April 18 Second Sunday of Easter

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April 18 Second Sunday of Easter

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time I find it inspiring to hear how the early Church worked July 24, 2005 together. In our Mass we gather to break bread. In our working together as a community we praise God in a special From the Desk of Fr. Dave way. When the early disciples were at table I bet they were not lucky enough to have Kolackys on hand. From the Desk of Fr. Dave Kolacky Days Father Dave

This weekend our area celebrates this important festival. MASS INTENTIONS While it will be my first time at this celebration, the Kolacky is not new to me. Growing up I went to the Church of St. Monday, July 25—8:15 am: +Joe & Anna Lusk Dominic in Northfield. We would have many parish dinners Tuesday, July 26—8:15 am: Communion Service and my Dad would tell me to make sure I took a Kolacky Wednesday, July 27—8:15am: +Deceased members of the made by the ladies of Lonsdale. Since serving here I have Dominican Sisters enjoyed a Kolacky on numerous occasions and they are even Thursday, July 28—8:15 am: Special Intention better than I remember. Could it be because these recent Friday, July 29—8:15 am: Kolackys were made in Montgomery? Saturday, July 30—5:00 pm: Sunday, July 31—7:30 am: +William A. & Loretta David In my estimation the Kolacky stands for hospitality. Sunday, July 31—9:00 am: +Hubert Krocak (Aobv), +Kevin Hospitality is important in our community as well as our Flicek, +William Laddusaw, Living & deceased members of Church. Jesus was welcoming and would deliver his message the class of 1955 of love to all who would hear. His miracles were given not to a single type of person, but to a variety of people with ALTAR SERVERS different backgrounds. Thus he spread his Word by being hospitable to all. After his resurrection Jesus told his disciples Saturday, July 30—5:00 pm: Ben Jirik, Joe Jirik, Meg to spread the Word of God to all nations, baptizing them in the McGuire name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Sunday, July 31—7:30 am: Garrett Zoubek, Amanda Havel, Alyssa Fogarty Jesus lived in community with his 12 apostles. Thus being a Sunday, July 31—10:30 am: Kyle Sonnenburg, Matt Holicky, model for us to be a parish community. In my few months Danny Holicky here I have been blown away by the strength of community in this parish. I do believe we all need to ponder the subject from USHERS time to time, after all even Tiger Woods needs to practice. In order to be community we need to treat each other with the Ushers for the month of July compassion you would treat a member of your family. Saturday—5:00 pm: Gary Ruhland, Dick Ruhland, George Sometimes this can be a challenge. People forget to respect Duban one another, grudges develop and this can make it hard to treat Sunday —7:30 am: Le Roy Bauer, Andy Kucera, Art Weiers the other with compassion. Jesus asks us to give it a try, Sunday —10:30 am: Bill Ruhland, Alvin Nasinec, John knowing that it may or may not resolve itself. As the hockey Stasney great Wayne Gretzky once said, “You can’t score if you don’t shoot.” LECTORS Saturday, July 30—5:00 pm: Steve Woratschka Other things we can do are to be welcoming to new people and Sunday, July 31—7:30 am: Carol Freid friendly even to people we may not know well. We can Sunday, July 31—10:30 am: Chris Goettl encourage people to take on new roles within the Church, sharing of their many gifts and talents. We compliment each other for the help they have been or for just being themselves. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS

