Dodgeball Unit Plan

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Dodgeball Unit Plan

Dodgeball Unit Plan

Time Outcomes Activity Assessment Frame Day 1 Students will Materials: checklist A1–5 demonstrate ways to dodgeball, nets, cones, hula hoops receive, retain and send an object, using Transitions: a variety of body parts Play with big purple balls, different and implements, physical activities individually and with others Anticipatory set: A1–11 demonstrate an Cats in a Corner understanding of Class is divided into four groups, keep one basic rules and fair person out to be the "it". Each group is play for simple given a corner, which is a safe area. To games begin the game, the "It" will say: cats in the understand the corner. On this signal the players must run connections between to another corner before being tagged by physical activity and the "it". Any players that get tagged while emotional well-being; moving between corners is also an "it". e.g., feels good The last player to be tagged is the winner C1–5 display a willingness and by be it the next game if he chooses. to play cooperatively with others in large Guided Practice: and small groups Basketball centers- D1–5 move safely and sensitively through all Pilons, beanbag toss, beanbag toss into environments; e.g., target, bounce ball off of wall and nets) space awareness activities Bob the Builder

by playing with the  Cones are placed randomly around dodgeball ball being aware the playing area of the gym. of space and movement.  Two teams are formed. One team is called "Bob the Builder", the other team is named the "Bulldozers".  When the music starts, the Bulldozers knock down as many cones as they can using only their open hand (no kicking). At the same time, the Bob the Builders have to pick up the cones that are being knocked down. Students may not kick the cones and students also have to stop when the music stops or their team is penalized.  When the music stops, they must stop playing and return to their group. Whichever team has the most cones up or down wins.  The teams then change positions and we do it again.

Independent Practice: Play fairy dodgeball

Closure: Have the children stand in a large circle. Then ask the children if they know where their head is. After they all say yes, then repeat the step asking if they know where their shoulders knees and toes are.

After doing this and they are familar with the parts of the body begin to sing the song... Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes... (as you sing the words they touch that part of their body). This is a great way to stretch out and this gives them an understanding of their body.

Transitions Cool down activity and then water. Day 2 Students will Materials: checklist A1–5 demonstrate ways to basketballs, nets, cones, hula hoops receive, retain and send an object, using Transitions: a variety of body parts Play with big purple balls, different relays and implements, individually and with others Anticipatory set: A1–11 demonstrate an Fox and Sheep understanding of basic rules and fair Students are all lined up at one end of the play for simple gym. These players are the sheep. One games student is selected to be the fox. The fox understand the will begin the game by naming off times. connections between (1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, etc. ), when the fox physical activity and says "mid-night" the sheep will run to the emotional well-being; other end of the gym. As the sheep run, the e.g., feels good fox will tag as many as possible. Once the C1–5 display a willingness sheep make it to the end of the gym they to play cooperatively wait for the fox to name the times again. with others in large Any sheep tagged by the fox will become and small groups fox also. The last sheep left in the game is D1–5 move safely and the winner and may be the next fox if he sensitively through all wishes. environments; e.g., space awareness Guided Practice: activities Basketball centers-

by learning the rules of Pilons, beanbag toss, beanbag toss into dodgeball and will target, bounce ball off of wall and nets) demonstrate the correct positions and strategy in Bob the Builder dodgeball.  Cones are placed randomly around the playing area of the gym.  Two teams are formed. One team is called "Bob the Builder", the other team is named the "Bulldozers".  When the music starts, the Bulldozers knock down as many cones as they can using only their open hand (no kicking). At the same time, the Bob the Builders have to pick up the cones that are being knocked down. Students may not kick the cones and students also have to stop when the music stops or their team is penalized.  When the music stops, they must stop playing and return to their group. Whichever team has the most cones up or down wins.

The teams then change positions and we do it again.

Independent Practice: Play doctor dodgeball.

