National Agricultural Research Institute

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National Agricultural Research Institute

Code List - NARI Goat Farmer Survey 2001

Prepared by Trevor Wilson ACNARS Economist October 2001


1. Enter data into a blank Excel spreadsheet. 2. The code list requires that only numbers be entered (as opposed to words). 3. Data are entered in columns directly from the questionnaires. This code list uses columns from A to EK, that is, 141 columns. Each row represents the data from one questionnaire. 4. Suggest entering all the data from the first questionnaire, then from the second etc. 5. Once the person (s) doing the data entry is (are) familiar with the code list, each questionnaire is likely to take 15-20 minutes. 6. Suggest using the Freeze Panes procedure (look in Window) so that the row being worked on can be adjacent the Column heading. This makes it easier to check that data are being entered in the correct columns. 7. Once all data are entered, the spreadsheet can be transferred to a data analysis package, eg Statistix1, so the data can be analysed. The columns will become the variables that are analysed. Prior to analysis, the names of the individual variables (Variable labels) and of the values within each variable (Value labels) will be inserted into the program. This is necessary so that the output can be easily interpreted and incorporated into tables for the project report.

Question Column Coding Instructions Respondent number A Number the questionnaires from 1 to whatever. 4. Religion B Categories to be worked out eg Catholic=1, Baptist=2, United=3 etc 5. Province C Categories to be worked out. 6. District D Categories to be worked out. 7. LLG E Categories to be worked out. 8. Main cash crop F Categories to be worked out. 9. Are you in paid work? G Yes=1 No=2 Leave blank if not ascertained 11. Do you own land? H Yes=1 No=2 Leave blank if not ascertained

1 Trevor Wilson has this software on the laptop that he will bring to PNG on the next visit (likely to be 25th Nov to 15th Dec 2001). 12. How much land are your I No of hectares (list to first decimal goats using? eg 2.1) Leave blank if not ascertained 13. What animals do you J Cows keep and how many? K Sheep L Goats M Chickens N Rabbits O Pigs P Ducks Q Others List number of each animal kept. If not kept, enter zero. If kept but number not ascertained, enter 99.

14. Herd structure Males: R Kid S 2th T 4th U 6th V 8th W Worn Females: X Kid Y 2th Z 4th AA 6th AB 8th AC Worn Castrated: AD Kid AE 2th AF 4th AG 6th AH 8th AI Worn List number of each type (0-). Enter as 99 if number not ascertained.

2 15. What reasons caused you to start AJ Reason 1 to look after goats? AK Reason 2 AL Reason 3 List up to 3 reasons. Leave blank if not relevant eg if only one reason given, leave Reasons 2 and 3 blank.

To have a supply of meat=1 To make money=2 To have a supply of milk=3 To provide a demonstration to others in the village=4 To gain prestige in the community=5 To have goats as gifts or bride price=6 Low establishment cost=7 Weed control=8 Other reasons=9 16. When did you first get your AM List year. goat(s)? Leave blank if not ascertained

17. How did you first find out about AN Provincial extension officer=1 goats? DAL officer=2 Mission=3 Neighbour=4 Family=5 Other=6 Leave blank if not ascertained 18. Where did you first get your AO DAL=1 goats from? Mission=2 Other institution=3 Neighbour=4 Family=5 Other=6 Leave blank if not ascertained 19. Where these purchased or given AP Purchased=1 to you? Given=2 Leave blank if not ascertained 20. How much did you pay for all AQ Enter number of kina. the goat(s)? Leave blank if not ascertained

3 21. What are the main benefits you AR Benefit 1 have gained from looking after AS Benefit 2 goats? List up to 2 benefits. Leave blank if not ascertained or not relevant eg if only one benefit given, leave Benefit 2 blank.