We need to follow the early Church. As Act 2:42, 46-47 Saturday, July 30—5:00 pm: Mona Woratschka, Steve Flicek, states: Mary Jane Grundhoffer, Rita Thornton “They devoted themselves to the teaching of the Sunday, July 31—7:30 am: Mark Bisek, Rita Johnston, Karen apostles and to the Parsons, Larry Parsons communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the Sunday, July 31—10:30 am: Connie Flicek, Bonnie Sery, prayers. Mark Rynda, Anita Rynda Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple STEWARDSHIP REPORT area and to breaking bread in their homes. They ate their meal with Weekend of July 16th and 17th $ 4,576.19 exultation and sincerity of heart praising God and Direct Deposit $ 715.25 enjoying favor with Amount needed weekly, $6,400 to meet budget. all the people. And every day the Lord added to their number those who were to be saved.” The new fees for cemetery lots and services take affect July of HOLY REDEEMER OFFICE HOURS 2005, not 2006. CCW – The non-bake sale made approximately $480.00. Monday, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm, Maintenance Committee – The parish house guest room is Tuesday through Friday, 9:00 am until 12:30 pm. fixed up and now usable thanks to funding by the CCW. The back hallway door between the sacristy and parish house was ALTAR CARE framed out and replaced with a steal door. The cloths line behind the convent was removed, other minor repairs. For the month of July—Rita Parsons Cemetery – The yearly Calvary Cemetery report was given by Glenn Flicek. The cemetery overall is in good financial HOME AND SCHOOL RAFFLE standing with the on set of the increase of cemetery fees. A sign is going to be put in place indicating guidelines for July 24, 2005---Leonard Edel---$50.00 flowers and memorials when placing next to the head stones. Endowment Fund – Harry Elfstrand will fill the position to PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS over see the HRS Endowment Fund. Finance Committee – All bills were paid off from 1985 to the The Guest Bedroom has been refurbished. The wall painted, present thanks to the estate of Helen Kocina. new carpet was installed, lamps, chair, headboard, queen bed, Misc – There will be 5 to 7 openings for new parish council blinds, clock radio, night table, pillows for Father Dave, and members that will be needed by the Sept meeting, as terms of new queen bedding were purchased. Thank you Andy and existing members will expire. If interested contact the parish Mary Regenscheid for painting the guest room, A big thank house. you to the couple who donated the queen frame, box spring, and mattress. The Blau family for donating the easy chair. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made and seconded at Your generosity is greatly appreciated. A new microwave was 8:00 PM. also purchased for the kitchen, with the money that CCW The next meeting will be on 10 Aug 2005 06:30 PM in the donated towards the guest bedroom. An end table is still HRS library. needed which will also have to be purchased, or if someone Dennis Karcewski has one to donate, we would appreciated your act of kindness. Council Secretary

Parish Council News It is time to consider becoming a member of the Parish CCW NEWS Council. Obligations are: attending a monthly meeting usually held at 6:30 pm. It is a three year term. You would be asked to CCW southwest Deanery Fall Institute- Wednesday Sept 7th at serve on a committee, such the social or maintenance St Ann’s in Le Sueur. Your officers and commissioners are committee. working hard to make it a memorable day. More information will be coming. We need at least four people preferably couples to replace the outgoing members. Leaving the council are Gilbert & Pat CALENDAR OF EVENTS Barlage, Dick & Kathy Ruhland, and Gwen Stadstad it is a possibility we could have two more vacancies. If more couples July 30-31—Julifest St. Mark’s Church, Shakopee submit their names than are needed, an election would be 5:30 pm-11:30 pm. and 11:00 am- 8:00 pm. conducted on August 20th otherwise you will be asked to serve August 7—Chicken Dinner Parish Festival at the Church of as a member of the Parish Council. Nativity in Cleveland from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm Please consider giving the parish some of your time. It is another way of serving God. If you wish to serve, please call the parish office, 364-7981 or a Parish Council member by August 10th. Thank you. Gwen Stadstad

Please remember HRS, Calvary Cemetery, and/or St. John’s Cemetery Endowment Funds when planning your estate. Thank you.

Council President Gwen Stadstad called the regular meeting of the Holy Redeemer Parish Council to order on 13 July 2005. SUPPORT OUR PATRONS Present were Gwen Stadstad, Dick Ruhland, Kathy Ruhland, This week we thank Father Dave, Dennis Karcewski, Harry Elfstrand, Daine Classic Creations Elfstrand, Bob Vlasak, Carol Vlasak, Bob Foley, Theresa Brownlee, Leonard Ouradnik and Glenn Flicek. A motion was made and seconded to approve last month’s minutes with corrections.

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