Social Studies Grade 8
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ESL – Grade 2 Second Grading Period - 10 Lessons Unit 2 – Selection 2: “Farms” CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills Why do we need to listen attentively? English Language Learners may be at the beginning, intermediate, advanced, or Why do we need to speak clearly? advanced high stage of English language acquisition in speaking. In order for the ELL What do we do during a group activity or discussion? to meet grade-level learning expectations across the foundation and enrichment What information can you get from a map? curriculum, all instruction delivered in English must be linguistically accommodated What is the main idea of the story? (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with the student’s level of What are two important details in the story? English language proficiency.* What is an action verb? *The student’s level of English language proficiency is determined by the following How do I know that the sentence I wrote is a complete sentence? assessments: Woodcock Muñoz Language Survey (WMLS) and the Texas English What kinds of questions can I ask in an interview? Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS). Individual student assessment results may be accessed via the Crystal Enterprise System by the campus administrator and/or the LPAC coordinator. The Teaching Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions So students can…. The teacher will…
Lesson 1
Oral Language (T104e) Write Message for Today: I have _____ and _____ in my kitchen. What kinds of use vocabulary to describe ideas. (TEKS 2.29) foods do you have?
Relate to Personal Experience Have students brainstorm what is in their refrigerators and cupboards at home. Draw a big refrigerator and cupboard. As students tell you what they have, write the foods connect experiences and ideas through speaking and listening. (TEKS 2.28) in the appropriate places. employ content area vocabulary in context. (TEKS 2.5B) identify people, places, and basic concepts. (TEKS 2.29) Language Focus (104f) Teach/model how to give information using the question words Who, Where, What, and When. use accessible language and learn new and essential language in the process. Have students practice with a partner. One student thinks of a food and gives (TEKS 2.29) information about the food without naming it. The other student may request information by asking questions with Who, Where, What, or When before trying to guess the food. Then students then reverse roles. √ Lesson 2 Vocabulary (T104) Teach the key words: dairy, farming, product, market, vegetable, factory, and participate in discussions. (TEKS 2.29) machine as you read “Family Farming” in the Student Book (pages 104-105). Use infer meaning by making associations with actions, visuals, and context. gestures, facial expressions, restatements, and the Defining Sentences on page (ELPS 2E) T105. SAISD © 2010 - 2011 – Second Grading Period ESL Grade 2 Page 1 of 16
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. answer questions and make contributions in discussions. (ELPS 3F) Use the Multi-Level Strategies on page T104 to provide vocabulary practice for students at all proficiency levels. make and explain inferences. (ELPS 3B) produce phonological elements of new vocabulary. (ELPS 3A) √
Lesson 3 Oral Language (T105a) Use Picture Cards C15, C22, C23, and C24 to review the crops the students have respond to stories through discussion, writing, and art. (TEKS 2.17A) read about in previous stories. Have students act out planting, watering, and present dramatic interpretations. (ELPS 3B) harvesting while others narrate their actions.
Preview the Article (T106a) participate in shared reading. (ELPS 4G) Introduce the Social Studies article by pointing out headings and captions. Use the use resources and references to build word meanings and confirm pronunciation. Preview Script on page T106b to preview key events in the article (ELPS 3B) √ Lesson 4 Vocabulary Teach the High Frequency Words on page T105b: many, other, take. Use the “Learn New Words” Strategy:
For each New Word, say: o Look at the word. o Listen to the word. o Listen to the word in a sentence. o Say the word. recognize high frequency words. (TEKS 2.2G) o Spell the word. develop basic sight vocabulary. (ELPS 4C) o Say the word again. Use the following context sentences: o Many farms have animals. o Other farms grow crops. o Trucks take milk to the dairy.
Vocab-marks - (Stephens & Brown, 2000) -A Vocab-mark is a bookmark made from discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary through meaningful/concrete laminated paper with spaces for students to list unfamiliar words as they encounter them experiences (vocabulary bookmark). (ELPS 3B) in their reading. Procedure: (a) the teacher models finding unfamiliar words while reading and how to record them on a Vocab-mark and (b) students make their own and begin to list new words, the page number, and a brief definition (either through a dictionary or a friend). (Rojas) √ Lesson 5 Preview Language (T106c) Read aloud the text “Cows Give Milk.” As you read, indicate that the words in bold use learning strategies (nonverbal cues). (ELPS 1D) are action verbs. Before you read the Language Model, teach students the strategy edit writing toward standard grammar and usage, subject-verb agreement. (TEKS of using nonverbal clues to help them communicate their understanding. As you read 2.21B) the Language Model, encourage students to use expressions, body language, and gestures to show whether or not they understand.
