Tra 3035 Detailed Syllabus s2

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Tra 3035 Detailed Syllabus s2

BUSML 7380.01 Strategic Logistics Management


Semester/Term: Spring, 2016

Course Title: BUS M&L 7380.01, Strategic Logistics Management

Course Location/ Time: Wednesday 6:00 PM – 9:15 PM – Gerlach 275

INSTRUCTOR: Jim Hendrickson, Fisher Hall, 5th Floor Room 510 E-mail: [email protected] Website: id=1197266&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile

OFFICE HOURS: Office hours: Monday & Wednesday and Friday 2:00 – 3:00 PM Wednesday 4:00 – 5:00 or by appointment

Required Text: Supply Chain Logistics Management, 4th Edition, Bowersox, Closs, Cooper and Bowersox, (McGraw-Hill, 2013); ISBN 978-0-07-801405-4, Book Sources: OSU Bookstore;, Amazon;

Course Lecture Materials: Course lecture materials will include dominantly PowerPoint slides and industry journal articles. Class materials will be made available on Carmen for downloading prior to class.

Course Objective: To provide an understanding of the key logistics concepts and the issues affecting the movement and storage of goods. Particular emphasis will be placed on providing a broad and general exposure to business logistics. This will include the development of a basic understanding of the concepts and techniques important to analyzing business logistics problems. The course will also examine how the various logistics activities are related to each other and other functional areas within a business. Finally, the course strives to develop management and control techniques/skills that are critical in the area of logistics.

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Course This course will be conducted using a combination of class lectures, in-class round table discussions, quizzes, exams, and readings on contemporary issues Format: The lecture will cover the assigned text chapter, including a comparison of text material to current trends in the industry. This class consists of 8 weeks, meetings 1 time per week based on the course schedule in this document. Attendance and having read the course material before class, along with text readings and accompanying slide decks are crucial to success on the quizzes as well as the final exam. Based on this, attendance is mandatory for all students. Students are encouraged to actively participate in our class discussions as this assists in the material comprehension and retention process.

Class Point Total: Grades will be based upon performance on the following:

Assignment Points Percentage Exams 200 40% Roundtable Perspectives 100 20% Exercise 100 20% Participation 100 20% TOTAL 500 100% Assignment Details: 1. Exams. There will be two exams spaced out through the course that will be used to solidify the learning of the core concepts and ideas in Strategic Logistics Management. The exams will each be worth 100 points and will consist of, on average, 50 questions from the covered material. Exams will not be comprehensive. . 2. Roundtable Perspectives. The course will have a series of roundtables that will be conducted in class during class sessions. Two of these Roundtables will be done more formally and will result in a paper assignment. These roundtables are intended to provide all students the opportunity to evaluate an experience, concept, or actual situation and to think through its implications, solution, etc. Students will provide different Roundtable Perspective papers that take the discussion in class and extends the discussion to include an analysis and unique perspective of the student. The two perspective papers will be submitted into the drop box by the assignment day for grading.

3. Exercise. Toward the end of the class, we will discuss industry issues, technologies, and trends that are affecting logistics. Students will be taught how to create a “Trend Bridge” to evaluate one of these issues and develop a vision of its implications in the future. The student will then create a trend bridge and submit that as the course exercise.

4. Participation. Participation will be graded in the course. Participation grades will be based on class attendance, especially during round table periods, timely submission of all assignments, completion of all exams, and student engagement in the course during course sessions. Participation evaluation will be both objective and subjective from the professor’s perspective and will be consistent to similar approaches used in global companies to measure employee performance and engagement.

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General Classroom Instructions: You are expected to approach this course with the same level of professionalism you would be exhibit in the workforce. To ensure success in the classroom, there are 3 general classroom instructions we must all follow;

1. Class Arrival Procedure – it is important that you arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the start of class to allow time needed to get seated and prepare for the session, period. Additionally, electronic devices (cell phones, laptops PCs, net/notebook PCs, etc.) will need to be turned off during class (see Electronic Device policy).

2. In climate Weather – In the event we experience severe weather, the university will announce class delays or cancellations on the local news channels as well as through Buckeye Alert Text Messaging System.

3. Required Lecture Materials – ensure that you have a copy of the lecture presentation slides printed from our Carmen site and the required textbook with you for each class session.

Grading Scale: We will use the Ohio State Business School standard grading scale for the course as follows:

Grade Percentile Numeric Range Quality Points A 94% 465 - 500 points 4 A- 90% 450 - 465 points 3.7 B+ 87% 435 - 450 points 3.3 B 83% 415 - 434 points 3 B- 80% 400 - 414 points 2.7 C+ 77% 385 - 399 points 2.3 C 73% 365 - 384 points 2 C- 70% 350 - 364 points 1.7 D+ 67% 335 - 349 points 1.3 D 60% 300 - 334 points 1 E 0-59% < 300 0

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All tests, written exercises, and papers are to be your own work. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Academic integrity is essential to maintaining an environment that fosters excellence in teaching, research, and other educational and scholarly activities. Thus, the Ohio State University and the Committee on Academic Misconduct (COAM) expect that all students have read and understand the University’s Code of Student Conduct, and that all students will complete all academic and scholarly assignments with fairness and honesty. Students must recognize that failure to follow the rules and guidelines established in the University’s Code of Student Conduct and this syllabus may constitute “Academic Misconduct.”

