Board of Education s8
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Board of Education January 27, 2005 Meeting
Meeting Called to Order 7:05pm.
Present: Jim Gildea, Andy Mancini, Susan Smey, Dennis Devonshuk, Martin Hubbard. Leo DiSorbo, Kim Kreiger and Paul Varsanik.
Motion to approve minutes from Dec. 16, 2004, Regular meeting by Mr. Mancini, second by Mr. Varsanik. All in favor.
Motion to approve minutes from Jan. 3, 2005, Special meeting by Mr. Varsanik, second by Mrs. Smey. All in favor.
Public Hearing.
Jen Kochiss representing the Derby Cheerleaders asked for clarification on a policy. The cheerleaders have been picked to cheer in Hawaii on Feb. 13. She would like to know if the girls are getting any money for this trip. Mr. Gildea said this subject is not on the agenda, but told her there was a policy in effect that would reimburse students $250.00 for travel for CIAC sanctioned events. He suggested she call the Superintendents office for the more information, or come to the Policy sub-committee meeting.
Thank you note from Sharon Domurad.
Letter from Ansonia Housing Authority thanking the High School Students for donating a Christmas Tree to the Tinney Community Center.
Letter from Elizabeth Holcomb, from the Spooner House thanking Debbie Piscioneri for the donation of Christmas gifts.
Commendation letter to Wendy Gaynor, the Special Education department and the guidance department for the progress they have made over the past two years concerning the inclusion programs and practices. The letter lists staff members from Irving School, Bradley School, the Middle School and the High School.
Finance reports
Motion to approve transfers totaling $47,918.00 for 2004 – 2005 by Mr. Devonshuk, second by Mr. Hubbard. All in favor.
Motion to approve Bills for 2004 – 2005 total $609,957.35 by Mr. Mancini, second by Mr. Varsanik.
1 Informational expenditure report for-2004 – 2005 and food service report included in package.
Informational Reports
Lou Rogowski talked about the Capital Bond. The City approved the contract with NORESCO for phase 1 of the contract. The design component for the HVAC at the High School will begin in earnest, up to now we only have proposals now we will get into final engineering drawings, and all the conceptual work that is required for the state facilities unit, that will be phase II. Included in phase I is some immediate projects that will start in January, that will include all the engineering and design work for the windows at Irving. Upgrades in lighting at Irving, Bradley and the High School. Water conservation program at the High School and the building HVAC system for Bradley and Irving, to get the heat system under control. These are four projects that represent approximately $1 million in Capital Bond. In total phase I represents $1.5 million of Capital Bond. There are changes to handout. The bleachers at Irving will be installed Feb. 7, 2005. High School the bleachers will be installed in April, the wall pads for the gym have been received, when the bleachers are done they will repaint the gym. Plans have been approved for the Central Office move, from 33 Elizabeth to 1 Elizabeth. Bids will be in March 28, closing mid April for bid selection, they will probably in that office in August.
Superintendent of Schools Report
Mrs. Robinson said there was a wonderful welcome in the auditorium from the High School and Middle School staff. Conn. State Board of Education has approved the commissioners recommendation that requires all eight grade students will be technologically literate by Dec. 2006. Students will need to begin developing the requisite skills at the lower grades. We need to solve the dilemma of having another special area teacher in the elementary level to comply with paragraph G in the teachers contract, which mandates another prep period for a teacher that is not covered by media. She is recommending that the rotation be filled by a computer class for K – 6 grade students. This will solve the two problems.
C and T results have been received, Mrs. Robinson will e-mail the results to the Board members. She asked the Board members if they had an explanation of the “No Child Left Behind Act”. She will send the Board a shortened version of the Act. She asked if the Board members ever used a consent agenda, where you put a multitude of items in a consent agenda and make one motion to approve them.
Meeting for Middle School from last Wednesday has been postponed until next Wednesday, at the Hotchkiss Hose at 7:00pm.
Procedures for expulsion: 1, using a hearing officer. 2. Board acts as a judge with legal counsel beside you. 3. Board acts as judge with legal counsel and the administrators also have legal counsel from a different firm to present the issues, or 4. stipulated agreements are arranged prior and in place of expulsion hearings but are still brought the Board in
2 executive session, these however could not be changed by the Board. Mr. Gildea says they use a combination of 3 & 4.
