Minute of the Oral Health Improvement MCN Operational Group Meeting

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Minute of the Oral Health Improvement MCN Operational Group Meeting

NHS Grampian

Minute of the Oral Health Improvement MCN Operational Group Meeting held 3 September 2014 in the Meeting Room 1, Summerfield House

Present: Initials:

Karen Tosh, Oral Health Improvement Coordinator (Chair) KT Bruce Archibald, Service Planning Lead for Oral Health and Dentistry BA Rosemary Hutcheson, Dental Clinical Lead, Aberdeen City CHP RH Shirley Beattie, Oral Health Promotion Team Leader - Aberdeen City SB Jane Smith, Dentist JS Diane Trigger, Dental Nurse DT Carol Craig, Childsmile Coordinator, Moray CHP (teleconference) CC Ann Lowe, Oral Health Improvement Team Leader, Moray CHP (teleconference) AL Kim Penman, Aberdeenshire Health and Wellbeing Lead KP

In Attendance: Elaine Liptrott, Childsmile Administrator (North Region) – Minute taker EL

Item Subject Action 1. Welcome, Introductions and Apologies

KT welcomed all to the meeting. Apologies were noted for: Linda Chessor, Carole-Ann Duff, Karen Garner, Elaine Gray, Barbara Smith and Diane Milne. Post minute apologies from Angus Henderson.

2. Action Note of meeting held on 03.04.2014 & Matters Arising

Most actions from the last note had been dealt with; all other points would be covered through the agenda.

AL has started a new post as Oral Health Improvement Team Leader in Moray CHP.

3. Caring for Smiles - Updates

KT reported there had been a lot of updates since the last meeting of the group in April:

Regional Events – accredited training: KT and all OH Team Leaders from NHS Grampian are attending event on 1 October in Inverness; some colleagues are attending the one in Edinburgh and a Senior Dental Officer for each health board will also be attending. The event is to update on Caring for Smiles accredited training, which now has a SVQ attached to it. It is hoped this will encourage care home workers to participate in the training. There is a foundation and intermediate level and DOPs also form part of training.

Caring for Smiles Community: training resources now on the Knowledge Network - presentations etc. When the courses are run, have to notify NES - questionnaires etc are all sent to NES to be marked. All team leaders are signed up to the community and have access to all resources. NES request that the questionnaires are rotated. KT had a meeting the previous day with NES colleagues but clarity is needed on who will deliver this training; NES or Health Board (Team Leaders) staff. Action Point: KT will seek KT clarification on this.

1 As part of the event, will be looking at dementia training. The ‘informed level’ of training on the knowledge network, at least, must be completed before attending the event.

KT is meeting with Team Leaders on 18 September to discuss it all before the event on 1 October.

Pull up displays: NHS Grampian have three for the team leaders to use in promoting. Posters also available online and colour printing is available via Health Scotland or Web2Print facility – see James Norman, NHS Grampian, for information on this facility.

A Guide for care home residents: will be available (still in production) for care homes so that they are aware of what they can/can’t claim for and who should/shouldn’t pay. Health Scotland is doing this – not known yet when this will be available. BA mentioned the possibility of linking this to the dental registration campaign.

Advice leaflet for relatives: with family members who are in a care home – what care you can expect with regards to oral health and how they can assist the care home with oral health. This is in development.

Training DVD: is in development. KT explained the work being done on this. Would be useful for those who have not yet done training, for various reasons, which would give basics and also provide a tool as a refresher. Post Meeting Note: this has been agreed and will be funded by NES. Details still to be clarified.

Pilot: of accredited training is being run in NHS Lanarkshire. 30 Care home workers signed up to do the care home foundation course. KT noted that, for NHS staff, this could also perhaps encourage them to participate as part of their CPD as it is an accredited course. Look further into this.

KT spoke about including Caring for Smiles training in the training that is done at colleges for care assistants – perhaps could be included as a module. It could be beneficial it we can show it’s accredited. This can be revisited to follow up after 1 October, when we will know more.

4. Screening Paperwork – feedback

Although BD was not present to provide feedback, the group discussed this.

JS said it takes a lot longer and have to concentrate. KT explained that the Support Worker role will include completing and chasing up paperwork within the home to assist with the completion of this.

Discussion continued regarding registration status and participation levels and governance issues being addressed within care homes. BA added that, it was agreed that we’ll be proactive in nursing homes. It is thought that General Dental Practitioners visit care homes as and when required.

Discussion turned to Sheltered homes.

It was thought it is possible to have a list of which Dentist looks after each Care Home. DM and LC have access to this information for Aberdeenshire. Action Point: KT will check with the Clinical Leads if they have this KT information.

JS spoke about feedback she gave on the spreadsheet.

2 RH added that a care home informs when there is a new resident is admitted and the screening takes place every two years - no resources to do more often.

KT: this is separate to the plaque score - which is part of the care home award scheme in NHS Tayside. Group discussed at length: extended training regarding plaque score. Action Point: Do they need to do this? KT

JS doesn’t think so, it’s mainly for consistency.

Action Point: KT will speak to ADEC (NES) and Brian Dawson regarding KT this.