Closure: Beans Game JUMPING Jump around the room BEAN Run around the room (looking out for other people). RUNNER BEAN OR Running on the spot (more suitable for younger children than running around the room) Stretch your arms and legs out as wide as you can. BROAD BEAN Walk around the room taking as large strides as possible Jump in a star shape Lay on the floor in a star shape until BAKED BEAN the next command is given. OR Lie on floor and Sunbathe Move around the room slouching JELLY BEAN and doing silly movements Wobble like a jelly CHILLI BEAN Shiver and shake FROZEN BEAN Children have to stand very still. MR. BEAN Walk around with a puzzled/vacant expression, muttering under your breath! BEAN Stand on tiptoes and make yourself SPROUTS as tall and thin as possible. STRING Stand on the spot, making yourself BEANS as long and thin as a piece of string OR Find 2 partners, hold hands and run around in space. OR Make a long thin shape OR pretend to play an "air guitar" or violin! BLACK-EYED Children stand still and 'shadow BEANS box' by punching the air in front of them (obviously not touching anyone!) Stand on the spot with one hand over one eye. BAKED Lie flat on the floor, spreading arms BEANS ON and legs out as far as possible. TOAST OR Children lie in middle of area as close to each other as possible OR Find a partner and lay on the floor DOUBLE BAKED Two sets of partners join together BEANS ON and lay on the floor TOAST Lie on the floor in the 'foetal' BABY BEAN position Children should all run together to BEAN PIE form a group Walk around the room, crying like a BEANY BABY baby or be like a bean bag! FRENCH Stand in one spot and do the can- BEANS can OR Strike a pose and shout "Bonjour!" OR Cross your arms, kick your legs and point your toes while saying 'ooo la la' in a french accent! OR Strike a pose and shout "Oooh la la!" BACK TO Find a partner and stand back to BACK BEAN back until the next command. SEAN BEAN Based on the well known actor and Sheffield United fan. The children stand with their hands in the air - celebrating a goal and shouting the well known sheffield united exclamation : "C'mon you red and white wizzaarrrrrrrddddsssssssss!!!!!!!!!" Pretend to play the character "Sharpe", or playing football. COFFEE All cough madly (hands over BEANS mouths of course) Stand still with arms and upper body bent forwards at waist. OR Bend over and try to touch your KIDNEY toes! BEANS OR Freeze and bend into a C shape and shout Chillie Con Carne! OR Make a Kidney shape on the floor

BUTTER Slide around on bottom (indoors) BEANS OR Make a cuboid shape Running on the spot (i.e. we HUMAN humans dash about and get nowhere BEANS fast!!!!) Walk about wobbling your tummy SANTA's BEEN saying "Ho,Ho, Ho". FULL OF Dance around really energetically! BEANS WHERE'VE Puzzled expression, with hand over YOU BEAN? eyebrows peering into the distance Walk around with a pretend walking stick as if old and frail. Point behind you, look behind you, HAS BEANS or walk backwards. All lying on the floor pretending to be dead. Walk Backwards BEAN THERE, Children walk haughtily with noses DONE THAT! in air, waving one hand JELLY BELLY Students lay on floor on their bellies BEAN and wiggle. Wandering around the room NOT A BEAN looking sad Walk round slowly like an old OLD BEAN person. DWARF Moving around on your knees. BEANS TINNED Children get into small groups BEANS Children rub their knee etc. as if BEAN HURT they have been pushed off a swing!! You can use this at the end of the FLAT BEANS activity the children lie flat on their backs. Children could start crouched on the floor and grow up slowly until they are straight and tall like the beanstalk in 'Jack and the BEANSTALK Beanstalk'. OR children run up the bean stalk when you shout GIANT they climb back down and chop the beanstalk down. Children either wave their magic MAGIC BEAN wand or waggle their fingers as if casting a spell. OR children return to the exact spot they started the game in (useful to get them to find identifying features of their starting point). OR children skip around room waving a wand. Children crouch down on haunches, BEANIE wrap arms around knees, and bounce on balls of their feet. Children stretch themselves very GREEN BEANS tall in a space. Children run around, touching the MICROWAVE floor, and jump up (with a PING!) BEANS into a star shape. Stomp around the floor looking MEAN BEAN mean and moody. Children get into pairs, and lean LEAN BEAN back to back supporting each others weight. Children roll around the floor BEAN HAD pretending to laugh. TOOTHBRUSH Walk around the room, pretending BEAN to brush your teeth. LAUGHING Children walk around the room BEAN laughing! Children walk around the room CRYING BEAN crying! Children walk around the room SAD BEAN pretending to be sad! Children walk around the room HAPPY BEAN pretending to be happy! Children start in crouching position SPRING BEAN and then spring up suddenly towards the sky! Children crouch and scratch around CHICKEN like chickens with their arms folded BEAN in as wings. Chicken noises could be made. Children put their hands as though they are paws in front of their LEMUR BEAN chests and look around eagerly like a Lemur! Children get into threes, one on the THREE BEAN bottom sitting on the floor, the next SALAD on their lap, the final one on the middle ones lap. BEAN BAG Children get into pairs. One sits on the floor, the other on their lap Pretend to be a bean bag, being thrown between two people. A child would inflate as a beanbag by breathing in deeply through nose and exhaling through their mouth. BOGGIS, After reading Fantastic Mr Fox, a BUNCE AND year 3 child suggested: 'Boggis, Bunce and Bean' - Children get into 3s, and each pretends to be one of BEAN the three farmers (one fat, one short, one lean (all mean)). Children curl up in a ball on the NEVER BEAN floor, as though they have never been born. Children freeze in an arabesque and SUPER BEAN can also make a suitable sound like Superman. BEAN Children all join hands, or have a CASSEROLE group hug! Children strike a pose and hold it WAX BEANS like they are made out of wax. SNAP BEANS Children snap their fingers. "Hill of Beans" as we old timers used to say in reference to something not mattering very much as "It doesn`t amount to a Hill of HILL OF Beans." The children could do the BEANS Mountain Climbing exercise (Get on your hands and one foot with the other foot stretched back and switch legs several times). Children could walk around BEANO pretending to be devious and looking naughty! Children hold hand in air as if they COWBOY are lassoing a cow. The children BEAN call "ye how"!!!!

