Helpful Hints & Information for Parents & Children
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Hogger’s Kit List Camp Kit: Please keep luggage to a minimum; a tog bag is more suitable than a suitcase or rucksack.
Casual clothes suitable for bush whacking: one set of VERY old clothes. Closed shoes only; strong and comfortable for walking. Rain coat or waterproof cape / jacket. Toiletries and towel. Swimming costume. Warm jacket / jersey. Sun hat and sun protection lotion. Sleeping bag (or alternative) and small pillow. In winter an extra blanket is advisable. Torch. A water bottle e.g. re-used 500ml juice bottle. A plastic packet in which to put wet and muddy clothes.
Mess Kit: Unbreakable plate, bowl and mug, knife, fork, spoon, drying cloth; all in a drawstring bag No disposable items e.g. paper plates
First Aid, Medical Emergencies & Malaria Precautions The Bush Pigs staff members are trained First Aiders and keep a record of all treatment administered. Any medication handed in accompanies the group and is administered at the required times. Staff carry well equipped First Aid kits. In the event of serious illness or injury, the Bush Pigs staff will ensure that the child receives professional help and will liaise with the teachers to ensure that you as parents are informed as soon as possible. Parents will be responsible for the costs of any medical treatment. No anti – malaria precautions are necessary; please confirm with a medical practitioner.
Special Diets Children requiring vegetarian diets are easily catered for, as are those with specific dietary requirements e.g. no pork; no wheat. Muslim children can be provided with separately cooked Halaal meat, or a vegetarian option. Kosher children can be provided with fish or vegetarian options, or may bring some special food. Please make use of the Application Form to indicate type of diet required.
Tuck & T-Shirts At Bush Pigs we do not operate a Tuck Shop and we have a general policy of asking for all tuck to be handed in at the beginning of the camp and returning it before the children leave. This is not done as a punishment, but helps to maintain camp hygiene and prevent illness. Perishable items such as sandwiches and fruit are removed before the tuck is stored. There are no facilities for refrigerating these items and children should limit these to what is needed for the bus journey. Bush Pigs T-shirts and other mementos are on sale; please confirm prices on our website or with school.
Website, Telephonic Contact & Electronic Equipment Please visit our website for more information. At Bush Pigs there are no public telephones and children are not allowed to make or receive phone calls. No electronic equipment such as cellular phones, Walkman sound systemsBUSH etc. will be allowed. PIGS Bush Pigs Education and Conservation Company (Incorporated Association not for gain) Reg.No.94/05034/08 Directors: Kim B Wilson Jennifer A Campbell-Pitt Steven G Raney BSoc Sc (SW) HED BA LLB HDip Tax
Bush Pigs Application Form Parental Consent
I ______parent / guardian of ______born ______19______hereby consent to his / her participation in the Bush Pigs’ programme for the Grade____ s of ______School from ______to ______2008.
I further consent to the administration by the Bush Pigs staff of any medication accompanying my child, as well as any First Aid treatment deemed necessary. * Please ensure that allergies to any medication are duly relayed to Bush Pigs. Do you consent to your child appearing in photographs on the Bush Pigs website? YES NO (Tick appropriate box) Contact Details
Residential Address:______
Postal Address: ______Code: ______
Tel. Nos: (H) ______(Bus)______During Camp ______
Medical Aid Society: ______Membership Number: ______
Name of Principal Member:______Identity Number of Principal Member:______Additional Information Any special diet (e.g. Halaal; no pork): ______
Medical problems / allergies: ______
Prescription & non-prescription medication to accompany child:
Name of Medication Condition / Purpose Dosage and Directions
______Indemnity Whilst every precaution will be taken to ensure the safety of the camp participants, it must be clearly understood that neither the owners of the property, nor the camp organizers will be held responsible for any loss or injury suffered by any camp participant, save through an intentional or negligent act of the camp organizers or the owners of the property resulting in any such loss or injury. Camp participants undertake to go by guardian consent only.
Signed:______Date: ______