DG Joint Research Centre for Prospective and Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS), Seville
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Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
Cristiano Cagnin DG Joint Research Centre for Prospective and Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS), Seville (Spain), [email protected] Totti Könnölä Impetu Solutions, Madrid (Spain), [email protected]
Summary It is widely recognised that major societal challenges require coordinated efforts beyond regional and national boundaries to be effective. This lay down an important challenge also for FTA activities to be truly international. This paper addresses FTA and in particular foresight design and management in the context of international agenda setting activities. Geographical dispersion, organisational and cultural differences, and numerous participants, for example, bring in novel aspects in foresight design and management on top of lessons learned from earlier exercises around the world. Towards this end, we examine the available literature on international foresight management and conceptualise design and managerial issues particularly relevant in the international context. For instance, scalability of activities is a precondition for ensuring wide and balanced participation of different stakeholders in due time. Also responsiveness towards stakeholders' interests and offering equal opportunities for contributing to the exercise are pertinent to meet the diverse expectations. Ten principles for global foresight design and management are identified and the ways in which these have been dealt with in practice are outlined. We describe and analyse a recent foresight exercise that we designed and coordinated in the context of international coordination of research, education and innovation on intelligent manufacturing systems (IMS). Lessons learned reflecting the IMS project experience around the ten principles to be considered when designing and undertaking an international foresight exercise are then outlined. We elaborated a modular foresight architecture that allowed engagement of numerous participants in different roles and with different kinds of contributions. Much of the joint work was conducted using online tools including collaborative platforms like wikipedia, online surveys and video/teleconferences combined with carefully prepared structured interviews and face-to-face meetings. The meetings were dedicated to the crucial phases such as the scenario formulation and the common definition of the vision for the roadmapping work, which created a sufficient basis to continue refinement of the work in dedicated online spaces as well as an open wiki platform. The IMS2020 scenario and roadmapping process shed light on some challenges in organising international foresight exercises. The scalable design was crucial for adapting to geographical dispersion and numerous participants. Furthermore, the responsiveness to stakeholder needs and interests in course of the exercise was crucial to keep the participants motivated and to share the ownership of the outcomes. Building on this experience, we conclude that the online
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011 working tools can offer major support for efficient and participatory management of foresight when their use is integral part of the design of the whole exercise.
Introduction Finding solutions to grand challenges such as climate change is a demand for all industries around the globe. Lately, the need to address such a challenge together with diminishing natural resources raise other challenges such as loss of biodiversity, increasing demand for food, deepening in poverty and exclusion, energy and water scarcity and mass migration among others (Boden et al., 2010); and has been the focus for major changes in manufacturing processes worldwide. In this context, it is widely recognised that major societal challenges require coordinated efforts beyond regional and national boundaries to be effective. The European manufacturing industry, in particular, is currently faced with higher demands for environmental friendly production and increased ability to compete globally (Granly et al. 2010). Pasquettaz (2010) adds to these the challenges of reducing costs while maintaining highest quality and process performance and to keep up with increasing technical and environmental demands. Hence, developing technology for more sustainable manufacturing offers the potential to face many of these challenges by reducing waste, while adding value to products (Granly et al., 2010) and services. How can manufacturing companies meet grand challenges? To Mani et al. (2010) sustainable manufacturing broadly implies the development of innovative manufacturing sciences and technologies that span the life cycle of products and services to minimise negative environmental impacts, conserve energy and natural resources, are safe for employees, communities and consumers, and are economically sound. Also, there is a need for new strategies rooted on research and innovation (RI) and for a deep industrial transformation allow manufacturing to remain competitive while meeting environmental and societal challenges. These aspects of future of manufacturing were recently addressed in the Framework Programme (FP)7 Project on ‘Intelligent Manufacturing Systems’ (IMS2020) conducted by an international consortium of 15 core partners. The IMS2020 project aims to give guidance on what future research is needed for the manufacturing industry to become more sustainable (Saloma, 2010). This is done departing from the needs and views coming from industry and linking these to the research, competences and curricula which should be developed in collaboration between industry and both research and academic institutions to meet pressing societal challenges. Departing from a triple bottom line approach to sustainability (Elkinton, 1998) and considering markets (economy) acting as a control (Taish et al., 2010) to the two other dimensions of sustainability (i.e. environmental and social), Rolstadas (2010) outlines that co-investments represent the constraints of process transformation such as energy consumption (environmental) and of jobs and social acceptance (social) of RI. Within such a model, Rostaldas (2010) claim that the IMS2020 identified research topics represent the new knowledge that may lead to new products and processes in improving existing products and processes for a new global industrial manufacturing. To identify the above RI topics which bring the promise to support a shift in European manufacturing in collaboration with players around the globe to a more sustainable model, the IMS2020 project used a foresight approach.
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
In this paper, we reflect our experience in designing and coordinating the international scenario and roadmapping IMS2020 process in the context of international agenda setting activities. Geographical dispersion, organisational and cultural differences, and numerous participants, for example, bring in novel aspects in foresight design and management on top of lessons learned from earlier exercises around the world. We start our analysis by exploring recent efforts on designing and managing international foresight exercises from which we derive and crystallise principles for international foresight. Further on, we describe the context and main phases of the IMS2020 scenario and roadmapping project followed by a discussion in light of the principles in integrating design, implementation and management within global foresight. The described case indicates that foresight holds a promise of better international coordination and joint preparedness for future grand challenges. However, the complexity of international exercises sets relevant design and managerial challenges such as scale, culture, timing and institutional constrains that necessitate particular attention in order to meet the multiple expectations of stakeholders and the client.
