I) Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Adverbs

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I) Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Adverbs



Part A

I) Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs

1. Senthil ______tries to do his best.

2. Are you an ______riser?

3. He has ______seen a tiger.

4. We ______have breakfast at 7.30 am.

5. He does his work ______.

6. These mangoes are ______ripe.

7. I was waiting in the bus stop ______5 pm.

8. Kannan did the homework ______.

9. The guide followed them ______.

10. He is ______wrong.

II) Use the following words as nouns and verbs.

1. Master (N) :

Master (V) :

2. Stone (N) :

Stone (V) :

3. Watch (N) :

Watch (V) : 4. Light (N) :

Light (V) :

5. Iron (N) :

Iron(V) :

6. Help (N) :

Help (V) :

7. Book (N) :

Book (V) :

8. Record (N) :

Record (V) :

9. Contrast (N) :

Contrast (V) :

10. Produce (N) : Produce (V) :

III) Purpose and Means

a) Make sentences expressing purpose using the hints given below.

1. Barometer : measure atmosphere pressure.

2. Catalyst : speeds up a comical process.

3. Clamp : holds two things firmly together.

4. Glass Bottle: store acids.

5. Telescope : view stars and celestial bodies

b) Write purpose statement for the following

6. Capacitor

7. Magnetic Amplifier

8. Camera

9. Barometer 10. Moderator

IV) Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions.

1. Although there is evidence to show that some form ______printing was known ______ancient times, it was printing ______movable type that constituted a turning point ______the development ______printing. The invention ______printing as we know it today is ascribed ______Johann Gutenberg ______Strasburg.

2. Everyday hundreds ______people visit Teen murti house ______New Delhi, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s official residence, to pay homage ______the great leader,converted ______a museum after his death, it is replete with historical objects, photographs, rare documents and personal effects that afford a glimpse ______the multifaceted man.

3. Injections alarm some patients ; they can also alarm doctors and nurses in America, health care workers contract hepatitis every year ______pricking themselves ______needles carrying contaminated blood. They run a risk ______contracting many other diseases too. Safer injections that cause less pain ______patients are now available.

4. He tried to warn his daughter ______the dangers ______going out alone ______night.

5. ______today’s newspaper it’s stated that a new agreement will be signed ______those two countries soon.

6. One of the important benefits ______machine civilization is that our standard ______life has improved. We have a wide choice ______everything ______wrist watches ______flash lights. Food from any part of the world can be obtained ______any season of the year.

7. He learned to ride a horse ______the age ______five.

8. Will you please pick up a pizza ______dinner ______your way home this evening? 9. The fee charged ______that lawyer for his services was too high.

10. Learning ______the disaster ______Japan, India has decided to create a body ______regulating the norms ______urban construction.

V) Use the following Phrasal Verbs in sentences

1. ask for :

2. back up :

3. call on :

4. carry off :

5. get away with :

6. knock down:

7. get through :

8. wear out :

9. wind up :

10.take down :

Part – B 1. Write a Job Application letter to the HR Manager of Infosys, Mysore for the post of System Analyst. Add a Resume and provide necessary details.

2. Write a job application letter to the HR Manager of a reputed concern. Imagine that you have completed the Masters Degree Programme in your field of Engineering and you have 3 years of Industrial experience. Enclose Curriculum Vitae along with the covering letter.

3. Prepare a Checklist of eight important items that are to be checked before going for an Interview.

4. Imagine that you are the cultural secretary of your college and write Checklist of eight items that are to be checked before starting the cultural programme.

5. Write a set of eight instructions to preserve the environment.

6. Write a set of eight instructions to maintain two-wheelers in good working condition.

7. Write a formal proposal to the Executive Director L&T, Chennai for providing a short course on Negotiation skills to your Marketing Executives in your company.

8. Draft a technical proposal as Project Development Officer to the Director of the National Institute of Computer Education, New Delhi, for setting up a Communication Technology Centre at Anna University, Chennai, for training professionals in the use of latest technological aids for face-to-face and distance communication.

9. Write a paragraph in about 250 words on the importance of forest resources.

10. Write a paragraph in about 250 words on Technological progress in India.

UNIT TEST I Key – FEB 2012

Subject: Technical English - II Sub. Code: HS 2161 Branch: Common to all Branches Semester: II Duration: 90 Mins Max. Marks: 50 Part - A 5x 2= 10

I. Write extended definitions of the following. 2x 1= 2 a. Solar energy - Solar energy is a kind of renewable, alternative energy. Solar energy is captured from the rays of the Sun to produce heat or electricity. Solar energy technologies include solar heating, solar photovoltaics, solar thermal electricity and solar architecture, which can make considerable contributions to solving some of the most urgent energy problems the world now is facing. b. Digital camera - A digital camera is a gadget that takes video or still photographs, or both, digitally by recording images via an electric sensor. Digital cameras can display images on a screen immediately after they are recorded, store thousands of images on a single small memory device, and delete images to free storage space.

