List of Calls for Proposals for Development NGO in 2007
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List of Calls for proposals for Development NGO in 2007 Last update: 20 June
This document is an extract of the EU-monitoring, the weekly newsletter monitoring the latest news and events from the EU Institutions, and call for proposals for NGDOs
Information on PADOR, new Registration Service at EuropeAid PADOR (Potential Applicant Data On-Line Registration Service) is an online registration system belonging to EuropeAid, the Cooperation Office of the European Union. The aim of PADOR is to develop a database containing reliable information about organisations likely to participate in Calls for Proposals, to improve EuropeAid’s knowledge of its partners and to enable organisations to do their own online registrations. PADOR will contain administrative data, a profile of each organisation’s development work, sectoral and geographical experience and uploaded receipts. The service is scheduled to go live - on a trial basis - in the second quarter of 2007 (likely in September 2007, TBC). Registration on PADOR will be accessible to all from the EuropeAid’s website: Some members of CONCORD FDR working group are involved in a testing phase of PADOR already now. In September 2007, registration will be compulsory only for a limited number of call for proposals (the guidelines should precise whether the registration is compulsory or not). In 2008, based on results of the first phase, registration on PADOR could become compulsory for all calls and applicants with a derogation procedure still available. Read the presentation of PADOR made at EuropeAid office on 17 April.
The calls for proposals coloured in red are still open.
CGAP Technology Program: Deadline for submission: June 25th, 2007 CGAP's Technology Program is a multi-year learning initiative co-funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to test how promising technologies like credit scoring, outsourced information systems, and mobile phones could expand access to financial services for some of the world's poorest people. CGAP offers strategic and technical advice, analyzes business models and customer uptake, and provides funding for ambitious concepts that will test these approaches. The deadline to submit a project idea is June 25, 2007. Click here to learn more.
Development Co-operation Directorate / OECD: Request for Proposal: Framing Paper on State- Building in Fragile States - Deadline for submission: June 25th, 2007 As part of the FSG workstream on state-building in fragile states, the FSG Secretariat is looking for qualified consultants or a strong institution/organisation to prepare a framing paper on state building in fragile states. The paper should promote greater consensus and clarity in the DAC on what state building means in a fragile state context, how is it related to issues of legitimacy, accountability, democratic governance and state-society relations and whether there are key state functions and capacities that should guide state building in fragile states. If your institution is interested in bidding for this work please submit a proposal by email to Phyllis Flick ([email protected]) by 25 June 2007, 9:00 am (Paris time).
E-PARTICIPATION - Preparatory Actions. Deadlines for submission: September 13th, 2007 E-Participation is a Preparatory Action to promote the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies in the legislative and decision-making processes, in parliamentary and government environments. Objectives: To harness the benefits of Information and Communications Technologies; To improve legislative and decision-making processes; To enhance public participation in such processes at all levels of government decision-making; Aiming at enhancing the participation of citizens and contributing to better legislation. Partnership: The minimum number of participants in a proposal is three independent legal entities, from at least two different Member States. Reference: e-Participation 2007/1 - OJEU C131 of 13.06.07 Documents: Call for proposals OJEU. Annual Work Programme. More Information. Information Day. Information Day Contact person: European Commision - Thanassios CHRISSAFIS - DG INFSO. BU31 07/17. Tel: 32 2 296 88 77. E-mail: [email protected]
1 LIFE+ - Reopened call - Support to European NGOs primarily active in the field of environmental protection. Deadlines for submission: June 18th, 2007 Reopened Call - Call aiming at promoting of NGOs which are primarily active in the field of environmental protection at European level and at strengthening their participation in the dialogue process in environmental policy-making and in its implementation. Financial assistance under this Call for Proposals may be provided for activities, which involve contributing to the development and implementation of Community environmental policy and legislation in different regions of Europe. Proposals will be assessed on policy relevance and potential impact of involvement in Community environmental policy-shaping and implementation, in relation to the following riority areas: Climate Change, Nature and Biodiversity, Environment and Health, Natural Resources and Waste, Horizontal or cross-cutting issues. In addition to the areas mentioned above, environmental education, enlargement and third countries will also remain of interest. When awarding grants, the Commission will also pay due attention to how the grant would contribute to the organisational development of the beneficiary. Documents: Call text. Guidelines. Administrative and technical application form. More information Contact: Stefen Welin, NGO Desk Officer – DG Environment. E-mail: [email protected]
European Commission Internships for Young Roma Graduates - Deadlines for submission: July 15th, 2007 The Open Society Institute, in association with the European Commission, offers internships for young Roma university graduates. Objective: To give Roma interns a general idea of the objectives and challenges of European integration; To provide practical knowledge of the working of Commission departments; To enable interns to acquire personal experience by means of the contacts made in the course of everyday work; To enable them to further and put into practice the knowledge they have acquired during their studies or professional careers. Financed actions: Five-month internship starting the 1st October 2007 (Travel, Accommodation, subsistence, and health and accident insurance). Documents: Call text. Guidelines. More information on the following website: Contact: Open Society Institute Budapest. Violeta NAYDENOVA - Brussels Internship Program. Roma Participation Program. Oktober 6 u.12 H-1051 Budapest Hungary. Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
SOROS - Access to Essential Medicines - Deadlines for submission: July 16th 2007 The Soros Foundation launches a call for applications to improve the access to medicines. Objectives: Funding is available for organizations with a mandate and demonstrated capacity to advance policy and civil society engagement related to access to medicines. Financed Actions: Actions improving access to medicines. Document: Call for applications. More information on the following websites:, and Contact: Open Society Institute – E-mail: [email protected]
PROGRESS - Establishment of 3-year partnerships with EU-level networks active in the field of combating social exclusion, discrimination. Deadlines for submission: July 30th, 2007 Call launched in the framework of the programme PROGRESS to support 3-year partnerships, in the field of employment and equal opportunities. Non-governmental organisations have an important contribution to make towards affecting and/or accompanying change in employment and social policies and legislation. Making a difference requires a sustained, cohesive coalition capable of mobilising and analysing information, making that information available to key actors and mobilising many sources of influence. Non-governmental organisations are in a central position to influence policy in the European Community and in the Member states through their national members. Influence is gained through the increased expertise and information which are important to policy formulation and implementation. European networks have a key role to play in representing, promoting and defending the rights and interests of their constituencies at Community level, by virtue of their position as the European Community’s main contacts in the implementation of policies. The strength of European networks lies in their capacity to gather and mobilise relevant members from different Member States into an open forum of discussion or exchange of expertise and experience able to inform and influence policy-making, as well as relaying EU action vis-à-vis network members. (…) In order to comply with the above-mentioned requirements, the Commission publishes the present Call for proposals with a view to selecting – on the basis of a triennial strategic plan – EU-level networks to work with the Commission and receive Community support on a stable and regular basis for the period 2008-2010. Reference: VP/2007/013 Documents: Call for proposal. Financial identification. More information Contact: DG Employment, E-mail: [email protected]
SOROS Partnership for Development - Deadlines for submission: 31th August, 2007 In the framework of the Programme Arts and Culture, the Soros Foundation launches a call for applications. Objectives: To promote collaborative artistic and/or cultural efforts/initiatives, involving at least three of the target countries. The four subcomponents are as follows: (1) Collaborative Arts Projects; (2) Heritage of Others; (3) Mobility Program; (4) Intercultural Mediation and Dialogue. Documents: Guidelines.Application.More information on the following website: Contacts: Afghanistan: Mohamed Farshid Hakimyar, [email protected]; Armenia: Siranush Chubaryan, [email protected]; Azerbaijan: Jahangir Selimkhanov, [email protected]; Georgia: Helene Nakashidze, [email protected]; Kazakhstan: Margarita Amvrosova, [email protected]; Kyrgyzstan: Almash Naizabekova,
2 [email protected]; Mongolia: Ariunaa Tserenpil, [email protected]; Tajikistan: Gulandom Nabieva, [email protected]; Turkey: Gokce Tuyluoglu, [email protected]
YOUTH IN ACTION - Action 1 — Youth for Europe - Pilot Projects on Thematic Networking. Deadlines for submission: September 1st, 2007 Call launched in the framework of the Action 1 of the programme Youth in Action to reinforce the networking in the field of youth. Objectives: This call for proposals aims to support the networking of youth exchange projects, youth initiatives and democracy projects underway now or in the past under the Youth in Action programme and the Youth programme. These networks must aim to: Establish links between projects tackling the same theme; Pool experiences in a specific thematic field; Increase the links between youth exchanges, youth initiatives and youth democracy projects; Valorise, disseminate and exploit the results of the projects. Theme. The proposed theme must reflect the objectives of the Youth in Action programme listed below. It shall concern at least one of the programme’s permanent priorities, namely: European citizenship; Participation of young people; Cultural diversity; Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. The project may cover one of the four themes as a whole or deal with a specific aspect or sub-theme forming part of these four themes, for instance the question of combating xenophobia and racism (which comes under the broader theme of cultural diversity) or the inclusion of young people in rural areas (which comes under the broader theme of including young people with fewer opportunities). Reference: EACEA 08/2007 Documents: Cal for proposal. Call for proposal notice. Application form. More information on: and Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
Awareness raising in the field of Development - Audiovisual Projects for Television - Deadlines for submission: October 4th, 2007 Co-financing of awareness raising actions for television on developing country issues. This call is launched in the framework of the information activities of DG Development. Objectives: (1) Promote the production and broadcasting of television programmes on European TV channels; (2) Contribute to a better understanding by the public of the realities of the developing world, of the need for North-South co-operation and of European actions and initiatives in this field. Financed Actions: (1) Television programmes may be co-financed under the programme, regardless of the format : magazine, documentary, docudrama, report, debate, series, animation film, etc…; (2) Actions informing and raising awareness among as large an audience as possible. Documents: Guidelines. Application form Budget. Editorial charter. Contract model. General conditions.More Information on DG Development and Relations with ACP States and EC Development Policies Contact: European Commission. Jacques Goedertier - DG Development and relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific States” - Unit DEV/A/4 “Information, Communication and IT”.