Global Foresight Design and Management
1. Design aspects The first aspect to consider before starting any venture is to have clear from the outset what impact is intended within the system under analysis and how this shall be reflected in other interconnected systems (e.g. social, technological, economic, environmental, political, value, cultural, etc). Parallel to such an understanding is the need to ensure that all those who are responsible in making the necessary decisions for change are involved across the process at well defined stages and will therefore feel ownership of its results. To be able to identify what shall be expected from a foresight exercise it is important to know what foresight can deliver to policy making. Six functions have been indentified (Da Costa et al., 2008): . Informing policy: generating insights regarding the dynamics of change, future challenges and options, along with new ideas, and transmitting them to policy makers as an input to policy conceptualisation and design. . Facilitating policy implementation: enhancing the capacity for change within a given policy field by building a common awareness of the current situation and future challenges, as well as new networks and visions among stakeholders. . Embedding participation in policy making: facilitating the participation of civil society in the policy making process, thus improving its transparency and legitimacy. . Supporting policy definition: jointly translating outcomes from the collective process into specific options for policy definition and implementation. . Reconfiguring the policy system: in a way it becomes better prepared and apt to address long-term challenges. . Symbolic function: indicating to the public that policy is based on rational information.
As important as knowing what type of support foresight can deliver to policy making is to know at which stage(s) of the policy cycle one wants to have an impact. A foresight endeavour can assist
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011 policy making (fig. 1) in its first three stages of agenda-setting, policy definition and implementation. Figure 1: Policy Cycle
Learning Agenda- setting
Evaluation Policy definition
In the agenda-setting stage foresight can support by, for example, providing visions, understanding of systemic and dynamic changes as well as of risks, opportunities and system capabilities, stakeholders' views, among others. Similarly, at the stage of policy definition foresight can provide with ideas, recommendations and policy options, outlining related pros and cons as well as likely consequences to certain decisions. At the first two stages of agenda-setting and policy definition foresight can lead to the development of new networks or linkages, and the achievement of common ground, shared perspectives and joint visions. At the implementation phase foresight often assist with an enhanced responsiveness of the system and new policy configurations, leading thus to change in attitudes towards the future such as embedding long-term thinking in decision making processes, raising overall awareness of challenges and opportunities, and the development of a foresight and learning culture. Throughout the three above mentioned stages foresight can benefit the system by also bringing legitimacy and transparency to the overall decision making process. Also, it is important to highlight that foresight is increasingly moving from providing support mainly to the agenda- setting phase into that of implementation. It is critical to outline that this is not a linear model of policy making but rather a continual and reflexive process where foresight can be used as a systemic instrument complementing traditional steering approaches. Finally, in order to enable a better communication process between the policy client and those commissioned to carry out a foresight exercise or to enable policy makers to participate in the design of the process themselves, a sketch (fig. 2) has been developed and has been
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011 successfully used by JRC-IPTS to kick off discussions on which impacts should an exercise aim for.
Figure 2: Foresight Impacts
Structured stakeholder dialogue on the future
produces changes
Insights about Relations with respect Attitudes towards the the future to the future future
1 2 3 Strategic Changes in society for better policy implementation intelligence as a base for better 4 decisions and strategies Changes in policy process for better decision making
Informing policy making – decisions taken by key actors in the commissioning 1 body is more aware of longer-term developments and how these are liable to interact with current policy decisions
Building networks – bringing together people from different settings involved with shaping the future of a particular topic to collectively understand the 2 challenges and opportunities that they are liable to confront, and the strategies and objectives that others might pursue
Developing capabilities & foresight culture – enabling people with a variety of 3 backgrounds to define and embark upon their own foresight activities and to create their own foresight networks
Devising strategic visions – thus creating a shared sense of commitment to 4 these visions among foresight participants, and an agreed direction to follow
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
2. Designing an exercise in practice It is often the case that an exercise is shaped together with the client, project partners and other key stakeholders. Those involved in the discussions may not be acquainted with foresight and concerned, for instance, in loosing decision-making power to stakeholders due to the bottom-up aspects of the process. It is paramount to share and overcome such concerns before proceeding in shaping an exercise. As the term 'foresight' can be perceived differently by various stakeholders, JRC-IPTS has been using in such discussions the more generic term of 'structured stakeholder dialogue on the future' instead. In addition, after an initial debate on what impacts are intended at each stage of the policy cycle and before engaging into in-depth design discussions, JRC-IPTS has been using the stages of 'diagnosis', 'prognosis' and 'prescription' to start shaping an exercise (fig. 3). Within each of these three stages the discussion is geared towards identifying guiding questions (i.e. intended impacts and objectives), specific participants (i.e. type and level of stakeholders' participation), and specific combination of methods to structure the dialogue, all linked to the particular context in place and the intended impacts.
Figure 3: Basic Foresight Process
Structured Dialogue on the Future
Diagnosis Prognosis Prescription
Understanding where Exploring what could Debating what we we are… happen… would like to happen… Deciding what should be done…
Each type of dialogue requires:
Specific objectives (guiding questions) Specific participants (type and level of participation) Specific methods structuring the debate Need to tailor the approach to context, intended impacts and objectives of each phase
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
The decision of intended impacts and objectives are linked to the actual possibility of acting upon results or implementing the required changes resulting from the process. In the same line, the decision of participants and their level of involvement as well as methods used to structure the dialogue are dependent on issues such as culture of decision making and political structures in place. However, often exercises have been shaped in a way that at particular stages wide participation (aiming at including overall citizens in the debate) is sought for, especially in the beginning of the exercise (if not throughout the process) to collect diversity of views on the issue as well as solutions to the challenge at hand. It is also important to highlight that while designing the stages of 'diagnosis', 'prognosis' and 'prescription' of a foresight exercise it is often the case that activities from different stages can run in parallel in the implantation phase. This is important to enable a reduction in the resources needed (time and people). However, it also adds to the complexity of designing an exercise as often the main results from one stage are key inputs to the following stage.
