Scheme of Work

Programme Course No./ Subject Time (Year and Quarter)/ Teacher HAIII A GEN 3199 - Economics 2015 – Spring 1 / Gustavo Alberto Añez Serpa

Week Topic Weekly Learning Objective(s), by the Assessment (Name), Required Reading/Homework (chapter, end of the week you will be able to: Deadline pages) 1 Introduction to - Explain the general concern of Group Project hand-out - Textbook chapter 1, page 2 – 9. economics economics. - Homework page 22, question 1 – 7. - Distinguish the factors of production. - Understand the general concept of demand and supply. - Explain the branches of economics and their issues.

2 Economic models - Develop and construct - Textbook chapter 1, page 10 – 21. economic models (production - Homework page 22, question 8 – possibility curve, circular flow of 10. goods and income, and price - Homework handout. mechanism). - Distinguish the differences in the economic systems.

3 Demand and Supply - Explain the concept of demand - Textbook chapter 2, page 26 – 41. and supply, and their - Homework page 45, question 1, 3, determinants. 5, 6, 7, 10. - Illustrate the demand and - Homework handout. supply curve. - Analyse the changes in equilibrium 4 Elasticity - Explain the concept of elasticity - Textbook chapter 3, page 47 – 57. (price elasticity of demand and - Homework page 68, question 2, 6, supply, income elasticity, and 7, 9. cross price elasticity). - Homework handout. - Calculate the price elasticity and interpret its result. 5 Market Structures - Distinguish the degree of the Midterm Exam (April 3rd, - Textbook chapter 4, page 70 – 76, competition. 2015). 102 – 109. - Determine the features of the - Textbook chapter 5, page 93 – 100. four market structures. - Homework page 123, question 1 - Determine the profit and 3. maximization by using marginal - Homework handout. analysis 6 Market Structures - Distinguish the difference Group project hand-in - Textbook chapter 5, page 100 – between monopoly, (April 17th, 2015). 113. monopolistic competition, and - Homework handout. oligopoly 7 Macroeconomic - Assess the issues in - Textbook chapter 8, page 178 – macroeconomic (inflation and 193. unemployment) - Homework handout. - Measure a nation’s income and the cost of living

8 Macroeconomic - Explain the function of money Group project - Textbook chapter 10, page 230 – and the role of the banking presentation 233, 242 - 244. system - Textbook chapter 14, page 365 – - Distinguish the differences 376. between fixed and floating - Homework handout. exchange rates

9 Final Exam - Revision for final exam Final Exam (April 30th, - All texts covered during the quarter 2015)