The Alliance of Divine Love Newsletter s1

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The Alliance of Divine Love Newsletter s1

The Alliance of Divine Love Newsletter January, 2016

New phone # for National Office: 828-388-2102

National and Chapter News (originally published 1st week of January) IT'S TIME TO MARK YOUR 2016 CALENDAR for the Alliance of Divine Love NATIONAL CONFERENCE JUNE 23RD -JUNE 26TH THE PLACE TO BE: KENNEBUNK, MAINE It's a Divine Love Infusion!

The National ADL Conference Committee has been hard at work planning, with your input, the next ADL National Conference. We are excited to announce that the theme for the next confer- ence is: A Divine Love Infusion with Inspiration, Education and Fellow- ship

We are planning the agenda, and we have paid special attention to your requests and desires, as you expressed in the survey we sent you earlier this year. Currently you can expect the following activities: Early-morning activities will be yoga, meditation and/or walks through the 66-acre grounds. Thursday evening: Meet and greet. Snacks and beverages will be provided. There will be activities that will help us all get acquainted. Friday morning: Whale Watch Saturday evening: Down East Lobster Bake Dinner. (We will be providing alternative menus for our Land lovers and Vegan ministers.) Meet our Leadership Meeting with Chapter and National Committee Reports National Meeting of Alliance of Divine Love Interactive Spiritual Counseling Panel, where you can ask the experts Pass the Stick, with the National ADL Board of Directors, Ask that Question that you always wanted to ask our leadership. Inspirational Speakers Fellowship activities with FUN! Closing Sunday inspirational service You can click here to download the registration form with prices and complete information about registering for this great conference. You will have the option of sending in a $100 deposit, which will hold your room space and give you prefer- ence on rooms at the Franciscan Guest House.

One of the things on the survey that was very important to you was easy access to the conference location. The Franciscan Guest House has three airports which are in its vicinity. Portland Jetport, is the closest airport. Driving time from the airport is about 26 minutes. American Airlines, Delta, Jet Blue, Southwest, United and U.S. Air all fly into Portland. Manchester, N.H. is the second closest. Driving time is about 1 hr. 14min drive. Southwest, U.S. airways, United, U.S. Air express from Charlotte, Delta, and Unit- ed fly into Manchester. Boston Logan is 1hr. 38 min. drive. Air Canada, American Airlines, Delta, Jet Blue, Southwest, Spirit, United, U.S. Airways, Virgin and Aer Lingus all fly into Boston Logan.

Keep looking for more details in the ADL newsletter, website and on our ministers' Facebook page. Get ready to register early to guarantee your room. We look forward to seeing you there! Co-Founder Rev. Dr. Barbara Selwa