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. understand and use the following parts of speech (verbs) in the context or reading, Grammar: Action Verbs (T106d) writing, and speaking. (TEKS 2.21Ai) Make a web of action verbs and review the verbs with the students. Guide students use basic capitalization and punctuation correctly. (TEKS 2.22B, TEKS 2.22C) in adding a word that can be used with each verb in the web (Example: cows eat; the farmer makes, etc.). √ Lesson 6 Learning Strategy: Main Idea and Details (106e-f) Read the social studies article aloud, pausing to teach the text structure. Represent the text structure visually on a main idea and details diagram (see example on page listen responsively to stories and other texts read aloud. (TEKS 2.28A) T106f). Use the multi-level strategies on page T106e to involve students at all proficiency levels. use graphic organizers as pre-reading activities. (ELPS 4D) Ask small groups to write or draw the article’s main idea in the center of a sheet of paper, then have them pass around the paper so each student can write or draw a detail about the main idea. Daily Writing (T106e) Have students write a shopping list with fruits, vegetables, and wheat and dairy write lists to record. (TEKS 2.19B) products that they want to buy. √ Lessons 7-8 Shared Reading (T106i-T124) Read “Farms” aloud, pausing to shelter the language of the article. Use multi-level strategies to provide students with a reading experience use vocabulary to describe ideas. (ELPS 3G) tailored to their proficiency and literacy levels (Reading Options: Beginning, On- Level, Advanced, T106j). develop basic sight vocabulary. (ELPS 4C)
The following strategies will make the language of the selection fully read from a variety of genres for pleasure or to acquire information from print. comprehensible: (TEKS 2.3C) o Use the labels and captions to tie terms in the text to the visuals.
o Demonstrate how plants grow with dioramas or visuals. o Restate the text. o Pantomime actions such as milking, picking, and sorting.
Connect-Two - (Cloud, Genesee, & Hamayan, 2000) - A vocabulary strategy which can be used before, during or after reading text. Procedure: Given a list of words, discuss meanings of words through meaningful/concrete experiences (make students try to identify connections between any two words on the list and explain the connections between two or more words). (ELPS 3B) rationale for including them on the same list. (Rojas) √ Lesson 9 Grammar Questions with Short Answers (T125) Teach/model the use of the following question words: Who, What, When, Where. understand basic structures. (TEKS 2.21A) Have partners write a who, what, when, and where question and the answer on separate cards. Distribute the cards, and have students circulate, reading aloud their SAISD © 2010 - 2011 – Second Grading Period ESL Grade 2 Page 3 of 16
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. questions and answers until they find a match. use accessible language and learn new and essential language in the process. Commands (T127) (TEKS 2.29) Teach/model the use of commands. Explain that some sentences begin with action words. These sentences are commands, because they tell you to do something. Use a Commands Chart to guide students in identifying action words (commands) in sentences. demonstrate listening comprehension of increasingly complex spoken English by √ following directions. (ELPS 2I)
Lesson 10 Think and Respond (T128-129) Read aloud the definitions of main idea and details on page 128. Guide students in filling out the graphic organizers with drawings or written text. interpret and use graphic sources of information (diagrams). (TEKS 2.15A) Use the multi-level strategies to assist students in planning a menu. Ask students to provide a personal response, conclusion and generalization (see represent text information. (TEKS 2.15B) page 129) in their journal. write to record ideas. (TEKS 2.19A) √ Extension: The following activities are included and should be addressed as time permits during the nine-week grading period: Make a Corn Product (T130a) Make a Product Map (T130b)
Interview a Farmer (T131a) Write Directions (T131c) Use Maps and Diagrams (T133a-b) Hands-on Centers: Create a Plant Part Salad, Make a Farm Fact Poster, Estimate Seeds in a Jar, Create a Farm Folk Tale (T74f-g)
