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Sponsored by: The Commissioners & Executive Directors of the Southwest Regional Council of NAHRO
The late Sam McKay received his pre-collegiate education at Augustana Lutheran School in Alexandria, Louisiana and Sacred Heart Catholic School in Port Arthur, Texas. After completing High school, he served in the US Army, and after his discharge from active service, he enrolled at Southern University in Baton Rouge, then Tennessee State, where he received a BA in Chemistry. He received an MS in Chemistry from Tuskegee Institute in Alabama and a Masters+30 from Northwestern State University in Louisiana, and further graduate studies at the University of Iowa, Dillard University, Indiana University, Grambling State, and Xavier University. Late in life, as his focus shifted to finance and housing, he attended specialized courses at the University of Oklahoma, Trinity University and Brigham Young. He served for many years as Commissioner and Chair of the Commissioners for Alexandria’s Housing Authority.
SAM McKAY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The Scholarship Program was created to honor Sam’s commitment and dedication to the Commissioners and Commissioners’ Training Programs in the Louisiana Housing Council, Southwest NAHRO and the national organization. Many executive directors have joined in supporting and contributing to the scholarship fund and helping to make it successful and continuing. The Scholarship is awarded as a part of Southwest NAHRO’S Scholarship Program, based on Competitive academic achievement, extra-curricular activities, and community involvement.
CONTRIBUTIONS SOUGHT Contributions by Commissioners and with the help of the Executive Directors the Sam McKay Scholarship will be successful. With your help, this can be a “GREAT YEAR” for the program. As in previous years the names of agencies and individual Commissioners and the Executive Directors, who contribute will appear in the SWRC’s annual Conference Program. We hope to have several pages! Your contributions of $ 5.00 for each Commissioner or Executive Director, you can add employees to the lists if you like. Please fill out the Form provided below and include it with your check. Be sure to make a copy of your check and invoice. Checks and forms should be sent to Shelli Scrogum, 2375 Rodgers Road, Olney, TX 736374. Should you have any questions please contact Homer Thompson at [email protected] Please do not send cash, and make checks preferably one for the total contribution from your agency. SEND CHECKS TO: “PAYABLE TO SOUTHWEST NAHRO”
Shelli Scrogum 2375 Rodgers Road Olney, TX 76374
“IT’S GREAT TO BE A COMMISSIONER” SAM MCKAY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Sponsored by: The Commissioners & Executive Directors of the Southwest Regional Council of NAHRO
Donation Amount: Check Number: Please Invoice:
Executive Director:
Vice Chair:
Mail Donation to: Shelli Scrogum 2375 Rodgers Road Olney, TX 76374