Team Leader Job Description

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Team Leader Job Description

Team Leader Job Description Purpose:

The role of volunteer team leader is one of the most important roles in Young Life. You are encouraged and expected to function as the “champion” of your particular school or ministry. It is a great privilege and a great responsibility. You will be leading a team of leaders who live out the Gospel to middle/high school kids.

Your Commitment:

1) To fulfill all the commitments of being a volunteer leader (see Volunteer Leader Position Description and Volunteer Leader Covenant).

2) To set the pace for your team in all areas of ministry: contact work, club planning, talks, campaigners, attendance and involvement in area activities, etc.

3) To lead, encourage, and love your team members, helping them discover and operate in their giftedness.

4) To think strategically about how to present the Gospel to every kid in your school/ministry.

5) To be creative and encourage creativity on your team. The best YL has yet to be done!

6) To participate in regular prayer gatherings, and facilitate prayer in your team meetings.

7) To set up and run team meetings that are organized, honor people’s time, and have a clear end goal.

8) To make sure semesters are planned well, setting everyone on the team up for success.

9) To turn in the area health survey, with monthly action steps each semester.

10)To communicate regularly with the staff- not just when problems come up, but regularly.

11)To take initiative to help grow and deepen ministry at your school- you are the face of YL at your school.

12)To manage and/or lead the event, ministry, or job that you have been given.

13)To attend all team leader meetings and training times.



1) Passion for reaching lost youth with the Gospel. 2) Leadership capacity that extends beyond just kid ministry into being a leader of leaders. 3) Ability to communicate clearly and effectively with team and staff. 4) Able to express gratitude and grace filled constructive feedback. 5) Teachable and open to constructive feedback from staff, and the leaders they serve.


Thoughts for Team Leaders

(1) Learn how to delegate amongst your team and do it often. Find your teammates strengths and non-strengths and fit people into good roles.

(2) Include your team in decisions. Team leader is not an authority position. It is one where you lead and facilitate.

(3) Know that the Lord has appointed you for this position and that if He puts something on your heart then you have an obligation to follow. But be flexible.

(4) Write thank you notes to anyone who does anything for YL at your school.

(5) You must be above reproach in all that you do. Lots of people are watching you at all times. (Kids, Parents, Your Team, Other Team Leaders, Younger Leaders, Friends who don’t understand YL, etc.).

(6) Set the bar high for your teammates. Expect them to rise to the standards that you live and set.

(7) Try to do something outside of YL with your teammates every so often.

(8) Utilize the resources you have (staff, the YL office, other team leaders, older leaders, etc.).

(9) Know that you will make mistakes and you will fail your team at some point. If you didn’t fail, you wouldn’t need Christ.

(10) Return Young Life related phone calls and emails as soon as you can.

(11) Pray for your teammates often.

(12) Have team meetings in a comfortable place where you won’t be distracted.

(13) Know that the success/failure of YL at your school does not rest on you.

(14) Develop parent support. It will benefit you, your team and the ministry to have good parent support in your community.

(15) Be in consistent contact with your local staff person.

(16) Over-Communicate with your teammates and students regularly. The 7-Touch principal says people need to see something seven times before it registers. Apply this to important events, and training you want to stick.


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