Notes Taken During the Committee Meeting of 1St Nov 2007-11-02

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Notes Taken During the Committee Meeting of 1St Nov 2007-11-02

FAS committee meeting minutes 28 th Feb 2011

Attendees: Chairman: Peter Campbell-Burns (PCB) Librarian: Eric Grieve (EG) Programme Secretary: Kevin Pretorius (KP) Treasurer: John Rees (JR), Observing Coordinator: Chris Thayer (CT) Secretary: Danny Thomas (DT) Membership Secretary: Peter West (PW)

Review minutes of the last meeting: Closed actions:  DT to finalise child protection policy.  EG has left materials on the history of the observatory into the museum and with the book that accompanies the key. The Army museum is now more aware of our link with the observatory.  PW Welcome note for new members has been emailed out and updated membership forms are on website.

Topics for discussion: 1. Health and Safety Log review nothing to report as a result of recent meetings or events. 2. Review of Star Gazing Live event and telescope clinic PCB recorded his thanks for all those who participated and made the events a success with particular thanks to Danny for his efforts to gain press attention and building relationships with local journalists. The BBC has notified PCB that they are looking to involve “partners” in a further initiative with “what –to-do” web pages linked to program content. A second Star Gazing Live series is also a possibility and Wonders of the Universe starts in March. For future events A4 and A5 posters are needed for libraries. Any photographs will be offered first to the Media and then used on the Society website later. At the Star Gazing Live event the problems with the access road and car parking was not anticipated. However, in other ways the site was perfect and suited to a large crowd. Other sites could include public spaces, Tilford and Rural Life Centre. Attendance at the Scope Clinic was lower than expected but allowed us to spend more time with visitors, who were generally delighted with the event and the attention they received. Both events have had a positive impact on membership and in general awareness of astronomy has increased. However, the quality of events and meetings is still crucial to retaining members and bring more members by referral. Action: PCB to liaise with Heath End School through Katherine Rushbridge and make a donation to the school in the form of a prize for science related projects. FAS –committee meeting minutes 28 February 2011 Page 1 of 3 Action: All to evaluate possible sites and get agreement in principle to hold a future event so that we have alternatives. 3. Outreach activities for 2011-02-12 9th March: CT and KP to cover Cubs at Tilford with presentations and maybe observing. 12 March: FAS/GAS/Cody joint event at Aldershot observatory confirmed for 18.-18.30 as long as weather is dry. 19 March: New request to support Cubs at Tilford cannot be supported. 30th April: FAS will support the family camp at Tilford with telescopes or presentation if wet. 18 June: CT has reserved space for FAS to have a stand in the marquee at Frensham Fair. July: Agreement to support the Fleet Carnival once arrangements are confirmed. Action: KP to confirm details about the Sandhurst event. Action: PCB to procure a FAS banner for outreach events. Action: PCB to contact Aldershot & Farnham Photography club to see if they would be interested in a presentation on imaging in order to broaden our reach. 4. The future of Aldershot observatory. Need to coordinate with Cody, to ensure that communication with the Army is consistent. We need a plan for the telescope should the Army ask us about possibilities to move it. 5. Plans to celebrate the 40th anniversary of FAS will take the form of a social event for the members at a local pub. Action: CT, JR and KP to evaluate local pubs that can offer food and a garden for telescopes. 6. Publicity activities for 2011 FAS meetings are now listed in “What’s on” sections on SAGAS, Eagle Radio and Fed Astro Societies. CT, KP and PCB will share the load of generating a monthly newsletter that will also form the observing guide on the web. In order to reduce printing costs and time, newsletter will be emailed out to membership. A limited number of paper copies will be available at meetings for guests, new members and those not on email. This could be repurposed for the press. Action: EG/KP to check Astronomy Now and Sky & Telescope have the correct meeting details 7. A discussion regarding renaming the Society to Fleet AS concluded that the effort is not justified. The name has lasted 40 years and the Society could end up moving away from Fleet in the future. 8. Update from January’s SAGAS business meeting PCB/DT gave a presentation at the January SAGAS business meeting and received support for SAGAS to lobby Federation of Astro Societies to provide societies with expert guidance on child protection etc . Will be discussed at April Fed Astro meeting. 9. Club telescopes EG has made a bracket to attach the PST to the equatorial mount from the 60mm reflector. Chris Thayer and Peter Campbell-Burns have kindly donated their deposits for the PST to buy a mount. EG to decide what is required. Each piece of loan kit has laminated safety instructions (if applicable) and a list of included parts.

FAS –committee meeting minutes 28 February 2011 Page 2 of 3 10. Website Feedback from Twitter launch. Vera Nesvadbova has been maintaining Twitter and we now have 76 followers. Updates were also re-tweeted by London news sites reaching 1000’s. Action: PCB to generate guidelines for content and for publishing/responding to messages. 11. Officer’s updates (not covered above) KP: No feedback or offers for presentations for the June 4x4 speaker slot. DT volunteered for a slot and PCB will discuss whether John Moore would present his variable star software, EG: Access to Aldershot Observatory keys now involves two sets of gates and the HQ closed on Saturday. Discussion to move keys to Police hut for convenience during events. JR: Forecast for year to is break even, but speaker’s costs are increasing in line with fuel. Invitation to share any astronomy related problems to be announced at future meetings. Is there any mileage from joint events tied to Olympics in 2012 or an AS from towns twinned with Farnham? PW: Suggestion to organise a Society sponsored visit e.g. Jodrell Bank, Guildford Surrey Satellites, South Downs Observatory. Would also be good to resurrect equipment “for sale” within the Society, maybe in the newsletter. PCB: Neil Breknell is interested in a meeting slot to talk about radio Astronomy and maybe an opportunity for a tie up with PCB’s slot later in the year. Action: PCB to liaise with Neil. 12. AOB - Next meeting will be hosted by EG on 6 June at 8pm.

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