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Evidence of Learning (Summative Assessment) College-Readiness i.e., Formative Mini Assessments TAKS Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life Texas College and Careers Readiness Standards for English/Language Arts (CCRS) Unit 2 Progress Test Listening Because English language learners (ELLs ) may begin Listen critically and respond appropriately to presentations. Beginner Level learning English at any age, assumptions cannot be made Listen actively and effectively in one-on-one communication He sees a _____ cloud! about how much English ELLs can be expected to know at situations. a. big particular grade levels. For this reason, rather than linking Listen actively and effectively in group discussions. b. with performance to grade-level expectations in the traditional c. keep sense, TELPAS reading tests measure performance in Speaking terms of English language proficiency levels.” (TELPAS Adjust presentations (delivery, vocabulary, length) to Reading Information Booklet Chapter 2: Test Design 5) particular audiences and purposes. Participate actively and effectively in one-on-one oral communication situations. Intermediate Level Participate actively and effectively in group discussions. Rain falls from a _____. TP08_InfoBook.pdf a. hill Reading b. sun TELPAS Identify new words and concepts acquired through study of c. river Grade 2 their relationship to other words and concepts. d. cloud Beginner pages 16-20 Intermediate pages 21-27 Writing Advanced High pages 24-29 Generate ideas and gather information relevant to the topic Grades 3-5 and purpose, keeping careful records of outside sources. Grade 3 Beginner page 32 Grade 3 Intermediate pages 38-39 Advanced Level Grade 3 Advanced pages 40-43 Rain falls from a _____. a. sun Grade 4-5 b. lake Grades 4-5 Beginner pages 36-37 c. plain Grades 4-5 Intermediate pages 45 d. cloud Grades 4-5Advanced High pages 44- 51
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. ESL – Grade 2 Unit of Study: Water, Water, Everywhere Second Grading Period CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Enduring Understandings (Big Ideas) Unit Rationale Oral and written communication in English is essential in learning about forms of land and water. Learn about To promote authentic communication about food products using how water falls into the river and the river moves through the land. Mist and clouds are both made of small the second language through the linguistic domains of listening, drops of water. speaking, reading and writing commensurate with the student’s level of English. Essential Questions Guiding Questions Listening/Speaking What do good listeners do? Why do we need to listen attentively? What do good speakers do? Why do we need to speak clearly? How do students participate in teacher and student led discussions? What do we do during a group activity or discussion? Reading Vocabulary What do the following words mean? clouds, disappear, flow, Why do we need to understand the meaning of words: clouds, disappear, flow, puddle, rise, water puddle, rise, water (Selection 1) (Selection 1) What do the following words mean? afraid, away, became, Why do we need to understand the meaning of words: afraid, away, became, friend, give, idea, save friend, give, idea, save (Selection 2) (Selection 2) Genre/text features What information can you get from a map? Why does the reader need to understand graphic organizers? Why does the reader need to understand a map? Strategy What effect did the main event have? Why does the reader need to identify cause-and-effect?
Writing What is an adjective? What are sensory words? Adjectives What kinds of words describe people, places, and things? How do I know that the sentence I wrote is a complete sentence? Statements What are quotation marks used for? What kind of sentences do good writers write? How do you punctuate a quote? TEKS (Standards) TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome (E) share information in cooperative learning interactions; (F) ask and give information ranging from using a very limited bank of high frequency; high-need, concrete vocabulary; including key words and expressions needed for basic communication in academic and social contexts, to using abstract and content-based vocabulary during extended speaking assignments; (G) express opinions, ideas, and feelings ranging from communicating single words and short phrases to participating in extended discussions on a variety of social and grade- appropriate academic topics.