Institutional Support Project to VIETNAM: Fight against Anti-personnel landmines. Deadlines for submission: August 20th, 2007 Objectives: To support the Office of the National Assembly and National Assembly, as well as the Ministry of Justice and the Judicial Academy of Vietnam. Among the financed Actions: Training of Civil Judgment Enforcement staff; Training the government staff; Gaining insight into Parliamentary practices in Europe; Improving the English language capabilities of selected staff Reference: EuropeAid/125705/M/ACT/VN Documents: Guidelines. Application Form. Annexes: More information on the following website: Contact person: EC Celegation to Vietnam. PTF. Institutional Support Project (ISP). Fax: 84 4 942 89 90. E-mail: [email protected]
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA: Community participation to actions related to antipersonnel landmines Technical Survey and Mine Clearance. Deadlines for submission: September 17th, 2007 Call launched by the EC Delegation to assist Bosnia and Herzegovina in fighting against antipersonnel landmines. Objectives: To reduce the antipersonnel landmine risk; To enhance local and regional impacts of effective mine action capacity. Financed Actions: Technical survey; Clearance. Reference: EuropeAid/125-744/L/ACT/BA EC/BIH/CFP/07/001 Documents: Call text. Documentation: More information on the following website: Contact person: Delegation of the EC to Bosnia an Herzegovina. Contract and Finance Section- Procurement. Fax: 387 33 666 03. E-mail: [email protected]
TAJIKISTAN - TACIS - Enhancing incomes and improving living standards, addressing the social consequences of transition. Deadlines for submission: September 20th, 2007
3 The Delegation of the EC to Tajikistan launched two call for proposals to support the economic and social development. Call 1: Enhancing incomes and improving living standards. Call 2: Addressing the social consequences of transition. Objectives: Support to local economic development initiatives and income generation; Better access to safe drinking water, basic sanitation and information to prevent health risks; Strengthening Social services for the disabled and other vulnerable groups; Local governance and support to community based organisations. Among the financed actions: Creation of community based organisations; Support to small business development; Support to agricultural extension services; Establishment or development of new services Reference: EuropAid/125-743/L/ACT/TJ EuropAid/125-752/L/ACT/TJ Documents: Call 1: Call text. Guidelines. Application form. Budget. Logical framework. Annexes: Call 2. Call text. Guidelines. Grant application form. Budget. Logical Framework. Annexes. More information on the following website: Contact person: The Delegation of EC to Tajikistan - Jacques STAKENBORG, Head of Finance and Contracts Section 6-8 Telman Str. 2nd proezd. Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Fax: 7 3272 91 07 49. E-mail: delegation-kazakhstan- [email protected]
CARIBBEAN - Sixth DIPECHO action plan. Deadlines for submission: June 30th, 2007 Sixth DIPECHO action plan in the Caribbean to reduce the impact of future disasters by preparing vulnerable populations in the areas most affected by recurrent natural hazards. Principal objective. The overriding objective of this DIPECHO programme is to reduce the impact of future disasters by preparing vulnerable populations in the areas most affected by recurrent natural hazards. The programme aims to do this by: (1) Fostering appropriate and sustainable preparedness activities that are co-ordinated with local, national and regional public institutions and can be replicated in other parts of the region and beyond. Small mitigation and prevention activities can complement the project, if they have a demonstrative purpose; (2) Targeting the most vulnerable communities and categories of population, using bottom-up participatory methods and relevant local materials/resources that can be replicated ; (3) Focusing on regions most exposed to natural hazards and with poor access. Priority themes: (1) Floods and Hurricane; (2) Rapid Urban growth, especially for Haiti. Financed actions : Infrastructure support ; Advocacy and Public Awareness-raising; Small-scale mitigation works ; Mapping and data computerisation ; Education; Early warning systems ; Research and dissemination; Facilitation of co-ordination; Institutional strengthening ; Local Capacity-building/Training Documents: Guidelines. Action plan More documents to apply. More information can be found on the following website: Contact persons: Coes Wittebrood – DH ECHO. E-mail: [email protected] and Vicente Raimundo Nunez Flores: [email protected]
MEDA - Support to Algerian association of development (NGOII). Deadlines for submission: August 1st, 2007 In the framework of MEDA, the delegation of the European Commission to Algeria launched a call for proposals to support associations in the field of development. Objectives: (1) Support associations in the field of development by training actions of by funding projects; (2) Reingorce and diversify the relations between associations and association networks. Priorities: (1) Projects concerning vulnerable population (women, young people, children; (2) Projects that aim at fighting against poverty and marginalization of the population. Financed actions: Social Protection and assistance; Protection and valorization of environment, and promotion of ecotourism; Cultural and sport actions; Preservation of the archaelogical heritage; Promotion of sustainable development; Support to economic and social insertion project Reference: AP 01/2007 Documents: Call text: Guidelines: Annexes More Information on the following websites: and Contact: Direction de Projet d’Appui aux Associations - Maison Solidarité des associations. E-mail : [email protected]
ALBANIA - CARDS 2005 - Support to marginalised people. Deadlines for submission: August 31st, 2007 The EC Delegation to Albania launches a call for proposals to support the marginalized people. Objectives: Provide assistance to disadvantage groups of population; Improve literacy and the provision of educational services for children; Promote integration into the labour market through adult and vocational training; Stimulate income-generating activities. Finances actions: Community based activities in support of marginalized people; Organisation of educational activities; Vocational training activities; Income generating activities. Reference: EuropeAid/125638/LACT/AL Documents: Guidelines. Grant Application form. Legal Entity Framework. Standard Contract. Per Diem. Annexes. More information
CHAD EFD - Support to Health Policy - Deadlines for submission: September, 4th 2007
4 This call is launched in order to impove the quality of health care in the regional sanitary delegation of N'Djamena, Batha, Guera, Salamat, Wadi Fira. Objectives: Improve the quality of primary and secondary health care. Financed actions: Technical and fincancial support by provision of qualified staff, supply of equipement, supply of drugs, and the operating costs Reference: EuropeAid/125599/M/ACT/TD Documents: Call text (FR): Application form (FR) : Budget (FR) : Logical framework (FR) : Local Publication (FR) : Annexes : More information on Contact: Ordonnateur National du FED - Ministère des Finances et de l'Informatique - Cellule « ACTION », E- mail : [email protected]
MALAWI: Farm Income Diversification Program 2007. Deadlines for submission: September 3rd, 2007 Objectives of the programme and priority issues for 2007-2010. The objective of this call for proposal is to engage non state actors in the realisation of the FIDP objectives. Proposals are sought that contribute to one or more activities under the following 4 areas; a) soil and water conservation b) production, c) marketing or d) processing and storage. Proposals can deal with all areas (a-d) or concentrate on just one area. However, if for example, a proposal simply focuses on one area such as production, then it must explain how this production will be used, sold and/or stored. The following list is an example of the types of actions that can be propose under each activity area (a-d). This list is indicative and is not exhaustive: a) Soil and water conservation b) Production c) Marketing d) Processing and storage. It is important that proposals fully address and take into account the following issues: a) The proposed actions and interventions should demonstrate an integrated approach b) Proposed actions should be complementary to the already existing actions taking place in the country (including those of the Government of Malawi funded by the European Commission and/or other donors). Applicants must demonstrate in their applications that they are both aware of other actions and how they will coordinate in order to create synergies and avoid duplication and contradictions. c) Linked to the point above, proposals should, where relevant and possible, build on FIDP’s monitoring and evaluation system (including data flows and indicators) as well as those of the GoM, that have been set up by the Government of Malawi with all stakeholders. Details of the current M and E system for FIDP and the food security in Malawi can be found on the EC Delegation to Malawi or on the FIDP website ( or d) Proposals must pay due attention to mainstreaming cross-cutting issues such as HIV/AIDS, gender, and environment. Reference: EuropeAid/125653/D/ACT/MW. Budget: € 4.000.000 Documents: Guidelines for applicant Application form Budget Logical framework Financial identification form Legal entity for companies Legal entity for public Legal entity individual Standard contract Daily allowance
EU COUNTRIES- Information Actions to promote public participation in debates on topics of European interest. Deadlines for submission: June, 15th 2007 The EC Delegations of some EU Member States wish to provide financial assistance for national & regional European initiatives by civil society organisations focusing on young people and women. Objectives: (1) Promote public participation among the target groups in the debates on the European Union (2) Increase the dialogue on issues related to the European Union between the target groups and political authorities; (3) Analyse contributions from the target groups as input for regional, national and European decision makers. Financed actions: Public debates; Events aimed at attracting the public; Exhibitions; Fairs; Campaigns. Calls (state, deadline, global budget): Apologize for the links which did not work last time – Links have been updated. Danemark - 15 june - 100 000 euro. Bulgaria - 2 july - 100 000 euro Czeh Republic - 2 july - 100 000 euro Latvia - 2 july - 100 000 euro Malta - 2 july - 50 000 euro Portugal - 2 july - 150 000 euro Spain - 2 july - 100 000 euro Netherland - 2 july - 400 000 euro United Kingdom - 2 july - 400 000 euro
5 Soros Foundation - Open Society Institute: Call for Letters of Inquiry: Strategic Opportunities Fund - Deadlines for submission: June, 20th 2007 To encourage new organizations and emerging trends, the Open Society Institute's Strategic Opportunities Fund is accepting letters of inquiry from nonprofit organizations seeking project support. Applicants may submit a letter of inquiry for projects in one of the following grantmaking areas: Academic Freedom; Media Policy; Politicization of Science. Documents: Academic Freedom Grant Guidelines. Media Policy Grant Guidelines. Politization of Science Grant Guidelines. More Information Contact: [email protected]
