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Ministry Personnel Self Assessment of Effectiveness & Goal Setting

Ministry Personnel ______

Community of Faith ______

The primary purpose of this assessment process is to nurture healthy pastoral relationships. This self-assessment tool will help an M&P committee and ministry personnel to have a conversation together and come forward with agreed upon goals that will nurture growth in the pastoral relationship.

For each of the 8 categories (A-H) there are a series of statements to help focus discernment and discussion. It is not intended that all 8 categories should be covered or that every statement should be considered in any particular year. Rather, you are encouraged to focus the evaluation on the areas which have been identified as goals in the previous year’s evaluation. The categories correspond to those used in the Community of Faith’s Ministry Articulation Profile. These priorities may also suggest areas for evaluation. Finally the Position Description of the ministry personnel identifies those areas of ministry to be emphasised. Where there is no evaluation from a previous year, you should focus on categories from the annual Ministry Articulation Profile (TC 425 MAP) and the Position Description (TC 425 PD). This form provides space to comment on the identified areas of ministry. Comments may refer to individual statements or to the category in general. If additional space is required, attach additional sheets to the back of the form.

This form will be shared with your M&P Committee after the committee has completed its parallel assessment of your ministry. Together you will then discuss the two evaluations and jointly develop a plan of action to address areas for growth, as well as the pastoral and congregational goals for the year ahead.

A. Leadership

1. I develop a shared vision with the congregation and help the congregation stay focused on that vision. 2. I encourage and challenge people to take on or assist with leadership roles.

3. I am effective in team building & leading people through change. 4. I help the congregation evaluate existing ministries and assess the need for new Pg 2 of 7 MP Self-Assessment July 2016 v2 ones. 5. I help the congregation, and specific ministry teams, achieve goals.

6. In recruiting volunteers, I clearly state the expectations of each volunteer and encourage them. 7. I identify and address conflicts in appropriate ways. 8. I am available to staff and volunteers and have regular meetings with staff.


B. Worship 1. I lead and enable the exploration and celebration of God’s presence through preaching, liturgy, prayer, music, drama, dance, and other means. 2. I inspire, strengthen, and challenge the people of God. 3. I encourage and support lay participation and leadership in worship.

4. I relate the good news of our faith to everyday experience. 5. My sermons reflect thorough preparation.

6. I seek to heighten awareness of world events and invite appropriate responses.

7. I lead worship that celebrates God’s grace, facilitates the community in its prayer and devotion, and helps the community to recognize God’s presence in the church and the world. Comments:

C. Growing in Faith

1. I am intentional about deepening my personal theology, developing practical skills for Pg 3 of 7 MP Self-Assessment July 2016 v2

ministry, and strengthening my leadership skills.

2. I work to ensure that the congregation has an intentional and well articulated faith exploration and formation process. 3. I invite newcomers to connect with small groups, classes, or other means of faith exploration and formation. Comments:

D. Pastoral/Spiritual Care

1. I am sensitive to the situation and needs of those to whom I offer pastoral care, and recognize the unique dynamics of the pastoral relationship.

2. I relate well on a one-to-one basis. 3. I relate effectively in a group. 4. I provide a supportive presence for and am accessible to people in times of change and crisis. 5. I apply good judgment and appropriate boundaries in working with people.

6. I care for the pastoral needs of the congregation through calls, visits or delegation of needs to an equipped lay team. 7. I provide pastoral care outside the church community through officiating at funerals, and in other appropriate ways. Comments: Pg 4 of 7 MP Self-Assessment July 2016 v2

E. Justice, Outreach & Sharing the Good News

1. I engage people with a vision of gospel that recognizes and responds to needs beyond their own. 2. I encourage and support the development and pursuit of social justice and outreach programs. 3. I encourage and support United Church outreach (Mission & Service, World Development & Relief). 4. I intentionally reach out to people in the community. 5. I offer Confirmation and New Member programs.

7. I assist the congregation in providing a welcoming environment for people who are new to faith. Comments:

F. Wider Relationships

1. I maintain a collegial spirit with other clergy. 2. I participate in ecumenical and multi-faith activities as possible and appropriate.

3. I support and participate in work and activities of the presbytery, Conference and/or General Council. 4. I honour the organization, governance, and policies of The United Church of Canada.

Comments: Pg 5 of 7 MP Self-Assessment July 2016 v2

G. Stewardship

1. I regularly address stewardship issues in teaching and preaching.

2. I emphasize various aspects of stewardship: talent, time and treasure.

3. I teach and demonstrate a lifestyle of integrity. 4. I support the work of local committees in their stewardship activities.


H. Belonging, Extravagant Welcome, Wellness

1. I maintain physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. 2. I nurture supportive personal and collegial relationships. 3. I manage time for work, family, friends, personal development, and renewal.

4. I am involved in a peer group for reflection, mentoring, and accountability.

Comments: Pg 6 of 7 MP Self-Assessment July 2016 v2

What important books you have read for personal or professional development in the last year:


Provide a list of personal and professional opportunities for learning and growth you have attended in the last year: ______

List goals you would like to achieve, with the help of the congregation, in the year ahead:


What will you have to stop doing in order to achieve these goals? ______

Provide a description of plans for ongoing personal and professional development for the upcoming year: ______

Ministry Personnel ______Date Pg 7 of 7 MP Self-Assessment July 2016 v2

______(Signature) yyyy/mm/dd

Conference Personnel Minister ______Date ______(Signature) yyyy/mm/dd