"Dismiss and Dissolve" Dear ones: Let us today concentrate on understanding the spiritual growth process. In this, when you work in the symbolic realm of language and other signs, words are very important. You use words spiritually to lift yourself into the higher realm of direct experience, We have said before that bits of spiritual understanding come with an “aha!” experience. It is simi- lar to -- but not exactly like -- the time that you were contemplating how to arrange your living room. Ideas and con- cepts spun around and around, creating suggestions for where to put the coffee table and the sofa, but you weren't con- vinced by any. You left your decision open as you walked to a nearby store, your mind on other things. Then, out of the blue you got the answer! “Aha”, you thought, “Now I know what I want!” Note the word “want” above. It has emotional tones in it, which illustrates an important characteristic of spiritual “ahas”. They are always centered in the heart, where lives the true God. As you grow deeper into spiritual under- standing, words will eventually drop off all together. All of your life energies will flow into the multiverse from Pure Spirit, and you will live the Highest Life. You will create love, peace, happiness and other good without effort or con- tamination. As most of you are now sometimes in this state but fall back into the material world filled with half created good we will examine solutions. You struggle valiantly to understand others and be healed of problems. However, it seems to never end. How can you speed up the process? Lets take a look at some short cuts. In past writings we have studied dissolving problems in Divine Love. This is one of the quickest ways to move out of an earth level snafu, but it should be ongoing using much dedication and perserverance. On earth, you will be bombarded with conflicting ideas and you must stand strong. Do not give up until the problem has been solved! Keep drawing the difficulty out and snuffing it with Love. Let's now look at another very important way to hasten your spiritual growth. When you draw out the problem for dis- solving, dismiss it also. Using the word dismiss helps you to eliminate the still unconscious part of the difficulty. It is usually guilt. For example, suppose you have family problems because were very mean to your sister when growing up. You have made efforts to fix the situation and you have tried hard to forgive yourself. However, things just seem to gravitate back to square one. Guilt, in your subconscious, has emerged again. Here, you need to put aside the word forgive when addressing the difficulty. Instead use the word dismiss when dealing with it. Dismiss is a more neutral word which will help calm your subconscious guilt and it will not jump out as you take steps to improve. What usual- ly happens is that the word forgive creates doubts about whether you are worthy of being forgiven. Somewhere inside of you you have had held “bad” against what you did and it rears its ugly head. So, what you do is dismiss the prob- lem. Do not even think of using the word forgive. Your subliminal self will jump on it. It will allow you to dismiss the problem and create higher good for you and your family. So, my dears, you have two tools for gaining higher Awareness: dissolve and dismiss. Use them often and be very deter- mined when addressing your inner self. It must know that you are in charge and you will give the orders. Keep on keeping on as you admit more and more Love into your heart. Let me say here that you are so close! You will reach saint level soon. Do not let this startle you. Do not doubt it. Dismiss any doubt! You're on your way. Sit down and try to count the people you have helped in your life. You people of the ADL have reached millions. How spiritual is that! Your loving teacher in the warm, wonderful family of God, StAOR

President's Message: Rev. Jo Ann "Elf" Pessagno Dearest fellow ministers, We are putting together a truly extraordinary national conference in Maine! Please plan to join your fellow ADL ministers and the mighty whales! Happy New Year, everyone! Light, Love and hugs,

Elf Report from the National ADL Office by Rev. Pamela Meyer Crissey and Rev. Analisa Domenica We have purchased an ID-card printer and are learning how to use it.

From now on we will make our own ID cards for ADL ministers rather than subcontracting the task to Texas, which was fraught with complications. Better times ahead in the New Year!

In Gratitude, Pam and Analisa All correspondence should be sent to the Hendersonville address below and all emails to [email protected]. We will respond to all communication if we get it, so if we don't respond, contact us again. ADL National Office 707 Brooklyn Ave. Hendersonville, NC 28792 NEW PHONE NUMBER: 828-388-2102

"Roots of Anger" by Rev. Randy Fillmore, ADL National Ombudsman This month, I’d like to share some words from spiritual master, Tich Nhat Hanh, that res- onate with me as I try to come to an understanding or some kind of meaning of what I hear and see what’s happening in the news each day. In his “The Roots of Anger”, he offers, “Anger is rooted in our lack of understanding of ourselves and of the causes, deep-seated as well as immediate, that brought about this unpleasant state of affairs. Anger is also rooted in desire, pride, agitation, and suspi- cion. The primary roots of our anger are in ourselves. Our environment and other peo- ple are only secondary. It is not difficult for us to accept the enormous damage brought about by a natural disaster, such as an earthquake or a flood. But when damage is caused by another person, we don’t have much patience. We know that earthquakes and floods have causes, and we should see that the person who has precipitated our anger also has reasons, deep-seated and immediate, for what he has done. For instance, someone who speaks badly to us may have been spoken to in exactly the same way just the day before, or by his alcoholic father when he was a child. When we see and understand these kinds of causes, we can begin to be free from our anger. I am not saying that someone who viciously attacks us should not be disciplined, but what is important is that we first take care of the seeds of negativity in ourselves. Then, if someone needs to be helped or disciplined, we will do so out of compassion, not anger and retribution. If we genuinely try to understand the suffering of another, we are more likely to act in a way that will help him overcome his suffering and confusion, and that will help all of us.”