Transitions Cool down activity and then water. Day 3 Students will Materials: checklist A1–5 demonstrate ways to basketballs, nets, cones, hula hoops receive, retain and send an object, using Transitions: a variety of body parts . Play with big purple balls, different and implements, physical activities individually and with others Anticipatory set: A1–11 demonstrate an Enchanted Forest understanding of Two students are selected to be "Its" (or basic rules and fair other names; witches, warlocks, bad play for simple cartoon characters). The rest of the class is games lined up at one end of the playing area. understand the The "its" pick a magic word that will make connections between the rest of the class run to opposite end of physical activity and the playing area. The object of the game is emotional well-being; for the "Its" to tag as many players as e.g., feels good possible before that reach the other end of C1–5 display a willingness the playing area. Students that get tagged to play cooperatively must freeze where they are tagged. The with others in large next student that runs by may now be and small groups frozen by the enchanted trees (frozen D1–5 move safely and players The last player to be tagged gets to sensitively through all be "It"). environments; e.g., HELPFUL HINTS: To make the game space awareness more interesting let the players be activities characters. I have been using the smurfs. The players in the middle are Gargamel by learning the rules of and Azuriel. The rest of the players are dodgeball and will smurfs. Stress that trees cannot move their demonstrate the correct roots, only their limbs, honesty in very positions and strategy in important dodgeball. Guided Practice: Basketball centers-

Pilons, beanbag toss, beanbag toss into target, bounce ball off of wall and nets)

Throwing Game

 Divide the class into equal teams of 3-5 students.  In relay form, have the students face a milk crate.  Each person in the front of the line throws a tennis ball as hard as possible at the crate to knock if off the table. Set the students about 5- 20 feet away ( 5 feet for Kindergarten, 20 feet for 5th graders).  Each time a crate is knocked off the table, have the student that knocked it off set it back up and record a point on a board. The student can retrieve any ball that is scattered on the gym floor or get a new one if the ball they threw did not return to them. This keeps students away from the other throwers.

Independent Practice: Play regular dodgeball.

ClosureChildren respond to the following video controls, using the appropriate actions:

 Play - walk around  Rewind - run / walk backwards  Fast Forward - run  Pause - jump on the spot  Stop – stop  Eject - Jump Up!