SUPPORT TO NGOs IN THE 10 NEW MEMBER STATES - Deadline: May, 15th 2007 Third call for preparatory actions for those EU Member States who acceded on the 1st of May 2004 to support local NGO activities and develop information and education capacity. The proposals submitted should address one of the following objectives: To raise the awareness of the public in the ten Member States of the important role of monitoring and information activities, by means of sustainable and effective mechanisms. To raise awareness of the necessity for public and private bodies to play an active role in support of civil society. To enhance the capacity of civil society to influence policy developments at regional, national and European Union level, as well as to raise their capacity to assist the victims of fundamental rights' violations. To facilitate cooperation and coalition building among NGOs throughout the European Union Documents: Call text. Guidelines. Application form. Timetable. Budget form. Grant Agreement for Action. More information Contact: Lilian Shah. European Commission, Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security. Tel.: +32 2 295 38 47. E-mail: [email protected]
CIVIL PROTECTION FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT - Prevention and other actions. Deadlines for submission: August 1st, 2007 The European Commission launched a call for proposals in the framework of the civil protection programme. The 2007 call for proposals for prevention and other actions in the field of civil protection defines four operational objectives. Operational objective 1: Enhancing the preparedness of the professional and volunteer civil protection services operating in the Member States (Thematic priority: Identify specific challenges or needs of civil protection services in relation to climate change-related emergencies – particularly natural disasters). Operational objective 2: Enhancing the preparedness of the public in case of emergencies in the Member States (Thematic priority: Raise the awareness of citizens of the Member States on specific safety issues connected with climate change - particularly natural disasters - and promoting safe behaviour at home and/or abroad). Operational objective 3: Prevention (Thematic priority: prevention issues relating to adaptation to climate change). Operational objective 4: Dissemination, promotion and implementation of project results. Reference: 2007/C94/18 Documents: Call text. Guidelines. Application form. Budget form. More information
Simulation exercises in the field of community CIVIL PROTECTION MECHANISM. Deadlines for submission: August 1st, 2007 The general objective is to improve the response capacity and the necessary practice of all actors providing civil protection assistance in response to a request in the framework of the Community civil protection mechanism. Reference: 2007/C94/19 Documents: Call text. Guidelines. Application form. Budget form. More information
IRELAND - Information Actions to promote public participation in debates on topics of European interest. Deadlines for submission: June 15th 2007 The EC Delegation to Ireland wishes to provide financial assistance for national & regional European initiatives by civil society organisations focusing on young people and women. These initiatives should: (1) Focus primarily (although not exclusively) on Youth and Women (the "target groups"). (2) Promote public participation among the target groups in the debates on the European Union. Reference: DG COMM No A2-1/2007. Budget: € 100.000 Documents: More information on the Grant. Information Actions. Grant Application Form. Budget Form. Financial Identification Form. Legal Entity Form . Draft Contract and Conditions. Receipt Acknowledgement. Checklist for applicants. Contact: EC representation Ireland. Henri O’s Connor, E-mail: henry.o'[email protected]
6 HUNGARY - Information Actions to promote public participation in debates on topics of European interest - Deadlines for submission: June, 30th 2007 The EC Delegations in Hungary provide financial assistance for national & regional initiatives about civil participation to the European debate focusing on young people and women. Az Európai Bizottság pályázatot hirdet civil szervezetek számára olyan programok létrehozására, amelyek célja a fiatalok és nők részvételének elősegítése az Európai Unióról folyó vitában. A támogatás összege projektenként 25 000 és 100 000 EUR között változhat, és nem haladhatja meg a projekt költségvetésének 70%-át. A projektek társfinanszírozására rendelkezésre álló keret 125 000 euro. Ugyanakkor a Képviselet dönthet arról, hogy 25 000 eurónál kevesebb, de 5000 eurónál magasabb támogatási összeget igénylő projektet is társfinanszíroz. Documents: Call text. Annexe III. Annexe IV. Annexe VI Annexe VII. More information Contact: Delegation of EC in Hungary. E-mail address: [email protected]
FRANCE - Information Actions to promote public participation in debates on topics of European interest - Deadlines for submission: July, 2nd 2007 Cette initiative s’inscrit dans le cadre du « Plan D comme Démocratie, Dialogue et Débat », qui a pour objectif d’associer les citoyens à un large débat sur l’Union européenne, à la fois en les informant sur le rôle et les réalisations de l’Union, et en recueillant leurs attentes pour l’avenir. Les projets soutenus devront favoriser la participation des jeunes et des femmes (principalement, mais pas exclusivement) aux débats sur l’Union européenne. Ils peuvent prendre des formes diverses (débats publics, forums en ligne, etc.) et peuvent être combinés à des manifestations attirant le grand public (par exemple, des foires ou des expositions). L’enveloppe budgétaire initiale pour la France s’élève à 400 000 euros. Les subventions accordées seront comprises, sauf exception, entre 25 000 et 100 000 euros, correspondant au maximum à 70% des coûts éligibles. Les règles et modalités du présent appel à propositions sont précisées en détail dans les spécifications techniques, que tous les candidats potentiels sont invités à lire attentivement, avant et pendant la procédure de demande. Documents: Spécifications techniques. Formulaire de demande de subvention. Budget detaillé. Signalétique financier et Formulaire. Entité légale et Formulaire Entité publique. Modèle convention de subvention. Accusé de réception de la demande. Check-list du dossier de demande de subvention. Plus d’information sur le site Internet de la représentation de la Commission en France Contact: Les demandes de renseignements peuvent être adressées par courrier électronique à l’adresse comm- [email protected] ou auprès des personnes de contact de l’appel de propositions: Mme Laurence de Richemont, fonctionnaire responsable - tél. : 01 40 63 38 26. M. Inouk Faugère, consultant questions techniques - tél. : 01 76 00 41 37
MADAGASCAR: Programme d’appui au secteur agricole. Deadline for submission: August, 20th 2007 L’objectif global du Programme est de contribuer à la réduction de la pauvreté de la population rurale de Madagascar au travers de la réforme institutionnelle du Ministère de l'Agriculture afin de mieux servir le monde rural dont il a la responsabilité. L’objectif spécifique de ce programme est de rendre opérationnel le dispositif d’appui aux producteurs par l’intermédiaire des Centres de Services Agricoles dans les 104 districts ruraux de Madagascar. Les priorités des actions à poursuivre pendant la période 2007-2009 incluent: (1) Mise en place institutionnelle des CSA ; (2) Mise en place opérationnelle des CSA ; (3) Analyse de la situation locale Reference: EuropeAid/125561/L/ACT/MG. Budget: € 2.500.000 Documents: Lignes directrices de l appel a proposition n? 125 561 Annexe H Programme de mise en place des CSA par le Ministère de l’Agriculture
MALI: Programme ONG de sécurité alimentaire 2007. Deadline for submission: August, 30th 2007 Le présent appel à propositions vise à contribuer à l’amélioration durable de la sécurité alimentaire des populations les plus vulnérables et pauvres du Mali à travers des actions concrètes auprès de ces groupes cibles. Les interventions et les bénéficiaires cibles seront identifiés à travers l’approche de l’ « analyse causale » comme indiqué dans le Document Technique Pays, document d’encadrement du présent appel à propositions dont la lecture est obligatoire. Reference: EuropeAid/125657/L/ACT/ML. Budget: € 5.000.000
7 Documents: Lignes directrices a l intention des demandeurs Annexe H - Document technique Annexe A - Formulaire de demande de subvention Annexe B - Budget Annexe C - Cadre logique Annexe D - Fiche d’entité légale. Annexe E - Fiche d identification financière Annexe F - Modele de contrat standard Annexe G - Per diem
ALBANIA: Support to Marginalised people. Deadline for submission: August, 31st 2007 The overall objective of this programme is to provide social support for vulnerable groups, to integrate otherwise disadvantaged groups into the labour market and in general to assists the social and economic recovery of poor areas of the country. Organisations are encouraged to submit lively, imaginative and original proposals intended to: (1) Provide assistance to disadvantaged groups of population; (2) Improve literacy and the provision of educational services for children; (3) Promote integration into the labour market through adult and vocational training; (4) Stimulate income-generating activities. Any project proposal with potential to improve the lives of citizens living under poverty in non-urban areas is welcome under this call for proposals. Partnership with other civil society organisations, the direct involvement of ordinary people and collaboration with local and central institutions and other stakeholders (eg. representatives of the business community) are encouraged. Reference: EuropeAid/125638/L/ACT/AL. Budget: € 400.000 Documents: Guidelines for Applicants Grant Application Form Annexes B-G
ERITREA: Food Security - Allocation for NGOs – Deadlines for submission: September 10th, 2007 Call launched by the EC delegation to reinforce food security in Eritrea. Objectives: (1) Improvement of the own food security of households and communities (2) Reduction of their vulnerability towards the socio-economic environment and the climatic hazards (3) Better access to the income and production factors. Financed Actions: (1) Actions including strong local partnership (2) Actions having a direct and indirect impact on the poor and most vulnerable population’s income (3) Actions which give a special attention to linking relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD). Reference: EuropeAid/125619/L/ACT/ER. Amount awarded per project: Between 400.000 and 1.000.000 euro Between 50 and 90% of the eligible costs Documents: Ad Eritrea Profile - CfP May 2007. Annex I - CTP - May 2007. Guidelines 2007. Public notice - CfP FSFA - May 2007. Legal entity sheet. Financial Identification. Standard Contract. Per diem. More Information. Delegation Website. Apologize for the links which did not work last time – Links have been updated. Contact details: The Head of Delegation of the European Commission to Eritrea. PO Box 5710. Asmara – Eritrea. Fax: 291 1 12 65 78. E-mail: [email protected]
