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CARR WILLIAM 1715 Ref. Borthwick vol 70 fol 285 Mic 991 & Inventory original (although of Grassington, will relates to Giggleswick)

In the name of God Amen I William Carr now of Grisington in Craven & County of Yorke Yeoman being of good & perfect memory (praised be God) Doe make (ordaine and) Declare this my last will and Testament in Manner following First I Commend my soule to Almighty God and my Body in such Manner to be buried as my Executor hereafter named shall think meet and Convenient and as touching my worldly Estate (which is not already settled by me on my beloved Son John Carr) I dispose thereof as followeth Imprimis tis my will and mind and I doe hereby give & bequeath unto my youngest Daughter Jane Carr & her assignes all that my Messuage house with all my household goods Standing or being in the said house in Langcliffe wherein I lately dwelt Together with all Edifices thereto belonging or to the said Messuage appertaining as also all my whole Estate whether Lands or Lease with their & every of their appurtenances whatsoever whereof I or any for my use (now) is or Stands possessed Scituate lying & being in Langcliffe or Territories thereof; And tis my Will & mind that my said daughter Jane do Enter upon & enjoy all th’above bequeathed premisses with their Appurtenances From and Imediately after my Decease from thenceforth for Ever shall have receive & take all & Singular the Rents Issues & profits thereof. But provided my said daughter Jane Dye before she attains to the age of Twenty Four yeares or before Marriage Then I give & bequeath to my said Son John Carr all the aforesaid Messuage house Lands Tenements & premisses with th’appurtenances to him his heirs & Assignes for Ever or for so long a time as the Lease Lands are Leased But Subject to such payments as are hereafter mentioned (viz) That he my said son John Carr or Assignes shall pay to my son in law William Peart or his Assignes within one year after such his Entrance the full Summe of Three Score & Tenn pounds and for default of such he the said William peart or his assignes to Enter into or upon all the above devised premisses and to have use and enjoy the same untill the aforesaid Summe of Three Score & Tenn pounds be runn out & fully paid Item tis my whole Will and mind anything herein to the Contrary hereof in anywise notwith- standing (viz) that if my said son John Carr think fitt to pay to my daughter Jane Carr or her assignes within the space of Three yeares after my decease or within the space of three yeares at furthest after she my said daughter Jane attain the age of Twenty Four yeares the full and lawfull Summe of one hundred & seventy pounds (She to posess and enjoy after my decease all the aforesaid premisses with their appurtenances till such payment be made) and that he my said son John Carr pay likewise out of the said Estate in three yeares time after such his Entrance the further summe of Tenn pounds to my said son in Law William peart his Executors or assigns then I give all the aforesaid premisses with their appurtenances (hereby to my daughter Jane Carr before devised) to my said son John Carr his heires & assignes For ever and the Lease Lands for all the time the Leases are unexpired Item tis further my absolute Will & mind that if my said son John Carr do not pay the said summe of one hundred and Seventy pounds to my said daughter Jane Carr or her Assigns and also the said summe of Tenn pounds to my said son in Law William peart within the times before limitted Then I give and bequeath all the aforesaid premisses with their appurtenances (... before devised) to my said daughter Jane Carr her heirs & Assigns forever Also she to pay there.. within one year after the Expiration of the above said Terme of three yeares to my said son in law William Peart or his Assigns the summe of Twenty pounds and to my said son John Carr the further summe of Thirty five pounds provided he First pay off & Discharge two pounds of fifty five pounds given for the like summe by me and my said son in law William peart for his use But if he don’t fully Discharge the said pounds then I Give the said summe of Thirty Five pounds to my son in Law William peart in lieu thereof Itm I give to my kinsman Thomas Wilson five shillungs to John and Margaret Wilson each five shillings, to John Sandiforth, Elizabeth Burton and to William Lea I give each five shillings Itm I give to Ellen peart my granddaughter the Cupboard in the house Where Robert Rudd now lives if my son John Carr don’t pay her tenn shillings in lieu thereof Item I give to the poor of Langcliffe Tenn shillings Item I doe hereby give all the rest of my goods and Chattells whatsoever (not herein before by me bequeathed) unto my said son John Carr his executors and assigns and I do nominate and appoint my said son John Carr sole executor of this my last will and testament revoking all other Wills and Testaments whatsoever Wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this twenty second day of Aprill in the first year of King Georges Reign over Great Britain on or in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & fifteen. Wm. Carr his marke Sealed Signed published & declared by the Testator in the presence of us whose names are under written being called in on purpose to witnese the same and mencd the words (viz) Tenn, Tenn son) .... before the sealing hereof Isabel Armistead her marke Alice peart her marke Sammuell Brokten William Peart

An Inventory of the Goods of William Carr late of Girston deceased June the 1st 1715

£ s d Imrpimis Purse and Apparell 12 0 0 Item in Bills upon Demand 11 10 0 Tot 23 10 0 This is a True and Perfect Inventory of the Goods of Wm. Carr aforesaid Deceased being taken in the Presence of us George Browne William Peart Robt. Peart Samuell Brokten

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