Revision to the Athletic Code Academic Standard
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INCHELIUM SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 70 Revision to the Athletic Code Academic Standard
Goal: Revise the Athletic Code Academic Standard to meet realistic enforcement of the standard. Current Language Proposed Revision
1.0 Academic Standard 1.0 Academic Standard
The Academic Standard promotes continuous effort in the classroom as well The Academic Standard promotes continuous effort in the classroom as well as holds student-athletes accountable for earning credit as he/she as holds student-athletes accountable for earning credit as he/she progresses towards graduation. Performance in the classroom impacts progresses towards graduation. Performance in the classroom impacts performance as an athlete. All students who participate in extra-curricular performance as an athlete. All students who participate in extra-curricular activities shall: activities shall:
1.1 Beginning Season Requirements. Student-athletes are expected to 1.1 Beginning Season Requirements. Student-athletes are expected be pass all classes with no more than one (1) failing grade from the on credit schedule to graduate and to pass all classes with no more previous semester and be on credit schedule to graduate. Approved than one (1) failing grade from the previous semester (WIAA Rule courses may be taken to help a credit deficient student become 18.7). Eligibility shall be determined by each student’s grades as eligible. These courses may be provided at a cost to the parent. reported at the end of the previous semester. Approved courses may be taken to help a credit deficient student become eligible Credit schedule is listed below: (WIAA Rule 18.7.4). These courses may be provided at a cost to the parent. Grade Semester 1 Semester 2 s s d d t t i i e e d d n n 1.1.1 Credit Schedule. r r e e r r a a C C E E
d d s s Grade Semester 1 Semester 2 t t e e i i s s d d t t t t d d i i e e p p e e d d n n r r m m r r e e C C r r a a e e t t C E C E t t
d d s s A A t t e e i i t t d d
9 3.5 3.0 7.0 6.0 p p e e r r m m C C 10 10.5 9.0 14.0 12.0 e e t t t t
11 17.5 15.0 21.0 18.0 A A 12 24.5 21.0 28.0 24.0 9 3.5 3.0 7.0 6.0 10 10.5 9.0 14.0 12.0 1-2 Previous Semester 11 17.5 15.0 21.0 18.0 12 24.5 21.0 28.0 24.0
1 Current Language Proposed Revision
1) Pass six out of seven classes from the previous semester (WIAA requirement). 1.1.2 Previous Semester. Pass six out of seven classes from the 2) Eligibility shall be determined by each student’s grades as previous semester (WIAA Rule 18.7). reported at the end of the previous spring semester (WIAA requirement). 1.1.3 Ineligibility Due to Beginning Season Requirements. Any student-athlete who fails to meet the academic standard, 1.3 Ineligibility by Previous Semester. Any student who fails to meet the at the Beginning of the Season, will be declared ineligible academic standard, at the Beginning of the Season, will be declared and placed on ACADEMIC SUSPENSION from contests. INELIGIBLE BY PREVIOUS SEMSTER for contests the first three weeks High School ACADEMIC SUSPENSION will be until the of the season, provided he/she has met the WIAA Scholastic rule fourth Saturday of the fall season or the first five weeks (18.7). of the previous semester (WIAA Rule 18.7.6). Middle School ACADEMIC SUSPENSION will be through the first Practice, Game, and Travel Restrictions when Scholastically three weeks of the succeeding semester (WIAA Rule Ineligible. Participation is limited in the following manner: 18.7.6). Grade Check will begin immediately as described in Section 1.2.1 Any student-athlete who is INELIGIBLE BY PREVIOUS SEMESTER shall attend MANDATORY STUDY TABLE on Monday through 1.1.4 Practice, Game, and Travel Restrictions for Ineligibility Thursday each week after school daily for a minimum of 30 Due to Beginning Season Requirements. Participation is minutes. The student-athlete will be allowed to practice with the limited in the following manner: team and travel to away contests with the team UNLESS SCHOOL TIME IS MISSED. IF THE BUS LEAVES DURING SCHOOL Any student-athlete who is placed on ACADEMIC TIME/MANDATORY STUDY TABLE, THE STUDENT-ATHLETE WILL SUSPENSION shall attend MANDATORY STUDY TABLE on NOT BE ALLOWED TO TRAVEL. If the student-athlete fails to attend Monday through Thursday each week after school daily MANDATORY STUDY TABLE and fails to work toward making for a minimum of 30 minutes. The student-athlete who academic process, then the student-athlete will be declared is placed on ACADEMIC SUSPENSION shall attend SCHOLASTICALLY INELIGIBLE for an additional week. MANDATORY STUDY TABLE on Monday through Thursday each week after school daily for a minimum of 30 1.4 Maintaining the Academic Standard During a Sport Season. Student- minutes. The student-athlete will not be allowed to athletes are expected to put forth the effort to pass all classes by practice with the team, play in games, and travel to away maintaining classwork. Grades for each student-athlete will be games with the team. If the student-athlete fails to checked each week, through a Grade Check, to determine whether attend MANDATORY STUDY TABLE, then the student- the student-athlete is maintaining the Academic Standard during the athlete will be placed on ACADEMIC SUSPENSION for an sport season, by earning passing grades in all classes. additional week.