SERBIA: European Integration Fund - Deadlines for submission: September 10th, 2007 The European Agency for Reconstruction is seeking proposals for grant award in the scope of European Integration Fund in Serbia. Objectives: (1) To facilitate better understanding of EU and European Integration process aimed at bringing Serbia closer to the EU (2) To enhance public participation in debate and raise awareness on various aspects of European Integration. Financed Actions: (1) Organization of educational and/or training programs (i.e. workshops, conferences, seminars) (2) Organization of public events ( cultural events, public presentations, round tables and debates) (3) Dissemination of information (publication of conference proceedings, print and electronic publications, brochures, broadcasting programs and other forms of information dissemination etc.) Reference: EuropeAid/125631/D/ACT/YU. Budget: € 1,6 million Documents: European Integration Fund. Guidelines package. Corrigendum 1 for notice. Corrigendum 2 for guidelines. Apologize for the links which did not work last time – Links have been updated. More Information is available on the following websites: and Contact details: B&S Europe (For EIF). Francuska 5/IV. 11000 Beograd – Serbia. Fax: 011 2187 172. E-mail: [email protected]
ISRAËL: Euro-Med Youth III - Deadlines for submission: June, 1st 2007 Reference: 125-366. Budget: € 340.000 Call Launched in Israël in the framework of Euro-Med Youth III programme. The overall objectives of the third phase of the Euro-Med Youth Programme are: (1) Fostering mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue among young people within the Euro-Mediterranean region. (2) Promoting young people’s active citizenship and a sense of solidarity. (3) Enhancing the contribution of non-governmental youth organisations to civil society and democracy. (4) Contributing to the development of youth policy. A number of key areas are considered central for the development of the youth sector at the Euro-Mediterranean level. The Euro-Med Youth III Programme will fund projects that promote one or more of these thematic priorities: (1) Fighting against racism and xenophobia (2) Active citizenship (3) Gender equality (4) Minority rights (5) Heritage and environment protection. Gender balance and inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities will be promoted as crosscutting issues of the programme. Documents: Call text. Application form. Budget. Guidelines.
8 Financial Identification. More information. You can also visit the following website: Contact: Israeli Ministry of Education. – Division International relations and UNESCO. E-mail: [email protected]
TURKEY: Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue between the EU and Turkey Youth Initiatives for Dialogue Grant Scheme. Deadline: August, 21st 2007 In the first year of the Civil Society Dialogue in Turkey, the European Commission's Delegation in Ankara launched four grant schemes totalling €4.33 million in financial support in 2006. Within this framework, assistance was given to approximately 70 projects, most of which began their activities in early 2007. This year an additional €29.5 million will be dedicated to Civil Society Dialogue between Turkey and the EU, excluding support for Turkey's participation in relevant Community programmes. The "Youth Initiatives for Dialogue" grant scheme supports relationships between youth organisations in Turkey and partner countries with a budget of €2 million. The deadline for applications is 21 August 2007. Reference: CFCU/TR 0604.01/04 Documents: Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue between the EU and Turkey Youth Initiatives for Dialogue Grant Scheme. Go on Delegation of the EC to Turkey’s website
CAMBODIA: Empowerment and capacity building of local communities in planning and monitoring of development plans sanitation and health adult literacy – Deadlines for submission: June, 11th, 2007 The purpose of the contract is the provision of services to empower communities including (i) capacity building of commune councils (especially women councilors) to plan, implement and monitor development plans and ensure a wide decentralized and participatory planning, (ii) strengthen human resources (especially women) at line department levels to ensure a better support from line departments to the local development (iii) at village level, management and organization support to improve the capacity of villagers (especially women) to set up and manage organizations and insure the coordination of Village Development Plans with external partners (iv) awareness raising and training on health (hygiene education, primary/ maternal health care education, nutrition awareness education, transmitted disease education and prevention, STD, re- productive health) and (v) adult literacy (especially for women) and kindergarten. Participation is open to all legal persons including NGOs. Reference: EuropeAid/124358/C/SER/KH. Budget: €398.000 Documents: Forecast Tender
CAMBODIA: Support micro finance providers to establish operational access to financial services for farmers and villagers in ECOSORN target areas - Deadlines for submission: June 11th, 2007 Provision of services related to micro-finance for poor farming households as part of Economic and Social Relaunch of the Northwest Provinces in Cambodia (ECOSORN) “Integrated Rural Development Modules” (IRDM) in selected target districts and communes. These services include: (1) The management of growth and portfolio risk in the ECOSORN target area, thus increasing micro- finance outreach and sustainability prospective. (2) The improvement in flexibility of existing products, and offering new financial products and services according to the needs of economically active poor and SME’s on commercially viable terms. (3) The provision of training to rural households and families in ECOSORN provinces to manage their household budgets more efficiently and to gain a better understanding of the financial obligations of borrowing and saving. (4) Through i-iii fostering of coordination with other ECOSORN project components to maximize mutual gains and enhance overall project performance. Participation is open to all legal persons including NGOs. Reference: EuropeAid/124971/C/SER/KH. Budget: €365.000 Documents: Forecast Tender
CARDS - Regional support to the Roma and the marginalized groups in the Western Balkans. Deadlines for submission: June 15th, 2007 DG Enlargement launches a call for proposals in the framework of the programme CARDS aiming at improving the life conditions of the Roma and the marginalised groups in the Wester Balkans. The overall objective is to ensure social inclusion of the Roma and the marginalised groups in the Western Balkans. Considering the large scope of work, this Programme is considered as a Pilot Initiative which will focus on key-geographical areas (to be determined by the applicant) in each country. Therefore, the "sub-objective" will be also to evaluate the added value of a regional approach in the field of civil registration of the Roma communities and the marginalised groups. The specific objectives are : (1) To provide Roma and marginalised groups with the necessary means for accessing employment opportunities, social welfare, schools and citizens rights. (2) To remove the obstacles which prevent Roma people and marginalised groups to get access to basic rights and protection. (3) To inform the Roma population and marginalised groups about the benefits of the registration and the recognition of their rights by the national authorities. Reference: EuropeAid/125369/C/ACT/Multi Documents: Guidelines. Grant application form. Logical Framework. Concept Note Form. Financial Identification Form. More information Contact: European Commission – Patricia Pennetier – DG Enlargement; Tel: +32 2 296 60 12. E-mail: ELARG- [email protected]
9 EURO-MED YOUTH III - GAZA AND WEST BANK. Deadlines for submission: June 25th, 2007 Euro-Med Youth III programme launches a call for proposals with Mediterranean partners in the Occupied Territories of Palestine. The overall objectives of the third phase of the Euro-Med Youth Programme are: (1) Fostering mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue among young people within the Euro-Mediterranean region. (2) Promoting young people’s active citizenship and a sense of solidarity. (3) Enhancing the contribution of non-governmental youth organisations to civil society and democracy. (4) Contributing to the development of youth policy. Reference: EuropeAid/125496/MACT/PS Documents: Guidelines. Application form.Budget. Financial Identification Form. Call for proposal notice. More information Contact: EC Technical Assistance Office to Ramallah. Dua’a Qurie, EuroMed Youth Unit. Tel: 972 2 297 53 77. E-mail: [email protected]
HUNGARY-SLOVAKIA-UKRAINE NEIGHBOURHOOD PROGRAMME. Deadlines for submission: June 29th, 2007 New call within the Neighbourhood Programmes / Cross-border cooperation Hungary-Slovakia-Ukraine. The strategic global objective of the Programme is to strengthen the level of economical and social integration of the cross border region. Cross-border co-operation between Hungary, Slovakia and Ukraine for the period up to 2006 is based on the following strategic objectives: (1) Improving the level of integration in cross-border social and economic co-operation (2) Improving the level of integration in cross-border infrastructure (3) During the development process of this strategy two priority axes for development and a third one for technical assistance have been identified. The first priority aims primarily at the enhancement of the general economic situation of the cross border area, diminishing regional differences in social and economic development and creation of a single economic space able to compete with other regions in an international context as well. The second priority contributes to the preservation of nature and the improvement of the environment and accessibility and permeability of the state borders in the programme area. The scope of the third priority is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the programme by the provision of technical assistance. Reference: HUSKUA 06/01 Documents: Application pack. More information Contact: Joint Technical Secertariat. Andras Baranyi. Tel: +36 1 224 32 94. E-mail: [email protected]
CHAD: Programme d’aide a la securite alimentaire au Tchad - Deadlines for submission: June 29th, 2007 L’objectif du programme est d’améliorer durablement la sécurité alimentaire des populations vivant en milieu rural au Tchad. Pour cela le programme vise à identifier et financer des projets pilotes qui contribuent à la mise à point de modèles d’actions qui pourront ensuite être adaptés à d’autres contextes nationaux et être éventuellement reproduits à plus large échelle dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du PNSA. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, l’appel à proposition soutiendra les initiatives provenant des communautés locales pour la définition et mise en ouvre de stratégie locale de sécurité alimentaire. La priorité sera donnée aux actions qui (1) visent et/ou intègrent les groupes les plus vulnérables (enfants, femmes, handicapés, etc. ; (2) valorisent les ressources et les savoir-faire locaux; (3) favorisent la structuration du milieu social ; (3) présentent des aspects novateurs (méthodologie, outils, etc.). Reference: EuropeAid/125562/L/ACT/TD. Budget: € 350.000 Documents: Lignes directrices Annexe A - Formulaire de demande Annexe B - Budget Annexe C - Cadre Logique Annexes D E F G H et I
