Reception Curriculum Fact Sheet
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St John’s CE Primary School Reception Curriculum Fact Sheet Autumn 1 ‘Home Sweet Home’ Topic 2016 This gives you some information about some of the work your children will be involved in during this half term. It would be very difficult to detail every thing so we have just included those topics which we feel are the most relevant and those in which you could support your child’s learning.
Communication & This half term the children will be reading a variety of stories related to the Language and ‘Home Sweet Home’ topic. Literacy The children will be encouraged to share their home experiences with the class and to discuss things that will be happening in the near future, such as going swimming at the weekend.
We will be looking at nursery rhymes and rhyming stories encouraging the children to predict and join in with the rhymes.
The children will take part in daily phonic sessions which will introduce the sounds letters make. We will begin blending sounds together to read small words. We will also practice pencil control and forming letters. Numeracy The children will be able to explore all aspects of numeracy through the continuous provision. We will concentrate on the following aspects in more detail this half term: Counting and recognising numbers Naming 2D shapes Simple patterns Length and height
RE and Personal, RE: The unit is called ‘I am special’ talking about God as Heavenly Father and Social and that He makes each one of us different and special. This is an opportunity for Emotional children to explore all about themselves, their likes, dislikes, physical Development features, abilities etc, including looking at handprints, footprints and fingerprints.
PSED: The children will be concentrating on New Beginnings. We will work on getting to know our new class friends and adults. The children will be encouraged to work together and develop team skills. Topic Throughout this topic the children will be learning about the world around ‘Home Sweet Home’ them, particularly their immediate environment. Links will be made to all 7 areas of learning wherever possible. Expressive Arts and Design: Exploring colour and mixing to make pictures of different types of homes. Using 3D materials to make models. Exploring music and how we move to music. Understanding the World: Look at homes from the past and compare them to ours. Explore properties of materials used for buildings. Find out about where different people live around the world and also animal homes. ICT: Practise mouse skills such as click and drag. Using the keyboard to write our names. Find out about different types of technology in our homes. Useful Websites Explore purplemash by logging on through the school website Why not use your log in to go on to Mathletics and play against children all over the world
Tablet/Smart Phone Apps: Mr Thorne does Phonics Alphablocks Fonics Play 123 Numberjacks
Remember homework goes home every Friday and must be returned by Wednesday Make sure your reading book is in school every day Don’t forget to read your reading book. If you read anything else – magazines, comics, Library books, web pages) remember to get someone to write it into your reading record as it all counts! PE kits are needed every Wednesday
Miss C Morris