Hemp Summary points

FDA finding on hemp oil in food: Conclusions August 24, 2000 FDA has evaluated the information that you discuss in your GRAS notice as well as other data and information that are available to the agency. It is our view that this information does not provide a sufficient basis for a determination that hempseed oil is GRAS, through experience based on common use in food, under the proposed conditions of use. ======New marijuana laws tied to increase teen use: SEATTLE (AP) — Washington high school students who participated in a statewide survey say they are twice as likely to smoke marijuana as cigarettes, and the state's top health official said Thursday she's worried that a new marijuana law may make prevention efforts more difficult.

Washington Health Secretary Mary Selecky expressed concern that marijuana prevention efforts aren't ready to ramp up in response to the new state law.

This is compatible to what Dr. Johnston of Monitoring The Future Survey has been saying for decades; increase in perceived approval with lower perceived risk equals increased abuse. ======

A Midwest state law enforcement agency recently reported that an officer came in contact with a subject holding a "Recommendation" to use marijuana in California for medicinal purposes. The "Recommendation" allowed the subject to purchase THC laced items including catsup, candy bars, hot sauces, cookies, and brownies. The marijuana is sold in 1/8 ounce sizes and are displayed by names such as Alcapulco Gold, Maui Wowie, etc., a 1/8 ounce product sells for about $65.00. The candy bar pictured was in the subject's possession at the time of contact. When field tested, the candy bars tested positive for marijuana.

Note the candy is named after Cheech from "Cheech and Chong" marijuana movie stars.

NOTE: 1. Some infer they have active THC in them and they do not. 2. Some claim make with hemp seed oil and they may or may not have any hemp oil in them. 3. I have heard of some positive test for the hemp candy and it may be they did use the hemp seed oil and some THC on [not in] the seed contaminated the batch or they deliberately added THC or did not care if THC was present. 4. Some new products [below] have a high THC content by the process of infusion:

On April 13, 2012, the items pictured above were seized from a suspect in the South County Precinct. The suspect referred to these items as “candy weed” during his arrest. He stated that he gets them from a friend who drives to California and pays $10 apiece for them. When confiscated, they were each wrapped individually and placed into a plastic Ziploc baggie. Upon analysis by the St. Louis County Crime Lab, it was found that these items do, in fact, contain high levels of THC. Research on this drug revealed that these items are made by grinding marijuana into a fine powder, heating it in vegetable oil for up to an hour, then passing it through cheesecloth to remove any solids. More sophisticated manufacturers have been known to use a highly concentrated extract whipped up in a special device that cooks the oil down to its purest form, leaving just a liquid pool of THC at the end. This oil or extract is then mixed with sugar, water and corn syrup and cooked. The finished product is then broken down into bite sized pieces (as shown above) and can be smoked, but is usually eaten.