Name: ______Date: ______Biology

Take Home Test: Part I


This take home test has been provided to:  Improve student’s overall grade for the 4th nine weeks  Improve students’ conceptual understanding of concepts previously taught (a comprehensive review).

Please Note: -The instructor is giving all students a chance to pull up less-than-impressive grades or compensate for any missing assignments. -Take-home exams are traditionally harder than many in-class exams. -Take-home exams are graded on a less lenient grading scale. -Students must follow the Honor Code of Glenn High School when completing exam.

Rules of the exam: NO PLAGIARIZING. Teachers have the ability to screen/scan your work for evidence of copying/pasting, plagiarizing. This is not acceptable at any educational institution and will result in a failing grade and administrative consequences.

Exams must be submitted electronically to Edmodo NO LATER THAN ______@ 11:59pm. Any exams received after that time will receive a late-charge of minus 15 points (-15) per diem.

No collaboration (this is cheating). Receipt of identical answers on multiple exams will result in a failing grade.

To receive full credit for each question; answers must be complete, clear, organized, and demonstrate full understanding of concept. Partial answers receive partial credit.

The Cell 1. Summarize the structure and function of organelles in eukaryotic cells and ways that these organelles interact with each other to perform the function of the cell (must include: the nucleus, plasma membrane, cell wall, mitochondria, vacuoles, chloroplasts ribosomes, golgi apparatus, rough and smooth ER, and the nucleolus). 2. Compare and contrast the differences and similarities between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; and their degree of complexity. 3. Compare and contrast the plasma membrane and the cell wall. In which type of cells do you find the cell wall? Why do you think these types of cells require extra protection? 4. Describe the location of DNA in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. 5. What are stem cells? What are embryonic stem cells? Give 3 reasons why doctors prefer embryonic stem cells to older stem cells. What are the benefits of using stem cells in medicine? 6. Explain how stem cells become specialized cells. What is the process called when stem cells become specialized cells? 7. Unicellular organisms are not as complex as multicellular organisms: describe the structure and functions of the following organelles that unicellular organisms use to function: contractile vacuoles, cilia, flagella, pseudopods, and eyespots. 8. Draw (or find a picture) of the following Protists/Unicellular eukaryotes: a. Amoeba b. Paramecium c. Euglena 9. Explain: chemotaxis and phototaxis. Which of the protists (amoeba, paramecium, euglena) use these processes?

For questions 10 & 11 explain the function, shape and characteristics of the different specialized cells. 10. Nerve cells, muscle cells, blood cells, sperm cells. 11. Can cell differentiation/specialization be reversed? 12. Where do stem cells receive their instructions for specialization? 13. Which cellular component regulates and maintains homeostasis? What is homeostasis? 14. Describe the structure of the plasma membrane. 15. Compare passive transport to active transport. Why are both necessary for homeostasis within the cell? 16. Describe the following types of passive transport in full detail: simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and osmosis {hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solution}. 17. Explain the roles of channel proteins and carrier proteins in terms of passive transport through the cell membrane. 18. Describe the following types of active transport: endocytosis and exocytosis. 19. Describe all 6 phases of the cell cycle. Also, describe all of the processes that take place during interphase (hint; 3 events). 20. Explain how cancer develops. 21. What types of cells does Mitosis produce? Meiosis? Describe the chromosome numbers in both processes (haploid vs. diploid). Also, describe the resulting daughter cells resulting at the end of both cycles.