3. Principles for global foresight design and management The integration in the design phase of the strategic and operational aspects of an exercise (Alsan and Oner, 2004) via clarity, unity, integrity and coherence (Alsan and Oner, 2003) and with an understanding of the system at hand (Saritas, 2006) and the diversity of stakeholders which should be involved across the exercise is critical to shed some light in ways of dealing with uncertainties and discontinuities through foresight and enable one to become innovative. According to Saritas and Oner (2004), a systemic approach is paramount from the design stage of an undertaking for both its successful implementation and that of its outcomes due to the multidimensional characteristics and complex nature of foresight. Hence, the implementation phase becomes often the most challenging stage of a foresight exercise. Managing diversity and the interaction of different systems and their affecting factors adds to such complexity. This is the reason why there is a need to enable the creation of spaces for mutual learning and appreciation as well as to enable an understanding of how the system could evolve in the future in a coherent, clear and systemic way. To secure therefore proper implementation and management, it is important to structure in the design phase aspects such as the ways in which the communication and interactions between relations (e.g. participants, stakeholders, policy and decision makers, etc) will take place, and consensus will be achieved building upon shared understanding and collective and creative knowledge. Salo et al. (2004) agree when they affirm that one of the defining features of foresight is the creative generation of synthetic knowledge whereby future-oriented expectations are jointly produced, combined and assimilated through various inputs and critical reflection or, in other words, mutual learning. At the same time, they claim, the process must be designed from the outset to cope during the implementation phase with shifting objectives and stakeholder expectations; or what they call responsiveness of the process. This also means that relevant stakeholders should be involved into some form or dialogue (methods vary) across different stages of the process to share their views of achievements and their meaning to the following stages of an exercise (Könnölä et al., 2009). System responsiveness and adaptation are closed intertwined elements necessary for a successful foresight undertaking. Weber (2006) coined the concept of adaptive foresight that claims that foresight needs to go beyond the level of a collective process and be brought down to the level of individual actors’ strategies, which means a need to combine open participation with closed decision making processes. Moreover, there is also the need to adapt to changes in the environment and the ability to keep options open until these can be used effectively (or have
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011 become irrelevant). The basic idea is to add a process cycle to complement foresight with a phase of 'strategic counselling' where the results are translated into policy strategies, thus enabling results to be adapted to different policy making bodies or organisations (Da Costa, 2008). Therefore, there is a clear need to ensure expectations are managed in line with the objectives of the exercise and the results it aims to attain, which should be adaptive both in terms of process (combine open and collective with closed and expert-driven stages) and results (different options for different audiences, and recommendations which are adaptive to change). Moreover, Könnölä et al. (2007) claim that diversity1 is the key element to enable the fostering of innovation capabilities through the creation of viable alternatives (scenarios) that escape the existing dominant designs and techno-institutional lock ins, thus allowing the system to become more adaptable. In this context, the authors argue that to enable a systematic analysis of how different (weak) signals refer to one another or what they mean to different stakeholders it is necessary to adopt a more focused characterisation by soliciting signals that convey ideas about future innovations aligned with the systemic and action-oriented nature of innovation processes instead of less focused future-oriented statements. To embed such a need within a foresight project it becomes necessary to build upon both formal and informal networks, particularly those contacts cultivated over the years (Reger, 2001), as well as information and knowledge in the information collection and knowledge generation phases by soliciting ideas like those pointed out by Könnölä et al. (2007). Salo et al. (2004) agrees when he affirms that the establishment of an effective communication process with all stakeholders involved, including those in the phase of information collection, is paramount to yield both ownership and use of results. In this context, it is critical to manage diversity and its interactions as well as communication and behavioural aspects in a way which is clear and coherent from the beginning to all involved along the process, making sure that these aspects are integral to both the strategic and operational aspects of the exercise, and is applied equally by all partners in an unified manner. Such a need is reinforced by Costanzo (2004), who claims that nimbleness, visible and structured processes, and extensive communication glued together by a focused management team form an important core capability that impacts in the ability of organisations to undertake strategic foresight and thus continuously innovate. To enable therefore innovation to take place across a given system through the successful implementation and management of an international foresight exercise it is critical to shape a common path to follow (building on a collective vision) including the views and actions of involved individuals and their institutions, as well as resources which should be developed and mobilised, to ensure ownership and that action is taken upon results. Getler and Wolfe (2004) corroborates by outlining that foresight processes should be seen as socially organised learning processes which involve learning by individuals, by organisations and by institutions, and that critical in this regard is the ability to shape a collective vision building upon individual views and actions and how these interact with larger institutional structures. Building on the literature review we elaborate ten principles that may support the design and management of global foresight exercise, which consist of the following:
1 In reference to existing and emerging innovation capabilities based on technological (social and technological artifacts and infrastructures) options, visions and value networks.