Transitions Cool down activity and then water. Day 4 Students will Materials: checklist A1–5 demonstrate ways to basketballs, nets, cones, hula hoops receive, retain and send an object, using Transitions: a variety of body parts and implements, individually and with Play with big purple balls, different others physical activities A1–11 demonstrate an Anticipatory set: understanding of Select 1 - 3 students to be the "its", basic rules and fair depending on your class size and space. play for simple Personally, I have the "its" wear a gold games vest. I keep the "its" near me while the understand the remainder of the class is given time to connections between scatter about the area. On the signal, the physical activity and "its" will attempt to tag the other players. emotional well-being; When a player gets tagged, he/she must use e.g., feels good their body to form a tunnel. Some C1–5 display a willingness examples might be: standing with feet to play cooperatively spread, hands and feet touching with body with others in large arched, crab walk, one hand and one foot and small groups on the ground. Anyway, encourage the D1–5 move safely and students to be creative. The teacher from sensitively through all whom I learned this game, would have environments; e.g., some students demonstrate tunnels before space awareness the game started. Anyway, back to the activities game. Once a tagged, they must freeze in the form of a tunnel. To become unfrozen, by learning the rules of another student must go through their dodgeball and will tunnel. Once a player goes through the demonstrate the correct tunnel, the frozen player is now freed to positions and strategy in rejoin the game. Personally, I play that dodgeball. when you have been tagged three times you come to the sidelines, put on a gold vest, and rejoin the game as an "it". The game ends when all the players are frozen or a given period of time ends the game. If you want to have winners, there are several options: 1. The last 1 or 2 players to be frozen are the winners. 2. All players that are not an "it" at the end of the game are declared the winners. 3. At the end of time, if there are still players unfrozen, the players win. If all the players are frozen by the "its" then the "its" win. However you decide to play this game, the students will enjoy it. Personally, I will select the last two players to be frozen, as "its" for the next round. HELPFUL HINTS: Stress the importance of safety when going through another players tunnel. You may also want to add a rule that a player going through a tunnel cannot be tagged. Personally, I think it is a good idea to recognize some of the most creative tunnels seen during a game. Guided Practice: Basketball centers-

Pilons, beanbag toss, beanbag toss into target, bounce ball off of wall and nets)

Space invaders Divide the class in half. Half of the students are METEORS - they stand in one place without a ball. They must keep one foot on a line but can pivot to try and steal or touch a ball as it is dribbled past them. If they move their foot or hit the dribbler's hand - it does not count as a hit. Meteors can give themselves a point for each safe touch or steal they have. You can tell then it adds a life to their meteor. At the end of a one minute round, ask how many years of life they have (and see if they can beat this/get more life years next round.) The other half of the students are SPACESHIPS - they travel and dribble their ball around the gym. They try and keep the ball away form the metoers. If their ball is stoeln or touched, they lose a spark plug. You can decide if you want to have them start with four spark plugs and if they "blow up" (lose all four spark plugs) they can come to you for more by verbally asking for another spark plug. At the end of the minute, ask who still has all four sparkplugs. Independent Practice: Play doctor Dodgeball.

Closure: Children are running through the 'jungle' and run into many animals, etc that they need to get away from. The teacher can give appropriate commands, and the children carry out a suitable action:

 jump over logs  duck under branches  high knees through quicksand  run from the tiger  tip toe past the snake  talk to the monkeys (ooh, ooh, aah, aah), etc.

Transitions Cool down activity and then water. Day 5 Students will Materials: checklist A1–5 demonstrate ways to basketballs, nets, cones, hula hoops receive, retain and send an object, using Transitions: a variety of body parts Play with big purple balls, different and implements, physical activities individually and with Anticipatory set: others Oscar’s Garbage Can A1–11 demonstrate an 1. This game is all about teamwork. Each understanding of of you is part of a team, which is your basic rules and fair squad. play for simple 2. Mats will be set up in the center of the games gymnasium floor for each team to defend. understand the 3. Each team will have 2 minutes inside of connections between the mat area which is Oscar's Garbage Can. physical activity and 4. The object of the game is to get as many emotional well-being; fleece balls into Oscar's Garbage Can if e.g., feels good you are on the outside, and for the team C1–5 display a willingness inside to keep as many fleece balls as they to play cooperatively can out of the mat area. with others in large 5. Be sure and use opposition when and small groups throwing, which we know means stepping D1–5 move safely and with the opposite foot. sensitively through all 6. Once the whistle is blown, students environments; e.g., should freeze and stop playing to receive space awareness instructions from the teacher. The class will activities count the amount of fleece balls inside and outside of the mat area. This will determine by learning the rules of which team did the best, whichever team dodgeball and will has the least amount of fleece balls in their demonstrate the correct garbage. positions and strategy in 7. The team inside of the garbage can will dodgeball. come out and the next squad will go in.

