Emory United Methodist Church Post Office Box 94 Street, Maryland 21154

Dear Applicant, It’s that time of year again and it is our hope that all eligible Emory students will apply. We must be very particular in judging the applications. We will place our emphasis on four areas: applicant’s involvement with Church activities; academic success; financial need; and prompt, thorough completion of the application procedures. It has always been the intent of Emory UMC to assist its young people with the financial demands placed on them with their academic pursuits. Please be aware, as always, there are limited funds available. Therefore, it is very important that each of you complete the application as efficiently as possible. Please be aware that each year the first Sunday in May has been designated as the deadline for submitting your completed application. Thank you for your interest in completing this process.


Emory UMC Scholarship Committee  All information on this application will be kept confidential and available only to the members of the Scholarship Committee.

 Requirements for scholarship eligibility: 1. The applicant must be a confirmed member of Emory United Methodist Church. 2. The applicant must be a high school graduate. 3. The application must be received by: ______4. The following attachments (copy of your high school or current college or technical school to which you are applying – or a copy of your letter of acceptance; and a letter of reference form an unrelated member of Emory Church) must be attached.  The scholarship for the ______may be used for tuition, books, or other Year expenses relating to further education. Personal Information (Please type or print)

Name:______Date of Birth: ______Last First MI

Home Telephone: ______Social Security #: ______

Address: ______


High School: ______Date of Graduation:

Address: ______


Parental Information

Father’s Name: ______Occupation: ______

Address: ______Employer: ______

______Employer’s ______Address: Telephone: ______

Mother’s Name: ______Occupation: ______

Address: ______Employer: ______Employer’s ______Address: Telephone: ______

Additional Information

1. List below the names and addresses of all employers.

2. List your extracurricular activities at school, community services, other.

3. List awards (scholastic awards or other academic awards, sports awards, community awards, others).

4. Describe how you have participated in the life of Emory Church.

5. List other sources of financial aid you have applied for. Write a paragraph stating your ambitions and potential dedication.

Write a paragraph stating your financial need. Please include the number of siblings in your family.

As a Reminder, please attach:

1. A copy of your high school or current college transcript. 2. A copy of your application to the college or technical schools to which you are applying (or a copy of your letter of acceptance). 3. A letter of reference from an unrelated member of Emory UMC. Please return your application to one of the members of the scholarship committee.

______Applicant’s Signature Date Parent’s Signature Date

______Parent’s Signature Date