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
Case: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) 2020 IMS2020 is an FP7 project funded by the NMP division of the European Commission within the IMS Framework, conducted by an international consortium of 15 core partners and a large group of supportive members from Europe, Japan, Korea, Switzerland, and the USA. The project engaged participants from these and many other countries. The main objective was the creation of five research roadmaps towards IMS by the year 2020 and beyond. The roadmaps (Könnölä, 2007) highlight the main milestones of innovation activities (i.e. research and development, management and policy actions) which are needed to achieve a desired vision. Each roadmap focused on one of 5 key areas (KATs): sustainable manufacturing, products and services; energy efficient manufacturing; key technologies; standardisation; and innovation, competence development and education. The aim was to identify relevant manufacturing research topics and the supporting actions which are needed to shape the future of intelligent manufacturing through international cooperation in each of these
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011 areas. Four scenario snapshots of possible states of the future by 2025 were developed. Based on these the IMS2020 Vision was defined. The final five roadmaps were designed towards such Vision. Apart from the five roadmaps, the IMS2020 project strives to identify new schemes and frameworks to support manufacturing systems research, to stimulate small and medium enterprises participation in international cooperative research and development projects, to establish international and inter-regional communities in the five key areas under consideration, and to prepare the ground for new IMS proposals and manufacturing projects. IMS2020 takes a holistic and sustainable approach to manufacturing, including design manufacturing, consumption and disposal of products and services. One of the main strengths of the project lies in the amount of support and industry involvement it has achieved as well as the political momentum and support it has generated. It has developed a fruitful collaboration between public bodies, policy makers and companies.
1. Methodology In the kick-off meeting of the project most of the debate centred on the methodological aspects and the overall design of the process. Initially the JRC-IPTS proposed an approach which would combine wide participation through online surveys in combination with workshops with selected industry experts and the use of online tools to engage project partners and the supporting roadmapping group in well defined stages as well as to ensure communication and interaction throughout the project. Also, the idea was to involve the EU Commission (client) to debate all milestone results to ensure ownership and commitment, as well as mutual learning so that the process could adapt to needs along the way. In this way we planned to link the strategic goals of the Commission with the operational aspects of the process, as well as to ensure that a consensus among project partners and between these and the Commission would emerge along the way. However, many of the project partners outlined that the best way to engage with their informal network of contacts would be through other methods, such as interviews and smaller workshops which would function as a dedicated space for mutual learning rather than collecting information from industry representatives. Figure 4 outlines the framework used in the initial discussions to shape decisions. Therefore, the methodology used for the IMS2020 roadmapping process was designed to ensure the highest relevance to inputs coming from the industrial community as well as to ensure the international relevance of results. Moreover, the work took important consideration of previous work both at European and International levels. Figure 5 shows the overall IMS2020 process. We elaborated a modular foresight architecture that allowed engagement of numerous participants in different roles and with different kinds of contributions. Much of the joint work was conducted using online tools including collaborative platforms like wikipedia, online surveys and video/teleconferences combined with carefully prepared structured interviews and face-to-face meetings. The meetings were dedicated to the crucial phases such as the scenario formulation and the common definition of the vision for the roadmapping work, which created a sufficient basis to continue refinement of the work in dedicated online spaces as well as an open wiki platform, thus combining open and collective with closed and expert-driven stages.
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
Figure 4: IMS2020 Initial Framework
Diagnosis Prognosis Prescription
Understanding where Exploring what could Debating what we we are… happen… would like to happen… Deciding what should be done… What are the main drivers What do key stakeholders How should the region and variables relevant for believe is key to achieve IMS position itself depending on IMS? by 2020? the ways in which world What has already been How could world manufacturing might evolve? developed in previous work manufacturing evolve in the How to attain the desired looking at the future of future and what would be the vision being adaptive to manufacturing in the EU and implications in terms of RI change? beyond, and how does it needed for the IMS region? What are the RI implications relate to the current work? Industry and research for each KAT in achieving Experts in and outside the Online survey, workshops the defined IMS vision? region, and project partners and structured interviews Industry, research and policy Desk research and with business stakeholders Vision building and roadmap interviews plus scenario workshops and workshops group work Wiki platform
It is important to highlight that the collaborative tools used in development of the roadmap work was able to engage hundreds of participants, including the roadmapping support group that is a growing community supporting closely the project across its lifespan and that counts with over 350 international participants from 150 mainly industrial organisations. The background work involved the mapping and analysis of i) scientific literature and of ii) the main areas covered by twenty worldwide existing roadmaps and thirteen ongoing research projects. Moreover, an online survey identified from 261 experts around the globe a variety of innovation ideas about future innovations linked to one or more of the five KATs under consideration and to (social, political, industrial, technological, and other) changes that could have an influence in the realisation of the idea. The results from the above initiatives were complemented with the outcomes from two brainstorming workshops and 106 interviews with industry representatives, also asking for innovation ideas for IMS and required changes to have these realised. All these activities produced a total of 754 research issues to be further explored and refined.
