Name: Mr. Marcinkowski Department: CTE Week Twenty-three Feb 5-Feb 9 (2017-2018)

Monday Odd day Class: Activities: Assessment

Animation evaluate visual information by recognizing the use of Using 3-4 principles and elements of design.[10Gi] use an appropriate design process to create and modify solutions to problems by combining graphics, images, and Read this link: different sound.[10Hi] http://www.cgsociet things from Daily Grade 3767/modeling-and- www.thingive texturing-for- you game-design-with- will create david-pain your own Write a short animation. summary of it and turn it in. It must be set for at least 400 frames.

130.84 [c15F] [c15G] Advanced Animation Work on group Visual projects 56 Tuesday Even day

Class: Activities: Assessment:

evaluate visual information by Animation recognizing the use of principles Urban Environment and elements of design.[10Gi]

use an appropriate design process to create and modify solutions to Creation-finish up problems by combining graphics, Read this link: images, and sound.[10Hi] http://www.cgsociet the videos that go Visual with this. 752/are-you- falling-for-the- specialist- generalist-myth-

Write a short summary of it and turn it in.

Work on group Advanced Animation projects 130.84 [c15F] [c15G] Visual

Wednesday Odd day Class: Activities: Assessment:

Animation evaluate visual information by recognizing the Urban use of principles and elements of design.[10Gi] use an appropriate design process to create and modify solutions to problems by combining Read this link: Environme graphics, images, and sound.[10Hi] Daily Grade Creation-specialist-generalist-myth- Write a short finish up summary of it and turn it in. the videos that go with this.

Advanced 130.84 [c15F] [c15G] Animation Daily Grade Work on group projects

Thursday Even day Class: Activities: Assessment:

Animation Urban Environment evaluate visual information by recognizing the use of principles and elements of Creation-finish up design.[10Gi] use an appropriate design process to create and modify solutions to problems by m the videos that go combining graphics, images, and sound.[10Hi] with this. Daily Grade

130.84 [c15F] [c15G] Advanced Animation Work on terrain, etc. Daily Grade

Friday Odd day Class: Activities: Assessment:

eva Animation luat Urban Environment e vis ual info rm atio Creation-finish up n by rec ogn the videos that go izin g the use with this. of prin cipl es and ele me nts of des ign. [10 Gi] use an app rop riat e des Advanced ign pro ces Animation Work on terrain, etc. s to cre ate and mo dify sol utio ns to pro ble ms by co mbi nin g gra phi cs, ima ges , and sou nd. [10 Hi] D a il y G r a d e 13 0.8 4 [c1 5F ] [c1 5G ] D a il y G r a d e