Human Needs Task Force of Park Ridge

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Human Needs Task Force of Park Ridge

CITY OF PARK RIDGE 505 BUTLER PLACE DRAFT PARK RIDGE, IL 60068 TEL: 847/ 318-5200 FAX: 847/ 318-5300 TDD:847/ 318-5252


”To assess the human needs of the community and to help ensure that they are met by utilizing existing resources. To identify areas of human needs not currently met by existing resources and recommend a plan to address those needs. To raise awareness and promote more effective communication as it relates to the human needs of the community.”

Human Needs Task Force Meeting Notes- Annual Meeting Mayor’s Conference Room September 9, 2008 8:30 am.

ATTENDING: Mayor Frimark, City Manager Jim Hock, Eva Gertzfeld, John Benka, Kate Kerin, Nan Parson, Stephen Larson, Dean Whitford, Millie O'Brien, Mary Schurder, Darlene Hejza, Rozanne Dein, Karen Cohen, Joan Lampert, Jim DelGiudice, Jean Dietsch, Missy Langan and Jennifer Steurer.

I. INVOCATION Invocation was offered by Eva Gertzfeld.

II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from the June 3, 2008 meeting were approved.

The new City Manager, Jim Hock, introduced himself and gave a brief background history on himself .

Mayor Frimark thanked everyone on this Task Force for all that they do and wanted everyone to know he is there to help and support them.

Eva thanked Millie for all her hard work as the last co-chair and welcomed John Benka as the newest co-chair.

John Benka requested some hard copies of minutes to be brought to the meetings.

III. GUEST SPEAKER Nothing scheduled.

IV. AGENCIES/CHURCH REPORTS St. Luke’s Rev. Stephen Larson reported the following:  They took 21 people to the Middle East as a pilgrimage and an inter-faith encounter that was an amazing trip for many reasons!  They are doing some fund raising to renovate their parish and to also help send money to an international project in Jerusalem and to help fund a child scholarship school project in Chicago.  They continue to collect food the 1st Sunday for the Elijah food pantry and Maine Township food pantry.  The 2nd Sunday is White Sox Sunday and they collect white athletic socks to give to the Night Ministry.  St. Lukes will be hosting the crop walk 10/19/08.  They continue to work with PADS although everything has been postponed. Money collected for PADS was given to St. Mary’s.  The Park Ridge Ministerial will be meeting to plan for the annual Thanksgiving Eve service with proceed going to the churches housing project.

St. Paul No report.

Fair Housing Commission (FHC) Nan reported the Procedures and Regulations Committee accepted the changes to the ordinance for the FHC and limits how it functions. They will be evaluating what their new role will be in the community. Nan thanked the City Manager, Jim Hock for being at the meetings and for his support.

Center of Concern Mary Schurder reported they are very busy planning for their 30 year anniversary gala on 9/19/08. and they are selling ads if anyone is interested. The Center is prepared to help seniors and others with the stimulus tax refund. They also receive $10,000/month for homeless prevention money that can be used for eviction, and utility purposes. Each household can use $1,500.00.and they helped about 250 people in 2007. The Center is a Salvation Army Service Center for Park Ridge and last year they helped 430 and this year, 560. The transitional housing program has had 4 graduates and they now have 1 single parent apartment and 1 male bedroom available. Mary thanked all for their support of the Center. Mary spoke about how upset she is with the PADS situation. Eva reported they receive $1,000/month to assist Park Ridge and Des Plaines residents for help with rent, moving, school supplies, bills, etc. They can receive $300 max.

Medical Supply Closet (Park Ridge Community Church) Dean reported the Medical Closet is very busy with over 200 borrowers yearly. They are open from 9:30 am-12:00 pm, M-F. They have all the hardware for walking, bathing and toilet needs.

Advocate Lutheran General Jim came to the meeting in Tom Higgins place and is in charge of the speakers bureau. He gets physicians and employees out to speak at events. Jim reported the bed tower is progressing wonderfully. Anyone needing speakers, please see Jim after the meeting to get his card. He will help with anything he can. They have great pediatric clinics, new sports injury programs, etc.

Maine Township No report

Maine Center Karen reported the state is having difficulty balancing their budget which has directly affected their operating funds. The state also started a new billing system for the new fiscal year however it is not operative yet, therefore they cannot bill anyone until July 1st. It is a pretty dismal situation for anyone trying to help mental health patients. She also turned in a copy of her annual report.


2 Darlene reported things have slowed down over the summer. The needs are stiil there and they continue to support PADS as a parish. They continue to help, along with St. Paul, the New Hope apartment program.

Healthy Community Partnership John reported the Healthy Community Partnership is still actively working with the schools to raise awareness of skin cancer among kids and parents. Tom Higgins, Lutheran General Hospital, the Park District, athletic directors, coaches, and the Police Department have all committed to be a part of this along with the American Cancer Society. There will be a meeting held on, 9/17/08, at District 207 to get the program going, the schools involved on all levels and to get some help obtaining products for the children to use. They will be involved with the American Cancer Society to do a study to help with this issue.

Maine East Township High School Joan reported that have a partnership with LGH and offer a clinic once a month to the community. They also partner with Oakton Community College offering English classes, coffee cake and conversation and citizenship classes. Joan is also developing a partnership with the Illinois Resource Council to help immigrant families. Joan also continues to facilitate the freshman advisory at Maine East. They also work with MCYAF that is an anti-drug coalition that is in it’s 5th year. Joan also announced she will be retiring June10 of 2009.

Millie O’Brien-Food drive organizer Millie will be chairing the annual food drive. She needs a number of locations for the food bins, please forward any information to her regarding places you know will participate. Millie has several teenagers willing to help pick up the food once the bins are filled. Millie asked the group to come up with a date to begin the drive and decide how long it should last. Gene offered her scouts to help in anyway with the food drive. Food drive letters will be sent to businesses for donations that allow this Task Force to purchase food and gas vouchers. It was decided to begin November 1 and have it continue for 3 weeks. An idea for next year was to have bins put out for the Civic Orchestra.

Kate Kerin: Community volunteer Kate is in charge of a project called Park Ridge Cares that is raising money to build a library in Tanzania. They organized a steering committee with 14 people on it, to raise awareness and to also go out into the community to promote this project and gather ideas on how to raise money.

Gene Deitsch:BSA Troop 1 Gene is very involved in scouting and has many boys looking to formulate ideas for their eagle scout projects. They are looking for things that have a direct impact on the people in this community. Gene will attend these meeting and bring ideas back to the troops to have them help as needed.

V. COMMUNITY NEEDS 1. Follow-ups None

2. New Cases None

VI. ONGOING PROJECTS Nothing to report.

VII. CLOSING COMMENTS Discussion ensued about the issues surrounding PADS such as special use permits and zoning. Stephen Larson made a motion and Kate Kerin seconded to have this Task Force support PADS. They were looking for a vote but tabled this until the next meeting. 3 The next meeting will be on October 14, 2008 at 8:30 a.m. -Mayor’s Conference Room-


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