The Ohio State University’s Code of Student Conduct (Section 3335-23-04) defines academic misconduct as: “Any activity that tends to compromise the academic integrity of the University, or subvert the educational process.” Examples of academic misconduct include (but are not limited to) plagiarism, collusion (unauthorized collaboration), copying the work of another student, and possession of unauthorized materials during an examination. Ignorance of the University’s Code of Student Conduct is never considered an “excuse” for academic misconduct, so I recommend that you review the Code of Student Conduct and, specifically, the sections dealing with academic misconduct. If I suspect that a student has committed academic misconduct in this course, I am obligated by University Rules to report my suspicions to the Committee on Academic Misconduct. If COAM determines that you have violated the University’s Code of Student Conduct (i.e., committed academic misconduct), the sanctions for the misconduct could include a failing grade in this course and suspension or dismissal from the University.

If you have any questions about the above policy or what constitutes academic misconduct in this course, please contact me. Other sources of information on academic misconduct (integrity) to which you can refer include:  The Committee on Academic Misconduct web pages (  Ten Suggestions for Preserving Academic Integrity ( suggestions.html)  Eight Cardinal Rules of Academic Integrity (

PLEASE NOTE: As the instructor, I take academic integrity as one of the most serious duties I have. Maintaining the quality of education and the reputation of the university at its best is critical to the value of your degree in the long run. Because of this, if I observe or am shown any impropriety during the course of a quiz or exam, or if I am uncomfortable with a situation I believe could lead a student into temptation to an impropriety, I reserve the right to take immediate action that could include asking a student to move, asking a student to cease from taking the exam while I evaluate the situation, or any other action I feel is needed to ensure fair and honest behavior for all during the activity. While it is NEVER my intent to embarrass a student or single them out, if I must single out a student in order to maintain the academic integrity of the whole, I will do so. This action on my part is to be proactive in our process and in no way should be considered by the student that I believe they have or are committing any academic integrity violation.

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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): If you have a disability, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which requires classroom accommodation or auxiliary aids, please inform me of your needs during the first week of class so that I can take appropriate action.

Course Disclaimer: The schedule, policies, and assignments contained in this course syllabus or on the course website are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances, class progress, or by mutual agreement between the instructor and the students.

Recordings: Personal recording of the lecture or guest presentation is not authorized without the speaker’s approval. If you do need to electronically record any portion of the class discussion or presentation you will need to obtain the speaker’s authorization 24 hours prior to the use of recording device.

Use of Electronic Devices: The use of laptops, tablet PC, or other similar device is acceptable during class discussions as long as they are not a distraction to you, your classmates, or the speaker. If the use of these devices during class periods creates a disorderly or distracted environment taking away from the course content, goals, or information (see OSU Code of Student Conduct, § 3335-23-04 Prohibited Conduct Policy, conduct/3335-23-04.html), their use will be immediately discontinued in the classroom.

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Class Schedule: Note: I may revise this schedule based on my work schedule, to accommodate class progress, provide a more in- depth focus. We will attempt to stay as close to the below schedule as possible, quiz/final exam dates will not be altered.

Week Date Day Topic Chapters Materials and Notes

21st Century Supply Chain Session 1 Content Materials 1 1/13 Wed Logistics 1, 2 Class Text Class Discussion Session

Procurement, Manufacturing, Session 2 Content Materials 2 1/20 Wed Integrated Operations Planning 4,5,6 Class Text Class Discussion Session

Exam: Exam 1 Review Discussion Exam Study Guide 1-2, 4-6 Exam 1 Session 3 Content Materials 3 1/27 Wed Global Supply Chains Class Text 11 Roundtable #1: Sustainability and Global Expansion Roundtable Guide

Roundtable #1 Due before class Session 4 Content Materials 4 2/3 Wed Inventory, Transportation, Warehousing 7,8,9 Class Text Class Discussion Session

Network Design, Benchmarking and Continuous Improvement Session 5 Content Materials 5 2/10 Wed 11,12 Roundtable #2: Collaboration and Performance Class Text Management

Roundtable #2 Due before class Session 6 Content Materials 16 as 6 2/17 Wed Current Issues in Logistics and Trend Bridges Class Text Reference Exercise: Trend Bridges Trend Bridge Exercise

Exercise Turned in Before Class “Selling Projects to Management” (Will not be on test) Exam: Session 7 Content Materials 7 2/24 Wed Exam 2 Review Discussion 7-9, 11-12 Exam Study Guide Exam 2

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Industry Journal Websites for Logistics & Supply Chain Management Interest

Source Type Website

American Shipper Trade Journal

Chain Store Age Trade Journal

DC Velocity Trade Journal eMarketer Trade Journal

Inbound Logistics Trade Journal

Industry Week Trade Journal

Internet Retailer Trade Journal

Logistics Management Trade Journal

Material Handling and Logistics Trade Journal NRF SmartBrief & Trade Journal m/subscribe.action? SmartBrief pageSequence=1&briefName=nrf Retailing Today Trade Journal Supply Chain Brain Trade Journal /index.php Supply Chain Management Review Trade Journal

Supply Chain Digest Trade Journal

Supply & Demand Chain Executive Trade Journal

Transport Topics Trade Journal

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