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
Figure 5: IMS2020 Overall Process
A more in-depth analysis of the variables used to build scenarios/roadmaps and the research topics within the analysed roadmaps were undertaken for all five KATs. The results were the basis for the selection of the variables used to develop the scenarios within the IMS2020 project. Moreover, the online questionnaire and interviews with key industry actors took into account those research topics already mapped so that new topics could be identified. The scenario work was coordinated by JRC-IPTS, who devised the approach and ensured the process would run as smoothly as possible. Project partners were engaged throughout this activity with support from JRC-IPTS. The methodology employed consists of nine main phases: 1. Support to the mapping activity to help identify and refine KAT dimensions, but most importantly to scan dimensions used in previous scenario and roadmapping projects; 2. Linking the findings of previous projects and research with the results of mapping, interviews and first online survey results to select the main impact dimensions which influence all KAT dimensions to be used in the construction of the scenario snapshots; 3. Define the main features and their possible behaviour related to the selected impact dimensions; 4. Devise a framework based on the main impact dimensions which would be used to select the snapshots to be developed; 5. Position the scenario snapshots within the defined framework; 6. Develop the selected snapshots highlighting how their main features interact within each possible state of the future by 20252. This entailed: 2 The timeframe 2025 was selected both to break from current mindsets and to allow partners to think freely without trying to connect these possible states of the future with the desired IMS2020 vision, which would be developed a
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
i) The definition of the main characteristics or behaviour of each snapshot feature; ii) The development of a storyline explaining the interactions between these features; 7. For each snapshot feature indentify both the desirability and likelihood of having such behaviour in 2020; 8. Discuss the above findings in a vision building workshop to define the main characteristics or behaviours that should constitute the IMS2020 vision; 9. Circulate both the developed snapshots and the IMS2020 vision to all project partners and the roadmap support group for final refinements and to secure it encompasses all IMS regions. It is important to highlight that once the main features of each impact dimension affecting all five KATs and the behavioural extremes in which these could fall in had been identified, JRC-IPTS brought these to be discussed and refined with all project partners during a workshop. In this workshop, four main impact dimensions influencing all five KATs were selected and were the basis to develop a framework that was used to position the scenarios snapshots to be further developed, according to Figure 6.
Figure 6: IMS2020 Scenarios
JRC-IPTS coordinated the whole work and supported four groups involving all project partners in developing the four snapshots. During a period of a month and a half a number of online tools were used so that JRC-IPTS could support each of the four groups responsible for developing one scenario snapshot. Tools included MS groove for sharing and updating files and documents, email, virtual room for videoconference and joint work, among others. After the snapshots were developed within each of the four groups they were circulated to all project partners and IMS regions for refinements and to ensure that these would take into consideration not only an European perspective, but ratter an international one. step further.
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
At a second stage and after approval of the defined scenario snapshots by all project partners and IMS regions, including the roadmapping support group, project partners had to assess all features within each snapshot scenario on the likelihood and desirability of these becoming reality by 2020. A Likert scale of 1 to 3 was used for this exercise, 1 being not desirable or not likely, and 3 being desirable or likely to happen by 2020. The results of this exercise were then used as an input for the development of the IMS2020 Vision during a vision building workshop, and special attention was given in the discussion to those features which were desired (desirability = 3) and somehow likely to happen by 2020 (likelihood > 2). Based on the results of the vision building workshop a first draft of the IMS2020 Vision was developed by JRC-IPTS and circulated for refinements and to ensure it would capture the views from all project partners and IMS regions. The final IMS2020 Vision comprise a set of around eighty research topics which has been judged to be instrumental for the realisation of the Vision, according to Figure 7. These topics have been shared and fine-tuned with the input of experts around the world, including the roadmapping support group, through an online wiki that had over 2500 visits. Finally, the research topics were prioritised in terms of i) a timeline between 2010 and 2020, ii) inter- dependencies between research topics (those which would depend on other research topics), and iii) interest of different IMS regions to participate into collaborative research projects per research topic. The latter took place through a second online survey that counted with 359 participants.
2. Results The roadmaps have been adapted for use by the EU Commission. These depart from the implementation of the identified research topics and supporting actions between 2011 and 2013, and show the possible impacts or benefits that these could deliver in a timeline towards the IMS2020 Vision. These were shaped around: (i) research topics which act as 'bricks' with short term implementation needed (starting in 1-3 years and to be concluded in 3-7 years); and (ii) actions that are of mid-term implementation (7-10 years), with a wider focus and linked to the research topics, but equally important in attaining the IMS2020 Vision.
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
Figure 7: IMS2020 Roadmaps
The IMS2020 Vision is based on inputs from the mapping activity, one online survey, industrial workshops, and interviews with industry representatives. The IMS2020 Vision (Table 1) can be summarised into three main statements (Cagnin, 2009): 1. Rapid and adaptive user-centred manufacturing, which leads to customised and 'eternal' life cycle solutions. 2. Highly flexible and self-organising value chains, which enable different ways of organising production systems, including infrastructures, and which reduce the time between engaging with end users and delivering a solution. 3. Sustainable manufacturing possible due to cultural change of individuals and corporations supported by the enforcement of rules and a regulatory framework co-designed between governments, industries and societies.
With regards to the final roadmaps, these have been debated and refined with the Commission, both the client of the project the one who shall act upon its results by developing and mobilising the necessary resources. In the sustainable manufacturing, products and services KAT, twenty seven research topics clustered around five main areas for research actions were indentified. These areas are: technologies for sustainability, scarce resources management, sustainable lifecycle of products and production systems, sustainable product and production, and sustainable businesses. The twenty seven proposed research topics range from predictive maintenance and sustainable packaging to quality embedded manufacturing, which looks at how machines embedded with smart devices can be wirelessly networked under intelligent control systems to enable real-time and remote data gathering and monitoring, thus providing a new environment for enhancing quality management in manufacturing.