Blessings along the path. Rev Randy Fillmore ADL Ombudsman Webmeister Musings Rev. Brian Crissey Rev. Pamela and I were in Charleston, SC, last Sunday visiting relatives, when I suggested that we attend the 9:30 service at the Mother Emmanuel AME Church, to show our support. Pamela said that she feared that people might feel we were gawking. "Go by yourself," she said. I considered doing so. After all, what could be wrong with a single white man inviting himself into a worship group at a black church in Charleston? I do not know how to describe how I felt when I realized that people might look at me in fear. I sent my love, but I did not go.


Carolinas Chapter No news to report at this time. President: Rev. Dona Menz V.P.: Rev. Ann Keesler Treasurer: Rev. Pam Crissey Secretary: Candace Lewis

The Florida Chapter

Report on the Annual Florida Elections ... President: Rev. Jane Gray Ford V.P.: Rev. Sandra Bolognia Secretary: Rev. Dr. Bonnie Barnes Kelley Treasurer: Rev. Lindsay Babich

Heartland Chapter Report November, 2015 No news to report at this time. President: Rev. Mary Gibson McCoy, V.P.: Rev. Gregory L. McCoy, Secretary: Rev. Dr. Kara Hawkins, and Treasurer: Rev. Marci Reardon

Mid-Atlantic Chapter No news to report at this time. Tennessee River Valley Chapter No news to report at this time. President: Rev. Eve Robinson 423-794-9376 VP: Rev. Janet E. Busvek Secretary: Rev. Lisa Gilchrist Treasurer: Rev. Kay McClain-Davis Past President, Rev. Dr. Linda Marie Nelson

Your Board of Trustees Please feel free to email or call us with your concerns or suggestions. Rev. Dr. Jo Ann "Elf" Pessagno, President - 301-204-2525 Rev. Dr. Wanda Beebe, Vice President - 423-718-3757 Rev. Shellie Enteen, Secretary - 864-877-8450 Rev. Charlotte McGinnis, Treasurer - 828-697-1556 Rev. Dr. Linda Marie Nelson, 615-653-5387 Rev. Lorri Gliner, 561-313-8725

Your Chapter Presidents Rev. Dona Menz, Carolinas Chapter - 828-808-2984 Rev. Michael Tobolski, Mid-Atlantic Chapter - 540-657-4324 Rev. Jane Gray-Ford, Florida Chapter - 561-827-3319 Rev. Mary McCoy, Heartland Chapter - 816-737-5979 Rev. Eve Robinson, Tennessee Chapter - 423-794-9376

Ministers' Submissions – (originally published 3rd Friday of November)

