120Th Annual Alumni Banquet
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120th Annual Alumni Banquet, Saturday, June 25, 2016 WCS Cafenasium 5:00 to 6:15 pm Social Hour and School Tours Dinner Promptly at 6:30 pm The dinner will include a menu of: Chef Carved Roast Beef & Turkey Breast, Au Jus & Gravy Vegetarian Baked Ziti, Oven Roasted Potatoes, California Vegetable Medley, Rolls, Dessert & Beverage “Experience the Alumni Banquet the “Wright Way” Guest Speaker, Dick Wright, Class of 1954 The cost of this year’s dinner will be $15.00 per person. Alumni are asked to include their Annual dues of $2.00 for a total of $17.00 Checks payable to WCS Alumni Association
Please respond by Wednesday, June 15, 2016 to: Mrs. Norma Ralph 240 Main Street, Worcester, New York 12197 (607)397-8119 Email: njaralph@yahoo.com or wcsalumniassociation@gmail.com
I (will) (will not) be able to attend the Worcester Central School Alumni Banquet: Name______Class of______Reservations: Alumni: Guests: Email Address:______OCCUPATION AND/OR PROFESSION SINCE GRADUATING______
The 119th Worcester Central School Alumni Banquet was held on June 27, 2015 in the WCS cafenasium with 258 alumni and guests present. A delicious buffet presented by Chef Joe Calleja and staff, was enjoyed by all. President Anita DuBois Cleveland welcomed guests and the class of 2015 to the banquet. There were alumni from New York State and 19 other states attending the banquet. President Cleveland introduced members of her family, led by retired WCS music teacher Elliot DuBois, who entertained us with musical selections after dinner. Guest speakers were Keith Lunn, class of 1965, and Roger Ames, class of 1963. The senior class was introduced and voted into the Alumni Association. President Cleveland recognized past and present teachers and support staff that were in attendance at the banquet. A.B. and Gladys Doig Memorial Award was given to Madison Wright and the WCS Alumni Award to Molly Doherty. Anniversary classes introduced and graduated generations of alumni listed by VP Linda TenEyck Karker . The program concluded with the benediction by Sidney Chase, class of 1958, and the singing of the WCS Alma Mater. *For a complete version of the minutes go to www.worcestercs.org. WCS SPORTS BOOSTER CLUB It is the mission of the WCS Sports Booster Club to promote community involvement in the development of our student athletes through financial support for camps and clinics to further the skills necessary for success in both life and athletics. Become a lifetime member as your way of supporting a great cause! Visit Worcester Sports Booster Club on Facebook to stay informed on what is going on! Alumni Golf Tournament (Alumni Status not required) Captain & Crew Style. June 25, 2016 To register or if you have any questions, call Sean Land at 518-231-3774 or Email: worcestersportsboosterclub@gmail.com
GRADUATION PICTURES IN MAIN HALL OF WCS We are still searching for photographs of Graduation class photos from the years of: 1891, 1892, 1894, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1901-1910, 1912, 1915, and 1920. Principal photos still needed: Calvin T. Northrup(1889-1890), Frank H. Coffran (1891-1892), C.E. Temple(1912), Earl Dayton Hewes(1913-1915), H.L. Cook(1916), H.L. Robinson(1917), D.W. Ingalls (1924-1925) and J.H. Green(1926-1927). ALUMNI HANDBOOK Our Alumni Handbook will be available at the banquet, which will include miscellaneous information about Worcester and East Worcester schools, Alma Mater of both schools, all A. B. Doig and Alumni award recipients since inception, and a listing of all alumni classes from 1889 to the present. We know you all will enjoy this new handbook. Contact Norma Ralph (address on front page) if you would like a copy sent to you.
Valedictorian - Brigid Kennison Salutatorian - Alice Spina Class President - Ian Young
Christopher Branigan Casey Lord Krystal Clement C. Tanner Murphy Christina Clements Alysse Norton Nichole Dimopoulos Michaela Ralph Lauren Eichler Jay Robinson Michael Fredette Shayne Ryder Stephen Griffith II Melissa Schlosser Zachary Hogan Alice Spina James Johnson III Brandi VanOrden Cynthia Keever Nicholas Winchester Tory Keever Ian Young Brigid Kennison Worcester Central School ADMINISTRATION
William Diamond – Superintendent Jessie Westfall – Elementary Principal/CSE Chair Kevin Stevens – Secondary Principal/CSE Chair
BOARD OF EDUCATION: President - William Fisher II, Class of 1986 Vice President - Michelle Francis Sean Ralph, Class of 1985 Peter Kwiatkowski Stacey Serdy, Class of 1999
ALUMNI COMMITTEE: President - Anita DuBois Cleveland, Class of 1986 V. President – Linda TenEyck Karker, Class of 1968 Treasurer – Richard Wright, Class of 1954 Recording Secretary – Kelly McLaughlin Reed, Class of 1981 Corres. Secretary – Norma Alexander Ralph, Class of 1956 Corres. Secretary – Mary Ann Verity Holmes, Class of 1961 Corres. Secretary – Cheryl McLaughlin Peeters, Class of 1980 Corres. Secretary – Lynda Nelson Clark, Class of 1985
All alumni are welcome to join our team to help get our letters out and to put on our banquet. Many of us have served the committee for many years and it would be nice for new people to come on board. We thank you for any help you can offer. We thank those who have generously donated in the past to help defray costs of letters, postage and the banquet. We look forward to your continued support.
Please try and keep us up-to-date with address and email changes. It is our hope that through our efforts our small school will continue to provide a successful banquet for years to come. WCS graduates are located locally as well as all over the globe and it is our hope that through our association we can keep old friendships alive. Thank you for your support! OCCUPATION, PROFESSION OR ………………... Many years ago we had asked alumni what they did after graduation, and we still have those listed in our computer and would like to try and update this information. If anyone is willing to send this information, please do so on the section on the first page of this newsletter. We are excited to update your information.
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