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. (4) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/reading: (A) learn relationships between sounds and letters of the English language and decode (sound out) words using a combination of skills such as recognizing sound-letter relationships and identifying cognates, affixes, roots, and base words; (D) use pre-reading supports such as graphic organizers, illustrations, and pre-taught topic-related vocabulary and other pre-reading activities to enhance comprehension of written text; (F) use visual and contextual support and support from peers and teachers to read grade-appropriate content area text, enhance and confirm understanding, and develop vocabulary grasp of language structures, and background knowledge needed to comprehend increasingly challenging language; (G) demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex English by participating in shared reading, retelling or summarizing material, responding to questions, and taking notes commensurate with content area and grade level needs; (I) demonstrate English comprehension and expand reading skills by employing basic reading skills such as demonstrating understanding of supporting ideas and details in text and graphic sources, summarizing text, and distinguishing main ideas from details commensurate with content area needs; (5) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/writing: (B) write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and content-based grade-level vocabulary; (F) write using a variety of grade-appropriate sentence lengths, patterns, and connecting words to combine phrases, clauses and sentences in increasingly accurate ways as more English is acquired. Evidence of Learning (Summative Assessment) Commensurate with the students’ English language proficiency levels (Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced), the students will display evidence of learning by the following:
Given the unit vocabulary words, students will use the words in oral and written discourse with 80% accuracy. Given essential and/or guiding questions, students will respond with 80% accuracy. Given a model, students will exhibit fluency and proper intonation. Given a model, students will echo words and phrases with 80% accuracy. Given a model of the correct formation of questions, students will form questions in oral and written discourse with 80% accuracy. Given a Big Book, students will identify title, author, illustrator, characters, setting. Given a journal, students will draw things they can taste, touch, see, hear, and smell. Given a picture, students will write descriptive sentences.
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Unit 3 Launch Second Grading Period – 10 Lessons Water, Water, Everywhere CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills English Language Learners may be at the beginning, intermediate, advanced, or advanced Why do we need to listen attentively? high stage of English language acquisition in speaking. In order for the ELL to meet grade- Why do we need to speak clearly? level learning expectations across the foundation and enrichment curriculum, all instruction What do we do during a group activity or discussion? delivered in English must be linguistically accommodated (communicated, sequenced, and What is an adjective? scaffolded) commensurate with the student’s level of English language proficiency.* What are quotation marks? What happens when you get caught in the rain? *The student’s level of English language proficiency is determined by the following assessments: Woodcock Muñoz Language Survey (WMLS) and the Texas English Language What are the five senses that help us enjoy life? Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS). Individual student assessment results may be What are the names of some different types of clouds? accessed via the Crystal Enterprise System by the campus administrator and/or the LPAC coordinator. The Teaching Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions So students can…. The teacher will… Lesson 1 Unit Launch: Introduce Unit Oral Language (T139G) Write the Message for Today: When it rains, I _____. What do you do? Ask students to tell or act out what they do on a rainy day. Record their ideas on a web. Introduce the parts of the Big Book: title, author, illustrator, characters, infer meaning by making associations with actions, visuals, and context. (ELPS 2E) setting. answer questions and make contributions in discussions. (TEKS 2.30A) Use the pictures in the Preview Script to conduct a Picture Walk. Use understand and identify literary terms. (ELPS 4I) illustrations, gestures, and pantomime to make the story comprehensible. Lesson 2 Share the Story (T139i-139l) Read Rain aloud. As you read, pause to shelter the story language (i.e., use story visuals, demonstrate action verbs, use voice to convey make and explain inferences. (TEKS 2.RCS B) sounds). participate in shared reading. (ELPS 4G) Use questioning strategies to build comprehension and elicit cause and effect, making inferences, and drawing conclusions. use vocabulary to describe ideas, feelings, and experiences. (TEKS 2.30A)
Writing (139i) Have students draw a picture of an animal in their literature journal and write to record ideas and reflections. (TEKS 2.19A) complete the sentence: I can _____ the rain (in response to the question, “How do you know it’s raining?”).
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Lesson 3 Comprehension: Identify Cause and Effect (T139m) Reread the Big Book Rain. As the story is read, have the students point to their ears, eyes, tongue, fingers, or nose each time a sense is respond to stories through movement. (TEKS 2.28B) mentioned. make and explain inferences. (TEKS 2.RCS D) Learning Strategy: Use of Graphic Organizers (T139n) write to record ideas and reflections. (TEKS 2.19A) Explain cause-and-effect by having students draw a picture of the sun (cause) and dry, cracked soil below it (effect). employ content area vocabulary in context. (ELPS 4F) Guide students in creating a cause-and-effect poster that illustrates the effects of rain. Use multi-level strategies to involve students at all proficiency levels.
Lessons 4-5 Oral Language Dramatic Reading (T139o) Have students make animal puppets. Read the narration and pause for listen responsively to stories and other texts read aloud. (TEKS 2.28A) students to say or read the part of their puppets. distinguish different forms of text and the functions they serve. (TEKS 2.6) Reread the Big Book to explain about cumulative stories. Point out the patterns on page 6, 9, 11, 13, and 15. recognizes features of genres. (TEKS 2.6)
Writing (T139o) Have students write a story about animals based on the cumulative use punctuation. (TEKS 2.22C) pattern in Rain.