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
In the energy efficient manufacturing KAT, the project focused on how to reduce the use of scarce resources and minimise firm's carbon footprint by considering innovative methods and technologies. Here the roadmap was developed around four main cluster areas for research and action: energy sources for factories, efficient production processes, energy utilisation in collaborative frameworks, and management and control of energy consumption. Within these, eleven research topics have been proposed, ranging from energy autonomous factory to product tags for holistic value chain improvements. The key technologies KAT is looking at model-based enterprises, nanotechnology, smart materials and robotics, which are all expected to make a big impact in the next generation of manufacturing. In line with this, the roadmap was developed around four main cluster areas for research and action: flexible manufacturing systems, cost-saving manufacturing systems, energy-saving manufacturing systems, and key technologies embedded in manufactured products. Within these, twenty three research topics were proposed, raging from modular assembly/disassembly of production systems to knowledge embedded products. Standardisation is critical to the successful uptake of efficient interoperable solutions in modern and global firms. More than one thousand standards were assessed in the project to identify existing gaps so that guidelines could be developed for policy makers. The research topics within the KAT standardisation were therefore embedded in the three previous KATs for each identified research topic. For the sustainable manufacturing, products and services KAT, five standard 'needs' have been outlined and placed around the selected twenty seven research topics. For both the energy efficient manufacturing KAT and the key technologies KAT, four standard 'needs' were identified for each. Standard 'needs' were grouped in interface, measurement, process, safety, product and component, or material standards. In the same line, in the innovation, competence KAT the research topics were embedded in the three previous KATs with a focus on preparing manufacturing engineers for the identified future industry needs. This means a shift from a pure technological viewpoint to one that integrates technology, business and management while also tacking sustainability into account. Overall nine research topics – ranging from teaching factories to accelerated learning – were identified and embedded in the research topics of the first three KATs: sustainable manufacturing, products and services; energy efficient manufacturing; and key technologies. Both the devised vision and related roadmaps, which include the milestones of innovation activities identified, have been open for wide consultation in the IMS region and beyond through a wiki platform. Final results have been presented in the form of roadmaps between today and end of FP8 to enable the EU Commission to identify and select research priorities to be funded in collaboration between today and 2020. Results are currently being used to shape further FP7 calls and in defining FP8.
Table 1: Final IMS2020 Vision
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
Sustainability policies and related regulations, which comprise an alignment between different policy realms, Policies & are globally aligned and enforced by supra-national institutions, which equally represent all world nations and regulations support a shift towards participatory governance and decision making approaches. Multi-layer bottom-up and long term decision making processes are established both by governments and Decision making industries, both with each other and with overall societies. This is the backbone for greater inclusion, reduction of development gap between rich and poor nations, and sustainable manufacturing. Collaboration between governments, industries and societies, enabled by IT (Web 2.0) and accessible Collaboration education to all, which allows for citizens' awareness raising and engagement in decision making processes and co-design of global regulatory framework that is enforced by supra-national institutions. Partnerships and a balance between cooperation and competition are the soft rules for all relationships, Partnerships allowing value chain networks to self-organise and thus firms to effectively and transparently cooperate and to trust partners, while maintaining competitive advantages related to core competences. Shift in societies' values and behaviours from current individual consumers towards collective and Values & sustainability values, with life and relationships being more valued than the single need, which is only met behaviours when in alignment with global values such as human rights. Solutions (products + services + processes) designed and managed across their life cycles based on the Life cycle & 'eternal' life cycle approach, which means that they generate no waste and that every material or resource is performance continuously transformed, and is geared by renewable and alternative energy sources. Value chains are driven by sustainability and new technologies such as nuclear fusion, hydrogen, new Technology production technologies, etc., all of which allow for information sharing and tractability, reuse / recycle through assembly and disassembly, and sustainable end of life (i.e. biodegradable or edible materials). Solutions are not only globally localised (i.e. communities) but customised to individuals. These are co-created Localisation with end users, who participate in the process from the identification of specific needs towards the design, production, delivery and disposal (reuse or recycle) of solutions and materials used. Global markets are regulated through common rules enforced by supra-national organisations. Firms Markets organised through global value chains which are highly flexible and able to self-organise. Value chain networks are created as partnerships which are built according to specific needs, solutions and actors. Regulations are globally co-designed and enforced by supra-national organisations. Standards shifts towards Standardisation sustainable solutions and processes of user engagement, which include technologies which speed the & regulation process of identifying a particular need and the further rapid manufacturing of solutions. Knowledge is jointly generated, automatically distributed and exploited in cooperation. It is part of a collective Knowledge intelligent network (i.e. global brain) with different IPR systems, which allow tacit knowledge to become collective and explicit. Education is pervasive to all human activities; it takes place at any time and anywhere. It is provided by a Education multitude of actors, in alignment with institutions and in collaboration with industry and governments. Curricula is personalised since individuals learn through experience, which mean that they actively participate Curricula in the learning process. Competence and New skills and competences are deployed providing individuals and institutions with the necessary capabilities skills to anticipate and adapt to changes and think long term (i.e. foresight). Learning takes place at any time and anywhere and is geared towards individual experience rather than Learning traditional learning methods. Smart grids for energy co-generation at the point of consumption, and distribution involving all stakeholders Energy (i.e. industry, governments and citizens at home and in the office), which allow for energy efficiency close to 100%. Alternative and renewable sources of energy drive manufacturing.
Natural Natural resources are used in an intelligent way with zero waste and zero losses, allowing for conservation resources & and renew (in case of renewable resources). Ownership of resources and sustainable use internationally materials recognised and globally ensured, supporting changes in geopolitics. Environmental footprint is positive. New geopolitics support reduction in development gap between rich and Environmental poor. All countries have equal access to wealth and education as well as responsibility towards the collective. footprint Business value becomes a balance of economic, social, environmental, spatial, cultural and political capital, which is enabled through stakeholder engagement (co-creation and open innovation).
