English 1 Course Outline

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English 1 Course Outline

Spri ng 2009 Instructor: Erin Courtney English 1 Course Outline 718-951-5195 Room 3408 Boylan [email protected] Mon and Weds 11:00-12:15 Office Hours: Mon/Weds 2:30-3:30, 3161 B

Course Objectives: 1. Students will practice the skills needed to write clear, effective, well-organized, grammatically correct and accurate essays. 2. Students will develop analytic reading skills by using an annotation process, and participating in classroom discussions. 3. Students will develop critical thinking skills by making connections, writing, revising, and peer reviewing.

Required Course Materials Hacker, Diana. A Writer’s Reference , 6th ed. Bedford/ St. Martins, 2006.

Nadell, Judith , John Langan and Eliza A. Comodromos, eds. The Longman Reader: Brief Edition. 8th ed. Pearson/Longman, 2008. (Available at Shakespeare and Company Bookstore on Hillel )

Obama, Barack. Dreams from My Father, Three Rivers Press, 2004.

A blank, lined journal (You will be writing in the journal almost everyday in class and you will hand the journal in at the end of the semester)

Course Requirements You will write seven essays for this class and you will take an exit exam. Three of the essays will be in-class essays and four of the essays will be take-home. All take home essays must be typed, double-spaced, and handed in on the date listed on the course outline. Late papers will be marked down one full letter grade for each class period that they are late. I will not accept papers via e-mail. Reading assignments are to be completed on the date listed on the course outline. You should highlight and annotate the assigned readings so that you are prepared for class discussion. You will participate in group work, freewriting/journal writing, discussion, and peer reviewing.

Grading Grades will be based on classroom attendance, participation in classroom activities such as discussion, group work, peer reviewing, and journal writing (20%) and writing assignments (80%). The exit exam is pass/fail, however you must pass the exit exam in order to pass the class. The passing grades range from A to C-. The non-passing grades are F or NC ( No Credit). An F grade will be given in the case of too many absences or failure to complete assignments. A grade of NC may be given if the student’s work is not at a passing level, however the student has good attendance and completed all assignments. Students receiving an F or an NC grade must retake English One and students may retake English One up to three times.

Plagiarism, the presenting of another’s person’s ideas as your own without giving them credit, is a serious offense and will result in an F on the plagiarized essay and it may lead to further disciplinary action.

Attendance Policy Students are entitled up to three absences. If a student is absent over three times, it will result in a lowering of their grade. Excessive absences and excessive tardiness may result in a failing grade.

Assignments 8/31 Introduction to Course 9/2 Dreams from My Father

9/9 In-class diagnostic essay

9/14 Longman Reader, Chapter 3 (Description) and Dreams 9/16 Longman Reader, Chapter 3 (Description) and Dreams

9/21 Description Essay Due /Peer review / Bring A Writer’s Reference 9/23 Description Essay- 2nd draft due and Longman Reader – Chapter 2 (The Writing Process)

9/29 Conversion Day - Longman Reader – Chapter 4 (Narration) and Dreams 9/30 Longman Reader – Chapter 4 (Narration) and Dreams

10/5 Narration Essay due / Peer Review / Bring A Writer’s Reference 10/7 Narration Essay – 2nd draft due and Longman Reader - Chapter 5 (Exemplification)

10/14 Longman Reader - Chapter 5 and Chapter 1 (Reading Process)

10/19 Longman Reader - Chapter 5 and Chapter 1 (Reading Process) 10/ 21 In-class essay

10/26 Longman Reader – Chapter 8: pages 267-272 10/28 Longman Reader – Chapter 8: pages 272-278

11/2 Comparison-Contrast Essay Due/ Peer review / Bring A Writer’s Reference 11/4 Comparison-Contrast Essay - 2nd draft due / Prep for in-class essay

11/9 – In-class essay part 1 11/11 – In class essay part 2 11/16 Longman Reader – Chapter 11 (Argumentation/Persuasion) 11/18 Longman Reader – Chapter 11 (Argumentation/Persuasion)

11/23 Persuasion Essay Due/ Peer review/ bring A Writers Reference 11/25 Persuasion Essay – 2nd draft due

11/30 Longman Reader – All of Chapter 12: Combining the patterns 12/2 Longman Reader – All of Chapter 12: Combining the patterns

12/ 7 Prep for Exit Exam 12/9 Prep for Exit Exam

12/15 EXIT EXAM 10:30-12:30

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