MADAGASCAR : Programme d’appui à la nutrition - PRONUMAD III – Deadline : August, 1st Trois objectifs principaux sont visés par le programme: Assurer la valorisation optimale des facteurs de production des exploitations agricoles représentatives de la zone d’intervention, de manière à augmenter durablement la disponibilité vivrière en quantité et qualité et à améliorer la trésorerie des ménages cibles dans les districts à haut risque climatique du Grand Sud, en vue d’amortir les chocs liés à la sécheresse récurrente Lutter de façon durable contre la malnutrition chez les groupes vulnérables dans les districts à insécurité alimentaire chronique des régions de l’Androy et Anosy. Renforcer des actions existantes d’appui à la scolarisation des enfants des rues et/ou issus des ménages pauvres par l’amélioration de leur état nutritionnel par le bais des cantines scolaires mieux gérées et par l’exploitation optimale des jardins scolaires. Reference: EuropeAid/125440/L/ACT/MG. Budget: € 3.000.000 Documents: Lignes directrices a l intention des demandeurs PRONUMAD III 2007. Annexe A Formulaire de demande de subvention. Annexe B Budget. Annexe C Cadre logique. Annexe D FICHE D ENTITE LEGALE. Annexe E FORMULAIRE D IDENTIFICATION FINANCIERE. Avis d’appel a propositions
TURKEY: Euro-Med Youth III - Deadline for submission: June, 11th
10 Call launched in Turkey in the framework of Euro-Med Youth III programme. The overall objectives of the present Call for proposals of the Euro-Med Youth III Programme are: (1) Fostering mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue among young people within the Euro-Mediterranean region. (2) Promoting young people’s active citizenship and a sense of solidarity. (3) Enhancing the contribution of non-governmental youth organisations to civil society and democracy. (4) Contributing to the development of youth policy. The thematic priorities of the present Call for proposals are: Fighting against racism and xenophobia; Active citizenship; Gender equality; Minority rights; Heritage and environment protection. Reference: MEDA/2005/017 - 591/10. Budget: € 400.000 Documents: Call text. Guidelines. More information Contact: Central Finance Unit – Prime Ministry - [email protected]
TURKEY: National Research on Domestic Violence Against Women – Deadline: May, 28th Description: The preparation of a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative research to identify the causes and consequences of domestic violence against women. The result of the research will be an important factor in the formulation of national policies and strategies to combat domestic violence against women. Reference: EuropeAid/123657/D/SER/TR. Budget: 2.500.000 Documents: Forecast - Tender
WESTERN SAMOA: Upolu and Savaii Water Supply Schemes – Deadline: August, 27th Description: Rural water supply rehabilitation and improvement works to cover 14 rural water supply zones on Upolu and Savaii. Works will benefit a population of approximately 55,000 inhabitants, and will include (1) the rehabilitation and construction of water intakes and springs; (2) the rehabilitation of borehole and annexes, including replacement of submersible pumps and accessories; (3) the rehabilitation of reservoirs; (4) the installation of new prefabricated storage capacities of 250 m³ and 100 m³; (5) the rehabilitation of booster stations and annexes; (6) the installation of modular water treatment facilities of 20 and 60 m³/h capacities; (6) the installation of chlorination plants; (7) the rehabilitation and extension of water distribution networks and accessories; (8) and the provision of equipment and material for household connections. Reference: EuropeAid/125138/D/WKS/WS Documents: Forecast - corrigendum (12.03.2007) Tender
CHAD: Programme “Linking Relief Rehabilitation and Development” (LRRD) pour le Sud du Tchad. Deadline: June 8th 2007 Le programme LRRD vise à accompagner la transition de l’aide humanitaire à celle au développement. Objectifs globaux : (1) Les conditions de vie de la population (autochtone et réfugiée) du département de Grand Sido se sont améliorées. (2) L’insécurité et les risques de conflits entre les communautés dans le département de Grand Sido ont diminués. Objectif spécifique: L’intégration socioéconomique des deux populations touchées, (autochtones et réfugiés) du Grand Sido, est atteinte. Reference: EuropeAid/125546/M/ACT/TD. Budget: € 3.700.000 Documents: Lignes Directrices Annexe A - Formulaire de la note de presentation succinte Annexes E F G et H Annexe B - Formulaire de demande de subvention Annexe C - Budget Annexe D - Cadre Logique Avis de publication
BURKINA FASO : Mise en oeuvre du programme en matière de sécurité alimentaire- Composantes relatives aux systèmes d’information. Deadline: June 15th, 2007 Reference: EuropeAid/122802/D/SER/BF. Budget: € 400.000 Dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre de l’appui en matière de la sécurité alimentaire, l’assistance technique aura pour but d’appuyer l’administration burkinabé dans la mise en oeuvre de sa politique et programme en matière de sécurité alimentaire et notamment dans leurs composantes relatives aux systèmes d’information. Documents: Forecast - Tender
COLOMBIA: Ayuda a poblaciones desarraigadas en Colombia (Presupuesto 2006). Deadline: July 31st, 2007 Reference: EuropeAid/125538/L/ACT/CO. Budget: €5.000.000 El objetivo general de la Línea en Colombia consiste en contribuir a la reducción de la extrema vulnerabilidad de la población desarraigada y la restitución de sus derechos. Para ello se fija como objetivo específico que poblaciones desarraigadas y de comunidades de acogida beneficiarias gocen de un entorno estable y protector que permita potenciar su desarrollo social y económico e incrementar su capacidad de recepción e integración. Las prioridades de esta convocatoria son: (1) El restablecimiento e incremento del desarrollo social y económico de la población. (2) El fortalecimiento de las estructuras comunitarias y públicas para fortalecer procesos de integración y/o el retorno de poblaciones desarraigadas. Documents: Guia para Solicitantes Formulario de Solicitud (Anexo A) Presupuesto (Anexo B) Marco Logico (Anxeo C) Ficha de entidad legal (publica) (Anexo D) ficha de entidad legal (sociedades) (Anexo D)
11 Ficha Bancaria (Anexo E) Condiciones Generales Contrato Tipo - ANEXO II (Anexo F) Condiciones Particulares Contrato Tipo (Anexo F)
SOMALIA: Food Security -- Strengthening Livelihoods through Food Security, Rural Water and Sanitation, Livestock and Agricultural Development. Deadline: August, 9th 2007 This call for proposals is launched in order to reduce poverty through the implementation of agricultural technical. The problems to be addressed by this Call for Proposals are as follows: Absence or insufficiency of national policies and legislations and of enabling institutions supporting agricultural development and rural services Environmental degradation and unsustainable use of natural resources Limited livelihoods assets and eroded coping mechanisms of most of the population reducing their resilience to shocks (climatic or civil). The Call for proposal’s overall objective is “Poverty alleviated – and a more peaceful, equitable and democratic society established in Somalia” while its purpose is “Livelihoods strengthened at household level, through reduced food insecurity, improved access to quality rural services in particular to water and sanitation, and broad based development of agriculture and livestock”. Two main results are expected: (1) Smallholder agriculture and livestock production and marketing intensified and diversified. (2) Access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation, particularly benefiting women and children, increased. Reference: EUROPEAID/125515/L/ACT/SO Documents: Guidelines. Grant Application form. Logical Framework. Budget. Legal entity form. Financial Identification Somalia Administrative Unit. More Information Contact: Delegation of the EC in Kenya. Paula Vasquez Horyaans. Tel: 254 2027 13 020 or 27 12 830. E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
SOUTHERN SOMALIA: Agricultural Rehabilitation and Diversification of High Potential Irrigation Schemes in Southern Somalia (ARDOPIS). Deadline: August 13rd, 2007 Objectives and priorities of the Agricultural Rehabilitation and Diversification of High Potential Irrigation Schemes in Southern Somalia (ARDOPIS). Apart from security, which remains the major constraint, the main identified problems to be addressed by the action include: Poor state of the entire agricultural infrastructure, essentially the irrigation system due to deterioration or lack of maintenance. Poor agricultural skills and general low level of water management and farming practices. Poor access to markets i.e. insufficient or inappropriate link between the producers and the main consumer centres such as Mogadishu and the other urban areas. Overall objectives: Household livelihood of rural families increased through improved agricultural production and marketing. Purpose: Farming households in former banana growing regions benefit from increased production, assets or and/or income through access to and use of irrigation infrastructure, technical assistance and improved market access. Expected results and main activities (1) Irrigated agricultural production is improved and cropping patterns are diversified (2) Market access, product marketing & processing are improved Reference: EUROPEAID/125531/L/ACT/SO Documents: Guidelines. Grant Application form. Logical Framework. Budget. Legal Entity sheet. Financial Identification Form. Contract Standard. Per Diem. More information Contact: Delegation of the EC in Kenya. Paula VasquezHoryaans. Tel: 254 2027 13 020 or 27 12 830. E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008 - Emblematic actions on a European scale - Deadline: 31 July 2007 The Commission is launching this open call for proposals in order to co-finance a limited number of emblematic actions on a European scale aimed at promoting intercultural dialogue, involving directly or otherwise reaching as many people as possible, and highlighting achievements and experiences on the theme of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008. This limited number of emblematic actions on a European scale should be aimed at raising awareness of the objectives of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008 and at underlining the meaning and importance of intercultural dialogue, illustrating various areas, methods and dimensions of intercultural dialogue in the European Union in a manner which is visible and attractive, particularly (but not exclusively) to young people. Reference: DG EAC/07/07. Budget: € 2.4 million
12 Documents: Call text. Guidelines. Application form. Budget form. Model grant agreement. Financial capacity form. Financial identification form. Legal entity form. More information.