Mrs. Robinson will approve any trips out of State that does not require an overnight stay, like New York or Boston, if there is no objection. There was no objection. Mr. Gildea would like information on the trips.
These four weeks have been spent with some legal and crisis issues, getting familiar with the Boards and town officials, coming to an understanding with the facilities issues, developing working relationships with staff, revising the budget for next year, evaluating our grant funds situation, and determining the best use for those funds, determining strategy for special ed. issues and attending lots of meetings. But has not been able to get into the classrooms.
Motion to approve resignations of Awilda Shaftel, part time math tutor, and Monique Felder, full time library aid by Mr. Mancini, second by Mr. Varsanik. All in favor.
In package there is a list of appointments for fall coaches. Motion to approve list with the exception of Barbara Hubbard and Steve Kosarka, by Mr. Mancini, second by Mr. Varsanik. All in favor.
Motion to appoint Barbara Hubbard by Mrs. Smey, second by Mr. Mancini. All in favor. Mr. Hubbard abstained.
Motion to appoint Steve Kosarka by Mr. Mancini, second by Mrs. Smey. All in favor. Mr. Varsanik abstained.
Motion to appoint Chuck Jones 7 & 8 grade Boys Basketball coach by Mr. Hubbard, second by Mr. Mancini. All in favor.
Motion to approve the Spanish Club trip to San Antonio, TX by Mrs. Smey second by Mr. Varsanik. All in favor.
Motion to approve $500.00 contribution to the Mark Domurad Scholarship fund by Mrs. Smey, second by Mr. Devonshuk. All in favor. Mark gave a lot of his time whenever there was a need.
Motion is needed for the Superintendent of Schools and the Business Manager to sign off on the ED099 Child Nutrition Programs, this requires a Board motion because they are changing the authorizing signatures. Motion to allow the signature of the Superintendent of Schools and the Business Manager to sign of on the EDO99 Child Nutrition Program, by Mr. Mancini and second by Mr. Varsanik. All in favor.
3 Old Business
Mrs. Robinson told the Board that there is a lot of catching up to do in the district, in technology, particularly in the elementary grades. The commissioner is adamant that all 10th grade CAP testing will be done on line. There is no way at this point that we can have all of our 10th graders on line at the same time. There is the issue of having enough computers that are up and running at the same time, and a system that can sustain that, and our kids are not getting the instruction of other districts, our kids are going to be hindered by the lack of technological know how. This has to be a high priority. She has reactivated the technology committee, they are doing an up to date audit of the equipment, most of the computers are over four years old, with a big chunk being 7 to 8 years old. Many classrooms have no computers. She would like to bump as much instruction computers down to the elementary. Keyboarding does not have to be taught in the High School. We would be bumping the skills down, that has an impact on meeting the eight grade technological literate level, because you can’t just do it in 7 & 8 grades you have to bump it down. Need more computers and instructors to teach those classes, need an IT person to keep our system running. The consolidated grants Title I, 2A, 2B, 3, 4, 5, and 6 they will try to get money for computers. The computers they are able to buy Mrs. Robinson would like to put in the elementary level. There will be a new line added to the budget for equipment, for new computers.
Business Manager’s report
Ron Melnik reviewed hand out with Board members. He is working on the budget, he met with UI to see what future pricing will be. Met with Joan Williamson to start the reconciliation process. Talked to Keith McLiverty to discuss financial procedures. And talked to Schaghticoke Tribal Nation about renting space that the Central Office currently occupies.
Intern Business Manager’s report.
Diane Raymo reviewed her report in package. It’s been a pleasure to work in Derby. She will be available to help Ron. Report looks at the audit findings. Looks at the IRS findings and the concerns she has.
Motion to go into executive session at 8:50pm by Mr. Varsanik, second by Mr. Devonshuk. All in favor.
Motion to move into regular session at 10:11 by Mrs. Smey, second by Mrs. Kreiger. All in favor.
Meeting adjourned 10:12pm.
Marcia McGuire