It is about confidence, but if you haven’t had the experience of plaque scoring, you may not be confident. JS not sure there is a course.

5. CHP Staffing decisions

KT reported she had heard from the Clinical Leads. For clarity, the following was reported by each CHP representative at the meeting:

Aberdeenshire CHP: KP reported that they have topped up with underspend and agreed to allocate 1.2 EDDN Band 4 from the oral health resource funding to make two new Dental Nurse posts with responsibilities for Caring for Smiles. Additional resources will be for Band 3 Priority groups as a mixed model. More of the nursing teams will take on a proportion of the oral health per geographical area.

Aberdeen City CHP: RH reported they will employ the Health Support Worker role x 1 post – perhaps through part time employment.

Moray CHP: Health Support Worker role x 1 for two days per week.

6. Training

Videos: Team Leaders have been working on scripts for videos to use to demonstrate in training and on the TLC website. Medical illustrations will produce the video. Parents have asked us in the past for videos on how to brush children's teeth; can also be used in conjunction with Caring for Smiles training. SB added that denture cleaning will also feature too. KT referred to RACH. SB added that Carole-Ann Duff has a meeting to link in with Matthew Johnson to learn and adapt for here.

E-Learning: due to the development of the video, this has not gone any further yet.

Dental Staff: discussed earlier in the meeting. If dentist feels that additional training is needed, raise with line manager.

Plaque scoring: already discussed earlier

DHSWs/DNs for Priority Groups: there is still a need to look at training needs. Have an adapted timetable from NHS Tayside, but will have a better idea by 1 October (post regional event). We aren’t having dual roles.

*CC and AL lost connection*

7. NHS hospital staff training – support

KT explained that SB and EG have done training with Matthew Pye at 3 Woodend for the Students.

KT added that we should expect the same level of oral health in our hospitals as in the care homes and so Caring for Smiles training is needed in hospitals.

*CC and AL re-connected*

SB confirmed that central training is offered. KT had spoken to Alison McGruther.

It was felt that this should be escalated through individual CHPs, with Clinical Leads supporting Oral Health Team Leaders at the relevant meetings.

KT spoke about in-patient paperwork and certain standards that care workers adhere to – Quality Standards. Action Point: KT will pull together all the key points from the paperwork and will circulate. KT

8. Training for Alzheimer’s meeting – feedback

Approximately 25 people attended. KT explained this meeting was for people (call handlers) who supported a care line. LC provided a presentation of key messages etc. Feedback from LC was that is was useful.

Other Priority Groups:

9. Dental Registration Advertising Campaign

KT referred to the three priorities that had been agreed in the action plan and one of which was to increase dental registrations and explained the approach to the dental registrations campaign in June. A paper was presented at the project board last week following the first phase of the campaign. Following the campaign, there were 3000 clicks into the Dental website. DIAL recorded an additional 20 calls in June (when the caller was asked where they heard about DIAL). The campaign will be a phased approach, with future work including: street survey in areas with low registrations, door drop in this area, A3 posters, NHS Grampian Dental web page to be made more user friendly. There will be another run on Northsound radio. KT also spoke about the barriers she had come across as part of her MSc research study.

10. Prisoners & Young Offenders Training

- KT mentioned a training pack but this has not been received yet. This will be followed up, and would want to link into Health Improvement Plan and link in with the prison.

11. Homeless – Smile 4 Life

KT referred to the Smile 4 Life training pack and explained the contents of the pack is there to promote oral health awareness to those working with homeless. There are different levels, however have not been able to do a lot with this. Majority of people we work with fall within the 1st or 2nd category. The 3rd is motivational interviewing. Eleanor Bull (Health Psychologist) will be looking over the pack. KT is not sure this is the right thing to ask a Team Leader to do - with regards to motivational interviewing. However, there are elements of the pack that can be used. The key messages are being promoted from it currently but just not under the guise

4 of Smile 4 Life. This will be looked at in further detail in September.

12. AOCB

Different approaches of CHP areas: BA referred to the different approaches per CHP and feels that Clinical Leads need to gain an understanding and be clear about this. KT explained what happens every 12 months with regards to reporting.

Need a way of measuring it to illustrate what improvements there have been. BA added that it is within the CHP control to add additional money. Question posed if the screening information come in useful now.

Frequency of Group Meetings: KT asked the group to think of the format and regularity of the meetings. Meetings have been cancelled and KT explained the background to the two groups: strategic meeting once a year and operational meeting more regularly. Although, currently, KT does not meet with the Team Leaders often, this is found to be beneficial when the meetings take place.

Discussion took place: it is about being clear about operational uses; some things need a conversation with those involved i.e. developmental points, useful having an awareness of what others are doing.

Agreed that frequency should be quarterly and a similar agenda with a lead from each CHP reporting in their area – an update from each area supplied in advance. Group agreed to see how this format goes. KT will meet on a regular basis with Team Leaders separately.

DT and KS asked if they should still be attending. It was suggested that they should still attend and that possibly Jackie Park could attend with her NES remit.

13. Date of next meeting

KT will ask Indyia to set up the next meeting for early December/early KT/IB January.


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