Giver S Favorite Memory Christmas (Sensory Details)
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The Giver
Chapter 16
Memory of birthday party – one child singled out and celebrated; contrasts to December ceremonies where all are celebrated at the same time – understood being an individual, special, unique and proud Memory of riding a horse across a meadow – understood about animals and the bond between animals and humans. Through memories had learned about the pain of loss and loneliness, also gained an understanding of solitude and its joy. Giver’s favorite memory – Christmas (sensory details) - See: colored lights, green, red and yellow twinkling from a tree, lighted candles cast a flickering glow, golden-haired dog sleeping, packages wrapped in brightly colored paper and ribbons - Smell: things cooking - Hear: soft laughter, cries of delight From the memory of Christmas Jonas perceived: - warmth - happiness - family Two new words and concepts: - Grandparents – who Jonas doesn’t know (names are in the Hall of Open Records, but aren’t a part of family life) - Love Jonas’s feelings about Grandparents and Love: - wishes they still had them, but realizes things are much more “organized” in their community and it could be “dangerous.” (i.e. fire in the room) Jonas asks his parents if they “love him” – not precise language, very generalized word, meaningless, almost obsolete Jonas’s first lie to his parents – understands them when they say it’s inappropriate to use the word “Love.” Confides in Gabriel – things could be different (i.e. colors, grandparents, everyone would have memories, and Love) Turning point – decides to stop taking pill for Stirrings – can’t live in a world of no feelings
Chapter 17
Can now see and keep colors New depth of feelings – contrast with Lily’s “anger” – only shallow impatience and exasperation ; Mother’s “sadness” Game of good guys and bad guys – Jonas recognized it as a game of war; upset remembering the dying soldier boy on the field; didn’t want the game played anymore. Overwhelmed with feelings of loss – his childhood, friendships, carefree sense of security Sad that others can’t understand and feel or give Love.
Chapter 18
Characterization of Previous Receiver-to-be: - self-possessed, serene, intelligent, eager to learn, luminous eyes, laughter Previous failed Receiver’s name – Rosemary; was in training for five weeks Failed due to receiving painful memories – Giver gave her memories of loneliness and loss (child taken from parents), poverty, hunger, terror – left Giver’s quarters and asked Chief Elder for release. (The reason why “no release” now in rules for new Receiver) When memories released – Giver could not help community – grieving at Rosemary’s loss and his own failure, angry Jonas receiving memories for almost a year
Chapter 19
Jonas discovers all private ceremonies are recorded and stored in the Hall of Closed Records Jonas watches the smaller twin’s release that his father performs and discovers “Release” – syringe used to inject poison into bloodstream and kills the person Jonas’s recognizes death in baby’s eyes – compare to young soldier boy when life left his eyes. Baby’s body placed in a carton and put down the trash chute. Rosemary – injected herself at her release – “true bravery”
Chapter 20
“They know nothing” – only do what they are told to do – including lie. Fiona – Release of the Old – feelings are not a part of their life. Worst part of holding the memories is not the pain, it’s the loneliness – memories need to be shared. Giver – weakened - no longer sees colors Giver – Capacity to Hear Beyond – heard music Jonas and The Giver develop a plan to change the community and become whole: 1. For two weeks (before the December ceremonies), The Giver will transfer memories of courage and strength 2. At midnight on the night before the ceremonies – Jonas would leave his dwelling and go to Giver’s quarters 3. He would take extra set of clothing and ride his bicycle to the riverbank and leave them hidden in the bushes and go to the Annex on foot 4. Leave a note for parents that he was on a morning ride and would meet them at Ceremony. 5. Giver will order a vehicle and driver and hide Jonas in the storage area with a bundle of food The Giver saved from his own meals for two weeks 6. Jonas would leave vehicle and start his journey Elsewhere. 7. Search would start for Jonas, discovery of clothes and bicycle – Jonas lost in river. Begin Ceremony of Loss. 8. Giver would help community bear memories. Failed Receiver Rosemary was The Giver’s daughter
Chapter 21
Plans changed – Jonas left the community the next night and took Gabriel. Gabriel was to be released in the morning because he wasn’t sleeping soundly. Jonas hoped The Giver knew he said goodbye by using his capacity for hearing-beyond Search Planes – the most terrifying thing. Used heat-seeking devices, so Jonas had to transmit memories of snow to Gabe and himself to keep their body temperature down. Memories becoming weaker, more shallow – plan was working – as he moved further away from the community he would shed the memories and leave them behind for the people. Chapter 22
Landscape began to change - narrow, bumpy roads - trees and streams more numerous - first waterfall - first wildlife – birds, deer, “fox/squirrel” Jonas experienced exquisite happiness in the differences after a life of Sameness – wildflowers, warbling of a bird, wind shifting the leaves in trees By contrast, experienced desperate fears – starvation Starts to question his “choice” to leave - if he had stayed, he would have food and would never be starving - if he had stayed, he would’ve starved in other ways – hungry for feelings, color, love; and Gabriel would have no life at all Experienced hills, rain Gabriel (who did not cry throughout entire journey) began to cry – hungry, cold, weak Jonas cried too – also fearing he could not save Gabriel; he didn’t care about himself
Chapter 23
Reached snow – could no longer continue by bicycle Jonas used last bit of memories of warmth - sunshine to heat himself and “share the warmth with the one person left for him to love” Started up a steep hill on foot; as he reached the summit he began to feel happiness – recalling happy times: remembered his parents, Fiona, Asher and The Giver Felt a memory of his own – remembered the snow- covered hill and knew he would find a sled at the top Began sled ride down the hill – saw lights twinkling on trees inside rooms “where families created and kept memories, where they celebrated love.” Knew they were waiting for Gabriel and him Heard what he knew to be music – people singing Thought he heard the music too, “perhaps only an echo.”