1.27.17 atom Alliance Marketing Brief

Follow Up to the Recent MarCom Training Thank you to all who were able to join us on Wednesday for our training on social media, success stories and web content generation. Qsource employees - Please make sure that you sign and return your social media policy to your MarCom POC. It is linked at the end of the presentation below.

You can view the presentation here.

MarCom is aware that some teams have been reporting successes and accomplishments in Smartsheet already. We are working with Karen at e4, Katherine Tuttle and Jeanette Brown to streamline this process for submitting story ideas and content for social media and the website. We do not want to duplicate efforts or add stress. We want to gather your good ideas and share them effectively!

Social Media Update (If you don’t already, LIKE, FOLLOW and PIN atom Alliance today!) Twitter –  231 Followers (up 5) Facebook –  138 Likes (no change) LinkedIn –  1652 Connections (up 44) Pinterest –  123 Followers (no change)

Social Media Trends

Social Media Tip of the Week: Use Healthcare-Specific Hashtags Hashtags are the cherry on top of your social media sundae, sweetening your post and broadening its reach to many other users. Pop culture and mainstream hashtags like #MotivationMonday, #TBT (throwback Thursday) or #FF (follow Friday) are a fun way to show your personality. Healthcare- specific hashtags, like those found through the Healthcare Hashtag Project, demonstrate your subject- matter and healthcare quality improvement expertise. General Web Updates:

powerUp! atom Alliance Success Stories and Social Media Training Jan 2017 v4Final

Story examples:  More Than a Number  Sharing is Caring: Healthcare Innovators Collaborate to Reduce Hospital Readmissions  Tennessee Hospital Reduces Infections, Saves Lives  Jefferson County Nursing Home Achieves National Quality Goal  Care Coordination Initiative Helps Patients, Aligns with Quality Measures  Workgroup Helps Healthcare Organization Replace or Eliminate Harmful Processes


C2. HAC Web Updates: Blogs: atom Alliance Teams Up with Nursing School to Improve Long- Term Care

Resources: Five part series on Antimicrobial Stewardship in Long-term Care Facilities (added under Infection Prevention in Resources on LSSCC page)

Signs of Sepsis Infographic (added under Infection Prevention in Resources on LSSCC page) powerUp! Materials: Certificate of Completion - NHSN Enrollment Generic C3. Care Coordination Web Updates: powerUp! Materials: Care Transitions Interventions Final (PDF and Word)

Intervention Strategies for Care Transitions Final (PDF and Word)

C3.6 ADE Web Updates: Resources: Blood Thinner Pills: Your Guide to Using Them Safely

C3.10 Antibiotic Stewardship Web Updates: Resources: Five part series on Antimicrobial Stewardship in Long-term Care Facilities (added under Videos in Resources)

G1. Behavioral Health: eBlasts: atom Alliance: Exploring Annual Wellness Visits

SIP 1 NH Quality Improvement KY and MS

Web Updates: Blogs: Kentucky, Mississippi Nursing Homes Receive Assistance for Targeted Quality of Care Improvements