European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008 - National or regional initiatives - Deadline: July 31th 2007 The Commission is launching this restricted call for proposals in order to co-finance events and initiatives at national level and regional level with a strong European dimension aimed at promoting the objectives of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, through directly involving or otherwise reaching as many people as possible, with particular attention being given to actions relating to civic education and learning to appreciate other people and their differences. The Commission recognizes that national experiences of cultural diversity and the approach of intercultural dialogue are diverse. It should be therefore handled in a way which takes into account the particularities of each Member State. The bodies responsible for the coordination of the Year 2008 in the Member States will be responsible for submitting projects to the European Commission for financial support. The objectives of the Year 2008 cannot be achieved without the active intervention of all stakeholders at national, regional and local level. In the context of the National Strategies for the European Year 2008, the community shall contribute to and facilitate the organisation of major projects with a strong European dimension likely to have the effect of mobilising civil society and all stakeholders within the EU Member States. Reference: DG EAC/08/07. Budget: € 3 million Documents: Call text. Guidelines. Application form. Budget form. Model grant agreement. Financial capacity form. Financial identification form. Legal entity form. More information.
GENDER EQUALITY: Call for proposals for the improvement of gender mainstreaming in national policies and programmes - Deadlines for submission: 13 June 2007 In the framework of PROGRESS, the European Commission launches a call for proposals about gender equality. Regions concerned : EU Member States, EFTA Countries, EEA Countries Reference: VP/2007/010. Budget: € 70.000. Documents: Call for proposal. Grant application form. More information
BURKINA FASO : Improving Food Security - Deadline: July, 2nd Les objectifs globaux du programme sont la contribution significative aux objectifs du millénaire 1 « réduire l’extrême pauvreté et la faim », 4 « réduite la mortalité infantile » et 7 « créer un environnement durable » et l’amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire des populations du Burkina Faso. L’objectif spécifique est d’améliorer la fertilité des sols à vocation agricole et d’élevage par le développement des techniques de conservation des eaux et des sols et de fertilisation. Reference: EuropeAid/125340/L/ACT/BF. Budget: € 10.000.000 Documents: Avis Lignes directrices du 02.04.2007 Annexes des lignes directrices - documents a remplir Annexes des lignes directrices - Documents d information
YEMEN: NGO Food Security Programme - Deadline: 1st June Reference: EuropeAid/125372/L/ACT/YE. Budget: € 3.000.000 Documents: Guidelines for applicants (29.03.2007) Annexes (29.03.2007)
ZAMBIA: NGO Food Security Programme – Deadline: 4 July The awaited result of the selected projects is the reduction of extreme poverty, hunger and starvation and the improvement of the nutritional status for the most vulnerable groups in the selected areas. In order to maximise impact and synergies with other EC interventions, in particular the 9th EDF project on Food Security and Agricultural Diversification, the geographical scope of the projects will be limited to the Western and North Western Provinces. The intervention should consist of actions that contribute to improvement of the nutritional status of the most food insecure and nutritionally vulnerable groups in specific sites in the selected provinces. The beneficiaries are the most vulnerable groups to food insecurity and poor nutrition Reference: EuropeAid/125358/L/ACT/ZM. Budget: €2.000.000 Documents: Notice of Call for Proposals Guidelines for Grant Applicants Country Technical Document Grant application form Budget Form Logical Framework Form Legal Entity Sheet Financial Identification Form Draft Standard Contract Daily Allowances Rates
BELIZE: Improving the Social & Economic Infrastructure of Some Rural Communities in the Banana Producing Areas of Southern Belize. Deadline: 15 May
13 The objective is to promote rural development through a programme or programmes of provision of social and economic infrastructure in the villages of the banana producing areas of Belize. Basic social and economic infrastructure such as potable water, school facilities and improved access and egress for the banana belt villages will be constructed as part of community driven and assisted efforts. Read the Guidelines
NEPAL: Assistance to Vulnerable Groups and Communities most affected by the internal conflict – Deadline: 29 July The overall objective is to assist vulnerable populations that have been most affected by the conflict, including ethnic minorities, Dalits and other lower social strata of the population so that the current conflict potential can be reduced and the socio-economic conditions of the target population improved. The specific objectives of the call for proposal are to address the basic needs of vulnerable groups and communities most affected by the conflict by providing them with tangible direct benefits that contribute to local reconciliation efforts and promote group and local community empowerment in sustaining peace. Reference: EuropeAid/125388/L/ACT/NP. Budget: € 6.750.000 Documents: tender 30.03.2007 Guidlines for grant application Grant Application Form Budget Logical Framework FIF Legal Entity Form
MOROCCO : Appel a propositions ouvert Euro-Med Jeunesse III – Deadline: 11 June Le Secrétariat d’Etat Chargé de la Jeunesse lance un appel à propositions pour le financement des projets des associations marocaines oeuvrant dans le domaine de la jeunesse. Les objectifs généraux de la troisième phase du programme Euro-Med Jeunesse sont: (1) Stimuler une compréhension mutuelle et un dialogue interculturel entre les jeunes au sein de la région euro-méditerranéenne. (2) Promouvoir une citoyenneté active chez les jeunes et leur sens de la solidarité (3) Renforcer la participation des organisations de jeunesse non gouvernementales à la société civile et à la démocratie (4) Contribuer au développement de la politique de la jeunesse. Reference: EuropeAid/125391/M/ACT/MA. Budget € 585.000 Documents: tender 09.04.2007 Lignes directrices Euro-Med Jeunesse III Formulaire de demande Contrat type Fiche d entite legale Fiche signaletique financiere Budget
NIGERIA: Capacity Building for Non-State Actors – Deadline: 15 May The objective of this contract is to provide programme management, through a central Programme Management Unit (PMU), expertise and administrative services that will assist the National Planning Commission in the implementation of the programme: “Increase Non State Actors’ Implementation and Developmental Expertise” – INSIDE. This programme aims to empower Non-State Actors by providing technical assistance as well as material and project support. Reference: EuropeAid/124658/D/SER/NG. Documents: forecast tender 17.01.2007 annul. Re-launch notice
CROATIA: Development of Nature Protection Information System (NPIS) and Institutional Building for Monitoring of Biodiversity Indicators. Deadline: 13 May 2007 The purpose of this contract is to fulfill the basic requirements needed for quality development and implementation of nature protection policy in Croatia, in accordance both with national legislation and the EU environmental acquis. It is expected to develop Nature Protection Information System (NPIS), to establish monitoring of biodiversity indicators, to enable public access to NP data and to raise public awareness resulting from related parts of each project component. Reference: EuropeAid/123415/D/SER/HR. Budget: € 863.000 Documents: forecast tender
GUATEMALA: Active Participation of the Civil Society within the framework of the Risks management. Deadlines for submission: 30 May 2007 In the framework of this call for proposals, the European Union supports projects aiming at reinforce the participation of the civil society in Guatemala. Objetivo general: Contribuir a la consolidación de la democracia participativa en Guatemala, de conformidad con los Acuerdos de Paz y en el marco de la reforma y la descentralización del Estado. Objetivo especifico: Reforzar la participación equitativa de la Sociedad Civil en la definición, aplicación y el control de las políticas públicas en el ámbito local. El Proyecto “Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad Civil en Guatemala” TINAMIT nace consecuentemente a los compromisos asumidos por los Acuerdos de Paz, que reconocen a la Sociedad Civil un papel protagónico en la construcción de la gobernabilidad democrática. Se pretende fortalecer la perspectiva de la Sociedad Civil en su participación y construcción de procesos de gobernabilidad democrática, especialmente desde el ámbito local, apoyando el desarrollo y la creación de condiciones políticas, sociales, institucionales. Reference: EuropeAid/M/ACT/GT. Global budget: € 800.000. Documents (only in Spanish): Call notice. Guidelines. Application form. Budget. Logical Framework. Financial Identification. More information: and Contact: National Seat Direction Tinamit Project, [email protected]
14 TURKEY: Strengthening Civil Society in the Pre-accession Process - NGO Grant Facility. Deadlines for submission: 5 June 2007 Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance. Calls of proposals launched in the framework of the Programme Strengthening Civil Society in the Pre-accession Process. Regions concerned: EU Member States, Turkey, Balkans. Component 1- Promotion and protection of women’s rights Documents: Guidelines. Grant application form. More information Component 2- Enhancement of social inclusion of people with disabilities Documents: Guidelines. Grant application form. More information. Component 3- Strenghtening the protection of children’s right Documents: Guidelines. Grant application form. More information. Component 4- Protection of consumers Documents: Guidelines. Grant application form. More information. Component 5- Protection of the Environment Documents: Guidelines. Grant application form. More information.