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
Revisiting the principles for global foresight The IMS2020 scenario and roadmapping process shed light on some challenges in organising global foresight exercises. Table 2 summarises some of the lessons learned reflecting these around the important principles to be considered when designing and undertaking an international foresight exercise. Lessons vary therefore from using the proposed framework (Figure 3) to link strategic objectives with the operational activities to be performed, the diversity of stakeholders to be engaged, the communication channels to be used, and methods to be employed. Also, the discussion of impacts intended (Figure 2) when defining each operational step and guiding questions of the overall process has been very useful to focus the discussion and reduce deviation into all sort of results which could be achieved within an exercise of this size. Undertaking a systemic understanding of the system at the initial phase and combining open and collective with closed and expert-driven stages was critical to set a robust process in which participants' knew at each phase what was expected and how milestone results would feed the following phases. The modular foresight architecture employed allowed engagement of numerous participants in different roles and with different kinds of contributions and enabled the process and results to be adaptable to changes such as evolving client needs (from a list of priorities for research collaboration into feeding its framework programme) as well as the scenario and roadmaping work which had to adapt to closely involve partners during a period of almost two months. Such flexibility was critical to build ownership of results and to enable that all project partners had the same understanding of how different pieces fit together into the whole structure of the project.
Table 2: lessons learned from IMS2020 Principles for Actions Taken Lessons Learned Global Foresight Examine systemic Understanding of current situation by The combination of open and collective with properties in the mapping scientific literature and existing closed and expert-driven stages enabled partners context in which the worldwide roadmaps on manufacturing, and main collaborators (i.e. EU Commission and exercise takes place together with partners experience shared roadmapping group) to share a common in order to identify in workshops and weekly Skype calls, and understanding of the system under analysis and key objectives, workshops with industry. This was the likely ways it can evolve, positioning the project's stakeholders and the basis to select variables to jointly develop objectives within this mindset. scope of the scenarios, which also used inputs from exercise. online and wiki open consultations, to understand likely ways in which world manufacturing system can evolve in the future. Prepare to align Meetings with the client (EU Commission) The framework used in the initial discussions was strategic objectives to i) design the strategy, ii) debate critical to link the strategic objectives of the with operational milestone results, and iii) mutual learning. project to the operational activities to be design and undertaken. The partner meetings were managerial aspects paramount to adapt the process to evolving client all through the needs, and in order to identify participants for the exercise to more closed and expert-driven stages of the accommodate project diverse stakeholder expectations. Define alternative Definition of spaces for engaging Again, the framework used in the initial
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
ways to bring about partners, the client (EU Commission), discussions was critical to shape the design of the diversity of partners' industry contacts, the exercise and combine different ways of engaging participants and their roadmapping group, and wider audiences different audiences across both formal and respective within the kick-off meeting. This was done informal partner networks. The use of online tools viewpoints creating using the JRC-IPTS framework for was paramount to enable partners to collaborate spaces that allow shaping the exercise's design, and across the project within dedicated spaces as well stocktaking on building upon a dialogue among project as to engage wider participation in the open diversity and partners stages of the project. Moreover, these tools elaborating joint offered major support for efficient and agendas. participatory management of the exercise since their use was integral part of its design Ensure multiple A range of channels were used in this Weekly Skype calls were crucial to take stock of communication regard: online video conferences and performed activities and to define who would be channels to enable weekly Skype calls with project partners, responsible for taking action based on a common knowledge to flow, face-to-face meetings between partners understanding of what still had to be done and the interactions to take and with industry experts and the EU direction to follow. The meetings were dedicated place and workable Commission, and interviews. To interact to the crucial phases such as the scenario agreements to be with wider audiences' two online surveys formulation and the common definition of the achieved. and a wiki platform were used. All material vision for the roadmapping work, which created a produced was shared online through sufficient basis to continue refinement of the work Groove, an online platform used by all in dedicated online spaces and to reach partners consensus among partners and collaborators Build upon both During the kick-off meeting partners Creativity was fostered in both open/ collective formal and informal outlined that the best way to engage with and close/expert-driven stages of the project. networks to combine their informal network of contacts would Workshops with industry representatives were existing knowledge be through other methods than those shaped in a way that spaces for mutual learning in novel ways, allow used for formal networks like online rather than the simple exchange of information creativity to take surveys combined with workshops. would take place. These combined presentations, place and embed the Hence, the decision was to also include roundtable discussions and small groups' exercise in the methods like interviews and smaller debates, always bringing in different views on the system it is part of. workshops which would function as a same topic. In the open and collective stages, the dedicated space for mutual learning rather results of online surveys, workshop discussions, than collecting information from formal interviews and partner meetings were used as and informal networks of industry input for a wiki platform. As a result a number of representatives research topics were re-shaped and combined in novel ways due to inputs and discussions enabled through such a tool and that would have been difficult to capture otherwise. Solicit ideas also The first online survey asked exactly for In the design of the first online survey there was a about future this kind of information from industry and need for explanation and to convince partners of innovations aligned research networks. It identified from 261 the benefits in elaborating the survey questions in with the systemic experts around the globe a variety of this way. Only after a debate on the nature of and action-oriented innovation ideas about future innovations innovations and on how to solicit creative future nature of innovation linked to one or more of the five KATs ideas that partners achieved a common processes beyond under consideration and to (social, understanding and therefore a consensus on the less focused future- political, industrial, technological, and questionnaire used for the first online survey. oriented statements. other) changes that could have an Debates took place in the kick-off meeting and influence in the realisation of the idea weekly Skype calls with all partners, as well as a meeting were JRC-IPTS and those responsible in running the survey sat together to jointly design the questionnaire Manage diversity In the kick-off meeting partners decided Once again the framework used in the initial and its interactions the diversity needed to be engaged discussions was critical to link the strategic as well as across the project and the stages in which objectives of the project to the operational communication and each group of stakeholders would be activities to be taken and the stakeholders to be behavioural aspects involved in order to reach the strategic involved at each phase. Although the diversity in a way which is objectives, as well as the methods for needed and the communication procedures to put clear to all and in engagement and both internal and in place were clear to all from the outset, alignment to managing interactions, especially between