A supply of meat=1 Cash income=2 Prestige in the community=3 Savings=4 Other=5 22. Have you ever sold goats? AT Yes=1 No=2 Leave blank if not ascertained 23. Why did you sell goats? AU For income=1 Due to disease=2 Nobody to look after them=3 Other=4 Leave blank if not ascertained or not applicable. 24. Do you benefit from the Enter 1 if ticked. Otherwise leave following goat products? blank.

AV Manure AW Hide/skin AX Milk

25. What do you do with skins of AY Sell=1 dead animals? Throw away=2 Process=3 Don’t know=4 Leave blank if not ascertained 26. Are you happy with goat AZ Yes=1 farming? No=2 Leave blank if not ascertained 27. Why? BA Reason 1 BB Reason 2 Categories to be worked out. 28. Would you like to raise more BC Yes=1 goats? No=2 Leave blank if not ascertained

4 If yes what is stopping you from BD Reason 1 increasing the number of goats you BE Reason 2 run? BF Reason 3 List up to 3 reasons. Leave blank if not ascertained or not relevant eg if only one reason given, leave reasons 2 and 3 blank.

Lack of access to breeding stock=1 Lack of finance=2 Insufficient land=3 Lack of time due to social commitments=4 Lack of time due to other commitments=5 Inadequate extension support=6 Insufficient knowledge about goat husbandry=7 No available training on goats in the area=8 Social commitment to provide goats to wantoks=9 Conflict due to theft=10 Jealousy of neighbours=11 Tribal fighting causing damage to goat project=12 Destruction of your crops=13 Destruction of others crops=14 Destruction to other plants=15 Soil erosion=16 Water pollution=17 Other=18 29. What type of management BF Night housing and daytime grazing system do you use? within fenced area=1 Night housing with daytime free range grazing=2 Free range grazing 24 hrs/day within fenced area with simple shelter=3 Daytime herding and night housing=4 Tethering during day and night housing=5 Intensive-cut and carry with supplementary feeding=6

5 Free grazing all time=7 Leave blank if not ascertained 30. What type of house do you use BG Categories to be worked out. for night housing? 31. What local resources have you Enter 1 if applicable. Otherwise been able to use? leave blank.

BH Fencing material BI Housing material 32. What water is available to goats? BJ Natural=1 Provided=2 Others=3 Leave blank if not ascertained 33. Do you use manure from the BK Yes=1 goat shed/night housing? No=2 Leave blank if not ascertained 34. If yes, what do you use it for? Enter 1 if applicable. Otherwise leave blank.

BL Cash crop BM Gardens BN Sales If yes to sales, how much do you sell BO No of kina/kg (to first decimal it for (kina/kg)? point) Leave blank if not ascertained or not applicable. 35. When animals go out grazing, BP Newly abandoned garden sites=1 where do they go? Fallow=2 Other sites (specify)=3 Leave blank if not ascertained Where tethered? BQ Categories to be worked out.

36. If you are integrating goats with BR Crop 1 other crops/livestock, give their BS Crop 2 names and reasons why? BT Livestock 1 BU Livestock 2

Categories to be worked out. Probably too difficult to code the reasons as well.

6 37. Who performs the following jobs Father=1 for goats in your family? Mother=2 Son=3 Daughter=4 Relatives=5 Others=6

BV Supplementary feeding BW Watering BX Cleaning of sheds BY Milking BZ Care of sick goats Taking goats out for grazing CA Goat security CB Leave blank if not ascertained 38. If any of the above are done by CC Categories to be worked out. hired labour how do you pay them? (Specify form of payment) If cash payment is involved, how CD Kina/week (Convert all answers to much? kina/week) Leave blank if not ascertained or not applicable. 39. Whose buck mates your doe(s)? CE Own buck=1 Distant farm=2 Institution=3 Neighbours=4 Other=5 Leave blank if not ascertained 40. Do you exchange bucks with CD Yes=1 other farmers No=2 Leave blank if not ascertained 41. If other people’s buck mates CE Yes=1 your doe, do you pay them? No=2 Leave blank if not ascertained or not applicable If yes, how much K/service. CF Kina/service Leave blank if not ascertained or not applicable. Any other in lieu of cash? CG Yes=1 No=2 Leave blank if not ascertained or not applicable 42. How many kiddings can you CH List number 0- remember since you started keeping goats? Leave blank if not ascertained