Concepts of Print Punctuation: Quotation Marks (T139p) Use the student’s innovation story to teach about using quotation marks to indicate dialogue.
Lesson 6 Vocabulary (T139q) Use the Learn New Words Strategy to teach the High Frequency Words: was, now, must, said, tell. recognize high frequency words. (TEKS 2.2G) develop basic sight vocabulary. (ELPS 2C) For each New Word, say: o Look at the word. o Listen to the word. o Listen to the word in a sentence. discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary through meaningful/concrete o Say the word. experiences. (ELPS 2H) o Spell the word. o Say the word again.
Display page 34 in the Big Book. Read the sentences aloud, pausing before each blank so students can supply the missing word. Point to the New Words in random order. Have Advanced learners read the words as you point to them. Then use the word in a sentence, and
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. have students at earlier proficiencies echo the sentence.
Lessons 7-8 Vocabulary (T139s) Use page 35 in the Big Book to teach about the five senses. discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary through meaningful/concrete Model how to describe using sensory words. Have students practice experiences. (ELPS 2H) creating sentences that describe what the monkey senses before and during the rainstorm. write to record ideas. (TEKS 2.19A) Writing (T139s) Have students draw one or more things they taste, touch, see, hear, or smell. Have them label the pictures: I taste _____. I touch _____. etc. use complete sentences with correct subject-verb agreement. (TEKS 2.21B) Expand Vocabulary (T139t) Write the following sentence starters on sentence strips: I can taste, I can touch, I can smell, I can hear, I can see. On a second set of strips, write an adjective with a noun and a period at the end (i.e., cold wind., loud music., sweet grapes., a red flower., a soft pillow.). Create sentences with two strips to create incorrect statements, such as I can taste loud music. Have students rearrange the strips to correct the statements. Assign page 50 in the Practice Book. Lesson 9 Language (T139u) Model how to play I Spy by choosing a classroom item and giving descriptive clues. Have students repeat each clue. The student who infer meaning by making associations of utterances with context. (ELPS 2E) guesses correctly is the next clue-give. Play several rounds, use complete sentences with correct subject-verb agreement. (TEKS 2.21B) encouraging students to give clues. describe people, places, and objects. (ELPS 3B) Introduce adjectives as words in the game that tell what something is like. Explain that words that are adjectives may tell how something looks, feels, sounds, tastes, or smells.
Agreement Circles Students stand in a large circle, then step to the center in proportion to their agreement with a statement by a student or teacher. (Sample questions: “Red tells us how something tastes.” “Soft” tells us how something feels.”
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Lesson 10 Hands-On Language (T139v) Use Picture Cards 25-36 to provide students with a hands-on experience. After identifying the picture cards, have students supply words that describe each picture. Write the following adjectives on index use complete sentences with correct subject-verb agreement. (TEKS 2.21B) cards: dirty, cold, wet, blue, big, deep, white, long, and light. Read the understand basic structures. (TEKS 2.1) words aloud. Then, have students match a word card with a picture it describes. Have them use the following frame to say a sentence: The _____ is _____. Use page 36 in the Big Book to guide students in making sentences with adjectives.