Guided Practice: Basketball centers-

Pilons, beanbag toss, beanbag toss into target, bounce ball off of wall and nets)

Independent Practice: Play fairy dodgeball.

Closure: First, pair up the children and sit them down, with legs flat (on the carpet) and spread out. Now give the pairs numbers 1,2,3 and so on.

You call a number and that pair will jump up and run round the whole of their team and sit down. The first one to sit back in place is the winner. Or as a team, the first pair run round and as soon as they are in place the next person gets up and runs, until the whole team has run round the whole team.

The first team to all sit down is the winning team.

Transitions Cool down activity and then water. Day 5 Students will Materials: checklist A1–5 demonstrate ways to basketballs, nets, cones, hula hoops receive, retain and send an object, using Transitions: a variety of body parts Play with big purple balls, different and implements, physical activities individually and with Anticipatory set: others Snow White A1–11 demonstrate an understanding of Class is divided into seven teams, each basic rules and fair team being named for one of the dwarfs. play for simple One player will be selected as the wicked games witch or wicked warlock. Explain that the understand the witch has cast a spell on the dwarfs. When connections between the witch says the name of the dwarfs they physical activity and must run to the opposite end of the gym emotional well-being; and back without being tagged by the e.g., feels good wicked witch. If a dwarf gets tagged he C1–5 display a willingness must go to the dungeon. Once in the to play cooperatively dungeon he can be released only by snow with others in large white, who normally stays in the safety of and small groups her castle. The game will continue for a D1–5 move safely and certain period of time or until snow the sensitively through all wicked witch tags white. If the witch gets environments; e.g., snow white, or if she has any dwarfs at the space awareness games end, the witch wins. If all the activities dwarfs are safe at the end of the game, as well as snow white, the dwarfs and snow by learning the rules of white win the game. dodgeball and will demonstrate the correct HELPFUL HINTS: Stress honesty in positions and strategy in being tagged. Snow White may tag only dodgeball. one dwarf at a time. Dwarfs must run all the way to the opposite end of the gym before returning.

Guided Practice: Basketball centers-

Pilons, beanbag toss, beanbag toss into target, bounce ball off of wall and nets)

Clean up your Room 1. We will separate the class in half. 2. Each side will spread out on their half of the court. 3. The fleece balls will all be lined up on the half court basketball line and the students will line up on the end line. When the whistle blows they will run to half court and grab the balls. 4. For two minutes, each player will try to clean up their room by throwing the fleece balls on the other team's side of the court. 5. After two minutes, the whistle will blow and the students will stop and sit down. 6. Every ball inside the regulation basketball court is worth 1 point, any ball outside of the lines of the basketball court is worth 2 points. 7. Teams will go through this game three times and the final score will be tallied. 8. The team with the lowest score wins

Independent Practice:

Play regular dodgeball.

Closure: Children have to listen very carefully!

 On GO - children must stop still.  On STOP - children must move around the space either walking or running.  On UP - children must sit or lay down.  On DOWN - children must stretch up to the ceiling.

. Transitions Cool down activity and then water. Day 6 Students will Materials: checklist A1–5 demonstrate ways to basketballs, nets, cones, hula hoops receive, retain and send an object, using Transitions: a variety of body parts Play with big purple balls, different and implements, physical activities individually and with others Anticipatory set: A1–11 demonstrate an Snakes Alive understanding of Have one or two players selected to be the basic rules and fair snakes. Have the snakes lay, face down, in play for simple the center of the playing area. All other games players will gather around and place one understand the finger on the snakes. The teacher will then connections between shout snakes alive". The snakes will now physical activity and slither, squirm, wiggle attempting to tag emotional well-being; other players. The players are moving e.g., feels good bravely around the snakes. Teasing the C1–5 display a willingness snakes can or cannot be allowed. Once a to play cooperatively player is tagged by a snake, he becomes a with others in large snake as well. The winner is the last player and small groups to be tagged by the snakes. The winner D1–5 move safely and will have his choice of being a snake the sensitively through all next game. environments; e.g., space awareness VARIATION: I have the snakes use activities scooters to move around. This gives the snakes a little more mobility and makes the by learning the rules of game a little more challenging. If students dodgeball and will intentionally get tagged, I may limit the demonstrate the correct number of scooters or snakes. positions and strategy in Guided Practice: dodgeball. Basketball centers-

