Targeted Language Progress Indicators s4

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Targeted Language Progress Indicators s4

Lesson Plans Unit: Leisure & Entertainment Day _16_

Targeted Language Progress Indicators Students will: - ask questions and give appropriate responses. -identify the following: mascotas, perros, gatos, tortugas, peces, pájaros, conejos and caballos.

Targeted Wyoming Content Strands for Other Disciplines 1  WY MA 5.1 DATA ANALYSIS AND PROBABILITY: Students systematically collect, organize, and describe/represent numeric data using line graphs. 2

Language Structures to Culture to Teach/Review Teach/Review ¿Tienes…? ¿A ti te gusta _____, sí o no? Sí me gusta _____. No, no me gusta_____.

Materials Needed for This Lesson -Flashcards representing the vocabulary (Grade6-Unit3.Lesson16-PP1) -Pictures of your pet if you have one -Students: Folio: ¿Quién tiene…? (Grade6-Unit3.Lesson16-Handout1)— one per student

Lesson Steps 1. Warm-up: This is an introduction to pets and their care. If you have a pet you may want to bring in pictures to share with your students. Give a brief description of your pet. If you do not have a pet, begin a general discussion about animals. Give examples of animals and which ones are suitable for the home and which are probably not.

Lesson Plans: Grade6-Unit3.Lesson6-LessonPlan Unit: Leisure & Entertainment 1 Lesson Plans Unit: Leisure & Entertainment Day _16_

Examples: la llama, el puma, el zorro, la cotorra, el oso, el serpiente/ la culebra, el elefante, el perro, el pez, etc. Activity 1: Introduction of vocabulary: mascotas; el perro, los perros; el gato, los gatos; la tortuga; el pez, los peces; el pájaro, los pájaros; el conejo, el caballo. Begin with an oral presentation of the animals using the flashcards from the PowerPoint. Since the students are familiar with the phrases Me gusta/ No me gusta ____, you could use this in the introduction of the vocabulary. Move from a visual introduction of the vocabulary into using TPR. Begin to ask students their preferences regarding animals. Example: T: ¿A ti te gusta el perro, sí o no? S: Sí me gusta el perro. / No, no me gusta el perro. T: ¿Tienes ______, sí o no? ¿Cómo es? S: Student describes their animal.

(Sample descriptive words to use: grande, pequeño, mediano, blanco, negro, castaño, gris, fuerte, lento, rápido, etc. It may be necessary to do a quick review of descriptive adjectives.) Activity 2: Q&A Activity: Divide the class in half. Designate Sides A and B. Hand out flash cards representing animals to side A. Side A will ask the questions; side B will give the answers. Side A practices asking the question: ¿A ti te gusta _____, sí o no?/ ¿Tienes ______, sí o no? Side B has the choice of answering with either Sí me gusta _____. No, no me gusta _____. Practice with both sides for about 30 seconds. On your signal students begin to mingle. Allow students to mingle for about 1-2 minute(s); stop and switch roles for another couple of minutes.

Activity 3: Partner Dialogue: Pair students together. Determine who will be Partner A and Partner B. Use the dialogue from the last activity, Partner A will ask the question; and Partner B will give an appropriate

Lesson Plans: Grade6-Unit3.Lesson6-LessonPlan Unit: Leisure & Entertainment 2 Lesson Plans Unit: Leisure & Entertainment Day _16_ answer. Switch roles. Teacher calls on pairs to perform the short dialogue. Respond with appropriate feedback/ encouragement.

Activity 4: Give students handout ¿Quién tiene…? (Grade6- Unit3.Lesson16-Handout1). Review the information and explain to the students that they will be collecting data to create a graph.

The students have 5-7 minutes to roam around the room and ask as many students within that time if they have any pets. Students must document the name of the person and his or her pet. You may want to designate whether students need to just make a check (√) or if they need to record the number of pets. Students will need to keep the handout for activities for Day 17.

Notes to the Teacher

During Activities 2 and 4 the instructor can issue a challenge to the class. Tell the class that you are going to give them 10 points during the roaming portion of the activity. As the students are talking you will be actively listening for Spanish. Should you hear any English the class loses points. A reward for retaining 7- 10 points could be to let the students choose the closing activity, a song or quick game, etc.

Lesson Plans: Grade6-Unit3.Lesson6-LessonPlan Unit: Leisure & Entertainment 3

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