Grade Check - The Athletic Director shall check grades of each
2 Current Language Proposed Revision student-athlete on Monday (or 1st day of the school week) to 1.2 Maintaining the Academic Standard During a Sport Season-Passing determine whether the Academic Standard has been met. Grade All Classes. Student-athletes are expected to put forth the effort and Checks will begin on the first Monday after the second week of the maintain a passing grade in all classes. Grades for all student- semester. athletes will be checked each week, through a Grade Check, to determine whether the student-athlete is maintaining the Academic 1.4.1 Academic Alert - After any grade check, a student-athlete Standard during the sport season, by earning passing grades in all earning a D in one or more classes will receive an classes. ACADEMIC ALERT. For any subsequent Grade Check, if the student-athlete is found to be earning a D in one or more 1.2.1 Grade Check. The Athletic Director shall check grades of classes, the student-athlete will be placed on MANDATORY each student-athlete on Monday (or 1st day of the school STUDY TABLES. week) to determine whether the student-athlete has maintained the Academic Standard. Grades will be Practice, Game, and Travel Restrictions during Academic determined by a computer generated report. Grade Alert. Participation is limited each week in the following Checks will begin on the first Monday after the second manner: week of the semester for all students who met the Beginning Season Requirement (Academic Standard 1.1). The student-athlete will be allowed to practice with the team and play in games, and allowed to travel to away 1.2.2 Academic Alert. After a Grade Check, any student-athlete games with no restriction. earning a D in one or more classes will receive an ACADEMIC ALERT. For any subsequent Grade Check, if the 1.4.2 Mandatory Study Table. Any student-athlete who has student-athlete is found to be earning a D in one or more been placed on MANDATORY STUDY TABLE will be classes, the student-athlete will be placed on MANDATORY required to attend Monday through Thursday of that same STUDY TABLES. week after school daily for a minimum of 30 minutes. If the student-athlete fails to attend MANDATORY STUDY Practice, Game, and Travel Restrictions during Academic TABLE and fails to work toward making academic process, Alert. Participation is limited each week in the following then the student-athlete will be declared ineligible and manner: placed on ACADEMIC PROBATION for the week. The student-athlete will be allowed to practice with the Practice, Game, and Travel Restrictions during Mandatory team and play in games, and allowed to travel to away Study Table. Participation is limited each week in the games with no restriction. following manner: 1.2.3 Mandatory Study Table. Any student-athlete who has The student-athlete will be allowed to practice with the been placed on ACADEMIC ALERT and is found to be team and play in games, and allowed to travel to away earning a D in one or more classes during any subsequent games with no restriction. Grade Check shall be placed on MANDATORY STUDY
3 Current Language Proposed Revision
1.4.3 Academic Probation. After any grade check, a student- TABLE. The student-athlete will be required to attend athlete earning a D for the third consecutive week or F in Monday through Thursday of that same week after school one or more classes will be placed on ACADEMIC daily for a minimum of 30 minutes. If the student-athlete PROBATION and be required to attend MANDATORY fails to attend MANDATORY STUDY TABLE and fails to work STUDY TABLE. If the student-athlete fails to attend toward making academic process, then the student-athlete MANDATORY STUDY TABLE and fails to work toward will be declared ineligible and placed on ACADEMIC making academic process, then the student-athlete will be PROBATION for the week. declared SCHOLASTICALLY INELIGIBLE for an additional week. Practice, Game, and Travel Restrictions during Mandatory Study Table. Participation is limited each week in the Practice, Game, and Travel Restrictions while on Academic following manner: Probation. Participation is limited each week in the The student-athlete will be allowed to practice with the following manner: team and play in games, and allowed to travel to away The student-athlete will be allowed to practice with the games with no restriction. team, not be allowed to play in games, and not allowed to travel to away games with the team. (Team rules may be 1.2.4 Academic Probation. Any student-athlete who has been more severe for this week only.) placed on MANDATORY STUDY TABLE by earning a D for the third consecutive week in one or more classes will be 1.4.4 Scholastic Ineligibility. After any grade check, a student- placed on ACADEMIC PROBATION and be required to athlete earning a D for a fourh week or F in one or more attend MANDATORY STUDY TABLE. The student-athlete classes for a second week will be placed on SCHOLASTIC will remain on ACADEMIC PROBATION until his/her grade INELIGIBILITY and be required to attend MANDATORY becomes a C. STUDY TABLE. If the student-athlete fails to attend MANDATORY STUDY TABLE and fails to work toward Practice, Game, and Travel Restrictions while on Academic making academic process, then the student-athlete