Ryerss Hunt Homeowners Board of Directors

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Ryerss Hunt Homeowners Board of Directors

RYERSS HUNT HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting Minutes February 15, 2007 @ 7:00 p.m. Exton Elementary School

Board Members Present: Kathy Bird, President Mike Guerra, Treasurer Greg Antonowich, Vice President Rich Lanshe, Member at Large Donna Galvin, Secretary

Others Present: Patty Mullen Smith MAMC Community Manager

Call to Order Kathy Bird called the meeting to order at 7:03p.m.

Kathy Bird introduced two visitors to the meeting, Patty Mullen Smith, MAMC Community Manager and Jean McLaughlin of MAMC who was taking the minutes for the meeting. Kathy introduced all the Board Members and explained that each person elected to the board serves a three-year term. She also explained that the Board members at their first meeting following the annual meeting decide officer positions. She explained that her office as President ends tonight but her board term doesn’t end until February 2008. Officer positions for 2007 are decided at the next meeting.

First order of business was the approval of the Meeting Minutes of the February 16, 2006 Annual Meeting. Motion was called and was seconded.

2006 Review Greg Antonowich announced that the revised Neighborhood Directory has been completed and will be distributed to all homeowners’ mailboxes on Friday, February 16, 2007. This project was started last July. After several attempts to get homeowners to submit directory information, Donna volunteered to phone homeowners to get information to complete the update.

Kathy explained that d funds to complete the landscaping required for dedication were turned over to the Board by the builder so they could complete the plans. to plant additional trees and shrubs. This projected was completed in 2006.

In 2006, the Ryerss Hunt website was redesigned and given a new layout and navigation. It is in final review now and is expected to be up and running by end of February. Guy McCandless, a homeowner in Ryerss Hunt has maintained the website for the community for the last several years. Kathy thanked him for the time he had spent taking care of the website. The Board wants to offer email alerts to share important news with homeowners. The Board plans to post a form on the website so homeowners can give their email addresses to them. It would be used as a reminder for important issues.

Introduction of Candidates for Board of Directors:

Greg introduces the candidate, Donna Galvin, for the open position on the Board. Donna was appointed in June 2005 complete the term of a board member who resigned and then again to finish out the term of another board member who resigned. Donna told the group of homeowners that she was interested in working with this group of Board members again.

The question was asked if there were any other candidates for this position and no one came forward.

Association Financial Review:

Mike Guerra, Treasurer, reviewed the unaudited 2006 expenses and the approved 2007 budget. Mike explained the budget in great detail to all the homeowners present and how he came to the adjustments due to the reserve study guidance. He also thanked Patty Mullen Smith and MAMC for all their help in preparing the 2007 budget.

Reserve Study:

Donna Galvin presented the reserve study and remarked how the last one only looked at the 55 acres, 6 basins and the retention basin. This reserve study was done in April and looked at all of the common area, open space basins and walking trail. She was pleased to announce that all basins are working fine except for a small amount of erosion that was expected.

The walking trails and stairs will be looked at in the spring and summer and after heavy rainstorms. Tarps underneath stones on the walking trails need to be replaced. Wood steps and bridges are fine at this time. Sidewalks are in good condition as well. Trees along Constitution that are ten feet from the curb are Ryerss Hunt property and any trees that fall on this property are our responsibility to clear away.

The reserve study identified long-term expenses including the de-silting of the basins every 5 years and wooden fences that need to be replaced at a cost of $21,000.00. Outlet – inlet in the basins need to be replaced in another 10 years. Wood stairs and bridges would cost $30,000 to replace in time. Sidewalks would cost $20,000.00 to replace. There was erosion to the walking trail after the bad storm in July and maybe asphalting it would help but the cost would be close to $45,000.00.

2007 Landscaping Contract

2 Rich explained that the Board issued a request for proposal (RFP) to three landscaping companies for the 2007 contract. The company selected was Lakeside Lawn care Company (LLC). They submitted the lowest price for the required services. The owner of LLC, Tom Pavletich, is a resident of Ryerss Hunt.

Question from Homeowner: What is going to be done to the front entrance this year?

Rich answered that the Board is looking into upgrading the lighting and signs at the front entrance this year.

Question from Homeowner: Will there be a vote taken of the homeowners on what type of new front entrance sign will be chosen?

Greg told the homeowner that a committee would be formed to evaluate options and review proposals in order to help make that decision. Most questions this year from homeowners were about the lighting issue at the front entrance. We need homeowner involvement and if you want to get involved please let the board know.

Question from Homeowner: What about a sign on Constitution Avenue?

Greg told the homeowner that we are not sure if it is our property. The Township has done a study to put a thruway in on Constitution to extend it to Phoenixville Pike. If homeowners are interested in knowing more about the plans for Constitution, they should inquire about the next township meeting where this issue will be discussed.

Question from Homeowner: If the township says no signage on Constitution Avenue then why don’t they maintain that property?

It is our property to the basin and on the other side of the street is owned by a private home and the rest is township property. Homeowners a few years ago decided they did not want a sign on Constitution Avenue.

Question from Homeowner: If front entrance will cost a great deal, will homeowners get to approve the cost by voting on this issue?

Kathy said homeowner assessment needs homeowners to vote but because the potential upgrade is in the budget, no vote is necessary.

Question from homeowner: Whose responsibility is it to repair the damage to the guardrail when the tree fell on it?

3 Rich told us that the guardrail will be repaired by him come the spring. However, further discussion suggested that we should contact the Township to see if it is their responsibility to maintain the guardrail.

Question from homeowner: Could we vote online through the website?

Patty Mullen Smith answered that question by saying that you would need a secure website and that was not possible at this time.

Question from homeowner: Would the board be able to put the changes in the township on the website?

The Board advised homeowners to reference either the West Whiteland township newsletter or web site for updates and the dates of their meetings.

Review of Association Rules:

The Board has a responsibility to abide by the rules and regulations. Procedures for handling violations, the declaration, bylaws and resolutions are on the website. Guidelines for fences or no above ground pools are also on the website.

Board Election:

The ballots were collected and counted including the absentee ballots the Board had received from Homeowners who could not make the meeting. The election was a landslide victory for Donna Galvin.

Open floor to Questions

Question from Homeowner Are the township speed limit signs going to be straightened to an upright position?

Greg last year volunteered to straighten the signs but discovered that the braces that hold the signs upright are broken and need to be replaced by the township. We, as a community need to approach the township to replace these signs. Kathy will write a letter from the Board to the Township asking them to address this problem. Kathy is not certain that the township will cooperate in replacing these signs. Homeowners should all write letters to draw attention to the problem. The website will post this information to all homeowners to get involved in this issue Greg will call the township to find out what steps need to be taken to rectify this problem.

Question from homeowner: Will the new landscaper be made aware of the trees we have planted?

4 Yes, and they will be mulched and taken care of properly. Trees have died due to abuse by the deer population and the bark stripped off by them. New trees were planted. PA Arboretum Society has a list of plants that the deer find offensive on line and was suggested to use some of these plants around the trees.

Question from homeowner: Any news about the bond issue and the builder?

Kathy told us that the township contacted the board to ask if we had any issues before they returned the bond to the builder. We had no issues and the bond has been released.

Since there was no further business before the Board of Directors, the following motion was made to adjourn. It was seconded and passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:20p.m.

______Respectfully Submitted by Jean McLaughlin Submitted February 19, 2007

______Date Approved by the Board

______Kathy Bird, as President Greg Antonowich, as Vice President Ryerss Hunt Board of Directors Ryerss Hunt Board of Directors


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