LEBANON: Euro-Med Youth III. Deadlines for submission: 19 June 2007 Call for proposals launched in the framework the Euro-Med Youth III programme Les objectifs généraux de la troisième phase du programme Euro-Med Jeunesse sont: (1) Favoriser une compréhension mutuelle et un dialogue interculturel entre les jeunes au sein de la région euro-méditerranéenne; (2) Promouvoir une citoyenneté active chez les jeunes et développer leur sens de la solidarité; (3) Renforcer la participation des organisations de jeunesse non gouvernementales à la société civile et à la démocratie; (4) Contribuer au développement de la politique de la jeunesse. Reference: EuropeAid/125-484/M/ACT/LB. Global budget: € 275.000. Documents (only in French): Guidelines. Application form. Budget Form. Financial Identification. Contact: Wadad Rached, Head of Unit Euro-Med Jeunesse Lebanon. E-mail: [email protected]
ANGOLA: Food Security. Deadlines for submission: 19 July 2007 The European Commission Delegation to Angola launches a call for proposals to improve the food security. Reference: EuropeAid/125408. Global budget: € 2 million Documents: Guidelines. Application form. Logical Framework. Budget. Per Diem. Contact: EC Delegation to Angola, [email protected] and [email protected]
WEST BANK AND GAZA STRIP: 2007 NGO Food Security Thematic Programme. Deadlines for submission: August, 1st, 2007 In the framework of the Food Security Programme, the European Union supports projects, aiming at improving the food security in West Bank and Gaza Strip Global budget: € 8 million Documents: Guidelines. Application form. Budget. Logical Framework. Legal Entity Form. Financial Identification. Special Conditions. General Conditions. Per Diem. More information. Contact: EC Representative office West bank and Gaza Office / Head of representation: [email protected]
BURKINA FASO: Food Security - NGO Programme - Deadline: 1st of June Reference: EuropeAid/125248/L/ACT/BF. Budget: 4.000.000 € Documents: Avis Lignes directrices ou guide Annexes a remplir des lignes directrices Annexes d information des lignes directrices
HAITI: Food Security - NGO Programme for 2007 - Deadline: 6 June Reference: EuropeAid/125245/L/ACT/HT. Budget: 1.500.000 € Documents: tender 05.03.2007 Lignes directrices Annexes lignes directrices
REPUBLICA DOMINICANA: Fondo para el Desarrollo Institucional de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil Dominicana (FONDESIN). Deadline: 16 April 2007 Programa de Apoyo a las Iniciativas Locales de la Sociedad Civil (PRIL). Reference: EuropeAid/125299/M/ACT/DO. Budget: € 176.900 Documents: Guia para solicitantes
VIET NAM: European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights call for proposals (micro- projects) relating to campaign 2: “Fostering a culture of human rights”. Deadline: 12 April 2007
15 Reference: EuropeAid/124820/L/ACT/VN. Budget: € 150.000 Documents: Guidelines for grant applicants Annex A - grant application form Annex B - budget Annex C - logical framework Annex E - financial identification form
VIET NAM: European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights call for proposals (micro- projects) relating to campaign 4 - advancing equality tolerance and peace - Deadline: 12 April 2007 Reference: EuropeAid/124821/L/ACT/VN. Budget: € 125.000 Documents: Guidelines for grant applicants Annex C - logical framework Annex A - grant application form Annex E - financial identification form Annex B - budget
GUYANA: Call to reduce poverty and social inequality. Deadline: 30 April, 31 May and 29 June 2007 Documents: Guidelines. Grant application form. Concept note For further information go to Guyana Micro-project programme website
REPUBLICA DOMINICANA: Fondo para el Desarrollo Institucional de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil Dominicana (FONDESIN). Deadline: 16 April 2007 Programa de Apoyo a las Iniciativas Locales de la Sociedad Civil (PRIL). Reference: EuropeAid/125299/M/ACT/DO. Budget: € 176.900 Documents: Guia para los solicitantes tender 12.03.2007 Guia Linea 1. Fortalecimiento institucional de las OSC a titulo individual Guia Linea 2. Fortalecimiento institucional de redes y plataformas de OSC de cobertu Guia Linea 3. Desarrollo de la capacidad de dialogo y concertacion de las OSC con los Guia Linea 4. Desarrollar la institucionalidad de la sociedad civil dominicana como e Guia Linea 5. Fortalecimiento de las OSC especializadas en asuntos sociales educacio
COLOMBIA: Acciones de Apoyo a mujeres jovenes y poblacion vulnerable para 30 Municipios de Magdalena. Deadline: 29 March Reference: EuropeAid/125064/D/ACT/CO Documents: Call for proposals Clarificaciones
COLOMBIA: Acciones de Apoyo a mujeres jovenes y poblacion vulnerable para 30 Municipios de Magdalena. Deadline: 27 April Reference: EuropeAid/125065/D/ACT/CO Documents: Call for proposals
BURMA / MYANMAR (Recall): Aid to Uprooteed People Programme. Deadline: 2 April 2007 The Delegation of the European Commission in Thailand is seeking proposals for projects to implement operations in health, water sanitation, food security and nutrition, education with a special emphasis on vocational training, protection and mine awareness raising, and improvement of the livelihood security of displaced persons and former refugee/former displace persons in Burma/Myanmar, with financial assistance from the Aid to Uprooted People in Asia programme of the European Communities. Reference: EuropeAid/124905/L/ACT/MM. Budget: EUR: 6.000.000 Documents: Notice Guidelines for grant applicants Annex A Grant Application Form Annex B Budget Annex C Logical Framework Annex D Legal Entity Sheet Annex E Financial Identification Form Annex F Standard Grant Contract Annex G Daily Allowance Rates (Per diem)
MALAWI (Recall): Food Security Programme for NGOs - Deadline: 7 May 2007 The objective of the “Food Security Programme for Malawi 2004-2006” is to reduce chronic food insecurity at national and household level. The overall programme totals 45 million euros and includes an amount of 5.7 million euros to be used to implement food security activities with non-states actors through a call for proposals. This amount has been supplemented by an extra 5 million euros from the EC Food Security Budget Line to make available a total of 10.7 million euros for this current Call for Proposals (CfP). Reference: EuropeAid/124947/L/ACT/MW Documents: Annex B - Budget Annex C - Logical Framework Annex E - Financial Identification Form Annex H - MoA-MoH Projects Impact and Output Indicators 19.08.06 Annex D - Legal Entity Sheet Annex G - Daily Allowance Rates (Per Diem) Annex I - OECD DAC list of aid recepients Guidelines for CfP Food Security Programme for NGOs - Malawi 2007 Annex A - Application Form Annex F - Standard Contract (Special Conditions)
Environment: Support for European NGO Active in the field of Environmental field – Deadline: 28 February 2007 Financial assistance under this Call for Proposals may be provided for activities, which involve contributing to the development and implementation of Community environmental policy and legislation in different regions of Europe. Documents : Call text . Guidelines for applicants . Grant application forms. Financial application form
Actions to raise awareness of development issues in Europe - Deadline: 20 February 2007 Reference: EuropeAid/124803/C/ACT/Multi Documents: EN-Guidelines EN-Concept Note EN-Full Application Form EN-Budget EN-Logical Framework FR-Lignes directrices FR-Note de presentation succincte FR-Formulaire de demande complete FR-Budget FR-Cadre logique Corrigendum - EN Corrigendum - FR
GUINEA BISSAU: Reinforcing Civil society Organisations. Deadline: April 26th 2007 Call launched in order to improve the capacities of certain Guinean Bissau Civil Society Organisations (CSO) in their work of fighting against poverty See document:
MALAWI: Food Security Programme for NGOs. Deadline: May 5th 2007 Reference: EuropeAid/124947/L/ACT/MW. Documents: Annex B - Budget Annex C - Logical Framework Annex E - Financial Identification Form Annex H - MoA-MoH Projects Impact and Output Indicators 19.08.06 Annex D - Legal Entity Sheet Annex G - Daily Allowance Rates (Per Diem) Annex I - OECD DAC list of aid recepients Guidelines for CfP Food Security Programme for NGOs - Malawi 2007 Annex A - Application Form Annex F - Standard Contract (Special Conditions)
BULGARIA: Joint Small Project Funds 2005 – CBC Bulgaria – Deadline: March 5th 2007 Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (Bulgaria) and the European Agency for Reconstruction (former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) are seeking proposals to support small scale, "people-to-people” and “soft” local development activities of a cross-border nature. Applications must be received by March 5th 2007. Documents: Guidelines for grant applicants responding to the Call for proposals. C all for proposals
MACEDONIA: Joint Call for proposals - Neighbourhood Programme – Greece / Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - Deadline: 21 February Priority Axes: Economic development and employment; Quality of life and environment (improving the quality of life and Protection, promotion and management of the natural environment, Protection of health). Documents: Guidelines for grant applicants responding to the Call for proposals. Call for proposals