7 From the total number of kiddings CI List number 0- how many of those were multiple births? Leave blank if not ascertained 43. Do you generally castrate these CJ Yes=1 goats? No=2 Leave blank if not ascertained 44. What time do you let your goats CK List the time eg 0945 out to graze? Leave blank if not ascertained 45. What time do you bring them in? CL List the time eg 0945 Leave blank if not ascertained 46. Are fodder trees used by your CM Yes=1 goats? No=2 Don’t know=3 Leave blank if not ascertained 47. If yes, what trees are they? CN Tree 1 Names of trees CO Tree 2 CP Tree 3 List of trees to be worked out. 48. Do you cut them to feed your CR Yes=1 animals? No=2 Leave blank if not ascertained or not applicable 49. Do you give some CS Yes=1 supplementary feed? No=2 Leave blank if not ascertained If yes, what type of supplement do CT Concentrate you give? CU Fodder CV House hold waste

Yes=1 No=2 50. Have you planted grass, legumes CW Yes=1 or fodder trees to feed your goats? No=2 Leave blank if not ascertained 51. If yes, what were they? CX Grass 1 CY Grass 2 CZ Legume 1 DA Legume 2 DB Fodder tree 1 DC Fodder tree 2

Lists of grasses, legumes and trees to be worked out. 52. Do your goats get sick? DD Yes=1 No=2

8 Leave blank if not ascertained If yes, what type(s) of sickness? DE Sickness 1 DF Sickness 2

List of sicknesses to be worked out. 53. How do you know that your goat DG Sympton 1 is sick? DH Sympton 2

List of symptoms to be worked out. 54. What did you do last time a goat DI Did nothing=1 was sick? Treat it yourself=2 Some body else treated it=3 Leave blank if not ascertained or not applicable 55. If you treated it at home, what DJ Treatment 1 did you do? DK Treatment 2

List of treatments to be worked out. 56. Who decides on killing, gifting, DL Husband=1 or selling a goat? Wife=2 Son=3 Daughter=4 Others=5 Leave blank if not ascertained Specify if e of question 56 is DM List of others to be worked out. indicated. 57. How do you decide on the price? DN Weight basis=1 Age=2 Size=3 Sex=4 Others=5 Leave blank if not ascertained If yes to others, give full details. DO List of other factors to be worked out. 58. How many did you sell in the Males: last three years? DP Number (0-) DQ Kina received Females: DR Number (0-) DS Kina received Young: DT Number (0-) DU Kina received

Suggest listing customers on a separate sheet.

9 59. What sources of information do Yes=1 you have access to? Leave blank if box not ticked. DV Pamphlets DW NGOs DX Mission DY Government agencies DZ Radio EA Other extension agencies 60. Have you been visited by a EB Yes=1 government or NGO officer No=2 interested to talk to you about goats Leave blank if not ascertained in the last 5 years? By whom? EC NGO=1 Mission=2 Provincial govt agency=3 DAL=4 Other=5 Leave blank if not ascertained or not applicable. 61. Have you attended any goat ED Yes=1 training? No=2 Leave blank if not ascertained If yes what training? Yes=1 Leave blank if box not ticked. EE Short course EF Workshop EG Meeting Who conducted the training? EH NGO=1 Mission=2 Provincial govt agency=3 DAL=4 Other=5 Leave blank if not ascertained or not applicable. 63. Was the training useful to you? EI Yes=1 No=2 Leave blank if not ascertained 64. Would you like training on goat EJ Yes=1 farming? No=2 Leave blank if not ascertained 65. What are your future EK Increase herd=1 plans/interests in goat farming? Quit goat farming=2 Integrate goat farming with other crops/livestock=3 Others (specify)=4

10 Leave blank if not ascertained


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