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
strategic and external communication channels partners, required much more: at stages such as operational the scenario building process there were times we decisions. had to return to previous discussions, clarify decisions already taken and, most importantly, show how elements fit together within a bigger picture in order to attain the results and impacts intended Ensure expectations The only stage which was critical during As mentioned, the scenario and vision building are managed in line the project was in the scenario and vision process required lots of behaviour and with the objectives of building processes. This happened due to expectation management. In the fist scenario the exercise and the the fact that none of the partners beyond building workshop a discussion of how scenarios results it aims to JRC-IPTS was acquainted with foresight could be deployed and the variables to be attain. and the alternative processes for building selected had to take place. Rather than having scenarios, joint visions and roadmaps. In partners developing scenarios as planned, the order to properly manage this JRC-IPTS first workshop had to be downscaled and devoted had to give a background explanation of to the joint selection of variables to be used and such processes and shape the exercise in the snapshots to be developed within a a way all partners would be involved and framework which was jointly constructed. In fact, share ownership of results 16 possible snapshots were briefly discussed so that partners would feel comfortable with those selected to be further developed. Since there was only one extra workshop planned for the scenario work, JRC-IPTS proposed a different approach than the one decided at the kick-off meeting: each selected snapshot would be developed by different teams with support from IPTS, later these would be shared among partners, and finally among collaborators. The approach worked very well and enabled partners to feel more security on the work being done and its results. It also enabled the project to be kept within the planned timetable. After all developed scenarios were approved the second planned workshop was devoted to develop a common vision. Here, although JRC-IPTS was facilitating and giving direction to the discussions, it asked project partners to rotate in chairing and steering the discussions. Again this worked very well and partners felt very motivated during the two days discussions, which was critical to build ownership of results Strive to design and During the kick-off meeting the JRC-IPTS The combination of open and collective (online reach impacts which framework was used to present different surveys, wiki) with closed and expert-driven are adaptive both in alternatives to achieve the intended stages (interviews, workshops, meetings) enabled terms of process and impacts, as well as how results could be flexibility in the overall process, such as the one results. presented to different audiences (policy, above mentioned for developing scenarios and a industry and research) shared vision. As for results, these have been adapted for use by the EU Commission and thus feed the framework programme 7 and what shall substitute the framework programme 8. At the same time, the way in which the scenarios, the shared vision and the final roadmaps were presented enabled its use by research (results have been presented in a number of conferences) and industry, who was involved in all stages of the exercise Shape a common The roadmaps were developed towards a Roadmaps have been developed for the EU path to follow shared vision of IMS2020. These present Commission and the resources it would need to outlining resources the research topics and supporting mobilise in the coming years to enable the
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
which should be actions to be deployed in time and IMS2020 Vision to become a reality, and thus the developed and through collaboration in the IMS region EU manufacturing systems to flourish sustainably. mobilised both and beyond to attain the defined vision However, as research topics were defined based individually and on collaboration needs in the IMS region, it would collectively. be a natural activity to move a step further in order to outline what resources would need to be mobilised and developed per IMS involved country as well as jointly: this would be an interesting question for a research or another project
In this regard, the use of various online tools (video and teleconferences, and Groove) was paramount to structure internal communication channels and enable knowledge to flow and be combined in novel ways. The latter was strengthened by engaging wider stakeholders via online surveys and a wiki platform. The development of tools such as questionnaires and, most importantly, the scenario and roadmap work were the phases which required closer management of expectations. Since most partners were new to foresight and to processes of developing scenarios and roadmaps, lots of background explanation had to be given showing how things fit together. However, the most critical part of this process was to closely involve all partners in the development of scenarios by enabling them to steer the process, and working only as a facilitator who would intervene from time to time to support partners to find different solutions to emerging challenges as questions and doubts would arise. By doing so, partners felt strong motivation and ownership, which were paramount to achieve at five roadmaps that are closely interconnected and show the research and innovation topics and supporting actions needed to achieve at a shared vision of intelligent manufacturing systems.
Conclusions The IMS2020 scenario and roadmapping process shed light on future global collaborative research and innovation needed for the sustainability of manufacturing industry and highlights some of the challenges in organising global foresight exercises. For instance, the scalable design was crucial for adapting to geographical dispersion and numerous participants. Also, the responsiveness to stakeholder needs and interests in course of the exercise was crucial to keep the participants motivated and to share the ownership of the outcomes. The identification of ten principles for global foresight design and management and the ways in which these have been dealt with in practice show that there are different ways to addressing each of the principles: this can be done either in isolation (one principle at a time) or collectively. Whatever the chosen approach, however, it may be beneficial to have all these principles somehow embedded in the design of a foresight exercise for its successful implementation as well as to ensure ownership and that action is taken upon results. The results of the IMS2020 project has been used for instance in the further shaping FP7 and design what shall substitute FP8, but it may far more relevant how the whole process created systemic understanding and common visions among the stakeholders taking part in the exercise and thus generating a momentum shaping globally the intelligent manufacturing industry of the future. Building on this experience, we conclude that online working tools offer major support for efficient and participatory management of global foresight when their use is integral part of the design of the whole exercise – a finding that may deserve further research in the field.
THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
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THEME: ORIENTING INNOVATION SYSTEMS TOWARDS GRAND CHALLENGES AND THE ROLES THAT FTA CAN PLAY Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) FTA and Grand Societal Challenges – Shaping and Driving Structural and Systemic Transformations SEVILLE, 12-13 MAY 2011
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