I. LUCK's Definition: "…extraordinary events witnessed by people," but not possible to explain by laws of Nature **"Healing" --imp. part of miracles

II. Problems: 1. diff from Magic? 2. relig./faith--imp. part A. Imp. Differences from Magic: 1. Miracles must be seen & are open (not secret). 2. Miracles are spontaneous (Magic may take time.) 3.Miracles' characteristics: extraordinary, strange, fearsome

III. Records of Miracles: A. Bible--I) Moses (O.T.); 2. Jesus (N.T.) B. Aesklepios Cults: Epidauros, Pergamon, Kos 1. "Wiping away" of disease 2. use of Water--imp. (sacred?)

IV. Idea of "miraculous cure"--common for: 1) disease (pollution) & 2) bewitchment

A. Cures: 1. Touch (Instant?) 2. Incubation (prolonged)- at cult site

B. Differences between "Purifiers" & "Healers": 1. Purifiers--use Magic, ritual 2. Healers--use "seer" skills to diagnose.

C. Asklepios cult Ritual Purification/Healing: Steps*: 1. 3-day abstinence & diet 2. gifts to Apollo 3. gifts to other gods 4. pig sacrifice & money paid 5. night offerings to gods 6. Incubation (sleep/dream) 7. post cure sacrifices**

(*similar to Magic--use herbs, plants: e.g., bay, laurel, olive) (**similar to Eleusinian/other Mystery rituals)

VI. Luck book: TEXTS--significance:

1. Patterns? 2. type of Illnesses? 3. similar cures?