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Sheldon Elementary School Board of Director’s Meeting January 10, 2017 Page 1 of 3

Sheldon Elementary School Board of Director's Meeting January 10, 2017

1.0 CALL TO ORDER: A meeting of the Sheldon Elementary School Board of Director’s Tuesday, January 10, 2016 at 5:40 pm by Travis Perry, School Board Chair. Those in attendance included:  Travis Perry, Chair  Jason McConnell, Board Clerk  Julia Callan, Board Member  Winton Goodrich, Superintendent  Rebecca Hart, Business Manager  Christie Martin, Principal  A Channel 15 representative (taping for public access television)

2.0 COMMENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE PUBLIC: The Board received the following Public Comment: 1. A Community Member inquired about the status of school water bill since the shift from a standard rate to a metered rate. The board has not yet received a bill; however the school is monitoring whether or not the meter is being read and recorded. If no evidence is found that the meter is being read at regular intervals, the school will inquire. 2. A Community member questioned whether or not the Board had approved a budget for this year. The Board is on schedule with reviewing and approving the budget although it has not been approve yet. The plan is to have the budget to the printer by the 23rd of this month. 3. A Community member asked for an update on Act 46 Independent Study. A committee with membership representing the four towns in this Supervisory Union is currently conducting an independent analysis and reviewing details. The committee anticipates having a resolution in February or March of this year with a vote happening in June. A formal plan has to be submitted to the State in November.

3.0 MINUTES REVIEW AND APPROVAL Discussion: The minutes from the December 13, 2016 Board of Director’s Meeting meeting were presented for review and approval. Action: Jason McConnell made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 13 Board of Director’s meeting as printed. The motion was seconded by Julia Callan and carried unanimously. Vote: 3-0

4.0 AGENDA AMMENDEMENTS: Joanna Jerose – Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Data Discussion: Joanna Jerose - School Community Outreach, and a student presented the board with information from the 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). A group of middle school aged children from this supervisory union volunteered to attend training in Montpelier called “Getting to the Y”. The training prepared these students to review and analyze the results of the YRBS survey. The group then reviewed the data and identified areas of strength and areas of concern. The group then works to identify a plan of action to address the areas of concern.

From the 2015 YRBS, the following data points were identified: Sheldon Elementary School Board of Director’s Meeting January 10, 2017 Page 2 of 3

Areas of Strength:  98% of FNWSU students chose not to smoke cigarettes in the past 30 days  93% of students think their parents would think it is wrong or very wrong for them to smoke marijuana. A review of trending data from 2011-2015 shows that this data point has decreased since 2011 (2011: 96%, 2013: 95%, 2015: 93%).  98% of students have never abused a prescription drug. It was noted that in 2013 100% of students had never abused a prescription drug.

Areas on Concern:  43% of students were in the same room with someone that was smoking tobacco in the last seven days in this supervisory union (compared to 28% statewide).  5% of students in this supervisory union have had sexual intercourse (compared to 6% statewide)  23% of students in this supervisory union have thought seriously about suicide (compared to 18% statewide).

There will be a Dialogue night on January 25, 2017 from 6-8pm where results of the survey will be discussed. Invitations have gone out to community members, but the forum is open to the public. Action: The Board has requested that data presented at this dialogue night be shared with the Board

5.0 BUDGET DRAFT: Discussion: The proposed draft school budget was presented for discussion. Notable adjustments include a decrease from 5 buses to 4, and a decrease from 3 FTE custodians to reflect the current state of 2.5 custodians. At 6:58 pm, a motion was raised by Julia Callan to adjourn to executive session; the motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Executive Session ended at 7:45 pm Action: A motion was raised by Jason McConnell to approve the budget in the amount of $5,684,180. The motion was seconded by Julia Callan and carried unanimously. Vote: 3-0

6.0 FACILITY AUDIT AND PLANNING / PRIORITIZE RECOMMENDATIONS AND COSTS: Discussion: There was a discussion about the facility audit and planning including the following requests.  Replace gutters  Replace drywall/sheet rocking in the boiler room  Replace duct work for the dryer in the kitchen  New thermostat mixer  Systems gas update  Replace rusted railing outside  Replace handrail  Replace fire extinguisher cabinet

The requests above totaling $20,000 were approved within the current budget.

There was also a brief discussion about larger scale requests that would require bonds to complete including replacing the metal sidewall (~$180,000), and replacing the roof (~$380,000). These larger scale requests will be addressed next year, as there is not enough time this year to perform due diligence. Sheldon Elementary School Board of Director’s Meeting January 10, 2017 Page 3 of 3

The Board also discussed whether to replace the crack in the gym floor (~$20,000) or to update the floor to rubber (~$50,000). Discussion about this specific item will resume after Town Meeting day.

Christie Martin, Principal, reported out that Mr. Comfort’s request on to develop and enhance the proposed nature center (to include wood working equipment) was fully funded by this site.


Legislative Update: There is a legislative breakfast the first Monday of each month. Members of the board were encouraged to attend and to be proactive by building relationships with legislatures.


Act 46 Study Update In addition to the discussion on this topic during Public Comment, Board Member Julia Callan visited the Georgia School Board regarding Act 46.


School Board Secretary Resignation Discussion: The Board reviewed the resignation letter of Debbie Kittell, School Board Secretary Action: A motion to accept the resignation of School Board Secretary Debbie Kittell was requested, raised by Julia Callan and Seconded by Jason McConnell. The Motion was carried unanimously. Vote: 3-0

Superintendent Goals and Evaluation Discussion: the Evaluation Template, develop by Travis Perry, has been disseminated to all School Boards in this supervisor union for informational purposes.

10.0 ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was raised to enter executive session at 8:10 pm; the motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Executive Session ended at 8:50pm

11.0 ADJOURNMENT: The Sheldon Board of Director’s meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM

Respectfully submitted,

______Rebecca Fenn Tyler Perry Secretary School Board Chair

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