TAJIKISTAN : Campaign 2 Fostering a Culture of Human Rights. Deadline: 23 February 2007 Reference: EuropeAid/124801/L/ACT/TJ Documents: Annex A. Concept Note Form Annex B.Grant Application Form Annex C.Budget Annex D. Logframe Annex E. Legal Entity Annex F. Financial Identification Guidelines
17 BANGLADESH : Technical Assistance Support to Vulnerable Group Development for Ultra-Poor - Deadline: 18 March 2007 Reference: EuropeAid/124537/C/SER/BD. Budget EUR: 1.100.000 See documents: forecast tender
UZBEKISTAN : Social Partnership in education and training 2 - Deadline: 19 March 2007 Reference: EuropeAid/124099/C/SER/UZ See documents: forecast tender
BULGARIA / MACEDONIA: Neighbourhood Programme 2005 between Republic of Bulgaria – and former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - Joint Small Projects Fund. Deadline: 5 March 2007 Reference: BG2005/017-456.02/G/CBC/JSPF-05MAC02/02/001 The programme aims at promoting the elaboration and implementation of projects with a cross-border impact and encourages the development of linkages between local communities and organisations on both sides of the border. The scheme will strongly support concrete cross-border projects, which will promote “people-to-people” communication and enhance mutual understanding. Documents: Application Package. Go on the European Agency for Reconstruction website
AFGHANISTAN: Social Management of Water in Afghanistan. Deadline 29 March 2007 Reference: FOOD/125040/C/G/AF/2007. Call launched by the EC Delegation to Afghanistan. The overall objective of this project is part is to foster poverty alleviation through improved food security. The specific objective of this project is: to assist communities in improving the social and technical management of their irrigation schemes, ensuring the poor and marginalized are not excluded, and that such communities have access to the participation mechanisms of Kunduz River Basin Management institutions. Global Budget: 1,5 million €. Documents: Call for proposal and Guidelines for grant applicants
SERBIA : Neighborhood Programme between Republic of Bulgaria –Republic of Serbia- 2005 Deadline: 12 April 2007 Reference: 05SER03/04/001 Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Republic of Bulgaria and European Agency for Reconstruction, Serbia, are seeking proposals to support small scale, "people-to-people” and “soft” local development activities of a cross-border nature. Documents available on the following websites: (Latest Tenders); ; Go on the European Agency for Reconstruction website
SERBIA : Neighbourhood Programme Bulgaria / Serbia and Montenegro 2005 - Joint Grant Scheme for Sustainable Economic Development (CfP Notice). Deadline: 14 May 2007 Reference: 05SER03/04/002 Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Republic of Bulgaria and the European Agency for Reconstruction, Republic of Serbia, are seeking proposals for regional development initiatives for small-scale interventions aimed at fostering the social and economic cohesion in the cross-border region and capacity building at local level. It also aims to create favourable conditions to further effective cross-border cooperation. Documents available on the following websites: (Latest Tenders); ; Go on the European Agency for Reconstruction website
RUSSIAN FEDERATION: IBPP Support to Civil Society and Local Initiatives. Deadline: 12 April 2007. The overall aim of the Programme is the reinforcement/capacity building of civil society organisations. This support is to be realised through organisations working in partnership to develop and implement projects with sustainable outcomes. The programme will support cooperation at local level through partnerships among a wide range of local authorities and NGOs from Russia and from the EU Member States with the aim to strengthen the development of the cooperation in the field of youth, women and children. Reference: EuropeAid/125149/L/ACT/RU. Budget: 5.000.000 € Documents: Notice Guidelines for applicants Annex A Concept note form Annex B Grant Application Form Annex C Budget Annex D Logical Framework Annex E Legal Entity Sheet (private) Annex E Legal Entity Sheet (public) Annex F Financial ID form
KYRGYZSTAN : Small Infrastructure Rehabilitation projects towards the poverty alleviation in Batken Osh and Djalal Abad regions of Kyrgyz Republic. Deadline: 30 April 2007. The objective of the actions under the ASCoT (Track 3) component is to reduce poverty in the Ferghana Valley, through low-risk community-based action, whilst contributing to medium term economic growth prospects and to
18 regional, cross-border stability. The priority under the current Call for Proposals is addressed to the activities by Small Infrastructure Rehabilitation Projects towards the poverty alleviation in Batken, Osh and Djalal-Abad regions of Kyrgyzstan through: Small scale irrigation and drainage systems rehabilitation projects; Small scale drinking water supply systems rehabilitation projects; Village level small scale infrastructure objects rehabilitation and improvement Reference: EuropeAid/125163/L/ACT/KG. Budget: 240.000 € Documents: Guidelines (26.02.07) Annexes
UGANDA, SUDAN, ZIMBABWE: European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR): Micro-Projects Programme. Deadline: 29 March 2007 The general objective of the Micro-Projects programme is to provide small scale financial support for initiatives lasting up to two years. These are designed to promote human rights and democracy. The following thematic priorities for the Sudan, Uganda and Zimbabwe have been identified for the present call for proposals, all of which are equally ranked: Fostering a Culture of Human Rights Promoting the Democratic Process Advancing Equality, Tolerance and Peace Reference: DDH/124890 Documents: Guidelines for Uganda + Grant application form for Uganda Guidelines for Sudan + Grant application form for Sudan Guidelines for Zimbabwe + Grant application form for Zimbabwe
Stockholm Challenge Award 2008 – opened for projects that use ICT to improve people’s social and economic conditions and their environment – Worldwide Deadline: December 31st 2007 The Stockholm Challenge 2008 programme features six category awards for ICT for development projects and a chance to win the prestigious Stockholm Challenge Trophies. The prize ceremony in the City Hall will take place during Challenge Week from May 18 - 22, 2008. An extended programme of workshops, conference, study visits and social gatherings will bring together the most inspiring ICT entrepreneurs, researchers and students from all over the world to share experiences and knowledge.
EU Member States – Competition of doctoral theses “Local and regional authorities in the European Union. Deadline: May 7th 2007
Development Education: Actions to raise European public awareness of development issues
Youth in action – Support for European Cooperation in the youth field
Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia and Turkey – Business Support Program. Deadline: April 4 th 2007
South Africa – Thina Sinako Province Local Economic Development. Deadline: February 16 th 2007
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Sri Lanka – Human Rights and Democracy Microprojects . Deadline: March 26th 2007
Colombia – Human Rights and Democracy microprojects and fight against antipersonnel landmines Deadline: March 1st 2007
Burma/Myanmar – Aid to Uprooted People Programme. Deadline: April 2nd 2007
19 Albania, Bangladesh, Congo, Ivory Coast, Egypt, Peru, Turkey – Human Rights and Democracy Microprojects
Senegal – Support to non state actors in Senegal . Deadline: February 20th 2007
Afghanistan – Provision of Health Services and Hospital Services . Deadline: March 25th 2007
Bulgaria – Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Joint Small Projects. Deadline: March 5th 2007
Bulgaria – Cross Border co operation Bulgaria-Turkey Joint Small Projects. Deadline: April 6th 2007
Bulgaria/Serbia – Sustainable Economic Development - Deadline: March 30th 2007
DR Congo – Fight against antipersonnel landmines. Deadline: April 3rd 2007
Cuba – Decentralised Cooperation Microprojects . Deadline: March 30th 2007
Nigeria: EU Election Observation Mission . Deadline: January 31st 2007
Morocco: Assistance programme to professional associations - Deadline: February 28th 007
Europe for citizens – EU Member States and EEA countries, the candidate countries, Western Balkans – Programme for networking of twinned towns projects, projects initiated by civil society organisations and projects related to European remembrance
Romania – PHARE – Improving infrastructure, access to education and training, SME support and environmental protection. Deadline: March 30th 2007
Afghanistan – Social protection, people with disabilities programme . Deadline: April 16th 2007
For more information contact Agnès Philippart, CONCORD Secretariat: ap [email protected] or Vincent Lepage, CONCORD Assistant : [email protected]
Ed responsable: CONCORD, O. Consolo 10 sq Ambiorix 1000 Bruxelles