Winter Quarter Office Hours

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Winter Quarter Office Hours

CIS 310: Principles of Management Information Systems **********ONLINE COURSE SYLLABUS **********

WINTER QUARTER OFFICE Dr. R. HOURS CoSylerllege of Business Building • Tuesdays & Thursdays 340 10 – 11:30 a.m. & 1:30 – 5 p.m. Phone: (318) 257-3859 E-mail Address: NOTE: Office hours are cancelled December 4 r a s yle r@ l a tec h . e du and January 5-9 due to conference & training obligations. REQUIRED MATERIAL • Using MIS 2014, 7th edition, by David M. Kroenke. Published by Pearson Education. ISBN 978- 0-13- 354643-9 • Students must have access to MICROSOFT OFFICE 2010, including Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint.

PREREQUISITES: CIS 110 and junior standing.

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an introduction to the concepts and principles of information system resources, analysis, development, management and applications.

COURSE OBJECTIVES Students will strengthen their skills in communication, critical thinking and research in addition to demonstrating technical proficiency while pursuing the course learning objectives. After completion of the course, students are expected to:

• Understand the foundations of information systems in business to include understanding why information systems are important. Students should be able to illustrate examples of how business applications can support o a firm’s business processes o managerial decision making o strategies for competitive advantage

• Understand and be able to identify various computer hardware and software and their purpose. • Understand the following concepts, supporting technologies and their role in the business enterprise: o Data Resource Management o Telecommunications & Networks o Electronic Business Systems o Electronic Commerce Systems o Decision Support Systems o System Development

• Understand the security and ethical challenges facing business and be able to identify o how the use of information technologies in business affects employment, individuality, working conditions, privacy, crime, health, and solutions to societal problems o types of security management strategies and defenses and how they can ensure security of corporate data and business applications o ways to lessen harmful effects & increase beneficial effects of the use of information technology

• Understand and identify and discuss issues impacting enterprise and global management of IT: components of IT management; planning and management strategies; global trends; cultural, political and geoeconomic challenges; outsourcing and offshoring; platform, data access policy decisions; and development methods by a global business enterprise. RESPONSIBILITY Students are responsible for all material posted in Moodle and material covered in recorded lectures, exercises, forum discussion and assigned readings. Each exam includes material from the assigned text, slides, recordings, and any other material covered in class or assigned for outside reading or viewing. You are also responsible for any announcements made on Moodle.

PARTICIPATION AND PROFESSIONALISM As business students, it is important to conduct yourself in a professional and courteous manner. Please refer to the College of Business Student Responsibilities for details on appropriate classroom conduct.

GRADING Assessment in the course will be based on a combination of exams and a group term project. Each area of requirements will account for a certain percentage of your final grade as outlined in the table below. Requirement Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Exercises & Activities Group Term Project

G r a d i n g S c a l e A: 90~ 100% B: 80~ 89% C: 70~ 79% D: 60~ 69% F: 59 or below


Exams: (60%) There will be three exams administered in this course. Exams will cover the material from the text, lectures, exercises, notes and any handouts. They may consist of various types of questions, such as multiple choices, short answers, or discussion, but will most likely be primarily objective-style (e.g., multiple choice). Exams must be taken when offered unless there is an extreme valid excuse as described in the policy outline below and arrangements are made in advance unless in a documented extreme emergency that prevents notification. Online exams will generally be available to take for 48 hours with a posted deadline. Once the deadline has passed, the exam may not be taken and a 0 is recorded.

Exercises & Activities: (20%) Chapter exercises & activities, and class discussion will be an integral part of this course. Exercises will generally be submitted through an assignment link in Moodle, but the method of delivery can vary (e.g., assignment drop box upload, posting a comment to a YouTube video I post, etc.). Specific instructions will be given with each assignment. Late work is not accepted.

Term Project: (20%) To participate in the project you are required to participate in a group of 3-4 students. The instructions for the term project will be given in a separate document, will be ongoing throughout the term, and will get underway within the first 10 days of the quarter. Each group will submit their project at the end of the quarter. For the term project, the contribution of each member in the group will be assessed. At the end of the course, each group member will individually assess the contribution of his or her group members. Individual grades will be adjusted based on these evaluations. It is, therefore, very important that you put in your share of time and effort in the team project. POLICIES


• Each student is expected to have read and studied the material and completed any homework assignments as assigned. Online discussion & activities will apply what you have read in your assigned readings. The lectures supplement this information. Being prepared makes our discussions and the learning experience richer and more productive. Class moves fast, so the better prepared you are, the more you’ll retain.

