Write a 5-8 Page Paper and Illustrate It with an Exhibit About Advertising in the Modern
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Write a 5-8 page paper and illustrate it with an exhibit about advertising in the modern era. You will explore how a single product (Barbie dolls, Coke, GEICO insurance, etc.) or a type of product (shoes, deodorant, political campaigns, etc.) reflect (or create) trends or concerns of the American people in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Examples of concerns might be race, sexuality, upward mobility, protest, family values or many others. You should look at a variety of media for your examples: print ads in newspapers or magazines, billboard ads, radio ads, Internet ads, and of course television.
For your exhibit, you may compose a website on a free site like Weebly.com, or you may create a presentation in a Web 2.0 application such as Prezi (prezi.com), Voicethread
(voicethread.com), or a PowerPoint saved to PDF or YouTube format. The project will consist of a well-organized essay with an introduction and strong thesis, support and examples supporting your thesis, and a forceful conclusion reiterating your argument. The illustrative presentation should include visual representations (images, videos or recordings) as well as captions or a voice-over providing an explanation of the examples.
You should plan to cover at least twenty years of advertisements in at least three different media. Required: A 5-8 page paper (1500 words minimum) describing your selected product and how ads featuring that product reflected trends or concerns of that period in history. The paper should be well-organized with an introduction and strong thesis, data and examples supporting your thesis, and a forceful conclusion reiterating your argument. The paper should reflect correct
APA citation style and include a page of works cited.
An online-presentation (may be a file in PowerPoint, or a Web 2.0 application) posted to the discussion board for others in the class to enjoy. The presentation should include at least five ads from three different media sources and an annotated reference list for your audience which should contain at least 5 substantial websites or books. Among these five sources must be a scholarly journal article about advertising and at least one book that is not your textbook. Ensure your paper and presentation are well written and formatted per APA formatting requirements.
Portfolio Project deliverables due in preparation for the final project include the following:
Mod 3: Topic submission for approval
Mod 5: Preliminary bibliography of sources
Mod 7: Outline of paper and discussion post explaining your ideas for the
accompanying presentation, what you want your audience to learn, and any
questions or problems you have encountered to date with the project
Helpful Resources: Overview of the history of advertising in this period: O'Barr, W. M.
(2005). A brief history of advertising in America. Retrieved from http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/asr/v006/6.3unit02.html Read the following sections: 13. Television and Commercials 14. Advertising Globally 15. Commercializing Cyberspace Sites with examples of ads: http://www.archive.org The Advertising Century, AdAge.com: http://adage.com/century/index.html American Advertising: A brief history: http://historymatters.gmu.edu/mse/ads/amadv.html Ad Access, Duke University Library: http://library.duke.edu/digitalcollections/adaccess/ Advertising Educational Foundation: http://www.aef.com/index.html Museum of Broadcast Communication: http://www.museum.tv/eotvsection.php?entrycode=advertising Selling stuff during the golden age of radio, Old-time.com: http://www.old-time.com/commercials/ History of advertising: http://www.mediaknowall.com/as_alevel/Advertising/advertising.php?pageID=history