Teacher:Curto Subject: Business Management Period(s): 6th Period

Dates: 10-24—10-28 Unit:1 Business and Its Environment “Industry Project”

SOLs (or Competencies) Addressed: Competencies addressed this week in Chapter 6 “Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships and Corporations.

Required 46 Identify benefits and limitations of a variety of leadership and management styles. Required 47 Analyze leadership and management styles in a variety of business situations. Compare self-assessment of personal traits with those common to effective managers in Required 48 various work environments. Develop and communicate a vision, mission, and/or values statement that is realistic for Required 49 company-wide implementation. Develop a line-of-sight action plan stating goals, strategies, and objectives related to the Optional 50 company's vision, mission, and values.

Learning Objectives: Week 10-24—10-28 Students should be able to describe economic concepts that apply to satisfying economic wants and learn the five fundamental elements of capitalism. Students will also learn about the three economic systems and three economic political systems.

Instructional/Assessment Activities: 10-24—10-28

Monday Industry Project This project will allow the student to choose a business and create a PowerPoint answering the various questions posed on the assignment. “Attached in forms area of webpage.”

Tuesday Oral Presentations of Industry Project. Grade will count 4 times. 75% PowerPoint 25% Oral

Wednesday Oral Presentations of Industry Project. Grade will count 4 times. 75% PowerPoint 25% Oral

Thursday Begin looking at Chapter 7 Legal Aspects of Business. Students will learn about patents, copyrights, and trademarks. We will also cover how the government protects individuals as well as business rights. Taxation will also be covered in this chapter.

Friday Begin looking at Chapter 7 Legal Aspects of Business. Students will learn about patents, copyrights, and trademarks. We will also cover how the government protects individuals as well as business rights. Taxation will also be covered in this chapter.