Extension: The following activities should be addressed as time permits during the nine-week grading period: Hands-on Centers: Show a Simple Cycle, Make a Rain Stick, Measure Water Drops, Write a Rainy Day Poem (T136f-g)
Vocabulary Resources was Hampton Brown Avenues, Second Grade, Level C, Unit 3 now Unit 3 Picture Cards must o C25 rain said o C26 snow tell o C27 cloud o C28 fog English/Spanish Cognates o C29 ocean boots, botas o C30 puddle air, aire o C31 lake vapor, vapor o C32 river different, diferente o C33 wispy cloud cycle, ciclo o C34 dark storm cloud use, usar o C35 puffy white clouds disappear, desaparecer o C36 gray clouds evaporation, evaporación invisible, invisible English at Your Command! ocean, océanos prehistoric, prehistórico Practice Book
Leveled Books
Textbook: Avenues Level C
District Resources
Print Resources
Internet Resources - Online Resources: SAISD © 2010 - 2011 – Second Grading Period ESL Grade 2 Page 11 of 16
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Media Resources
Language Songs CD 1
Selection Readings CD1
Kidspiration: Vocabulary and Writing Software
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Second Grading Period – 10 Lessons Unit 3 - “Where Do Puddles Go?” CURRICULUM GUIDE Essential Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills What happens when you get caught in the rain? English Language Learners may be at the beginning, intermediate, advanced, or advanced high stage of English What are the five senses that help us enjoy life? language acquisition in speaking. In order for the ELL to meet grade-level learning expectations across the What are the names of some different types of clouds? foundation and enrichment curriculum, all instruction delivered in English must be linguistically accommodated (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with the student’s level of English language proficiency.*
*The student’s level of English language proficiency is determined by the following assessments: Woodcock Muñoz Language Survey (WMLS) and the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS). Individual student assessment results may be accessed via the Crystal Enterprise System by the campus administrator and/or the LPAC coordinator. The Teaching Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions The student will … The teacher will… Lesson 1 Oral Language (T140e) Write the Message for Today: What kind of clouds do you see today? Are they moving? answer questions and make contributions in Show the cloud pictures and discuss different kinds of clouds with the students. Create a cluster to show discussions. (TEKS 2.3C) examples. use vocabulary to describe ideas. (TEKS 2.4A)
Language Focus (T140f) Teach/model how to give an explanation. Have students work with a partner in a Think, Pair, Share activity. retell a spoken message by summarizing or One student draws a weather scene that matches the cloud on the Picture Card and describes what the clarifying. (TEKS 2.4C) weather is like. The other student then retells and summarizes the weather explanation. Lesson 2 Vocabulary (T140) participate in rhymes or songs. (TEKS 2.1C) Key Words: Use tracks 15 and 16 on Song CD 1 to teach the key words. After introducing the words, use the visuals, gestures, restatements, and Defining Sentences on page T141 to clarify meaning. use resources and references to build word Use the Multi-Level Strategies to provide vocabulary practice for children at all proficiency levels (B, I, A). meanings and confirm pronunciation. (TEKS Writing (T140) 2.8Di) Have students choose two Key Words and use them to write sentences about a rainstorm. use vocabulary to describe ideas, feelings, and experiences. (TEKS 2.4A)
write to record ideas and reflections. (TEKS 2.14A) Lesson 3 Oral Language (T141a) represent text information (charts). (TEKS 2.9I) Brainstorm different kinds of weather with the students. Talk about what people do in each type of weather. Record their ideas on a chart. Then have the students complete a sentence frame to tell what they do in develop vocabulary through reading. (TEKS 2.8C) different kinds of weather. write to record ideas and reflections. (TEKS 2.14A) employ content area vocabulary in context. (TEKS 2.3F)
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Lesson 4 Vocabulary (T141b)
Use the Learn New Words Strategy to teach the High Frequency Words: may, into, right, after. represent text information (charts). (TEKS 2.9I) For each New Word, say: o Look at the word. develop basic sight vocabulary. (TEKS 2.24E) o Listen to the word. o Listen to the word in a sentence. develop vocabulary through reading. (TEKS 2.8C) o Say the word. Spell the word. o read orally from familiar texts with fluency. (TEKS o Say the word again. 2.6C)
Have students copy the word cards. Then display and read aloud cloze sentences. Have them hold up the card or cards that complete each sentence. Have students make the Take-Home Book to practice reading the high frequency words. They can read the book to a partner in class, then take it home to share with their family. Lesson 5 Preview Language (T142c) Read aloud the following text, based on “Where Do Puddles Go?” Point to the visuals on pages 144-145 as you read. infer meaning by making associations of utterances Teach the strategy in How to Learn Language (create visual maps). Reread the Language Model as you draw with actions, visuals, and context. (TEKS 2.1H) the map. Then have them use the words in the map to tell about the water cycle. gain control of grammar when speaking. (TEKS Grammar (T142d) 2.3E) Teach/model the use of complete sentences. Have students identify the “naming part” and the “telling part” of several complete sentences. Then have them use either the naming part or the telling part of a sentence in the arrange phrases, clauses, and sentences into chart to form a new sentence of their own. correct and meaningful patterns. (TEKS 2.23G) Lessons 6 Learning Strategy: Sequence (T142e) discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary Read the science article aloud, pausing to teach the text structure and represent it visually on a cycle diagram. through meaningful/concrete experiences. (TEKS 2.8A) Review the science article by explaining that it shows the steps of the water cycle in order (sequence). Identify write to record ideas. (TEKS 2.14A) the steps in the water cycle and record the answers in the appropriate circle. When the diagram is complete, review the water cycle by reading aloud the entries in order. develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing Use multi-level strategies to involve students at all proficiency levels. challenging selections read aloud. (TEKS 2.8B) Lesson 7 Shared Reading (T140f) Revisit the Big Book, Rain. Have students select an animal from the book. As you read, have the students pantomime the actions of their animal. Then have them explain how each animal knows the rain is coming and respond to stories through movement. TEKS 2.10A how the rain helps that animal. The other students should indicate whether they agree or disagree with the use prior knowledge (TEKS 2.9) statements.