THE SKY PICTURE,JANUARY 2016 by Rev. Linda Bender Happy birthday, Capricorns, you ole mountain goats! You are very steadfast and sure footed, but you have quite a year ahead of you. Jupiter is in Virgo, your solar ninth house, through August. The ninth house represents travel, education, religion and publishing. With Jupiter in this house you could have a great opportunity for travel which could open doors to different people and cultures. On September 9th Jupiter travels to Libra, your solar tenth house of career and the public. For thirteen months your opportunities will be abundant and you can complete jobs and goals with your special talent that will affect years to come. Uranus is in Aries, your fourth solar house for the next three years. Uranus, in the fourth house of home and family, can create unpredictability; expect the unexpected! People may move in and out of your home and there could be tension in your domestic life. With Neptune in Pisces, your third solar house, you may not see things as they really are with your neighbors or siblings. There is like a cloud covering your vision. There is a strong intuition, however. It is a good time to study metaphysics and write creatively. Capricorns, Pluto has been in your sun sign since 2008 which is a huge transformation within yourself. You may have had losses and deaths of loved ones. Try to let go of the pain as there are certain things we cannot change and accept that death is part of the grand scheme of Life. I know it is not easy. Saturn, in Sagittarius, is in your solar twelfth house until December, 2017. It is time to get in touch with your spirituality through whatever works for you be it yoga, meditation or study and prayer. It is time to overcome your frustrations and find peace and wisdom. With Saturn in your twelfth and Jupiter in your ninth and tenth houses you can have a very fulfilled year. There are four eclipses each year. They emphasize a specific area in everybody’s life for six to twelve months with the greatest emphasis at the time they occur. The first one is a Solar Eclipse in Pisces in your solar third house on March 8th. This is nudging you to listen to your inner feelings and follow your gut when making decisions. The second one is a Lunar Eclipse March 23rd in Libra which is your solar tenth house. Your work or status could change within the next six months. Make sure your activities are squeaky clean as someone may be watching. The last Solar Eclipse of the year is in Virgo September 1st in your ninth solar house. Your beliefs may be challenged during the next year. You could continue your education or change your religion and you could also travel. This is a big trend of yours for the year. The last Lunar Eclipse of 2016 is September 16th in Pisces- again. There can be issues with cars, phones, electricity, fire, neighbors and siblings. Be careful dealing with electronics and your neighbors as you can see how the same patterns keep evolving. The Sun is in Capricorn through the 20th which is a slower pace than the Sun in Sagittarius. The Sun trines Jupiter from the 11th to the 17th, direct on the 14th. The Sun is also conjunct Mercury. These favorable transits create harmony and it is an excellent time for agendas, and agreements and compromises. However, there is a lot going on this month that is not all harmony. Uranus squares Pluto all month which can bring forth an uneasiness and quick tempers. There may be opportunities for change. On the world stage there may be more political protests and terrorism and friction between authority figures and lay people. Flaws in society may be exposed and maybe change can begin. Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces are in a long lasting square which is emphasizing truth over deception. The public is demanding the truth and the hard facts instead of lies and cover-ups. On a personal level this square can help us see how we have been fooling ourselves, and, perhaps how others have been deceiving us. By letting go of “old stuff” we can have an emotional healing and go to a higher level. Mars in Scorpio trines Neptune all month, exact on the 18th. This trine gives us the chance and energy to achieve a long time dream. It encourages us to stand up for what we believe is true and do something about it. It may also help us to “see the light” in an intimate relationship; maybe uncover something that we have been blind about. Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius on the 6th and continues its retrograde path in Capricorn before turning direct on the 26th. Mercury retrogrades are always about going over unfinished business. It is very important to do so in order to prepare to go forward in February. As Mercury is retrograde most of January, it is difficult to plan our goals for 2016. Therefore, it will be more productive to plan our goals and wishes for the year in February. Jupiter goes retrograde in Virgo on the 8th until May 9th. The retrograde, combined with the North Node being in Virgo, makes us go within for soul searching and emotional growth. We need to ask ourselves if we are where we want to be, and, if not, what we are going to do about it. It also has the theme of spirituality and humanitarian endeavors. The New Moon this month is in Capricorn on the 9th. The hopes and wishes to put into place for the next thirty days have to do with taking responsibility, organization and giving up trying to control other people and situations. Have a productive, meaningful January! STAR ENCOUNTERS by Rev. Joy "Aphrodette" Gambon, ADL Star Encounters, January 2016JANUARY OVERVIEW LUNATIONS The New Moon in Capricorn occurs on January 9, 2015 at 08:30:29 PM EST. The Lights are forming a double trine to Jupiter in Virgo, a double sextile to Chiron in Pisces and a double square to Uranus in Aries! Work, productivity and teamwork will go remarkably well! Unexpected mechanical or electronic failures can slow the progress. Have a back-up plan just in case in this cycle. Healthy and helpful attitudes surround you! Do not hesitate to ask for help! The Full Moon in Leo occurs on January 23, 2016 at 08:45:41 PM EST. The Moon only forms that simple opposition to the Aquarian Sun. Blending and balancing heart and mind is seen! The emphasis is on kindred souls as well as romantic and family relationships. Children can be uplifting and joyful at this time as well! Wisdom teachings also have appeal at this time. Enjoy books and videos on spirituality for enlightenment and enrichment! January Retrograde Stations and Shifts Mercury stations retrograde in Aquarius on January 5, 2016 at 08:05 AM EST and remains so until January 25, 2015 at 09:50 PM EST. It revisits Capricorn in its tour bringing back some of the unresolved issues toward the end of 2015. Old arguments and emotional blocks may retune to haunt you! Know this is a unique opportunity to process through them. Accept the challenge! Jupiter stations retrograde in Virgo on January 7, 2016 at 10:57 PM EST and remains so until May 9, 2016 at 07:37 AM EST. This would normally be a time to redesign or perfect existing projects and long term goals. Because Mercury is also retrograde this month and Jupiter is in Virgo, ruled by Mercury, confusion reigns! It will feel almost impossible to get much accomplished to your satisfaction for several weeks and then it will ease off a bit. Make lists and double check all figures and documents for best results! Uranus stationed retrograde in Aries on July 26, 2015 at 06:38 AM EDST and resumes direct motion on December 25th. 2015 at 10:53 PM EST, but a few hours after the Moon is completely full! It is now time to move forward, be more spontaneous and take a few risks to propel your Divine destiny! The rebel within you emerges and new and innovative ideas pervade this cycle. Step in and step up!