II. Connect the following sentences using suitable connectives. 2x 1= 2 a. All the connections are perfect but the printer is not working properly. b. We went with all hopes and we were disappointed.

III. A. Write numerical expressions of the following. 2x ½= 1 a. SUV with seven seats – a 7-seater SUV b. Internet connection with a speed of 3.6 Mbps - a 3.6-Mbps internet connection

B. Expand the following SI units. 2x ½= 1 a. 152 psi – one hundred and fifty two pounds per square inch b. 600 dpi – six hundred dots per inch IV. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles. 4x ½= 2

I spent my childhood in A village near Tanjore. THE village was a heaven by itself. THE people of the village lived A simple, humble and stress-free life.

V. Rewrite the following in reported speech. 2x 1= 2 a. Santosh said to Arihant, “I will be able to pay off all my debts next month.”

Santosh told Arihant that he would be able to pay off all his debts the month after. b. The Manager said to his team members, “The design must be finalised today itself.”

The Manager told his team members that the design had to be finalised that day itself.

Part – B 16+ 16+ 8= 40

VI. a. i. Write a set of eight important recommendations to reduce the parking problem in Chennai. (8)

Language- 2 Format- 2 Content- 4 ii. Write an essay of 200 words on the development of technology in different fields in the 20th century. (8)

Language- 2 Coherence- 2 Content- 4

OR b. i. Write a set of eight recommendations to tackle the problem of garbage disposal in Chennai. (8)

Language- 2 Format- 2 Content- 4 ii. Write an essay of 200 words on the different kinds of computer printers. (8)

Language- 2 Coherence- 2 Content- 4

VII. a. i. Assume that you are a Senior Production Manager at Ford, Chennai. There was a fire accident due to which the production has been affected largely. Write a report to the General Manager on the accident. (8)

Language- 2 Format- 2 Content- 4 ii. Assume yourself as the Team Lead of a software company. Write a letter to Strides Consulting Inc. asking them to send a quotation for conducting refresher training for your team members. Specify your team size and invent other details, seeking a proposal as early as possible. (8)

Language- 2 Format- 2 Content- 4

OR b. i. Assume that you are the Construction Manager at Ranjith Builders. One of the five- storeyed blocks which your team was constructing, was demolished completely by flood water. Write a report to the Manager (Planning) on the accident. (8)

Language- 2 Format- 2 Content- 4 ii. You have purchased fire extinguishers from PCl Pvt. ltd. When the consignment arrived at your office you came to know that a batch of extinguishers supplied is defective. Write a letter of complaint to the Sales Manager seeking replacement. (8)

Language- 2 Format- 2 Content- 4

VIII. Rearrange the following jumbled sentences and rewrite them as a coherent paragraph. (8)


1. It was then analysed for Protein content. 5

2. Because of the simplicity of this technology involved in leaf protein, its incorporation for local food production will be the most practical for a highly sustainable strategy. 8

3. About hundred grams each of cassava leaf were sundried for 2-3 days with constant turning over to avert fungal growth. 4

4. Samples of fully expanded leaves were analysed. 3

5. Cassava is a major staple food in Brazil and tropical countries. Since green vegetables have been recognised as the cheapest source of protein, researchers in the University of Brazil thought of evaluating its content in cassava leaves. 1

6. It was found that cassava has high potential as a cheap source of alternative protein for human and animal. 6

7. Leaf samples were harvested from local or genetically improved cassava varieties and interspecific hybrids too. 2 8. It may be used to enhance the protein value of low- nitrogen traditional staples, such as flours from cereals and tubers including cassava flour itself. 7





1. The grease on the plate repels the water and consequently only the non-printing areas become wet. 4

2. In Photolithography, the printing stone is coated with a light sensitive substance and then exposed to light through a paper negative of the matter to be printed. 7

3. When greasy printing ink is applied to the plate, it sticks to the greasy image but not to the non-

printing areas. 5

4. This method makes use the principle of repulsion between water and grease. 2

5. By washing with turpentine or with acid an image, either flat or edged, can be produced on the plate for normal printing. 8

6. In simple terms the process consists of drawing the image to be printed on a metal plate using a greasy substance. Then it is wetted. 3

7. A major invention made in the early years of the nineteenth century was lithography. 1

8. From this plate this image can be printed on paper. 6



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