Agreement Circles Students stand in a large circle, then step to the center in proportion to their agreement with a describe people, places, and objects. (ELPS 3B) statement by a student or teacher.
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Lesson 8 Preview Nonfiction (T142a) make inferences. (TEKS 2.9F1) Display the picture of the puddle. Have students speculate on what happens to rainwater after if falls to the ground and forms puddles. recognizes features of genres. (TEKS 211.D) Introduce the genre of science article. Have students point to the sample diagram as you read the description. Page through the selection with the students. Use the visuals and the Preview Script on page T142b to present information in the article. use context to confirm word meaning. (TEKS 2.5G) Grammar (T147) use references to build word meanings. (TEKS Teach the use of context clues to figure out meaning. 2.8Di) Have students work with a partner to use context clues in determining the meaning of other words in the article. Lesson 9 Read Nonfiction (T142i-T155) Read “Where Do Puddles Go?” aloud. As you read, pause to shelter the story language. Sheltering Strategies (T242j): establish purposes for reading and listening. TEKS o Use the diagrams to reinforce key concepts. 2.9B) o Point to the photographs and read aloud the captions. o Use props to demonstrate concepts. read from a variety of genres for pleasure or to Compare weather in the article to real weather outside the classroom window. o acquire information from print. (TEKS 2.7B) Use questioning strategies to build comprehension and elicit cause and effect, making inferences, and drawing conclusions. read assigned readings to accomplish a variety of Use reading options (B, I ,A) to tailor the reading experience to the students’ language proficiency and literacy purposes. (TEKS 2.7C) levels. Lesson 10 write to discover, develop, and refine ideas. (TEKS Writing (T155b) 2.14B) Have students use the Key Words to write sentences about the water cycle. represent text information (chart). TEKS 2.9(3) Think and Respond (T156) recognize features of informational texts. TEKS Read aloud the definition of sequence on page 156. Relate the skill to a familiar sequence of events. Model for 2.11D(3) the students how to fill in the first step in the cycle diagram. Then ask students to draw or write to fill out the graphic organizers. Assessment - Ask students: “What happens in the water cycle before drops of water become clouds? What happens after?”
Extension: The following activities are included and should be addressed as time permits during the nine-week grading period: Listening/Speaking: Give a Weather Report T158a Social Studies: Be a Water Detective T159a Language Arts: Comprehension: Make Predictions T160 Math: Make a Graph T158b Writing: Write a Story T159c Hands-on Centers: Show a Simple Cycle, Make a Rain Stick, Measure Water Drops, Write a Rainy Day Poem (T136f-g)
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Vocabulary Resources clouds Hampton Brown Avenues, Second Grade, Level C, disappear Unit 3 flow Unit 3 Picture Cards puddle o C25 rain rise o C26 snow water o C27 cloud after o C28 fog into o C29 ocean may o C30 puddle right o C31 lake o C32 river English/Spanish Cognates o C33 wispy cloud boots, botas o C34 dark storm cloud o C35 puffy white clouds air, aire o C36 gray clouds vapor, vapor English at Your Command! different, diferente Practice Book cycle, ciclo Leveled Books use, usar Textbook: Avenues Level C disappear, desaparecer evaporation, evaporación invisible, invisible District Resources ocean, océanos Print Resources prehistoric, prehistórico Internet Resources - Online Resources: Media Resources Language Songs CD 1 Selection Readings CD1 Kidspiration: Vocabulary and Writing Software
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.