will be Probation. Participation is limited each week in the declared SCHOLASTICALLY INELIGIBLE for an additional following manner: week. The student-athlete will be allowed to practice with the team and play in games, and allowed to travel to away Practice, Game, and Travel Restrictions when Scholastically games with no restriction. If the student-athlete fails to Ineligible. Participation is limited in the following manner: attend MANDATORY STUDY TABLE from the previous week The student-athlete will not be allowed to practice with will be declared ineligible for contests that week. the team, play in games, and travel to away games with the team. 1.3 Maintaining the Academic Standard During a Sport Season-Failing One or More Classes. Student-athletes are expected to put forth the 1.5 Transfer Students. Transfer students, for the purpose of eligibility, effort and maintain a passing grade in all classes. Grades for all
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shall be held to the minimum standards as established by the WIAA student-athletes will be checked each week, through a Grade Check, (Washington Interscholastic Activities Association). Transfer to determine whether the student-athlete is maintaining the students will be held to the standards established by Inchelium High Academic Standard during the sport season, by earning passing School (IHS) each succeeding grade reporting period thereafter. In grades in all classes. addition, only credits earned during the previous reporting period maybe applied for the purpose of seeking current eligibility. For 1.3.1 Academic Suspension. Any student-athlete who fails to Example: a transfer student who earned seven and a half (7.5) meet the academic standard by earning a F in one or more credits (the maximum possible at IHS) at their previous school, could classes will be declared ineligible and placed on ACADEMIC not apply these excess credits beyond their initial activities season SUSPENSION from contests. at IHS. Transfer student’s grades/transcripts will be evaluated on an individual basis for the purpose of both eligibility and graduation. Practice, Game, and Travel Restrictions when Scholastically Ineligible. Participation is limited in the following manner: 1.6. Correspondence Courses: Successful completion of correspondence The student-athlete who is placed on ACADEMIC courses or other accredited programs shall apply at the beginning of SUSPENSION shall attend MANDATORY STUDY TABLE on the semester with Summer School courses applying immediately. Monday through Thursday each week after school daily for No student may apply credits earned beyond one grade reporting a minimum of 30 minutes. The student-athlete will not be period. For example: successful completion of a correspondence allowed to practice with the team, play in games, and course may only be applied to the next grade reporting period for travel to away games with the team. If the student-athlete the purposes of attaining athletic eligibility. fails to attend MANDATORY STUDY TABLE, then the student-athlete will be placed on ACADEMIC SUSPENSION 1.7 Athletes in Two Sports. When a student-athlete participates in two for an additional week. sports and is declared SCHOLASTICALLY INELIGIBLE or placed on ACADEMIC PROBATION, the athlete will be required to choose one (1) 1.4 Senior Class Load. Seniors who are on track to graduate are allowed sport for participation. to initially enroll in one less class than the minimum number of classes required for other students. Seniors enrolled in one less class than other students must maintain passing grades in all classes in which they initially enrolled in order to remain academically eligible. Seniors may not drop or withdraw from a class in order to remain eligible (WIAA Rule 18.7.1).
1.5 Transfer Students. Transfer students, for the purpose of eligibility, shall be held to the minimum standards as established by the WIAA (Washington Interscholastic Activities Association). Transfer students will be held to the standards established by Inchelium High School (IHS) each succeeding grade reporting period
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thereafter. In addition, only credits earned during the previous reporting period maybe applied for the purpose of seeking current eligibility. For Example: a transfer student who earned seven and a half (7.5) credits (the maximum possible at IHS) at their previous school, could not apply these excess credits beyond their initial activities season at IHS. Transfer student’s grades/transcripts will be evaluated on an individual basis for the purpose of both eligibility and graduation.
1.6 Correspondence Courses: Successful completion of correspondence courses or other accredited programs shall apply at the beginning of the semester with Summer School courses applying immediately. No student may apply credits earned beyond one grade reporting period. For example: successful completion of a correspondence course may only be applied to the next grade reporting period for the purposes of attaining athletic eligibility.
1.7 Athletes in Two Sports. When a student-athlete participates in two sports and is declared SCHOLASTICALLY INELIGIBLE or placed on ACADEMIC PROBATION, the athlete will be required to choose one (1) sport for participation.