Pilons, beanbag toss, beanbag toss into target, bounce ball off of wall and nets)

Review fundamentals of trapping

• Start 5 yds apart with partner(ball in hand) and toss and trap with

inside of foot

• Increase distance of partners Independent Practice: Students bounce off of the wall and catch it. Students pass to me and then with a partner. Then in partners, bounce and catch. (overhand pass and bounce pass and chest pass) They dribble the ball and then practice shooting the cones. Practicing their aim. Play a 3 on 3 game, no dribbling, only passing. Closure: Split the class into two / three teams. Their aim is to reach the opposite side of the hall.

Each team stands in a line at one side of the hall with their legs spread apart. The person at the back then crawls underneath all of the pairs of legs and then becomes the person at the front. Once they have reached the front of the line, the child then has to shout next, so the person at the back knows when to start. Slow but surely the line starts to move forward!

Transitions Cool down activity and then water. Day 7 Students will Materials: checklist A1–5 demonstrate ways to basketballs, nets, cones, hula hoops receive, retain and send an object, using Transitions: a variety of body parts Play with big purple balls, different and implements, physical activities individually and with others Anticipatory set: A1–11 demonstrate an Select 1-3 students to be the "its" understanding of (depending on class size and area). basic rules and fair Personally, I identify the "its" by having play for simple them wear a gold vest. To start the game, I games have the "its" stay near me, as the rest of understand the the class scatters about the playing area. connections between On my signal, the "its" will attempt to tag physical activity and the players. When a player is tagged, emotional well-being; he/she must assume a toilet position (one e.g., feels good knee on the ground and the other knee up, C1–5 display a willingness one arm straight out to the side). The to play cooperatively tagged player must remain frozen in this with others in large position until they are rescued by another and small groups player. To be rescued, a player must sit on D1–5 move safely and the knee of the frozen player, grab their sensitively through all straight arm and make a WHOOSH sound environments; e.g., while pulling the arm down to simulate the space awareness flushing of a commode. Once a player activities flushes the toilet of a frozen player, the frozen player is freed. Personally, I play by learning the rules of once a player is tagged three times, they dodgeball and will come to the sideline, get a vest and re-enter demonstrate the correct the game as an "it". The game ends when a positions and strategy in certain time limit has been met or when all dodgeball. players are frozen. If you want to have winners, there are several options: 1. The last 1 or 2 players to be frozen are the winners. 2. All players that are not an "it" at the end of the game are declared the winners. 3. At the end of time, if there are still players unfrozen, the players win. If all the players are frozen by the "its" then the "its" win. However you decide to play this game, the students will enjoy it. Personally, I will select the last two players to be frozen, as "its" for the next round. Guided Practice: Basketball centers-

Pilons, beanbag toss, beanbag toss into target, bounce ball off of wall and nets)

Students bounce off of the wall and catch it. Students pass to me and then with a partner. Then in partners, bounce and catch. (overhand pass and bounce pass and chest pass) They dribble the ball and then practice shooting the cones. Practicing their aim.

Independent Practice: Play dodgeball.

Closure: The children should begin by walking around the room in any direction. On the various commands listed, they should carry out the appropriate action:

 spaghetti - walk round the room tall and thin arms pointed together;  tagliatelli - walk round the room arms pointed side by side;  pasta twist - walk round the hall turning round and round;  pasta bow - walk round with legs and arms apart, bow shaped;  lasagne - lie flat on the floor; macaroni-make a circle with arms;  pasta shapes - make a 2D shape in small groups holding hands;  spaghetti hoops - make a 'hoop' in a small group holding hands;  canneloni - roll on the floor;  ravioli - stand back to back with a partner.

