Handout 1, CS 133F Introduction to Fortran Programming

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Handout 1, CS 133F Introduction to Fortran Programming


Course Title: Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving, Fall 2014 CCUT Time: week 8 – 12, Tuesdays 1st class, Thursdays + Fridays 3rd class Class Room: Beihu Campus: Tuesdays + Thursdays # 1324, and Fridays # 1405 Date first, last class: first: Tuesday October 14. 2014; last: Tuesday November 11. 2014 Instructor: Dr. Herbert G. Mayer, USA 503 750-5038 [email protected] Class material: http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~herb/ → Class Information → CS 161 …

Prerequisites: Math 111, or equivalent class.

Recommended textbook and required on-line reading: [1] The Annotated C++ Reference Manual, by Margaret A. Ellis, and Bjarne Stroustrup, Addison Wesley 51459, © 1992 or newer, ISBN: 0-201-51459-1; recommended. [2] For on-line reading, use Herb’s web address: http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~herb/cs161f14/

Goals: students learn and receive introduction to:  Computer history and development  Evolution of programming languages  Computer related math and definition of a few low-level computer resources  C language

Course Description: Students learn how, why, and when computers were developed, and what capabilities and limitations the have; learn simple parts of the programming language C

Grading and Homework (HW): You can accumulate a total of 200 points by writing 2 homeworks, each worth 100 points.

Extra Credit: is a way to improve your grade by up to a half level. Extra Credit is granted for good ideas emailed to the instructor, or expressed in class; also for constructive questions and contributions in class, identification of errors in lecture notes, hand-outs, homework assignments; even the slightest typo –but only pointed out for the first time– is worth some extra credit.

Turning in Homework: Homework must be emailed on time by the due date. Include all work as electronic files, for example using raw ASCII text files, or using MS Word documents. Send all in original file format, not processed; i.e. do not send ZIP files, no tar files, do not use any other file processing. Late work will be accepted up to 5 calendar days, but for each day late you lose 10% of the total points for that work. Homework handed in more than 5 days late will not be accepted. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays count as calendar days.

Silver Bullet: each student is allowed to hand in one single homework up to 3 calendar days late without deduction; but one single time only! This exception is called the 3-day-silver-bullet, or simply Silver Bullet; it cannot be split, cannot be sold on the black market, and cannot be traded. Students must express pro-actively in email when submitting their homework, if they wish to consume their silver bullet on a late submission.

Scenario 1: Handing in two homeworks late, one a day late, a second two days late, will still result in a late deduction, even though together the delays add up to only 3 days. The silver bullet works on one single late homework only.

Scenario 2: If you hand in one homework 4 days late, it is possible to cash-in your silver bullet for 3 days of the 4, and get points deducted only for 1 late day; but this works only one single time.

1 HO 1 CS 161 PROGRAMMING AND PROBLEM SOLVING CCUT HM HO 1 Scenario 3: Consumption of the silver bullet is tracked; so manage it wisely! If at the end of the term you did not consume your silver bullet, you will not get extra credit for non-consumption.

Table 1: Grade schedule

A B C D F >= 90% >= 80% >= 70% >= 60% < 60%

Top & bottom 15% in of the above rubrics create + and – grade variations, yet there is no A+.

Table 2: Order of reading assignments, homework dates

Week # CS 161 topics, reading material Date 1. day 1: week 8 Introduction, computer overview, computer taxonomy, SW disasters, number 10/13/14 representation; integer numbers and operations 2: week 9 Hello world program; lexical rules, simple C program; PDE programming 10/20/14 development environment (PDE); gcc compiler; unary and dyadic operators 3: week 10 HW1 due this week; variables; expressions and simple statements; standard 10/27/14 library; sample C programs 4: week 11 Console IO; preprocessors; iteration; control flow; functions; calls; nested loops 11/3/14 5: week 12 HW2 due this week; introduction of arrays; last day of CS 161 class Tuesday 11/10/14 11/11/2014 6: week 13 No class; CS 162 instead 7: week 14 No class; CS 162 instead 8: week 15 No class; CS 162 instead Legend:

2 HO 1

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