The Allenstown School District is committed to graduating all its students prepared for success as effective communicators; problem solvers; community contributors; and life-long, self-directed learners. - District Mission Statement Adopted August, 2001



Present: Carl Schaefer, Tom Irzyk, Louise L’Heureux, Lynn Allen, Joseph Vignola, Anthony Blinn, Helene Bickford, Tom Gilligan, Christine Frost, Chris Sounia, Leanne Tremblay, Theresa Jaline, Joy Martineau, Tiffany Gardner, Lori Roy, June Lord, Adam Mendozza, Windee Hutchinson, Bill Lightizer, Kasey Landy-Filion, Dawn Labrecque, Todd Tremblay, Ken Jolicoeur, Shelley Jolicoeur, Angela Smith, Statia Nichols, Elizabeth Lambert, Michael Ahearn, Deb Steele, Patricia Dercacz

1. Call to Order – Mr. Irzyk called the meeting to order at 6:02 P.M.

This meeting was recorded.

2. Previous Minutes January 25, 2012

A motion to accept the minutes of January 25, 2012, with the addition of parents and staff who attended the meeting and the addition of the company name Honeywell for the bid on the hot water expansion tank (4B), was made by Louise L’Heureux, 2nd by Carl Schaefer, Tom Gilligan abstain.

All in Favor The Motion Passed 3. Immediate Business

A. Citizens comments- Discussion regarding bullying, process of reporting, follow up procedures, educating students/families, looking into district wide behavior program for consistency, possibility of bullying officer on staff, who does incident get reported to if it is on the sidewalk, after school program etc., cyber bullying and texting.

B. Possible Non- Public Session- not needed at this time

C. Parent Request – Keeping son at AES. Question raised about a 50/50 shared custody issue and one set of parents living in Pembroke. Concerns regarding transportation, school board will discuss and send letter.

D. Gifts and Donations – N/A E. Consent Agenda – N/A F. Allenstown Administrative Team Report –  Upcoming school events-Winter Carnival, Read Across America, SAU Workshop Day, Career Day  Professional Development-Bullying Training, Gizmo, Cathy Apfel, Saxon, Responsive Classroom, PBIS, SERESC grant, Life Space Crisis Training, Wilson Reading Program  Other – Root Cause Analysis Team meeting, Teacher Evaluations, Parent Night/Bullying, Volunteer Program  Facilities and Renovations- Boiler issues, window replacement  Assessments-Data Team Presentation, NECAP results, training Data Team Leaders  Title 1/ SINI/DINI/Restructuring- 82 indicators, goals, RLIS funds  Special Education-NHDOE survey, Autism Program, Child Find initiative  Personnel

4. New Business

A. NECAP Report – Data Team presented power point regarding this year’s NECAP Data.

5. Old/Unfinished Business

6. Other Business A. Facilities Update- Ms. Allen, Mr. Vignola, Mrs. Bickford

A motion was made by Tom Gilligan, 2nd by Carl Schaefer to use encumbered funds for work on boilers at ARD by Honeywell, 2 igniter assemblies, 1 control module, control wiring, test and startup and labor. All in Favor The Motion Passed

The board requested getting two other quotes for work to be done in room three at ARD.

7. Information Items

B. Non Public Session Non – Public Session NH RSA 91-A:3, II.

A motion to move to non-public in accord with NH RSA 91- A:3, II.,a, session was made by Louise L’Heureux, 2nd by Carl Schaefer, time 8:07 p.m. Roll Call Tom Irzyk yes Tom Gilligan yes Carl Schaefer yes Louise L’Heureux yes

Louise L’Heureux adjorned from the meeting at 9:05 p.m.

A motion to move out of non- public session was made by Tom Gilligan and 2nd by Carl Schaefer, time 9:35 p.m. Roll Call Tom Irzyk yes Tom Gilligan yes Carl Schaefer yes

All in Favor

9. Adjournment of Business Meeting, Time 9:37 p.m.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting @ 9:37 p.m. by Carl Schaefer 2nd by Tom Gilligan.

All in favor The Motion Passed

Next meeting Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at the Armand R. Dupont School at 6:00 p.m.