DNA, Genetics, and DNA Technology

22. Why is crossing over important in Meiosis? In which phase does crossing over occur? 23. What is nondisjunction? In one form of nondisjunction; extra chromosomes become present on the 21st chromosome? What disorder is this? What is its scientific name? 24. Completely describe the structure of DNA and RNA: include information about the nitrogenous bases, sugars, and composition of the backbone. Which nitrogenous bases pair up together in DNA? RNA? Explain where covalent and hydrogen bonds are located. 25. Fully explain the process of the central dogma (DNA→RNA→Proteins) in correlation of protein synthesis (DNA transcription and translation). 26. Explain how meiosis promotes genetic variation. Take Home Test: Part 2

DNA, Genetics, and DNA Technology cont… 27. Define in your own words the following terms; and give examples of each: a. dominance: b. co-dominance: c. incomplete dominance: d. multiple alleles: e. sex-liked traits: 28. Explain how mutations create genetic diversity. Explain how mutations can be both beneficial and harmful. Describe point-mutations and frame-shift mutations. Which mutation is causes more harm? 29. Interpret the following Monohybrid Cross and answer the corresponding question:

BB, Bb: Brown eyes bb: blue eyes B b P1: Bb bb Father: Bb b Mother: bb Bb bb b

a. What is the father’s phenotype? b. What is the father’s genotype? c. What is the mother’s phenotype? d. What is the mother’s genotype? e. What is the phenotype of the offspring? 30. List 10 pros/ 10 cons of DNA (genetic) technology and their uses: gel electrophoresis, gene therapy, stem cell research, genetically modified organisms (transgenic organisms), cloning, and the Human Genome project. What are the ethical issues? Answer should be answered in no less than 2 paragraphs to be considered complete.

Evolution, Early Earth, Taxonomy, and Biomolecules

31. What is taxonomy? 32. Describe how species of organisms are classified. Put the following categories of taxonomy in order. Genus, Class, Phylum, Species, Domain, Order, Kingdom, Family 33. Properly Classify the following organisms: a. Lion’s Mane Jellyfish b. Western Gorilla c. Modern Man 34. Can organisms from different species interbreed? If yes, what type of offspring will they have? 35. Describe the conditions of the early atmosphere. What type of organisms existed in the early atmosphere? What was the Miller-Urey experiment? 36. What type of compounds existed in the early atmosphere (young earth)? 37. What are the two types of nucleic acids? What are their subunits called? 38. What are carbohydrates? What are two examples of carbohydrates? What are their subunits called? What is the common suffix for all carbohydrate? 39. What are proteins? What are the subunits of proteins called? Give two examples of proteins. 40. What are enzymes? What is the common suffix for all enzymes? 41. What are lipids? Which organelle is made of lipids? What are the subunits of lipids called? Give two examples of lipids. 42. What are homologous structures? Give two examples. 43. What are vestigial structures? Give two examples. 44. What are analogous structures? Give two examples. 45. What does Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection state? 46. Write your own interpretation of survival of the fittest.

47. Examine the following picture, and explain why it is possible for humans, chickens, and other organisms to look very similar in the early stages of development? What might this picture tell you about our DNA sequences? Photosynthesis, Cellular Respiration, Specialized cells in plants, and Ecology:

Use the following Chemical representations to analyze 48 and 49. O2 = Oxygen CO2 = Carbon Dioxide H20 = Water ATP (adenosine tri phosphate)= energy C6H12O6 = sugar (glucose)

48. Photosynthesis is represented by the following equation: 6CO2 + 12H2O + Sunlight ---> 6O2 + C6H12O6

Translate the equation into words

______+______+ sunlight  ______+______

49. Cellular Respiration is represented by the following equation: C6H12O6 + O2 → CO2 + H2O + ATP

Translate the equation into words

______+______ ______+______+Energy

50. True or False: Photosynthesis and Cellular respiration are the exact opposite (chemically) of each other. 51. In what organelle does photosynthesis take place? 52. In what organelle does cellular respiration take place? 53. What are guard cells? 54. What are stomata? 55. What are the xylem and phloem? 56. What is commensalism? Give an example. 57. What is mutualism? Give an example. 58. What is parasitism? Give an example. 59. What is a predator? What is a prey? 60. Identify one predator-prey relationship and explain. 61. Human Impact: If people did not die, explain what would happen to the natural resources of the earth? 62. What chemical compound caused a hole in the ozone layer? 63. What natural environmental crisis happened as a result of the hole in the ozone layer? 64. What is the Greenhouse Effect?