Transitions Cool down activity and then water. Day 8 Students will Materials: checklist A1–5 demonstrate ways to basketballs, nets, cones, hula hoops receive, retain and send an object, using Transitions: a variety of body parts Play with big purple balls, different and implements, physical activities individually and with others Anticipatory set: A1–11 demonstrate an Rock, Paper, Scissors understanding of Divide the class into three equal teams. basic rules and fair Each team will be given different pieces of play for simple equipment, so we will have a Frisbee team, games a football team and a sack team. Each team understand the has one team that they can attack and one connections between team that can attack them (just like rock physical activity and paper scissors). In my case, my story is as emotional well-being; follows: the sacks can easily catch a e.g., feels good football, so sacks will attack footballs. C1–5 display a willingness However, if a sack was to try to catch a to play cooperatively Frisbee, the Frisbee would easily slice with others in large through the sacks, Frisbees will attack and small groups sacks. Footballs would be able to knock D1–5 move safely and Frisbees out of the air, so footballs will sensitively through all attack Frisbees. I take a little time here to environments; e.g., relate this to science as I will discuss the space awareness food chain, as well as predators and prey. activities On my signal players will attempt to tag their prey while avoiding their predator. by learning the rules of The first team to eliminate all of their prey dodgeball and will wins the game. demonstrate the correct Guided Practice: positions and strategy in Basketball centers- dodgeball. Pilons, beanbag toss, beanbag toss into target, bounce ball off of wall and nets)

Students bounce off of the wall and catch it. Students pass to me and then with a partner. Then in partners, bounce and catch. (overhand pass and bounce pass and chest pass) They dribble the ball and then practice shooting the cones. Practicing their aim. Independent Practice: Play dodgeball. Closure: Spread 4 different colour hoops around the floor space. Children move around the space (run, skip, crawl etc.) until teacher shouts "hoop".

The adult covers their eyes and counts slowly to 3. Children have this time to run to a hoop.

The adult says the colour of one hoop. Everyone in this hoop is out. Repeat until you have a winner.

Children who are out can close their eyes and select the hoop colour.

Transitions Cool down activity and then water. Day 9 Students will Materials: checklist A1–5 demonstrate ways to basketballs, nets, cones, hula hoops receive, retain and send an object, using Transitions: a variety of body parts Play with big purple balls, different and implements, physical activities individually and with others A1–11 demonstrate an Anticipatory set: understanding of Black and White basic rules and fair Divide the class into two equal teams. play for simple Have each team form a row about 3 feet games from the center line of the playing area understand the (half-court). Students should be spread out connections between some from the player next to them, so they physical activity and do not trip over each other when they turn emotional well-being; and run. Now, you have two teams about 5 e.g., feels good feet apart, stretched across the playing area C1–5 display a willingness and facing each other. Designate one team to play cooperatively white and the other team black (you can with others in large use any colors you like, but this is how I and small groups learned the game). Now, you start the D1–5 move safely and game by flipping the frisbee in the air, sensitively through all where the students can see it. If the frisbee environments; e.g., lands white side up, the white team will try space awareness to tag the black team before the black team activities can run back to their base (designated area at their own end of the gym). Any players by learning the rules of tagged must join the other team (note: only dodgeball and will the color up can tag, in this case white. If a demonstrate the correct player from the black team starts tagging, positions and strategy in he is automatically considered caught). dodgeball. Once all players are tagged or make it to the safety area

Guided Practice: Basketball centers-

Pilons, beanbag toss, beanbag toss into target, bounce ball off of wall and nets)

Students bounce off of the wall and catch it. Students pass to me and then with a partner. Then in partners, bounce and catch. (overhand pass and bounce pass and chest pass) They dribble the ball and then practice shooting the cones. Practicing their aim.

Independent Practice: Play dodgeball.

Closure: This is an easy warm-up involving no equipment. Say the name of a Mr. Man and children have to move like him. The ones I use are:

 Mr. Slow - move slowly.  Mr. Rush - move fast.  Mr. Jelly - shake your whole body.  Mr. Muddle - walk backwards.  Mr. Bounce - bounce!  Mr. Small - crouch and move.  Mr. Strong - move flexing your muscles.  Mr. Tall - stretch up and move (good for stretching once the children's hearts are racing.)

Transitions Cool down activity and then water. Assessment:

Sportsmanship 30%

Skill Development 50%

Safety 20%

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