Planning Applications for Determination
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To note that the planning applications listed below will be considered under items 5 to 16 of the agenda
PLEASE NOTE: The order in which the items are considered by the Committee may be subject to change
No Application Ward Location Page Recommendation 5 07/01267/F SS Oakfield Lodge Axes Lane 27 Refuse Salfords Surrey RH1 5QL 6 07/01436/F TAT Methodist Church Hall Chapel 36 Grant subject to S106 Way Epsom Downs Surrey agreement 7 04/01778/RM1 HE Horley Development North East 60 Grant subject to S106 Sector Horley Surrey agreement 8 07/01409/F RC Wraymill Court Wray Common 77 Grant Road Reigate Surrey 9 07/01331/F SS 43 - 49 Brighton Road Salfords 98 Grant Surrey RH1 5DA 10 07/01468/F CHW Royal Alfred Seafarers Society 122 Grant Belvedere House Weston Acres Woodmansterne Lane Woodmansterne Surrey SM7 3HB 11 07/01332/F RC Reigate Grammar School Reigate 135 Grant Road Reigate Surrey RH2 0QS 12 07/01462/F M Rear Of 4-12 Mill Lane And 179- 149 Grant 187 Nutfield Road Merstham Redhill Surrey 13 07/01660/F EW Land To Rear Of 4-6 West 166 Grant Avenue Salfords Redhill Surrey RH1 5BA 14 07/01581/F BV Banstead Down Tennis Club 178 Grant Basing Road Banstead Surrey SM7 2BN 15 07/01682/F BV Recreation Ground Garratts 188 Grant Lane Banstead Surrey 16 07/00423/F BV 12 Croydon Lane Banstead 195 Grant Surrey SM7 3AN
D:\Docs\2018-04-29\014d7fc272c90a3278329d5082bca674.doc (i) The Council allows public speaking on some planning applications in line with published policy. Not all applications on this agenda may be eligible for public speaking and members of the public wishing to speak must have registered with the Council by 5pm on the Monday before the meeting.
(ii) The full content of the application and all letters and e-mails of representation/comment/objection upon the planning applications within the agenda are available for inspection at the Town Hall during normal office hours and are also available for Members of the Council to refer to before the meeting. The application form, drawings and any supporting statements submitted with the application can also be viewed at the Council’s Help Shops, in public libraries within the Borough and on the Council’s web site:
(iii) For the purposes of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act, 1985, the background papers in respect of the reports on planning applications are those variously referred to in the report.
(iv) Plans are reproduced in the agenda for ease of reference and are not necessarily to scale. For a fuller understanding of the proposal please refer to the full size plans held at the Town Hall/nearest Help Shop or in the application file. Copies in other Help Shops, in public libraries and on the Council’s web site may not be to scale.
(v) The Council’s constitution requires that any decision which is contrary to the officer advice is deferred to the next meeting of the Committee to ensure that any issues raised at the meeting are covered by planning, and where necessary, legal advice.
(vi) National Best Value Performance Indicator 109 sets a target that 60% of major applications are determined within 13 weeks, 65% of minor applications are determined within 8 weeks, and that 80% of other applications are determined within 8 weeks. The Council has a more challenging local target to determine 85% of “other” applications within 8 weeks.
(“Major” applications considered by the Borough Council comprise all planning applications for (a) residential development (i) to create 10 or more units or (ii) on land of more than 0.5 hectares in area where the number of units is not known to be 10 or more; and (b) all other development where the floor space created would be 1,000 square metres or more or the site area is 1 hectare or more. “Minor” applications are all applications for planning permission smaller than the “major” definition, excluding changes of use and householder development.)
(vii) Under section 38 (6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the Council is required to determine planning applications in accordance with the development plan “unless material considerations indicate otherwise”.
D:\Docs\2018-04-29\014d7fc272c90a3278329d5082bca674.doc (The “development plan” comprises the Surrey Structure Plan 2004, the Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005 and Regional Planning Guidance for the South East (RPG9). Other elements of the development plan include the Surrey Waste Local Plan and Surrey Minerals Local Plan, although these are intended to guide planning decisions made by the County Council and rarely have any bearing on decisions made at Borough level.
“Material considerations” include other planning policy documents produced by Government, the County Council and the Borough Council.)
(viii) Under development plan policy Ho9A, in order to avoid the inefficient use of land, residential development will be permitted only if: (a) The proposal is accompanied by a design statement that shows that the principles of good layout and design as set out in Policy Ho 9, have been taken into account; (b) A density of at least 30 dwellings per hectare (dph) net is achieved, except where lower density proposals are necessary to respect the character of the surrounding area; (c) A density of at least 50 dph net is achieved at locations with good public transport accessibility, such as Town Centres; and (d) The proposal would not prejudice the efficient use of adjoining land and would not constitute or lead to piecemeal development.
(ix) The planning Acts allow that an applicant may appeal: (a) Against a refusal to grant planning permission; or (b) Against any condition under which planning permission is granted; or (c) If the Council does not determine their application within eight weeks. National Best Value Performance Indicator 204 monitors the success of Local Planning Authorities in defending their planning decisions at appeal. The Council aims to win at least 70% of all appeals concerning planning applications.
Building Regulations
To obtain advice regarding current Building Regulations or to submit an application, applicants should contact the Building Control Section of the Policy and Environment Department, Town Hall Reigate Surrey, RH2 OSH, telephone 01737 276000. For more information regarding Building Regulations visit the Building Control Section of the Councils web site
To obtain Building Regulations Approval the applicant should apply to obtain either:
D:\Docs\2018-04-29\014d7fc272c90a3278329d5082bca674.doc Full Plans approval – this will give approval prior to the work commencing and may take up to 5 weeks, or
Building Notice approval - this requires 48 hours notice prior to the commencement of work.
Both of these approvals will require the submission of the requisite fee and 2 copies of drawings and relevant calculations. Having applied for Building Regulations approval, the works applied for will be subject to inspection by Building Control Officers at specific stages to ensure compliance. The applicant has a statutory duty to inform the Council of any of the following stages of work for inspection:
Excavation for foundations Damp proof course Concrete oversite Insulation Drains (when laid or tested) Floor and Roof construction Work relating to fire safety Work affecting access and facilities for disabled people Completion
Any work that affects a party wall will require approval from the adjoining owner(s). This aspect of the work is a civil matter and does not come within the remit of the Council. Please refer to the Government’s explanatory booklet The Party Wall etc. Act 1996, a copy of which is available from the Council Offices, Town Hall, Reigate, Surrey. More information is available on the Council’s web site or for further information visit the Department of Communities and Local Government website at