Referral Form for Liverpool Wheelchair Service
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Referral form for Liverpool Wheelchair Service All sections of this form are mandatory; incomplete forms will be returned to the referrer.
Relevant Medical History:
Please describe the applicants current mobility, including any mobility aids used Indoors:
Please describe your method of transfer (e.g. independent, hoist, assistance):
Name: D.O.B:
Does the applicant have any visual impairment? If yes please give details:
Does the applicant have any pressure areas / skin redness, or have they had in the past? Please include grade and location if known (if nil please mark as such):
The telephone number for this service if you wish to discuss your referral is 0151 296 7770. Please return this form via fax; 0151 296 7764, post; Liverpool Wheelchair Service, Lifehouse, Brunswick Business Park, Summers Road, Liverpool, L3 4BL or email; [email protected]
Referrals are only accepted for clients with a long-term mobility need. This service does not provide wheelchairs for short-term loan or occasional/ social use.
Personal Details:
Medical Information:
1 Draft v1 July 2014
Lifehouse, Brunswick Business Park, Summers Height: Weight:
Social Information: Does the applicant have a carer who will push the wheelchair? Yes No
Are there any health issues for the carer? (If yes please give details)
How often will the chair be used?
Where will the chair be used? Indoors Outdoors Both
2 Draft v1 July 2014 Does the client currently have a wheelchair from Liverpool Wheelchair Service?
Yes No Not Known
If the applicant already has a wheelchair, please state reason for re-referral:
If the applicant already has a wheelchair, please describe the type of wheelchair and cushion on issue:
Application For:
Attendant-Propelled Wheelchair (pushed by carer)
Self-Propelled Wheelchair (pushed by self)
If referral is from a medical professional please state if applicant is medically fit to self- propel: Yes No
Electric Powered Indoor Only Wheelchair
Electric Powered Indoor/Outdoor Wheelchair (Powered chairs for outdoor only use are NOT supplied)
Customised Special Seating
Voucher Scheme
Childs pushchair or buggy
Has the applicant consented to this referral? Yes No If no, please give reason: ______
Additional Information to support referral if required:
Name: D.O.B:
Ethnicity: 3 Draft v1 July 2014 Black or Black British Chinese or Chinese British □ African □ Chinese □ Caribbean □ Any other Black background
Dual Heritage Asian or Asian British □ Asian and White □ Bangladeshi □ Black African and White □ Indian □ Black Caribbean and White □ Pakistani □ Chinese and White □ Any other Asian background □ Any other duel heritage background
White □ British □ Irish
□ Any other ethnicity (please describe) ______□ Do not wish to disclose
Referrer Details: Name:
Designation/Relationship to applicant:
Address (if referring professional):
Telephone number:
4 Draft v1 July 2014