• Deadlines for any assignments are final and must be met. Appropriate time will be allotted to meet deadlines. It is the student’s responsibility to allocate personal time accordingly. • Late work is not accepted. On group work, I recommend that each group member save and keep a copy of each milestone submission for their records. I also recommend that you keep your graded work until the semester grades are released in case there is a grade discrepancy. I don’t always keep a copy of homework and won’t make a grade correction without it. • ATTENDANCE & PARTICIPATION: Yes, attendance. Students are expected to check in to the course on a daily basis (at least every other day) to check email, discussion board postings, course updates, etc. Failure to check in can result can negatively impact your grade. Failure to check in for 14 consecutive days will result in a 10% reduction in your final grade. Participation and engagement in the course are expected. Students not engaged in the course or being disruptive through negative or harassing posts and/or communications to peers or the instructor will be removed from the course.

• Work nicely with others. You are required to make every effort to work effectively and promptly with others in the class and small group exercises.

• Backup Plan: Back up your files! "My hard drive crashed." "My modem doesn't work." "My printer is out of ink." These are today's equivalents of "My dog ate my homework." While these events really do occur, and they are really inconvenient when they do, they are not valid excuses for failing to get your work in on time. Have a backup plan and avoid procrastination in completing your work.

• Use of a reputable anti-virus program is required! Make sure your computer is up-to-date.

• Email: Note that you are responsible for checking and reading emails sent through the University’s official communication vehicle (your email account). If you choose to forward or POP your email to another account, you are responsible for the security of the message and timely receipt of all communications. Unless there is a problem with the university server side of the message sending and delivery, students will be held accountable for instructions or other information in the email at the time it’s sent. Bottom line: test your outside email accounts and make sure the forwarding/POP is working properly and in a timely fashion. Also double check and make sure my email address is cleared for receipt and won’t be marked as spam.

• COMMUNICATE! Don’t hesitate to communicate with me should you ever have a question or concern or want to confirm your understanding of a class policy or assignment. I can’t know you are struggling or confused if you don’t let me know. The ultimate responsibility for following instructions, policies, and deadlines is yours, but feel free to contact me at any time with questions or comments. I strive to always be accessible and approachable. UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE POLICIES Academic Standards Policy: All students pursuing a degree in the College of Business must earn a “C” or better in all courses in their major area. For example, all finance majors will be required to earn a “C” or better in all finance courses, marketing in marketing, etc. Thus, to graduate with a CIS major, you must earn a “C” or better in this class.

Academic Integrity: Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Students will adhere to the University Honor Code and demonstrate the highest professional and ethical standards. All work submitted will be the result of each individual student’s own effort only. Cheating or academic dishonesty of any nature will be penalized to the maximum allowed by University policy which may include, but is not limited to, a final course grade of “F” and referral to the appropriate university office for disciplinary action. Students are expected to read, understand and adhere to the Louisiana Tech Academic Honor Code. The code can be found at h tt p :/ / www . latec h. e du / do c u me n t s / honor - c od e .pdf

Student with Disabilities: It is our goal to create inclusive learning environments. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of this course that result in barriers to your inclusion or to accurate assessment of achievement--such as time-limited exams, inaccessible web content, or the use of non-captioned videos--please notify the instructor as soon as possible. To receive accommodations not routinely offered to all students in the course, please contact the Office of Disability Services in Wyly 318, telephone 257-4221. For more information, visit the ODS website at h tt p :/ / www . latec h. e du / od s /.

Emergency Notification/Disaster Preparedness: In the event that a disaster or other campus emergency results in closure, this course will continue via Moodle. You will be required to login via Moodle at h tt p :// m ood le . latec h . e du for further instructions. Please enroll in the Emergency Notification System to receive official campus updates. It takes just a few seconds to ensure you’re able to receive important text and voice alerts in the event of a campus emergency. You may also refer to the main campus website at www . lat e c h. e du for updates. For more information on the Emergency Notification System, please visit h tt p :/ / www . latec h. e du / a d mi n i s t r a t i on / e n s . s h tm l .

College of Business Policies: Students are expected to read and be familiar with the college policies for our business students. h tt p :/ / www .b u s i n e ss . latec h. e du / c urr e n t _ s t ud e n t s / po li c ie s .h t m

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