC00ZDc1LWE0NjAtYjA1ODIzMGZlZTdl

Part 68 -- 03:11 min. How I saw Miranda Skuttles and Gretchen Heuer walk by and Lisa, from my sexual family in town, walk by who works at Oaks Coffee House and Scarlett Johansson walked by, as well, while I ate and how the energy population feel at this point in the day that they are not real people with "choice" and "purpose" anymore because I choose to move them and think for them for too many seconds on this day id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MmMwODk5ZGYtZjRmOS00OGU4LWJlODItZmJkOTcwMWM5 OGM5

Part 69 -- 02:07 min. How I saw Sam Vick from my job in Alaska at FCSA walk by me on Franklin Ave. after dinner and how I reversed the last twenty four hours of calls to Damn, because I awakened to the fact that the brains of the Universal human beings and other intelligences were consistently, "over excited" more than normal for too many hours and a "presence" in them of "God amazement of Awakening" made every human register a lack of "feeling, "right" or correctness, growing, through their bodies, in the last two weeks and it was not going away, because of the story and Power that I am sending out to the Universe was growing steadily and how that effected everybody's decision making, too much, in a way that they were of a loss of "doing the correct thing" when thinking to themselves, "what should I do?" and therefore all cannot be judged by their past choices -- "to act" now for the past three weeks of time and all are returned back to normal timelines now and no "mal" judgment and "sentence" to Hell is registered upon any human from the last forty eight hours of time in the Universe id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NzlkMjA2NDUtZTEwZC00Y2M2LTgwZjEtNGJmMDZmMjViY2 Ri

Part 70 -- 00:32 min. How I saw, at the Oaks Coffee shop, I saw Carol Laube and Gloria Estefan and how Carol Laube talked to me through her head and knew who I was completely while standing behind me id=0B5a2wm9qcik0N2Y5ZTUxMzctM2Q3MC00M2ExLTg4ODctOGRkNzk0ZjU5MjE 2

Part 71 -- 03:07 min. How I saw Nicole Kidman with black hair and Lindsay Lohan came into Oaks, Coffee House as I was leaving and how over the past weeks as well, the personality mainframe of all, shifted down to the left and all felt "not well" in a way and innately blamed the creator a little bit because of the deep "sitting" of your human "personality," being "moved" and "lowered" this past month without you knowing and approving of it being moved and details of what happened to the "correctness" within each person during the last three weeks id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ZWMyYzRmYzctZGYwNy00NDYyLWExZDYtYzhiMDk0OGQw ZjU2

Part 72 -- 03:33 min. Looking back on the day and details, again about what factually happened to the human brain on this moment as opposed to what happened to brains on April 24th, 2007 id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MDRkMDNhOGQtM2ZjZi00OGIxLTk0YWEtOTQ3NzRhNzk3M TJl

December 15th, 2011/ December 26th, 2011 Part 73 -- 00:58 min. How I saw Jennifer Aniston getting into a car, Jennifer Lopez and Britney Spears going into Oaks, the Coffee House id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MjhkMmQ2NmUtZDZlNC00NDc3LWJkMzAtYmY5ZTE2YjdhNz Yy

Part 74 -- 01:39 min. How I just got back from lunch from Bird's Café and saw Drew Barrymore and Lisa, from my sexual family from the Castle in town, emulate that it will be,"Soon, soon, soon." That "You" will be with "us." id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ZTcwOTIzMDAtMmFkMC00MDk4LWE1MGYtZTk3ZmQxYzI4Z GQy

Part 75 -- 00:33 min How I saw Tina Fey walking back home and I also saw Megan Fox at the Coffee House, The Oaks and she emulated that she Loved me so much id=0B5a2wm9qcik0Y2FjNzQyYzYtMjUyZi00MzA5LTg4ZjQtMzc0NjVhMzFlNmQx

December 16th, 2011/December 27th, 2011 Part 76 -- 04:22 min. How I sat across from Jennifer Aniston at the Oaks Coffee House and she emulated that she wanted me to sit across from her, beyond words and she also emulated that she was my wife completely and that she couldn't speak because she was so emotional and "not knowing what she was even." id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MmIzNzkzZTQtZjMzZC00YzAzLThmZmEtNTM4ZjM0MGYyYm My