(See December Stations and Shifts still in effect) JANUARY MAJOR ASPECTS and INGRESSES (Energetic indicators felt for 3 days prior and following the culmination of the angle) On January 3-5, 2016, there are some profound aspects! The Moon conjoins Mars in Scorpio as Mercury is stationing and in square to them! Venus in Sagittarius is in square to Neptune in Pisces and the Sun conjoins Pluto in Capricorn! If you have planets in Aries or Scorpio this is an excellent time for deep psychic reflection, research and to stand on your truth! The intensity is overwhelming! If you have planets in Taurus or Libra, you will be very imaginative but quite ungrounded! Keep a sense of humor and even laugh at yourself if need be! On January 7-8, 2016 the Capricorn Sun is in square to Uranus in Aries and Venus in Sagittarius conjoins Saturn! Be committed to freedom at all cost! In your closest personal relationships you must keep in character and feel free to simply be you. If you are working on projects or goals together the energy can be so fulfilling! Have fun with it! On January 12-14, 2016 Venus in Sagittarius is in trine to Uranus in Aries but also in square to Chiron in Pisces. The Capricorn Sun conjoins retrograde Mercury and they both are in trine to retrograde Jupiter in Virgo! Understanding and negotiation is so confused that logic seems non-existent! Hold your temper and adjust to more stops than go's! Take breaks and rethink everything! Resist playing the blame game! Good luck! On January 18, 2016, Venus in Sagittarius is in square to retrograde Jupiter in Virgo and Mars in Scorpio is in trine to Neptune in Pisces! It is a wonderful time to vacation or simply take time off to relax. If you are traveling you may want to double check your packing list as you are sure to forget a couple of key items. It will still be worth the adventure and passion if you can pull it off! On January 20-21, 2016 Retrograde Mercury is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn as they form a double square Uranus in Aries! Tempers can flare regarding matters of principles and ethics. This can even manifest into lawsuits and disputes in a most unkind manner. Know your facts before you speak! Discord that births itself with Mercury retrograde can drag on for a long time. Exercise patience and do the research! On January 30-31, 2016 Mercury has stationed direct, conjoins Pluto in Capricorn as they form a double square to Uranus in Aries! Sudden breakthroughs may occur with government officials and large corporations. Expect some important announcements and be aware of storms or natural disasters that you need to be ready for! Better to be safe than sorry!

Prayer Requests ...

Submission Guidelines Speak from your heart. Speak your truth. Tell us a story or an experience. Write a poem. This is your place, your time, to shine! Enjoy!

PLEASE SEND ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO: ADL National Office The Alliance of Divine Love, Inc. 707 Brooklyn Ave., Hendersonville, NC 28792 New Telephone 828-388-2102

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