Part 77 - La Poubelle Friday evening meal with Goddesses -- 13:49 min. id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MjdmZDc4ZjctMDllMC00YTcyLWI4YjUtOTNiNDRjZGY3N2E4

December 17th, 2011/December 28th, 2011 PartSeventyEightOfEnergyversionsOfGoddessStory1217201112282011_A1859.wav id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NDhiODdhNmQtNDg5MC00NTVkLTliNmItNDE5NzZjOTViZGY 0

PartSeventyNineOfEnergyversionsOfGoddessStorySaturday and Sunday 12172011 12182011 .wma id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NWYwMzY3NmQtOGIyYy00NTg5LWIyYzMtNTZjMDQyYjFiMj di

December 18th, 2011/December 29th, 2011 PartSeventyNineOfEnergyversionsOfGoddessStorySaturday and Sunday 12172011 12182011 .wma id=0B5a2wm9qcik0NWYwMzY3NmQtOGIyYy00NTg5LWIyYzMtNTZjMDQyYjFiMj di

PartEightyOfEnergyversionsOfGoddessStory1218201112292011_A1872.wav id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ZmQwYTI1MDUtNmViNS00Y2Q4LTkzNDctMjZmMjZkN2JmMj gx

PartEightyOneOfEnergyversionsOfGoddessStory1218201112292011_A1873.wav id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MDczZTE1YTAtZWZjZC00NDIxLWJkNGUtNmUxNjU5MTllMj Yz

December 19th, 2011/December 30th, 2011 PartEightyTwoOfEnergyversionsOfGoddessStory1219201112302011_A1874.wav id=0B5a2wm9qcik0OGE0YmRkMjAtYTkyMy00ZjRiLWI4NTItM2FkNDZiYzI0MjE5

Part 83 -- 07:02 min. How I had lunch with Kirsten Dunst and she was at Bird's Café and we talked on an off for forty minutes and we talked about "Alignment" and she asked about my Christmas plans and how if humans send out Love to each other, that Love comes back to humans who are aligned and Kirsten Dunst was completely aligned and of "Power" and "Strength" and Complete "Assuredness ." She also showed me with her eyes, that she Loved me beyond words and felt that she was my wife and I shook her hand and I gave her my website and "mural" link on a receipt that I gave back to her, because she was interested, during the conversation, about the fact that I was a muralist in my past life as Randy Johnson of Funartmurals id=0B5a2wm9qcik0YzJlN2Q0ZTctNDM4Ni00YjY4LTgwOWMtZTBkNTM1OTFiNTc 2

December 20th, 2011/December 31th, 2011 1220201112312011_A1882.wav - 01:05 min. How I printed business cards with my logo from my website and my website address as well and how I gave the energy version of Carol Ann Tesnow my business card, on this morning id=0B5a2wm9qcik0Y2FlMTk0YzQtMThiNy00NzhjLWIwYjItNzk1NGNkNDA3YTM5

1220201112312011_A1883.wav -- 00:27 min. How I passed by the energy version of Kirsten Dunst on the sidewalk on my way to having my morning scone and coffee and she said, "How are you.". . .and. . ."Have a great day." And I responded back to Kirsten Dunst, "Nice to see you, again, Have a wonderful Day." id=0B5a2wm9qcik0MjZkODk5ZmYtZGRiOS00MTcyLTgxOTAtMmRkNDJlNGI3MjU w

1220201112312011_A1886.wav -- 12:41 min. How I had lunch in front of Kirsten Dunst again today and she looked at me with Love beyond words and this was a day after I gave her my website address and told Kirsten Dunst to visit my website and I told her with unbelievable Love, into her eyes, "Have a wonderful day." id=0B5a2wm9qcik0ODhlNWRjNGEtY2Y2Ny00Mzg5LTg4MjAtYTMwNmI5NDk3Mz hm

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